President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 172 172 Angry

Chapter 172 172 Angry
In the early morning, Lu Zhiyuan came out of the laboratory, took out his mobile phone, and saw the text message again, he stopped and called Gu Cici.

"Goodbye, Lu Corps."

"Goodbye, Lu Corps."

Lu Zhiyuan looked gentle. "Sorry, the phone you dialed is off...sorry..."

"Lieutenant Lu, you have worked hard."

"See you tonight, Team Leader Lu."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the phone suspiciously, thinking that there was something wrong, and dialed it after confirming again.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off..."

Lu Zhiyuan's expression darkened.

Zhu Ling, who locked the laboratory door, glanced at him. Since she followed him to complete the first experimental project, her eyes would only fall on him. Apart from his excellent mind, he also has an appearance that is unmatched by others. At this moment, there is no trace of the embarrassment of staying up all night, and the knee-length windbreaker is still clean and elegant.

"Lu..." Just as Zhu Ling wanted to speak, Lu Zhiyuan had already left.

Zhu Ling is not in a hurry, his little girlfriend can't catch up with his height.

Lu Zhiyuan sighed, unable to get angry, her cell phone was often turned off, and she got better recently, unexpectedly, she ran into him again.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't like to contact her when she couldn't find anyone. Fortunately, it was still early, and he passed by the old campus just in time for her to have breakfast.

In the staff area of ​​the main campus of Imperial University of Technology.

Lu Zhiyuan was still early, except for a few old professors who got up early, the cold winter school morning hadn't ushered in the noise it should have had.

"Lu Zhiyuan."

Lu Zhiyuan was polite and polite: "Hello, Professor Wen."

Professor Wen didn't expect that the proud baby of the Department of Chemical Engineering knew him, so he stopped in a good mood: "I often hear your tutor mentioning you, and you are really energetic. Come to our Physics Department sometime."

"Old man, don't say a word. The young man didn't come here early in the morning to see your physics. He went back to eat." No eyesight.

"What's wrong with me, I can't talk to the students yet." The two walked away slowly while talking.

Lu Zhiyuan just smiled and said nothing, looked at the time, and just waited another ten minutes for her to go to class.

When Gu Cici went downstairs and saw Lu Zhiyuan, he was stunned for a moment, and went around as if he didn't see him.

Lu Zhiyuan was inexplicable, he didn't react for a long time after watching her walk past, even if she didn't jump over, she would say coyly every time, 'Why are you here. '

Lu Zhiyuan couldn't even deceive himself and say that she didn't see him, so he had a conflict with Ms. Ye because of his temper?
Lu Zhiyuan was very tolerant of her family background, and didn't want to touch her sore spots, just like he didn't want to always bring up the past: "Haven't eaten yet? Feng Yu delivered breakfast to the school gate, I'll take you there."

Gu Cici does not speak, speeds up his pace, and continues to move forward: If you do not reply to text messages, break up!
Lu Zhiyuan took two quick steps to keep up with her, and returned to normal after being even with her. Without taking a breath, he spoke softly, "What's the matter? Because of the court hearing?" She had a meal with her classmates yesterday, and she was in a good mood. family business.

An old saying: "..."

Seeing that she was walking faster, Lu Zhiyuan was still not in a hurry to chase her, but if there was something to talk about, it was not a good way to express emotions, Lu Zhiyuan's tone was a little lighter, without any other meaning, just to make her realize her mistake: "Why is the phone turned off?"

Gu Ci suddenly stopped when he heard the words, and looked at him: "Yesterday, you didn't reply to my message—"

"?" Lu Zhiyuan didn't understand the relationship between the two.

"So why turn it on!" Gu Cici turned around and left.

Lu Zhiyuan frowned, only to realize that this morning's temper was aimed at him, and it was even more inexplicable: "Cici."

Gu Cici ignored him and quickened his pace!

Gu Cici walked faster and faster, not letting him keep up with him. With Lu Zhiyuan's character, he didn't have much patience, so it was logical to fight coldly.

Gu Cici is not so optimistic and thinks that he can break up in this way. It's really that simple, and he wouldn't make trouble to that point at the beginning. As time goes on, there will always be times when he becomes impatient.

"Ancient diction."

The ancient words did not return their heads.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't argue with her, he quickly caught up with her, grabbed her arm, and made her look at him. He didn't like this feeling, and lost his temper for no reason: "What's wrong?" Just because he didn't reply to her message?It's not the first time he didn't reply to her message, this is not true at all, he has seen her intentions.

Gu Ci raised her head and looked at him stubbornly. She used to feel tired of reasoning with him, but now she feels good. Lu Zhiyuan's disobedient, self-centered, and natural behavior style is very suitable for quarrels, especially in the relationship between men and women , There are slots almost everywhere: "I'm going to eat hot pot."

"I know."

"You didn't come to pick me up."

Lu Zhiyuan was even more inexplicable. He was very busy yesterday, and the itinerary had been sent to her mobile phone. She knew where he was, what he was busy with, how to contact him, and how could he go to the city center to pick her up. This is not a reason.

"Many seniors have someone to pick them up..."

"Didn't the driver and the assistant follow you? The driver didn't go to pick you up?" Lu Zhiyuan's face immediately turned ugly, and he was about to call and fire the driver in the next second.

Gu Cici seized the loopholes in his words and walked forward.

Lu Zhiyuan endured her unreasonable temper early in the morning, and continued to follow: "I'll assign you two more drivers, and make sure one of them will be there."

"So, the driver can pick me up, and you don't even need to show up."

Hearing this, Lu Zhiyuan looked at her with deep eyes, and patiently reminded: "I was very busy yesterday, as you know."

"Yes, you are busy, you are not busy any day, you are busy when my mother is in the hospital, you are busy when I choose a dress, I ask you to take me back to the dormitory, you are busy, except for the driver and Shen Guangyao, no, I see Shen Guangyao's The time is longer than seeing you."

Lu Zhiyuan felt that she was making trouble for no reason, and especially didn't like her mentioning Shen Guangyao. Why did she spend more time seeing Shen Guangyao than seeing herself: "After your mother had an accident, didn't I give you a solution? Your later dress is It wasn't all my choice, Cici, I admit that I didn't take care of some things, but I communicated with you afterwards, I don't think this is the reason for your anger."

After Lu Zhiyuan finished speaking, he calmed down, he would not quarrel with Ci Ci, he just let her know that he was wrong, it was not his original intention to make the relationship between the two of them stiff, and his tone became gentle again: "Are you dissatisfied with the court hearing? What problems did Nian encounter outside? Did the Gu family call you? Did the Song family embarrass you?" So he vented his anger.

Gu Cici unexpectedly found that what he said was true, but 'love' didn't make sense, so she was going to be angry that he didn't reply to the message.

Gu Cici shook off his hand: "Okay, you have a point, I don't want to talk to you, it's okay if I make trouble for no reason."

When Feng Yu came over, he happened to see this scene. Mr. Lu grabbed Gu Cici with a good temper. Gu Cici felt that Mr. Lu was struggling like a disciple.

Feng Yu instantly looked at the people following him: What's going on?

(End of this chapter)

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