President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 171 Chapter 171

Chapter 171 Chapter 171
Gu Cici was holding a spoon, stirring the walnut soup in the bowl, smiling and listening to the senior sister's eloquent voice, just like a hot pot restaurant, and ate slowly.

Ji Yunxuan pretended to be calm, and breathed a sigh of relief. He had done too much, and he knew it was wrong.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Ji Yunxuan's mouth.

On the other side, the cold current suppressed the lights of Wanjia. In the congested traffic, Feng Yu finished his work and checked the handover of his assistant. Mr. Lu had a project all night tonight, and the people following him were not busy, so he quickly located the ancient words Citation location: Not at school?
But this location is not out of the ordinary, Feng Yu routinely called the driver who was following Gu Cici, lest Mr. Lu ask, he didn't know the exact matter.

"Classmates Gu are having dinner together." The driver told the story before and after, a normal dinner party among classmates.

Feng Yu rubbed his brows. He was a little tired after following two court trials today, and his words became a little more slack: "When they're over, I'll send Classmate Gu back."

"Understood, President Feng."

Feng Yu hung up the phone and told the driver to go to the hospital. Shen Guangyao should have the stitches removed tomorrow.


Outside the door of the hotpot restaurant, the people who left were getting drunker, exchanging greetings, taking taxis in twos and threes and leaving together.

Gu Cici stood among the leaving crowd. She was the youngest, with the lowest qualifications, obediently waiting for her seniors and seniors to leave.

Ji Yunxuan was busy coordinating the vehicles to ensure that every senior and sister who drank too much could go back safely.

Among them, the two seniors who drank the most, their minds were so knotted that they couldn't tell the address they rented, and they staggered towards Ji Yunxuan.

Ji Yunxuan's eyes were sharp and his hands quickly grabbed Wei He in front of him.

Wei He was still awake, he supported his senior sister, and there were some flowers in front of his eyes: "Where is it?"

Gu Cici also came over, and gently supported another senior sister: "Senior sister, are you all right?"

Senior sister pushed Gu Cici but didn't push her away, she just leaned on her body, Gu Cici supported her firmly.

Ji Yunxuan was a little embarrassed, so he hurried to help the seniors, and invited the seniors who drank too much to get in the car.

Wei He supported the person and still didn't forget to yell loudly to meet again another day.

The hotel waiter drove Ji Yunxuan's car over, and they were the only ones left in the end.

Ji Yunxuan looked at the three people who were drunk, and then at Gu Cici. He didn't drink, so he thought...

A car stopped in front of Gu Cici, and Gu Cici smiled: "Uncle Zhang, help me get my senior into the car."

All Ji Yunxuan's words were stuck at this moment, his expression was only stunned for a moment, and he returned to normal, it was he who surpassed first.

Gu Cici had already spoken: "Senior, I happened to be returning to school to send the two senior sisters back."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." The tone was polite and alienated.

Gu Cici didn't seem to catch it. He told the driver to stop here and knew that this would be the result. He would not use the other party's unmarried as an excuse during the duration of other people's relationship to feel that he should take it for granted to intervene in other people's feelings. Walnut crisps are already his limit: "Let's go, senior."


When Gu Cici closes the car window, he also shuts out today's inappropriate people and things.

Wei got into the car, still a little dizzy: "Gu Cici is amazing now, and the driver, Lu Zhiyuan is really nice to her, she's worth dating."


"I thought at the time that they wouldn't last long, and they would have to separate sooner or later."

Ji Yunxuan looked at the road ahead: "..."

Wei He closed his eyes and continued to babble: "I still think so, although they look good now, but they are only old, freshman, and there are too many variables in the next four years, and when they reach the age of marriage, they might get tired of seeing each other Well, at least Lu Zhiyuan must be tired of watching her, and the driver will be gone, but it's not our turn to worry about it. She hasn't been able to get anything back in the past few years. When they broke up, they have all their money. I guess it's time to work. ? There is a settlement."

Ji Yunxuan seemingly unintentionally said: "Will you get tired of watching..." Asking Wei He is not asking Wei He.

Wei He was absolutely sure: "Nonsense, who is Lu Zhiyuan, the one chasing him is much prettier than Gu Cici..."

Uncle Zhang's car was driving very steadily, the two people in the back seat were indeed drunk, even if they were not drunk, the driver who saw Lu Zhiyuan must be drunk.

Uncle Zhang looked carefully at Gu, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and said cautiously: "Do you want Xiao Wang to come and pick you up?" , will not let Gu students sit in this position.

Gu Cici smiled: "No need." She looked out of the window again, she had already decided on the matter, and had already expected it... why bother.

Gu Cici took out his mobile phone and sent Lu Zhiyuan a message: [Are you done with your work?I had hot pot with my seniors and sisters today, and I missed you a little after eating. 】

It was very quiet in the car.

At ten past ten, for many people the night had just begun, for her it was bedtime.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't return until the car stopped in front of the graduate student's dormitory.

It is common for Lu Zhiyuan not to reply to messages. For example, he is very busy, for example, he thinks her messages are not worth replying because they have no content, for example, he doesn’t want to, but for the plain miss just now, if he happens to be busy, he won’t reply, even if he is not busy. , and may wait for a substantive content before replying.

Gu Cici sent Uncle Zhang away, looked at the empty mobile phone, thoughtful, and has been understanding for a while, it is time to enter the next stage, always follow him.

The ancient Ci Ci shines on the lights, turns off the phone, and if she doesn't reply to her messages, doesn't take care of her emotions, doesn't follow the message, doesn't show [-] filial piety, she will fight with him! "It's so cold." The dormitory must not be able to enter, so go to Ms. Ye's.


The life of the Song family was not peaceful.

Grandma Song's blood pressure rose in anger, and she just took the medicine. She didn't expect that it was the daughter she promised to give her a chance to join the army instead: "Why did you tell the second brother Ni at the beginning! You actually retracted your confession in court!"

Song Yan didn't think she was wrong, and she didn't see it with her own eyes!What's more, why did the eldest brother still protect this woman when such a thing happened!What's even more absurd is that the lost child belongs to the second brother!Ha ha!Are the two sons of the Song family born to this woman?She Song Yan's two brothers will never get out of this woman in this life, will they!

She hates Ye Man, hates it!Why is she not in pain!Why get the best!Why does everyone like her!Even the person she loves the most gets close to her because of Ye Man. Why did she help her? She wanted Qian Yuzhi to go to jail, but she didn't follow her wish: "How do I know? I was only delusional at the time. The judge said that you can't guess out of thin air."

"You and your brother didn't say that!"

"At that time, I thought it was, but I really didn't see it with my own eyes. When I came out of the bathroom, I only saw her passing by the door of the ward with the child in her arms. If you don’t like what you said, blame me.”

"Song Yan!"

Song Yan looked at Ye Man happily, is his biological daughter happy to be a cow and a horse in someone else's house!On the face, he was very wronged: "If I see it, can I not tell you?"


Ye Man knew that her sister-in-law didn't like her, so she never gave her a good look: "If I'm sorry, I'll admit my mistake to you, but if you see something, please tell me, okay?"

late.She got married so late, and in the end she married such a good-for-nothing and had to give birth to him, but what about Ye Man, her two elder brothers, and her two sons of the Song family who doted on him, and now they have one person and one child It is easy to calculate whether the property of the second brother will belong to her daughter in the future: "I really didn't see it."

Song Xing glanced at his sister, comforted his wife and sat down.

How could Grandma Song not understand her daughter? She always felt that the relationship between her daughter and Ye Man was just a girl's dissatisfaction. She didn't expect that she would not say a word about such a big matter involving the child: "Even if you were not sure at the beginning, you Didn't you have any doubts afterwards, even if you didn't doubt it, Qian Yuzhi appeared outside the door of the child under your care with the newborn child who was supposed to be downstairs, shouldn't you say something!"

Song Yan said confidently, "I forgot."

"You—" Grandma Song began to feel dizzy again.

Song Yue and Grandpa Song immediately supported her.

Song Yan was nervous for a moment, and immediately returned to normal. Mom shouldn't have allowed Ye Man to come in at that time, a vixen, the source of chaos.

Grandma Song said weakly: "Let her go..."

Ye Man only thought it was absurd. For someone as cautious as her mother-in-law, she would trust her newborn child to them, but she didn't expect that the problem was with her closest relatives: "Anyway... we are a family."

"Who is your family!" Slut!
Grandma Song held her last breath: "Get out! Get out—" She shouldn't have asked her to come back!
"Mom, you let me out for her—"

Song Li's phone kept ringing, looking at the caller ID, he could only switch to silent.

After Song Yan slammed the door out, the hall was quiet, and no one had the energy to speak in the quiet space.

Song Li just thought: "Or, I just accidentally hugged the wrong one."

Ye Man suddenly raised his head: "What do you mean?"

Song Li hurriedly said: "Mom, I have no other intentions, just a reasonable suspicion, even my little aunt didn't see clearly..."

Ye Man suddenly laughed, who does he need to say for? Song Wanwan is his sister, not Cici!It's just that she didn't want to say anything to her son, she just looked at her husband: "Help me up..."

【Mom, Good Night】A photo on mom's bed is included.

Ye Man looked at the person on the bed softly, and didn't seem to care so much about the people outside.

(End of this chapter)

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