President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 178 Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Chapter 178
Even with his outward appearance, Feng Yu is easier for people to let go of their guard.

For the first time, someone made it clear that she didn't like Feng Yu, and instead asked him when he would be discharged from the hospital.

Shen Guangyao still looked at this message that she might have sent casually. Many people asked him when he would be discharged from the hospital, but most of them just asked casually.She might be the only one who really wanted him to go back, and didn't even want him to be absent. She just felt that he and Feng Yu were leaning towards him.

Shen Guangyao: [I will be discharged from the hospital in two days, two days. 】The plaster cast on the head can be replaced with a portable one.

Ancient Ci Ci: [Great, I will pick you up when the time comes, welcome you, and treat you to delicious food]

Shen Guangyao looked disgusted: [What to eat, avoid spicy food.Brother Lu will call you later, how about pretending that the form has not been sent? 】

Gu Cici: [I see, you have spoken in person, I can not listen to you, stop chatting with you, senior sister asked me to go to the construction site, let's go first. 】

【Bye-Bye. 】

Shen Guangyao looked at his phone, touched the plaster cast on his neck, stretched carefully, and was about to be discharged from the hospital.If he wasn't around, it would be a disaster for Feng Yu and Gu Cici to fight together.

On the other hand, Feng Yu's expression didn't soften until noon. It was the first time he had been humiliated so much in front of his subordinates, yet he needed someone to say something nice to solve and appease him.

What's wrong with his actions? Could it be to embarrass her?If you want to stay by a person's side for a long time, it is the long-term strategy to follow what he likes and see where you are. She thought that she could get what she wanted by relying on some careful thinking and unscrupulous means!Ignorance!

Or did she feel that Shen Guangyao's actions were for her own good, Shen Guangyao would only make her lose sight of reality and lead her astray!
Feng Yu felt that Mr. Lu's first fame was only blinded by looking at women. Gu Cici, once he attained the Tao, his virtue was unworthy and he was left undisciplined. Sooner or later he would fall off the top.

"Feng Yu, Feng Yu..." The female classmate sitting next to him modestly touched his sleeve with a pen, her eyes shining brightly: "The professor is looking for you."

The gentle old professor stood at the door, kindly waiting for his beloved disciple.

Feng Yu walked over, the young man was elegant and introverted, without showing any edges or corners.

"Feng Yulai, Shi City Council wants to sign a legal agreement with the art department. You can accompany Professor Zhang to have a look and learn more."

Feng Yu's tone was easy-going: "The landmark sculpture project?"


"it is good."


Feng Yu can't talk about whether he wants to see her or not. If she continues like this, she will be like a company that has no resources to supply. It only sees beautiful financial statements and can't see the crisis behind it. It's nothing like a grasshopper after autumn. negligible.

Even if the annoying person jumped on the instep without showing any mercy, there is no need to kill him.

Gu Cici carried two vats full of water, continuously poured them into the mud pool, mixed the plastic clay again, and ensured that it would not freeze. She was very busy. She wore a cotton jacket that was convenient for work. Pulled up to the armpit, I was outdoors on a cold day, without a scarf, but with a wide apron, and the mud was still splashed everywhere, and my face and boots were covered with mud.

Feng Yu followed behind the professor and caught sight of her.

Gu Cici wiped away his sweaty hair with the back of his hand, and his unclean face was stained again.

Feng Yu's eyes flicked past her, recording the length, width and height of the real foundation without any change in expression.

Gu Cici also saw him, and lowered his head to continue stirring a large amount of mud vigorously to prevent it from solidifying.

"And here, the controversial part is here. After the actual foundation came out, there was still a small cornerstone [-] centimeters from the main building, but the government said that we did not provide a report, but the original foundation was included. We didn't exceed the standard... Two teachers came here to take a look."

"Be careful with your feet."

Walk behind the professor, passing by Gu Cici.

Gu Cici was in full swing, with mud-stained leather boots and leather gloves, half of his body lying on the mud, regardless of his image, and he showed no arrogance to compete with his boyfriend.

Feng Yu didn't have any troubles in his heart, and stood behind Gu Cici, recording every new measured data.

The big brother who is in charge of dealing with the government keeps complaining: "This is not exceeding the standard at all. We didn't say to make a big cornerstone at the beginning, and the triangle splicing is more reasonable. We keep revising our manuscript, and these people were not in the meeting when it was finalized. Room, blame us for perfecting the work? There is no such way—”

There was a piercing sound of brakes, and everyone turned their heads subconsciously.

A car suddenly broke through the barrier and rushed towards this side at a very high speed.

The car lights were the closest to them, everyone was stunned for a moment, Feng Yu quickly reached out and grabbed Gu Ci's sleeve to lead him towards him.

Gu Cici bumped into him with his whole body, and his aura scrambled to get into her body. If Lu Zhiyuan mostly exhausted her mentally, Feng Yu was physically afraid of him instinctively.

Gu Ci suddenly pushed her away.

The car whined harshly and stopped a step away from her.

"You don't want to die!"

"I'm sorry..." She overreacted, recalling all kinds of strange things that he imprisoned her so that she couldn't breathe. If you choose one, it is more straightforward to be driven by the car: "I didn't see the car, I was afraid that the mud on your body would get on you..." She spoke softly, apologetically, with her head slightly lowered, showing a part of her body in the cold wind. Snow-white neck, very ashamed.

Someone who had already reacted stood in front of the car: "I don't have long eyes!"

The ancient words did not pay attention: "...Thank you..."

Feng Yu smelled the sweet fragrance left on his chest, which was stronger than that day, a very clean and weak fragrance.If you have to describe it, it should be like an unweaned child. An unweaned child is contaminated with everything.

But it's also because she hasn't been to Lu's house recently, and the rose essence has long been unable to suppress her own childish aura. Now that she has been busy for a day, it is more pervasive, which is understandable: "You're welcome."

Gu Cici stood aside, even if he didn't tug at her just now, the car couldn't touch her, but if there is a chance, he should always say thank you to Feng Yu.

Standing by the warm wind, Gu Cici still hadn't recovered from the chill and discomfort from being in contact with Feng Yu suddenly.

Feng Yu felt that she was frightened, so he snorted. With such courage, he looked at the person who had already run over: "Go and pour her a glass of honey water."

A drunken man came out of the car with blood on his forehead: "My car..."

There were already seven or eight seniors who surrounded them. Although there were no casualties, many things were knocked down. They were scolding to their heart's content. When they saw blood dripping from the heads of the people who came down, they smelled of alcohol. Disgusted and subdued by blood, won't she die?It's none of their business, he hit it himself, the place where they work is surrounded, did he hit it?Call 120?

Feng Yu walked over, calmly pressed the mobile phone of the classmate who wanted to call 120, and stepped forward gently: "This gentleman..."

"I won't drink... I won't drink..." The man lay drunk on the hood, unaware of the blood bubbling from his head.

Feng Yu didn't dislike him in the slightest, he was not in a hurry: "Brother, you're drunk..."

"I didn't... I didn't..."

"You'll catch a cold if you lie on the hood." Feng Yu kindly touched him, exposing the wound he was pressing, allowing the blood to flow more freely, and pouring some wind by the way, it's best not to save it: "You can't sleep Here, big brother, big brother, you are hurt."

"Senior Feng, call the police."

"Senior Feng, he's bleeding."

Feng Yu sighed: "He drove drunk, I wonder if he should help others?"

Everyone suddenly realized, yes, they were the victims, the blood on his head was caused by himself, they are helping others now, and it doesn't matter if they don't help, it has nothing to do with them whether he bleeds to death or not.

The seniors were just about to speak.

Feng Yu sighed: "Drunken driving is very harmful."

"Drinking and driving has no public morality."

"Just now we were scared to death, Feng Yu, you don't care about him, he almost bumped into someone just now, if there wasn't a stone block blocking it, God knows what would have happened."

"It's Feng Yu, come here and wait for the traffic police to come over to deal with it. Fortunately, it hit us. If it was changed to another place, I don't know what happened." Whoever calls 120 for this kind of person will wait for the traffic police to take care of them. .

Feng Yu patted the driver's face: "Brother, brother..."

The blood on the driver's forehead flowed faster.

Gu Cici took a sip of hot honey and felt much better.

The traffic police rushed over quickly, took control of the scene, and called 120.

Feng Yu walked up to Gu Cici, half-drinked a small cup of honey water, holding the cup with not-so-beautiful hands, the chilblains from the past years still had negatives, and now they depend on the blue official kiln Porcelain cups enhance the visibility of hands: "Are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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