Chapter 177 Chapter 177
"How can I always ask my sister to buy me gifts?"

"Sister, let me tell you if it looks good or not."

"It's so beautiful." The necklace is inlaid with jewels at [-] degrees, and it can be inlaid with a larger area than the bracelet. She likes it very much. The most important thing is that when it is sold back in the same way, Kapok will depreciate her according to the percentage of the proceeds.

Kapok gently put the necklace on Gu Cici's neck: "It looks good." Who would have thought that a grasshopper like a swan after autumn would be favored by Lu Fengxinzi.

"Thank you sister, she is so kind to me."

I can't compare to you, Kapok smiled wryly, she sometimes misses it.


After Kapok returned, he didn't take a break, so he went directly to Boss Zhao, and quickly dumped the news: "What should we do? Withdraw the investment in Wei Min?"

Boss Zhao suddenly felt dizzy: "Are you sure about this news?"

Kapok dismissed it with disdain: "What does Boss Zhao think about being able to appear on Mr. Lu's desk?"

Zhao Jiang felt that she was so cowardly that he dared to talk to him like this, but he thought that she had climbed up with Mr. Lu's girlfriend, so he didn't care about it: "Have you heard of this new technology?"

"No, but Lu Feng Xinzi has had a lot of experimental projects over the years, so it may not be true."

"But there is not much time left for us to think about this matter." It has already arrived in front of Mr. Lu, and it must be the announcement stage. If it is too late, there will be nothing left.

This is what Kapok is worried about: "Wei Min has pushed the swan to such an extent. If the swan comes back to life, the first thing to do is to seek revenge from Wei Min. When the time comes when the swan and Lu Feng are united, Wei Min may not have the strength to resist." They He still has the shares of Westminster in his hand.

The office was silent for a long time, and Zhao Jiang said: "Throw away the shares of Weimin, buy some swans, buy less, and don't attract people's attention."

Mu Mian breathed a sigh of relief: "Got it." The news they got from Gu Cici should not be too obvious, otherwise it is very likely that they will lose money by stealing chickens, not to mention that she wants to follow for a long time.


In the dead of night, Gu Cici didn't have any thought of going over the news that had been sold to see what was wrong.From Gu Cici's point of view, there are flaws everywhere, and she doesn't even bother to fix them.

Gu Cici was lying on the bed, following Lu Zhiyuan's work form, imitating his own "work and rest form". If we want to talk about respect, how about everyone respecting each other.


Early in the morning, Feng Yu received a link from his assistant - "Ancient Cici Work and Rest Schedule"

The contents of the form were recorded in great detail. They also considered that they might have to report her itinerary and trifles to Mr. Lu, and even indicated the color, style, lining or not of the clothes that day, whether the socks were cotton or linen, and the itinerary. Except for thirty minutes after 1:30 noon.And the hour and a half after 8:30 in the evening is free, and the rest of the time is busy.

And after comparing with Mr. Lu's itinerary, Mr. Lu and Gu Cici will have no overlapping free time in the next three days, which means that the two of them will not have to see each other in the next three days.

Feng Yu's face was ugly: "She gave it to you."


Feng Yu almost sneered, she thought she would have the initiative?Mr. Lu will cooperate with her time in the future?Who does she think she is?The unlucky one after this timetable is implemented can only be the ancient Cici: "I see, let's go out."

The assistant didn't leave.

Feng Yu frowned: "What's wrong?"

The assistant thought about the previous boss who was still in the hospital, and felt that Mr. Feng was thinking too little, so he reminded implicitly: "Mr. Feng, based on the principle of not disturbing you during busy hours, if Mr. Lu contacts Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu will not answer the phone or Responding to messages, not seeing each other...what should I do?" The special assistant teacher's injury has not passed the seventh day yet?

The corner of Feng Yu's mouth twitched. She didn't believe that if Mr. Lu contacted Gu Cici, she would dare not respond, but what if, just in case Gu Cici played a prank, in order to be right with herself, she deliberately did not reply or contact Mr. Lu several times. , can Mr. Lu be in a good mood?
Even if Mr. Lu finds out that it was just a "prank" by Gu Cici, they can be easily exposed as the perpetrators, and Shen Guangyao is still lying in the hospital.

The little assistant looked at Mr. Feng.

Feng Yu's face became more and more ugly: "Has Mr. Lu left the laboratory yet?"

"No." After ten o'clock in the morning, Mr. Lu has a ten-minute break. He probably hasn't contacted Mr. Gu yet, but what about after ten o'clock?Who goes out to sacrifice the flag?

"She clearly did it on purpose." Let him compromise.

The little assistant lowered her head calmly, and wanted to ask if she should not send Mr. Lu's itinerary to classmate Gu in the future, but seeing Mr. Feng's expression was not good, he didn't dare to ask more.

Feng Yu: "Go out."

What to do: "Go out first."


Feng Yu calmed down his emotions, calculated in his mind a few times, and found that he had to express his sincerity first, a sneer finally hung on the corner of his mouth.

How could he compromise? Feng Yu sent this link to Shen Guangyao: [She sent it. 】

In the ward, Shen Guangyao took a look, feeling a little headache, he has only been hospitalized for a few days, why did so many things happen!

Shen Guangyao got under the quilt, as if he was dead, and didn't want to reply.

Feng Yu watched the time go by, and impatiently called Shen Guangyao. Even if there had to be someone to appease Gu Cici, Shen Guangyao could only be the one.

Shen Guangyao connected lifelessly, and before Feng Yu could speak, he said directly, "Is there a possibility?"

If Feng Yu didn't bother to talk to him before, but now he is very patient: "What's possible?"

"She's targeting you." Mr. Lu's itinerary has long been in Gu Cici's hands. He used it to let Gu Cici know where his boyfriend is doing. During the duty period, a piece of "Gu Cici Work and Rest Schedule" was sent back. Feng Yu could only use this timetable to hint at some things that Gu Cici could not accept.

Feng Yu did not speak for a long time.

Shen Guangyao waited for him to realize it by himself.

"Why does she have any reason to target me?!"

Shen Guangyao rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Feng Yu: "I admit that I asked my assistant to send the itinerary every day, and the marked part has also been reprocessed." The key timelines are marked with 'Do Not Disturb', but that is a fact. Mr. Lu contacted Mr. Lu when he was in a meeting or when the experiment was tense, and said: "It is true that you also sent Mr. Lu's schedule, and I am just repeating the previous arrangement."

Hearing this, Shen Guangyao felt that what he said was right: "It's fine if you feel that you have a clear conscience, just do it like this. You are loyal and fearless. If you die, it's just that there are more you in the bed next to me. Don't worry about it." There is no need to call, real.

Feng Yu was silent for a moment: "I called you to let you solve the problem."

"Are you a problem-solving attitude?"

Feng Yu looked at the time, gritted his teeth and admitted: "Sorry, I lacked consideration."

It's like a human saying: "Got it, she's coming to see me tonight, and I'll tell her about it."

"Boss Lu has a break at ten o'clock!"

Fan: "Got it."

"You'd better do it once and for all."

"You'd better know who's begging whom now."

"Okay, hurry up."

Shen Guangyao felt like a eunuch who wiped his ass, and it was a public eunuch. He had no morals to serve this one and that one: [Classmate Gu, where are you going to class? 】

Gu Ci: [No, self-study, painting. 】Drawing is also working time, busy.

Shen Guangyao obsequiously handed over a set of [-]-year-old rice paper and a set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone: [Feng Yu heard that you recently learned brush calligraphy from Song Lao, so I specially found it for you. How about it? It's very interesting, right? 】

Gu Cici glanced at it, but didn't return.

Shen Guangyao: 【He knew he was wrong, so he won't meddle in his own business in the future, let him be spared this time? 】

Gu Ci: [What's wrong? 】

have to!He shouldn't have accepted this matter. Gu Cici must now feel that she is just a little unhappy, losing her temper, which is harmless, and completely ignorant of the problems that will follow.He still can't say it clearly, how to explain Mr. Lu's problem, the ancient words were shocked, and for the sake of the next generation, if they don't fall in love with the mentally unstable, they will be finished: [It's okay, it's just that Feng Yu feels that what he did is wrong , It’s not easy to talk to you, so please come to me. 】I didn't save any face for my brother.

Ancient Porcelain: […]

Shen Guangyao: [Your Excellency has a lot of money, don't bother with him. 】

Gu Ci: [When will you leave the hospital?I don’t know why, I don’t like him very much…]

Shen Guangyao looked at these words, and fell silent for no reason. Compared with Feng Yu, Feng Yu had a higher status, had a longer time with Mr. Lu, and was more capable than him. Many things had to go through Feng Yu's hands. give an order.

Even in Lu Zhai, he also knew that on the first day Feng Yu was on duty, many people reported some things to Feng Yu, hoping that Feng Yu would make up his mind again, and it would be best to reverse his decision. Everyone, in many things, respected him more Feng Yu's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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