President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 168 168 Jealousy

Chapter 168 168 Jealousy
Feng Yu smelled the faint fragrance of roses and didn't go back for a few nights. Hundreds of bottles of balm still stubbornly exerted their effects and lasted for a long time.

Before the ridicule in Feng Yu's heart settled down, he smelled an imperceptible faint milky fragrance hidden under the rose fragrance, but it was too light, and was hidden under the mature rose fragrance for a moment, without any trace.

Feng Yu's sense of smell suddenly seemed to be caught by something, and he greedily wanted to see the faint milky fragrance, but it was like being sealed away, leaving only the scorching rose, making the sexy and enchanting fragrance vulgar and bland.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Gu Ci was a little surprised. Feng Yu's gentleness on the outside was no less than that of Lu Zhiyuan. Lu Zhiyuan pretended to be three points, Feng Yu could pretend to be five points, and he would do superficial things even if he didn't want to care about others. This is... no hear?

Gu Cici said tentatively again: "Shen Guangyao, what's wrong with him?" During the whole process, Gu Cici paid great attention to the distance from him, and she would not deal with him in the same way as Shen Guangyao.When she wants to attack Feng Yu, she must make sure that this person is defenseless and fatal in one blow.

Feng Yu glanced at her, at an arm's length away, with pure doubts written on his face, nothing but the scent of roses.

Feng Yu withdrew his thoughts, looked at the photo on his phone: "I'm sick."

"Injured? Chuchu said he had a cold?"

"I probably don't think it's a glorious thing to be fierce and fierce."

"He fought with someone? He lost!" The key point is the last three words, being beaten, not mentioning it, not fighting back, who did it with, or who did it with Shen Guangyao.

"You care about him?" Feng Yu looked at Gu Cici thoughtfully. He couldn't deny that she had a good skin. At the beginning, he didn't think she was ugly. At least standing beside Mr. Lu would not wrong him.

Gu Cici glanced at him when he heard the words, as if he didn't understand why he asked the obvious question and still used that weird tone.

But because the two of them were not familiar with each other and couldn't show it directly, Gu Cici didn't care about it, instead he was polite and rude: "It looks like the injury is serious, thank you, Chuchu is gone, goodbye." Gu Cici finally didn't talk to him Concerned, thanked him, turned around and dialed Shen Guangyao's phone number: "Go for some fresh air? Is the air fresh?"

Shen Guangyao quickly withdrew his interest in flirting with the little nurse. He turned serious for a moment, and his tone became more playful: "It's fresh, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. I'll ask Brother Lu to bring you here for a two-day stay."

"Go to the hospital and stay in plaster for two days? Isn't your brain sinking?" Gu Ci said in a sarcastic tone.

Hearing the undisguised intimacy in her tone, Feng Yu frowned, and also walked away. Shen Guangyao and Gu Cici should be separated for a while.


"Cici, have you seen the results of the bulletin posting? I don't know who reported Professor Song's false publicity and selfishness. He only favors outstanding students, regardless of ordinary students. Although what the informant said is correct, I was inexplicably rejected. Is it really okay to be classified as an ordinary student and let me know how much I am?"

Gu Cici didn't see it, she turned her back to the bulletin board: "What's the result?"

Zhou Xiaolan shrugged: "What else can there be? The school said that Professor Song is a doctoral supervisor and does not participate in the teaching, and listed Professor Yang's simultaneous lectures and video materials at the same time that Professor Song insisted on coming to our class. Professor Song is a gift, and Professor Yang is a teacher of a major class, so the report is not valid. You said that whoever is full eats to report Professor Song, didn’t you find that we have two big professors in each class! "

Li Wenqiong came over: "Professor Song didn't coach the whistleblower, and the whistleblower is unhappy."

Zhou Xiaolan: "It's not that we don't have tutoring. Occasionally, Professor Song also guides us. All of us have been tutored to some extent."

Li Wenqiong: "The person who reported it doesn't think so."

Gu Cici sighed: "He has stood around me for too long, it is inevitable that some people will be unhappy."

"Whether you like it or not, if you have the ability to attract Professor Song's attention!" Zhou Xiaolan said this very loudly.

Gu Cici was very ashamed, she relied on other things besides ability, but Xiaolan said that she had ability, so she could only work harder and speak according to ability: "I'll go out for a while."

"what are you doing?"

"Something." Professor Song does favor her a bit, especially recently, which is not good for Professor Song.

Gu Cici knocked on the office door.

Mr. Yang was chatting vividly with Professor Song about being reported: "You, if you want a bowl of water to be flat, the current students don't care if you let me attend class together. Anyway, you are here. If you don't guide them, it's your fault."

Song Moshan was also angry: "I don't have a guide, they have to have something for me to guide, a painting is placed there, it has no characteristics, no fire and no spirit, it is like asking me to teach them how to use wood to build an aircraft carrier, how should I teach."

"Your attack range is a bit large, so I can only teach you how to tie rafts?"

"You are Zheng He."

"Okay, don't make up for it, you can't get it back..." Come, Professor Yang looked up and saw his beloved student, and quickly put down his hot health tea: "Cici is here, come in, do you have any paintings to guide, teacher I happen to be free?"

Gu Ci said helplessly: "I'm drawing for you, I'm looking for Professor Song."

Before Song Moshan moved, Professor Yang hurriedly said, "He's here." A gesture closer to Gu Cici.

Song Moshan didn't bother to argue with him.

Gu Cici has already said embarrassedly: "Professor Song, I don't know if I'm entrusted to the university. If, I mean, if, Professor Song wants to tutor me in class, I wonder if he can give me an hour and a half after school alone. In class, after all, there are many people in the big class, and I am embarrassed to take up too much time of Professor Song."

Professor Yang immediately sighed when he heard the words, the young apprentice is sensible.In this way, Song Dashan doesn’t have to take a big class, and those who are thankless are reported by others, and those who report are also stupid. They only think that they are treated differently, so the thick-skinned directly ask Song Dashan, if he can give a few words of guidance, it’s all right now , nothing left.

Song Moshan was very excited: "One and a half hours after school!" Learn the lessons he arranged.

Professor Yang reminded him: "Cici has to learn to dance with her master after school." Tired or not.

Song Moshan thought about it too: "Why don't you change it to class, and every time you have a big class, you go to my laboratory alone to teach."

Professor Yang is quitting, why, who is his student...

Gu Cici smiled: "I'm not tired, Master Yang's class is very interesting, and it can inspire more inspiration when I'm free. I don't know if it's not convenient for Professor Song at noon."

"Convenient, convenient."

Professor Yang is very satisfied with the words "Master" that he loves his disciples, but he is not high enough to hold a big apprentice banquet: "Can my class really inspire inspiration?"

"Of course, it's humorous, easy to understand, and full of life philosophy."

After a conversation, everyone is satisfied.

The freshman Design Department soon discovered that Mr. Song’s direct promotion to the doctoral supervisor did not take care of them. They hadn’t been students of Mr. Song for a few months, and they had nothing before their names were warmed up.

What was even more unexpected was that Song Gallery proposed to participate in the exhibition with the Fine Arts Department of Imperial University of Technology in the afternoon, but because Song Gallery wanted quality, there were only ten places for all current students.

All possible inside information was completely separated from the freshman and sophomore following Song Moshan's departure.Those who can be admitted to the Emperor's University of Technology are the proud of heaven, and there are many people who have reached the pinnacle of artistic attainments. The possibility of these ten places being the turn of the lower grades is very low.

"Who reported Mr. Song?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain? It would be good to meet some big bosses who came to inquire about the news at this time."

"It's okay for the boss to guide me, this little shrimp, when I'm in class."

"Damn it, the person who reported it won't be able to graduate!"

"Jealousy makes a human beyond recognition."

Shi Sinian didn't expect Song's Gallery to suddenly cooperate with their school, but she also understood that it was because of Song Moshan Song's Gallery and Digong University that they reached an agreement. Otherwise, there are so many fine arts schools in the country, so there is no need to choose Digong University.

And with Song Moshan here, there will be more opportunities to cooperate with Song Gallery in the future, and these cooperations will not only pay you back, but also accumulate fame, if I knew it... I knew it...

Shi Sinian is also very regretful, the cooperation must have been negotiated in private for a long time, if she bears it a little longer, and has the convenience of seeing Professor Song every day, it may not be impossible--

The only thing Shi Sinian can comfort herself now is that she has no chance, neither does Gu Cici.

"Are you going to take Professor Song's doctoral tutoring class?" Zhou Xiaolan was not surprised. Professor Song's preference for Gu Cici is obvious, and Gu Cici is indeed very good. Not only Professor Song is stared at by many professors, but Professor Yang also does not shy away from it. Said he was the first round winner.


"Cherish it well, maybe you will be chosen."

"How come, there are so many seniors and sisters here, but it's not bad to be able to study with the seniors and sisters. Waiting for me to help you crush them."

Zhou Xiaolan is very confident: "Let them know what talent is."

Shi Sinian's teeth were almost shattered, why!But no matter how unconvinced she is, she can't control who Song Moshan asks to attend his doctoral tutoring class!
"Shi Miss, Shi Miss..."

Gu Ci Ci and Zhou Xiaolan heard the voice and looked over.

Shi Sinian forced a smile to talk to his friend.

Gu Cici glanced at her and didn't say anything, because the reported matter cannot be wronged. Under the same general environment, it is a normal appeal of students to prefer not to get it.

So these people don't have to take Professor Song's class in the future, aren't they very happy?

(End of this chapter)

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