President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 186 Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Chapter 186
"It's not that problem." Gu Cici struggled for a while but didn't break away: "You let me go first."

Feng Yu didn't want to grab her either, the person in his hand was as thin as he imagined when he saw her for the first time, he only used [-]% of his strength, and she stayed where she was: "Let's say you won't leave first."

"I just want to live in the dormitory, and I don't come here every day."

"Are you still angry about the aromatherapy?" He really shouldn't have said anything about the bathroom.




Feng Yu let go of her hand, simply feeling that it was not good to hold her.

Seeing this, Gu Cici quickly ran out.

Feng Yu quickly grabbed her, and couldn't laugh or cry, she thought she ran away: "Why are you running?"

Gu Cici's face turned blue in an instant, and deep memories spread, struggling in pain, half-truth, half-false, really repelling this person's instinctive fear: "Let me go!" The 'false' is because she can still choke Li finished what he should say: "I just feel ashamed, I'm not angry, just let me go, I'll be fine tomorrow..."

Seeing that she was crying out of control, Feng Yu was very helpless. He didn't do anything, but she was crying, so he had to patiently say: "Don't cry, it's nothing serious, not many people know about it."

"Everyone who should know knows!"

Feng Yu looked around: "Don't cry, it's so late."

Why don't you cry! "Let go of me." After saying the most embarrassing words, her tone softened.

Seeing her like this, Feng Yu also slowed down his tone: "I can let you go, but you can't leave." Mr. Lu is about to go back.

"Let go of me first..." Gu Cici wiped away the tears that kept coming out.

"You first say you're not leaving."

"You let me go first."

"Do you know what time it is? Brother Lu may be looking for you."

"let me go."

"You..." Feng Yu suddenly felt a strong wind blowing across his face, just as he raised his hand to react, he was already flying out of the corridor.

Lu Zhiyuan supported Gu Cici and put him away: "Are you all right?" He quickly chased down.

Gu Cici forgot to cry in a daze, suddenly his eyes became calm.

Seeing this, Feng Yu didn't have the slightest thought of fighting back. He decisively rolled towards the pool next to him, breaking through the ice and sinking into the bottom of the water.

Lu Zhiyuan wanted to jump down swiftly, even if the person he wanted to kill was turned into ashes, he would fight together!
Gu Cici suddenly said, "Lu Zhiyuan..."

Lu Zhiyuan turned his head and looked at her under the light.

Gu Cici naturally didn't mind if he jumped in and killed Feng Yu, it would be best if neither of them could get up, but the pool was too shallow to swallow anyone.

Gu Cici cautiously beckoned him to come over, looking at him with red eyes, lest he do something irrational in the cold: "Chuchu..."

Lu Zhiyuan walked over, the emotion in his eyes had completely disappeared.

Gu Cici held his arm in fear, leaned on his chest carefully, saw that he hadn't moved, sobbed softly, and put eye drops on Feng Yu: "Just now..."

Lu Zhiyuan's voice was steady, with a calming force: "Go back and talk." He put his clothes on Cici's shoulders and protected her as she walked back.

Gu Cici was protected in his arms, subconsciously following his footsteps.

Aunt Li didn't dare to come out from the corner until the two of them walked far away, and hurried to the water's edge, panicked, she only left for a while, why did Mr. Lu and Mr. Feng fight? Temple, on such a cold day, there is no shadow in the water, so you won't be knocked out: "Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng..."

Aunt Li was anxious and just about to call for someone.

Feng Yu burst out of the water in an instant, drenched all over.

Aunt Li breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to pull people. Seeing Mr. Feng's head covered with ice slag and his fingers trembling, she quickly put the coat in her hand on Mr. Feng's shoulders: "Go back quickly, it's too cold, I'll go call someone."

Feng Yu took off the pink coat in one go: "No need."

Seeing this, Aunt Li hurriedly asked him to put it on, what time is it, and she still has so many worries, she will suffer from frostbite: "I'll call the doctor!" Falling into icy water in winter will be fatal!
Although Feng Yu felt that the blood in his body was about to stagnate, his voice was still calm: "No, I'll go back first, don't tell anyone what happened tonight."

"But you..."


The quaint grandfather clock rang, and it was past half past ten. In the warmly lit room, Lu Zhiyuan took off her coat solemnly and piously, hung it on the screen thoughtfully, turned around and gently embraced her: "Scared!" Already? It's all right."

Gu Cici pushed the person away, as if he was holding his breath and couldn't coax him well.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her, and after the beating he also found out that it was Feng Yu: "Did he mess with you?" But no matter what, Feng Yu shouldn't have grabbed her.

Gu Ci Ci turned his head and remained silent, with traces of crying remaining on his face.

Lu Zhiyuan turned her body around: "Seriously?"

Gu Cici did not speak, but was still angry: "If you are fine, I will go first!"

"What are you talking about, what's wrong?" Lu Zhiyuan was very patient.

Gu Cici lowered his head and did not speak.

Lu Zhiyuan looked down at her.

Leaving aside the ancient words.

Lu Zhiyuan followed and looked over, puzzled, gentle?
Unable to avoid the old sayings, he could only cast an annoyed glance at him, only to realize that the scene in the corridor where he was going to kill Feng Yu just now was like his own illusion.

Although Lu Zhiyuan is a hateful person, he tried to kill her several times in his previous life, but he did not resort to violence after all. It was the first time she saw him beating someone, and it seemed that he had completely dug out the image of him in her heart before, and no longer suppressed it. Raise on others!

"Still angry?" Lu Zhiyuan put his hands on her shoulders, conveying the power that could overcome all difficulties for her.


"Can you talk to me?"

Gu Cici seemed to be bewitched by his words: "I just think..." Gu Cici stopped talking halfway through.

Lu Zhiyuan waited patiently.

Gu Cici was suddenly very aggrieved: "You beat him up. It's not my fault. It's my fault. It's as if I made trouble for no reason and made him unlucky."

Lu Zhiyuan's voice was still very patient, as if comforting an ignorant child: "Why, it was my fault that I did it, it was my business with him, and you didn't do anything. At this time, shouldn't you be reading after taking a shower? "

When it came to taking a bath, Gu Cici turned around to get his clothes and left again.

Lu Zhiyuan brought him back and held him tenderly in his arms.

The ancient words seemed to be softened, and she complained aggrievedly: "Is this your home?" Feng Yu and Shen Guangyao had no control over her wanting this place, so she had the final say!

"Who is in charge at home?"


The helplessness on Gu Cici's face didn't mean that: "You don't understand at all, you..." I don't want to say it anymore.

"I don't understand, so I need you to tell me, what's wrong?" Huh?

Gu Cici's face was reddish, and he was a little embarrassed: "Can you... don't let Shen Guangyao and Feng Yu take care of your family's affairs, especially I live here, some very private places, it's very embarrassing..."

Lu Zhiyuan was puzzled: "..."

Gu Cici turned around and left again.

Lu Zhiyuan brought the man back.

(End of this chapter)

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