Chapter 185 185
Aunt Li felt that she couldn't say that, but then suddenly realized, Mr. Lu changed?After all, one kind of smell may cause aesthetic fatigue after smelling it for a long time.

Aunt Li politely asked the supplier for the phone number for them to stock up.

The chief executive and Aunt Li glanced at the number at the same time, Feng Zong's office extension?Mr. Lu's phone call from Chief Feng's office?

The two of them had no doubts about this possibility, but Mr. Feng needed to confirm it so that they could go back and talk.

The pen in Feng Yu's hand stopped for a moment, the sharp tip of the pen had a dull gold color.

"President Xiao Feng?"

Feng Yu spoke slowly: "Such a strong sleep-disturbing aroma, do you think it's too early to change?"

The head manager heard the words and his heart skipped a beat: "Don't dare, don't dare." He quickly hung up the phone.

Feng Yu looked at the receiver and hung up the phone, slowly put down the pen, leaned on the seat slowly, and breathed a sigh of relief, he had overstepped this matter.

On the other hand, Aunt Li was having a hard time saying, " can I tell Mrs. Lu..." Said that you might have caught Mr. Lu?
"Let's just say..." the head manager thought about it: "Supplier gift."

There is no problem: "If Mrs. Lu says she doesn't need to give it away, will she still use rose fragrance in the future?"

"..." It's just a kind of fragrance.

"Madam said that she likes the fragrance of roses. Madam is a little unhappy because she changed the fragrance today, otherwise she wouldn't let me ask..."

"Let's say bluegrass is more light and sleep-promoting. Use your professional knowledge until Madam no longer likes rose fragrance."


Aunt Li had constructed countless arguments in her mind, and she took out the Materia Medica and went through it again.

Gu Cici leaned against the door and only asked, "Who changed it?"

Aunt Li's words were awkward, and she lowered her head: "President Xiao Feng..."

Gu Cici was stunned for a moment, then seemed to be irritated, closed the door, changed into pajamas and dressed, and prepared to leave.

Aunt Li knocked on the door anxiously: "Madam, Madam, please listen to my explanation, Madam, Madam, please don't do this, Xiao Feng is always doing it for your own good, Madam, listen to me, Xiao Feng is really doing it for you..."

Gu Cici opened the door and walked out wearing the clothes he had come in.

Aunt Li looked at the sky outside and hurriedly stopped people. She had already called Mr. Feng just now. Mr. Lu was in the study now, but he was about to come back, and found that Mrs. Lu was not there. It's late, if you have anything to say to me, it's all auntie's fault, she shouldn't have taken things without checking, I'll definitely pay attention next time, ma'am, ma'am, give me another chance, ma'am..."

With an ugly face, Feng Yu picked up her clothes and rushed from the side courtyard to the main courtyard. She didn't expect that she would leave in the middle of the night because of such a trivial matter!

Feng Yu didn't intend to be afraid of her messing around, but Mr. Lu is here, and Mr. Lu is about to end the video conference and go back to his room at this time. This matter is bound to develop into bad consequences.

Even if Feng Yu didn't want to go, she had to appease Gu Cici, Mei Meixiang was strong, this was the truth, didn't she realize it herself!Even if she couldn't find it, no one would remind her!
Feng Yu didn't feel angry at the old words and made troubles for no reason, and he didn't want to contact her personally, but in exchange for incense...

Feng Yu didn't feel it at the time, but now that changing the aromatherapy in her bathroom is a very private matter, he subconsciously doesn't want people to know, let alone rely on Shen Guangyao, so he has to hold his breath and go to 'make an apology' in person!
When Feng Yu arrived, Gu Cici had already passed through the second gate, and the rows of orange night lights in the corridor illuminated the deep and quiet courtyard of this ancient house.

Aunt Li felt relieved: "Mr. Feng." She couldn't stop her.

Feng Yu was wearing a black half-length windbreaker, wearing gold-rimmed eyes that he hadn't taken off in time, looking at the ancient words kindly, as graceful as jade.

Gu Cici didn't step forward subconsciously, and the human skin he wore became more and more moist.

Feng Yu is very satisfied that she is not stupid enough to leave, but he also knows that she has to manipulate him now, and he has to suffer because Mr. Lu is here.

Gu Ci Ci didn't break in, but he didn't want to get too close to him.

Feng Yu: "Aunt Li, go and get a coat for Madam."

Aunt Li looked at Madam and then at Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng was more reliable than Mr. Shen, so he went to get his coat without worry.

Feng Yu doesn't think it's wrong to change her aromatherapy, roses and bluegrass, he prefers that she doesn't use anything, Mr. Lu is not suitable for aromatherapy, strong or light aromas may stimulate people's deep memory, but obviously this stupid person doesn't do that think.

Feng Yu looked more kindly and said, "Classmate Gu, are you going to see Shen Guangyao at such a late hour?"

Gu Cici did not speak.

Feng Yu looked at the time, his expression adjusted to guilt, and he still spoke earnestly: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you have requirements for aromatherapy, you may not know...some bad things happened to Brother Lu when he was a child, and he didn't like aromatherapy very much. , the people below were negligent and didn’t tell you, and I don’t know your preferences, I’m also busy these days, just like before, I changed the cost of the bathroom, subconsciously chose the light one, sorry.”

"Is that my personal thing?"

Shouldn't she be annoyed and use the incense that Mr. Lu doesn't like, regretting it, shouldn't ask Mr. Lu what he doesn't like, and won't violate Mr. Lu's taboo anymore. She still cares about personal things!
Feng Yu thought about the information from Mu Mian and the things she took away, what personal items are she talking about now, who is her mind on!It's not the attitude that a woman in love should have at all! "Sorry, I forgot you were here."

"I'm Lu Zhiyuan's girlfriend. I've lived here for two months. You told me you forgot my existence." Gu Cici seemed to have heard something funny.

Feng Yu sighed, and said patiently: "I didn't mean that..."

Gu Cici lowered his head aggrievedly: "I know you didn't do it on purpose..."

Feng Yu felt that what she said was right: if you know, go back quickly and do what you should do.

Gu Cici's eyes turned red suddenly, and he was very sad: "It's my fault. I'm ignorant, I don't know anything, ma'am, ma'am, you just called me casually, I shouldn't take it seriously, let alone pretend I think I can decide. about..." Gu Cici said very aggrieved and sensible: "I'll go first."

Feng Yu instantly grabbed her arm.

Gu Cici resisted the impulse to resist, and said with trembling sincerity, "I have no other intentions, I just calm down, I'll go back to the dormitory first."

Feng Yu felt the trembling of the girl in his hand, knew that she was crying, and felt that there was no need to be so ashamed, subconsciously softened his attitude: "I didn't mean that, you know Brother Lu likes you, you don't mind it, Brother Lu didn't say anything , it means it’s okay, it’s me...I didn’t think properly, I forgot that you were using the bathroom, after’s my fault..."

Gu Ci shook his head: "No." He tried to control his emotions not to cry, and pulled his arm out of his hand: "I didn't want to cry, but... I'm fine, really, I just want to go back tonight. You send messages, don't worry about me, I'll..."

Feng Yu held her arm again, and said thinly, "I promise not to touch your personal things in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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