President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 173 What's wrong with 173

Chapter 173 What's wrong with 173

The people who followed were even more worried, with multiple videos turned on in their hands, and they had already asked around: "I don't know, Classmate Gu has a bad attitude when he comes out of the dormitory." By the way, he passed the connection that was still on, and he was still asking.

Feng Yu directly zoomed in on the people who followed Gu Cici yesterday.

Uncle Zhang and his assistant were at a loss: "Student Gu was normal yesterday..."

Uncle Zhang thought of something and suddenly said: "When I went back, classmate Gu sent a text message, and then looked out of the window and didn't reply much, but when classmate Gu got off the car, there was no abnormality, and he helped her two senior sisters, will you Will it be a family matter?"

"Cici." Lu Zhiyuan was not annoyed, and tried to reason with her: "I didn't mean that, you should let me know the reason to solve the problem, anger can't solve any dissatisfaction."

"Okay!" Looking at her from above, she had a very good attitude: "I can't tell you, let me go." Gu Cici dumped him and left.

"Cici, Cici." Lu Zhiyuan stopped chasing her, stood still and reminded her: "I'll come to you as soon as I get out of the laboratory."

Gu Cici didn't answer: "So what? I should thank you for thinking of me."

"You know your words don't hold water!" He told her ahead of time, and if it wasn't for breakfast with her, how could he have ended so early.

The ancient words have disappeared behind the teaching building.

Lu Zhiyuan stood where he was, his eyes gradually darkened.

Feng Yu and Wang Tezhu took a step back subconsciously. Although Feng Yu has never been in a relationship, he also knows that it is normal for couples to quarrel, but Mr. Lu may not think so.

Lu Zhiyuan stood there.

Feng Yu and Wang Zhu exchanged cautious glances.

As the time passed, more and more students passed by here, some of them looked at them curiously, more people braved the severe cold and ran away, and there were fewer and fewer people. When the music of the first class sounded, Lu Zhiyuan Still standing in place.

But those who should turn back did not look back.

Feng Yu looked at Special Assistant Wang.

Wang Tezhu nodded slightly, and walked over: "Lu..."

Lu Zhiyuan raised his hand slowly, and pushed lightly: "Go and see her..." The voice was gentle and forgiving.

Wang Tezhu fell to the ground in an instant, and half of his face rubbed against the gravel concrete floor and slipped out one meter. Blood flowed out along the frictional skin like dew. Mr. Lu's blow was extremely powerful.

Lu Zhiyuan was not angry, really not angry, she was obviously just throwing a temper tantrum, or because he didn't pick her up, her eyes were aggrieved and stubborn, and she didn't really hate him.

In fact, there was a twisted feeling in his heart, she couldn't do without him, she wanted to see him, wanted him to pick her up, wanted him to send her back to the dormitory, wanted to contact him at any time, only possessive of him would have demands, will care.

So Lu Zhiyuan was really not angry. He might just need to adjust his emotions slightly because of her turning around, and he didn't grasp the force well.

Wang Tezhu got up without turning his head, as if nothing had happened, and walked in the direction of Classmate Gu's teaching building without daring to turn his legs.

Feng Yujue gave up the thought of going forward, lowered his head, and quickly sent a text message to Gu Ci Ci: [What's wrong? 】By the way, let Wang Tezhu change shifts calmly.

Of course Wang Tezhu knows, he is familiar with the road.

Feng Yu didn't receive a reply, so he quickly sent another one: 【Shen Guangyao was thinking that you didn't go to see him. 】

The old saying returned one: [It's okay. 】

Feng Yu didn't think anything was wrong.

Lu Zhiyuan turned around.

Feng Yu immediately put away his phone, and it was as quiet as a cloud of air. He didn't follow until Mr. Lu passed by him, and he followed after a long distance. Brilliant?You also know the relationship between Mr. Lu and me, so I would like to ask if Mr. Lu has made you angry. In order to have breakfast with you, Brother Lu stayed up all night last night to catch up with the progress. Can you give me a reminder].

But in my heart, I was displeased with the ignorance of the ancient words, who chased Mr. Lu back then, why bother now, I still feel that there is the Song family behind me, I have the confidence, and I am self-righteous.

Gu Cici glanced at the message, didn't reply, and continued to attend the class, not because he didn't know how to reply, but because he was struggling normally.

The teacher on the stage was talking about the bizarre experience of "A Millstone", and Gu Cici listened very carefully.No distractions until the phone lights up again.

Art is inseparable from the complicated history. The history of art that has been stripped from the history is as fascinating as the thickness of this book. I always feel that the time is too short to spread out its beauty one by one and appreciate the style. I am getting old.

Feng Yu sent many messages in succession.

The teacher on the stage has pushed away the humanistic scenery, costumes and makeup of a dynasty from a painting.

Gu Cici listened carefully, afraid that he would forget his phone, so he replied: [He seems to have a lot of things to do...]

Feng Yu's 'nonsense' slapped her in the face, Mr. Lu didn't care if her hundred bottles of balm grew out of the ground, or her breakfast fell from the sky!An almost innocent moan made Feng Yu's face very ugly, just for this, this morning——

Feng Yu didn't ask any emotional questions, and directly passed the matter to Shen Guangyao.

Shen Guangyao sat up from the bed in an instant, and hurriedly called Feng Yu.

Mr. Lu is ten steps away from Feng Yu, so don't pick him up.

Shen Guangyao looked around and got out of bed.

The nurse hurried over: "You can't be discharged, you're still on fluid."

"I'm fine." Shen Guangyao pulled out the needle and stopped, not because of what the nurse said, but because of a text message, to solve the problem first: [Go find someone to ask Zhou Xiaolan, and ask Gu Cici what's wrong?I'll be right there. 】He is better than Feng Yu, he has had girlfriend experience, at this time he asked about the parties involved, the matter between lovers, how to solve it in the way of lovers.

The nurse looked at the patient who ran out, and hurriedly chased after him: "Your head can't move violently yet, Shen Guangyao, Shen Guangyao!"


In the end, Shen Guangyao went out in person, and got the information with Lu Shen's male best friend and Zhou Xiaolan, who was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to help the female best friend to seek justice.The news came back quickly, and the summary is: "Gu Cici complained that her boyfriend is not always around and considerate like other boyfriends. The reason this time is that Gu Cici sent Lu Zhiyuan a miss message, but Lu Zhiyuan didn't reply. There are some concerns about gains and losses emotionally. '

'What miss text message? '

'What could it be? Your girlfriend told you that she misses you. How dare you not reply to messages all night? '

When Feng Yu heard such a specific reason, his brows almost turned red, because of such a trivial matter, this morning's trouble, Wang Tezhu is still in the hospital now!
Feng Yu thinks that Mr. Lu can break up with Gu Cici, but: "She doesn't seem like someone who cares about such a small matter?" She has a farther road, and there are too many people who care about her. And people who pin everything on their feelings and worry about gains and losses.

Shen Guangyao supported his plaster cast with one hand, put one hand on Feng Yu's shoulder, and sneered: "Emotion? Do you know what emotion is? It doesn't make sense. Is it too much to let the person you like pay attention to you all the time?"

Feng Yu: "Too much."

Shen Guangyao thinks that Feng Yu can go to hell and never have a girlfriend in his life, but when he thinks of his fake face that smiles when he sees people, he also has a support club and a fan club. Tell Mr. Lu—”

Feng Yu grabbed him with a plaster cast and told him to get out of here quickly. If Mr. Lu knew that Shen Guangyao ran out of the hospital because of this incident, Shen Guangyao's legs would be able to accompany his neck.

"Why are you pulling me, my neck, my neck..."


Feng Yu wrote the whole story on a piece of paper and handed it to Lu Zhiyuan.

Half an hour later, Lu Zhiyuan stood outside the art building, looked at the last message on his phone, paused with his fingers, and replied: [I miss you too. ] And, instead of him standing here waiting for her.

Just because I miss him, I lose my temper so much, hey.

Feng Yu stood in the opposite teaching building, the corners of her mouth twitched, arrogant and selfish, but Mr. Lu cooperated with her.

But knowing that Mr. Lu is in the laboratory, why did he send a text message to Mr. Lu?For some innocuous words and her love literature.

Gu Cici rushed out of the teaching building with the crowd, and threw himself into Lu Zhiyuan's arms sadly and happily.

Lu Zhiyuan endured everyone's gaze and let her hug him, but he pushed her away helplessly and let her hold his arm.

"Don't blame me when you quarrel in the future. Your attitude this morning was very bad. Don't apologize so late. I will be sad too. I've been sad all morning. Don't even think about it. It's so late. No one around me No, I think you really miss you, but you didn't reply to me, I thought... you will reply to my messages anytime and anywhere in the future, and I will ignore you if you are a second late. "


"Did you hear that? Don't think that if I forgive you easily, you won't hear it in your heart. I will really ignore you at that time, and you can't be coaxed well." After finishing speaking, he held his arm tightly, like Dodder, who loves him deeply, is attached to him and cannot be separated for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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