President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 167 Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Chapter 167
It was rare for Feng Yu to send Mr. Lu away without incident, and casually flipped through the daily life of ancient dictionaries in the car. A few thin pages proved that her life outside the Lu residence was normal, and she did not spend extravagant expenses, nor would she make ends meet. For ostentation, she bought jewelry without saying anything, which was not much different from her previous life.

Could it be that the Lu family offered too much and she was too embarrassed to refuse!

Feng Yu snorted, and one of the records caught his attention. Not long ago, Gu Nian went to a pawn shop to pawn a necklace, and the funds were transferred to Gu Ci Ci's bank card.

"Necklace?" Feng Yu thought about what she saw in the morning. She pawned the things she took from the Lu residence as money to subsidize the family?It's not impossible. Mr. Lu can't give his girlfriend money directly when he has a girlfriend.

Feng Yu called his own people, he didn't have to do anything about the life and experience of this necklace, he just wanted to know about it.

But in the afternoon, when Feng Yu got the result, his face darkened instantly, and now he was slapped in the eyes by the geese who had been fighting geese all day!
Gu Cici's necklace was given by Kapok, and Kapok invited Gu Cici to watch the show. Gu Cici coaxed Mr. Lu to take her there, so Mr. Lu attended a party organized by a small circle outside the circle.

On that day, the organizer printed ten more invitation letters with transactions, each of which cost less than [-] yuan, and they were sold out in one go.

Kapok changed hands and gave Gu Cici a valuable collector's necklace, heh, an invitation of friendship!Gu Cici dared to collude with these people to sell Mr. Lu's itinerary.

Feng Yu was about to be laughed out of anger, increased income and cut expenditure, and thought of Mr. Lu when he wanted to make money!No wonder she stopped all the part-time jobs at the school because she found a faster way to earn money. Who gave her the courage to do this!What is Mr. Lu in her eyes, a tool to make money?
Feng Yu sorted out all the information, and by the way, sorted out the consumption of Gu Cici in Lu Zhai and the things she took away from Lu Zhai, and put them into today's summary report.

Mr. Lu had better know these things well.

When Lu Zhiyuan browsed the things sent up below, he saw two pieces of paper put together separately. He glanced at them, put them down without expression, and continued to read the materials sent by various companies.

Put one piece that can be solved by the lab below, put one piece that can be solved within ten days, and put one piece that needs long-term planning on the other side.


Gu Ci: [Dear Chuchu, do you want to have dinner together tonight?Miss you. 】

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the lit phone, snorted coldly, and knew how to send text messages, and checked the time, she was in class, so she would definitely not answer her calls, so she could only send text messages: [What do you want to eat? 】

Gu Ci: [Hot Pot] I didn't eat it last night, sorry.

Lu Zhiyuan: [Okay, I'll let the kitchen prepare. 】

Gu Ci: 【No, let's eat outside. After we eat, we have an appointment with our mother to attend a concert. 】

Ten minutes later, Gu Cici finished drawing a dark side, recalled his phone, but did not receive a reply: [Where is the person? 】

Song Moshan stood behind her and reminded solemnly: "Let's go to class." Not paying attention.

Gu Ci immediately put the phone in his pocket and drew quietly.

Professor Yang glanced over there, sighed and shook his head, how could he become a granddaughter? Fortunately, he is a master, and Song Dashan can't get around him, but, isn't his seniority wrong?

After a long time, Lu Zhiyuan replied with three words: 【Got it】

Gu Cici noticed that Lu Zhiyuan was unhappy and didn't take it to heart. Maybe he thought that he could still start ten times tonight, so he should be glad that he has something to do tonight.

But after school, when he saw Lu Zhiyuan who came to pick him up, Gu Cici immediately left his friend Ben Lu Zhiyuan, who lived in a house, as if he couldn't take care of himself.

Zhou Xiaolan almost vomited: "I didn't expect her to be so vulgar when she was in love. She wished she could stick to God Lu. She wasn't like this before."

Li Wenqiong didn't think: "If I had a boyfriend like Lu Shen, I would also like to cling to him."

"But..." That is an old saying, love is a typical example of floating clouds: "Forget it, as long as she is happy."

Gu Cici ran back to coax his girlfriend: "Let's go, let's have hot pot together."

"Don't eat."

"you eat."

"I tell you, I don't eat cheap ones."

"Young master Lu invites you to eat the most expensive one."

When the hot pot was served and the dishes were ready, Zhou Xiaolan and Li Wenqiong regretted going out to eat with Gu Cici and Lu Shen.

Lu Zhiyuan felt very gentle, at least every time he came to find Gu Cici, sent Cici back to the dormitory, and waited for Gu Cici downstairs, he was like all boyfriends, without any sense of disobedience.

On the contrary, I felt that it was distorted to say that he was too powerful in the past. After getting along with him, I found that Lu Shen was as down-to-earth as everyone else.

But when the four of them were eating hot pot in the private room, Zhou Xiaolan and Li Wenqiong felt that he was not down-to-earth at all. From the time when they greeted the general manager of the hotel cautiously, to when the general manager reported to the later president of the group, a room full of waiters served them food. The group that hadn't seen each other politely exchanged a few words with Lu Shen after a few years. Lu Zhiyuan spoke softly, but never left his seat, and the pilgrims didn't think there was a problem.

Zhou Xiaolan and Li Wenqiong wanted to stand up several times to be polite to people who often appear in financial magazines, but they all laughed because of the more polite words of the other party.

After Lu Zhiyuan dismissed the guests, the atmosphere became a little weird.

Gu Cici greeted everyone to eat. On the huge table, Gu Cici, Zhou Xiaolan, and Li Wenqiong sat together, and Lu Zhiyuan sat alone in the distant main seat.

Zhou Xiaolan lowered her voice: "Isn't God Lu talking?"

Gu Cici looked up, and also lowered his voice: "Seldom talk when eating."

"Did I mention that he looks serious when he's not talking?"

"That is to say, he looks good."

Hehe: "How does he eat clear soup?"

"Health care."

Zhou Xiaolan felt: "In the future, you don't need to ask us out for dinner."

Li Wenqiong nodded, and she didn't think it was necessary. She always felt that Lu Zhiyuan was not as friendly as he looked at at school, and even though he was not angry, he felt weird and uncomfortable... "The world between the two of you is more important."

Feng Yu waited for a day without receiving any instructions from Mr. Lu, so he understood that Mr. Lu didn't care about Gu Cici's private transaction with Kapok, and didn't care if Zhonggu Cici leaked Mr. Lu's itinerary to profit from it.

Feng Yu called Shen Guangyao directly: "You didn't notice such a big thing!"

Shen Guangyao was still raising his head, so he couldn't lower his voice: "You think too much, Mr. Lu accompanied Xiao Tumei..."

"Ancient diction."

"Mr. Lu's resignation with Gu Ci is a temporary idea. Since Mr. Lu is going, Gu Cici can't decide what the host will do. I know the necklace. When Gu Cici watched the performance, he praised Kapok's necklace for its beauty. If you have to give it to her, Gu Cici can't refuse it. I asked me how to deal with it. I said that since I gave it to you, I will take it. Could it be that Gu Cici threw it away? They did profit from Mr. Lu. Gu Cici took some Shouldn't revenge be?"

"But she pawned the necklace."

"Did it? She is short of money?"

Lack of money? "When the amount exceeds the necklace itself, the boss behind it is Boss Zhao, a regular customer of Kapok." [-], [-]% of the income from the banquet, of course, this is only the superficial income, and the information exchange behind it is the key.

Shen Guangyao fell silent.

Feng Yu: "..."

Shen Guangyao always felt: "Gu Cici doesn't understand these things, maybe it's Kapok's conspiracy, she wants to pay Gu Cici with money."

Feng Yu: "That's why Gu Cici let her hook up. Recently, she has kept in close contact with her. She also sent Gu Cici a lot of small things. Gu Cici accepted them all?"

Shen Guangyao looked serious: "I'll tell her."

Feng Yu was very interested: "What did you say?"

"Anyway, I told her about it. Besides, she won't be short of money in the future. She won't do this again. You didn't tell Mr. Lu, did you?"

"What do you think?"

Shen Guangyao knew that he couldn't count on Feng Yu: "What's Mr. Lu's attitude?" He asked cautiously.

Feng Yu sneered and hung up the phone.


Gu Cici didn't doubt Shen Guangyao's illness, but a picture of a visit in Moments made Gu Cici thoughtful.

Gu Cici joined their class, so the boys’ WeChat, this circle of friends was sent by them, surrounded by Shen Guangyao, who was badly injured, with a plaster cast on his neck and a bandage on his head, a hundred thousand difference from a cold Eight thousand miles.

Gu Cici instinctively felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. Lu Zhiyuan looked normal.

Is Lu Zhiyuan normal?

Early in the morning in front of the building of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Gu Cici pretended that she had just seen the photo and wanted to ask Lu Zhiyuan, but she had just sent Lu Zhiyuan upstairs. As a good girlfriend of twenty-four filial piety, she did not accompany Lu Zhiyuan at night, so she also came to see her boyfriend this morning , Give your boyfriend a sense of security in every possible way.

Gu Cici could only turn to Feng Yu: "Um... is Shen Guangyao so seriously ill?" She approached slightly, pointing her phone in Feng Yu's direction, with a worried look on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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