President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 174 174 Picky

Chapter 174 174 Picky
Looking at the two people walking away, Feng Yu's mood sank slightly, and she couldn't see the love between the two of them like a fairy couple.

Did Mr. Lu coax her?Bow down to one's irrational emotions without ever being wrong, or even a decent reason.

Feng Yu had no choice but to say: With good means, she won't be afraid of stealing chickens and losing money.

There is nothing wrong with Mr. Lu in this matter. There is no need to spoil her at all. If she wants to be cold, she will be cold. After waiting for a long time, she will know who is the decisive party in this relationship.


[Cici, come back and take a look when you have time, Mom and Dad miss you very much. 】

[Cici, the trial is over, it's not your grandma's fault. 】

[Cici, you have been wronged.Your mother is in poor health, so come back and have a look. 】

【Cici, Xiaonian doesn't know yet, right? 】

[Cici, you are Dad's good daughter. 】

Gu Qiang sent this message sincerely. He took off his presbyopic glasses and sighed. Cici bought this phone for him. I didn’t think that Cici was not at home these days, and his two children were not at home. Gu Qiang discovered that he had spent many years Never been in the kitchen.

Ci Ci is careful, in Gu Nian, and the details of life that they did not think of in Gu Nian, Ci Ci will remind them.

Gu Qiang looked at the phone that could not wait for a reply, and sighed, he really wanted to resign, his wife always thought Song Wanwan was good, and looked at the daughter who had lost and recovered, she spoke softly, but he thought it was good to resign, Song Wanwan alone could not even eat. Children who can't do it, children who are used to enjoying a good life, will they be willing to follow them and take care of them?

Just like now, if Ci Ci is at home, he must be at home in ancient years and ancient times. Cao Xiurong will not get sick one after another, and the family will not quarrel every day.

Faint crying came out.

Gu Qiang was upset for a while, and reminded her through the wall: "Why are you crying? You were discharged from the hospital. He went to work, but he didn't die. He can still watch you here all the time when you don't go to work."

Song Wanwan looked at the closed bed, it wasn't as big as her bathroom, but there were four beds, would she want to live in this kind of place in the future?But this is obviously not her home!

"You can leave now if you don't want to! You go!"

Of course she wanted to leave, and she didn't want to stay here for a second, but Song Wanwan didn't expect that after so many days and the trial was over, no one came to see her.

The parents, uncles and grandma who love her so much don't want her? How could they not want her? But after so many days, no one came to see her except her brother.

Why?This incident was not her fault, she didn't even know what happened, she was also a victim of this incident, she just missed her mother, why didn't her mother take her away, didn't comfort her, and let her be bullied by these people.

Cao Xiurong woke up, washed herself up and stopped at the door of the children's room, and asked distressedly: "I seem to hear Wanwan crying, is it Wanwan crying?" The child just came back, and she needs to take more care of it.

When Song Wanwan heard the sound, she shrank subconsciously, hiding under the quilt and not daring to make a sound.Cao Xiurong is a lunatic, she cries when she sees others cry, and beats them after crying, she is a complete lunatic.

Seeing that the crying stopped, Gu Qiang was satisfied, why did he cry all day long, did they die again: "It's okay, she is sleeping now."

Cao Xiurong breathed a sigh of relief, she was still worried that the child would not be used to sleeping, but Cici's bed was soft and the best in the house, Wanwan should like it: "I'll go in and see her."

Gu Qiang stopped her: "Let her have a good rest." What's so interesting, the child doesn't regard them as parents at all, and they are not familiar with them.

"Hey, I don't know when Niannian and Shishi will come back, let them see their sister too." Cao Xiurong said with his eyes shining faintly: "Their sister is amazing, she can draw and dance."

What is it, the words are even stronger, and they are not bad in ancient times: "Yeah, I will call them."

Cao Xiurong and You Rongyan: "We must fight, let them come back early, they will definitely like this sister."

Listening to the voice gradually leaving, Song Wanwan remembered in horror that she still has two hooligan brothers, this is not the life she should have at all.


inside the hospital.

After changing his medicine, Shen Guangyao flipped through his phone in a good mood, seeing the hot pot party in Moments, he was also in a rare good mood.

Just reconcile, couples quarreling, don't need to go online, it's not easy to solve, that is, Feng Yu, it's a big deal, his brain is not good, it depends on his ability.

Shen Guangyao saw the old sayings in the party in various pictures, and suddenly felt betrayed: I suffer here, and you eat and drink there!

Shen Guangyao zoomed in and zoomed in on the photo, and Gu Cici's face was completely highlighted: "Ingratitude! Ingratitude!" Then zoomed out quickly, and saw Ji Yunxuan in the corner of the image.

Then he swiped away again, Gu Cici and Ji Yunxuan's ambiguous story, just like him and Gu Cici's ambiguous story, no, it is less reliable than the rumors between himself and Gu Cici: "Ji Yunxuan is not blind."

Shen Guangyao went around to Gu Cici's photo again, thought for a while, and sent a text message to Gu Cici: [Reconcile? 】

After Shen Guangyao finished posting, he waited for a long time under the plaster cast before receiving a reply.

Gu Ci: [You don't gossip, don't you live in the hospital?] These two bastards really care about everything, and I know this.

Shen Guangyao sat upright immediately, and sympathized with her in a friendly way: 【Brother Lu is just like that, what are you doing? 】

Ancient Porcelain: [Hehe.]

Oh what! ?Unconvinced: [Brother is not on your side, but you are almost fine, don't blame me for not reminding you, girls are too hypocritical and there is no good end, tell you that you don't understand, just remember that Brother Lu is very busy, hand You have to show the magnanimity of a queen for a person who is in charge of every day, understand? 】

[Shall I give him some concubines? 】Ancient porcelain.

[This is not necessary.Forget it, I'll take you to see Brother Lu's work when I'm discharged from the hospital. I'm really busy, I'm not ignoring you, you had a party yesterday? 】

After finishing solving the question in his hand, Guci Ci replied: 【Yes. 】

[You have time to eat hot pot, but you don't have time to come and see me! ! ! 】

Gu Ci: [Do you have delicious hot pot?That's right, you're still in the hospital, I'd have forgotten if you didn't mention it. 】

Shen Guangyao gritted his teeth: [Ancient words! 】

Gu Ci: [(smiling face) to see you at night. 】

[You have a conscience. 】Shen Guangyao lay back on the bed, looking at the intricately decorated roof, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, can there be a long relationship between them?In case Brother Lu doesn't like her one day...


Gu Cici nimbly squeezed in through the crowd, sat obediently beside Lu Zhiyuan's seat, looked at him eagerly, and gently tugged at Lu Zhiyuan's sleeve: "Accompany me to class?"

The person next to him who hadn't left gave a meaningful smile and went to eat.

Lu Zhiyuan was helpless: "I didn't say that, I have something to do at noon."

The ancient words don't matter: "School is over, what can I do, I know you don't like to face Mr. Song, but I just want you to accompany me, I'm boring to draw by myself, you wait for me to finish class, Let's eat together."

Lu Zhiyuan really had something to do, and she was in class for an hour and a half, "I'll pick you up after an hour and a half." It wasn't a waste of time.

"No, I'll let you go to class with me."

Lu Zhiyuan looked into her bright eyes, knew that she wanted to be with him, and patiently reasoned with her: "Did you not have time to talk to me during class?"

"But it's already school, and whenever I see you, I'm very inspired to draw."

Lu Zhiyuan couldn't laugh or cry, he really had an arrangement: "You didn't tell me in advance." And it was her class time, he didn't expect to accompany her to class, so the arrangement was very full.

"It's not too late now, I still have ten minutes to go to class."

"How about tomorrow? I will accompany you to class tomorrow."

"No, I want you to accompany me to class today."

"I'm sure I'll have time tomorrow."

"What's the matter with you? School is over." Gu Ci Ci faintly showed signs of losing his temper.

Lu Zhiyuan had no choice but to explain in detail: "It's about the laboratory."

Gu Cici's expression was not convinced: "You are only a freshman, and if you have something to do, the seniors and sisters above will go. Are you avoiding me on purpose and don't want to accompany me?" Gu Cici looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Zhiyuan sorted out some documents: "Okay, will I accompany you to class?"


"Let's go?"

"Are you okay again?" Gu Cici really looked at him like this, knowing that you were okay, watching me goof off in class.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't care about it: "Yes, it's fine."

The old saying 'letter', take advantage of the victory to pursue: "You were lying to me just now." Jiangzhi is [-]%.

Lu Zhiyuan reminded her: "Gu Cici, you want to know if I'm really lying to you, don't you?"

Gu Cici immediately took his arm: "No, I just think you need to rest more, you see you are busy with this and that in the laboratory every day, so that you can relax."

"It's easy to watch you draw."

"Why are you so picky, go, go."

(End of this chapter)

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