President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 159 Chapter 159

Chapter 159 Chapter 159
[Transocean Airlines is worried, waiting for you to land. 】

In ancient times, I took my eldest brother's mobile phone: [Sister, I miss you a little bit]

Gu Cici smiled: [Don't always grab brother's things.want to come back?Mom misses you a little too. ] After all, he is his own son. If something happens to a relative, he will want to watch it with his own eyes.

Gu Shi: [No, sister, don't worry, we want to play around. 】He was only afraid that the matter would be exposed, and my sister would look down on them. It was only because they thought things were simple.

Gu Cici: [Let's come back, I'll buy you the air tickets back. 】

Gu Shi: [Sister, we want to play outside. 】

Gu Nian: [We really want to play outside. 】

The ancient words thought for a while: [Okay, I will wait for you to come back (smiley face)]

Gu Nian and Gu Shi looked at the smiling faces and just breathed a sigh of relief when a pair of strong bronze arms wrapped around the necks of the two of them silently like a moat.

In ancient times, he was considered tall and strong, but at this moment he couldn't break free from this person's restraint: "Who are you!"

In ancient times, he was handsome, not to mention.

Like teasing a child, the man opened his shirt, revealing a pile of contraband, and said excitedly, "Little friend, why don't you buy one? Do as Romans do when you go out?" in pure Mandarin.

"Buy." In ancient times, you have to pay, as long as the other party doesn't make a move.

The man smiled even more flamboyantly, and looked serious at first glance: "I'm not kidding you, let me introduce myself, Mili, the person under Mr. Feng's name, is in charge of the business market here. I will take care of you these few days, how about it?" , Do you want to play around, come out and not play with this presumptuous man."

Gu Nian, Gu Shi was almost scared to death by him, and the bank card password was almost sent to my sister, now I can't wait to kill him with one!But the two of them are still children no matter what they say: "Can this really be played?"

"of course."

"Let's play this." I can't kill you! "Thank you, Mr. Feng." Gu Shi was very polite.

"It's easy to say, let's go! Go home! But, who are you, Mr. Feng, brother-in-law? It's rare for Mr. Feng to take care of you personally."

Gu Nian was puzzled, but it was very real: "My sister's boyfriend is Lu Zhiyuan."

Hearing this, the man immediately took his arms off the necks of the two, and his body became more polite, with a serious and respectful expression: "Please..."


Lu Zhiyuan took Gu Cici's hand and sent it to the front of the classroom: "I'm still in the laboratory today, let's have lunch together."

"En." Gu Cici stood in the corridor and watched him leave reluctantly.

Zhou Xiaolan leaned against the door and rubbed her arms: "Numb."

Gu Ci took a look at her, and when Lu Zhiyuan's back disappeared into the corridor, the reluctance in his eyes instantly dissipated, and he only smiled and walked into the classroom with Zhou Xiaolan on his arm: "You are envious."

Zhou Xiaolan didn't deny it: "Our god Lu is handsome again. Didn't you see how many people were watching when he walked over just now? I heard that his old man's laboratory is about to produce results again. He has added ability and charm, so I asked you about the pressure. Is it big?"

"It's big, it's big, and it's trembling."


"Gu Cici, can you lend me some holly ash? I can't open this one." Shi Sinian's voice was cautious and gentle, looking at people with a pair of clear eyes, it was hard for people to refuse.

Gu Cici hurriedly said: "I'll help you open it, why can't it be unscrewed, let me try—" Click, unscrew it!
The corner of Shi Sinian's mouth twitched, and immediately returned to normal: "Thank you..."

"You're welcome."

In class, Song Moshan squatted in front of Gucici's easel with her own baise box, and filled her paint box openly.

All the students around looked over from time to time and said, "I'm so big." Mr. Song's eccentricity is too blatant, and it is enough to go to the Academic Affairs Office to sue him.

Professor Yang came over several times and reminded Lao Song that the most precious colors are filled in, and they are used today.

Song Moshan: What do you know, these can be matched.

Professor Yang: It would be better if the prepared ones are as good as your treasures.

Song Moshan: This is the time to practice her color sensitivity.

Professor Yang: Whether you are a grandpa or a master, as a grandpa, you should give the best to your children.

Song Moshan felt that what Professor Yang conveyed made sense, so he took out the few colors that he grinded by hand and added them. These colors are not so rare, but they are all what he has seen over the years, collected, dried, and ground by himself, not the market. The colors on it are all what you like.

It was also because of Professor Yang's presence that no one doubted whether Song Moshan was disrespectful. After all, the two seemed quite open-minded, and Gu Cici had a boyfriend who was well-known throughout the school.

Professor Yang saw that Song Dashan took it out for collection, and left satisfied. Who would have thought that his precious apprentice was the grandson of this thing. He thought that Song Dashan was the best, but he couldn't think that he could overtake in a curve, what a fate!

This is also good, good for Gu Cici, with Song Dashan at his head, there is no need to worry about Gu Cici's professional attainments, and there will be another Song Dashan in the future.

Song Moshan got up, very polite, with a kind voice: "The painting is very good, but the color on the right side, look... can you let it go... to make the whole thing thicker and more concise?"

Gu Ci looked at it carefully, the theme of this big class is "Late", and weighed the effect she wanted to present, and said embarrassedly: "I can't, but I think after this painting is finished, I can follow the song Is it okay to draw another painting at the request of the professor?" Even though he agrees with the other party's guidance, Professor Yang suggested that she basically refused to listen to it ten times, because Professor Yang talked nonsense.

Song Moshan was overwhelmed with flattery: "Okay, okay, let's compare and compare when the time comes." After finishing speaking, he felt that he was not dignified. He is a mentor, not a grandfather who pleases his granddaughter. Forget it, he is a grandfather after all.

Gu Cici was not unhappy, and thought he handled it fairly.

Zhou Xiaolan waited for Mr. Song to leave, and quickly came over: "He doesn't really want to accept you as an apprentice, does he? He gave you a gift!? It's not easy to get past Professor Yang to accept an apprentice these days, and you have to be a junior .”

Gu Cici was amused by her, so he kept his head down and acted like a kid?He also lowered his voice and said: "He is my grandfather, he just wants me to recognize my ancestors."

Zhou Xiaolan: "You'd better draw, remember to put the color on the right." The last sentence is like Song Moshan.

"Yes, Teacher Zhou."

Shi Sinian looked at them, and then at the paint placed in front of Gu Cici, if jealousy had any substance, without her, how could Professor Song and Professor Yang not be able to see themselves.


In the teaching building of the Department of Chemical Engineering.

Gu Cici looked at Shen Guangyao who was playing games leisurely.

Someone who is already doing good things said loudly: "Sister-in-law Lu? Brother Lu is not here."

Shen Guangyao looked over after hearing the words, immediately turned off the phone, and walked over: "Go, go, don't joke around, be careful that Brother Lu is not happy." After speaking, he took her out, stood at the end of the corridor, and said foolishly: "What's wrong? Mr. Lu is in the lab?"

Gu Cici leaned against the railing: "Looking for you, how much do you know about Feng Zheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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