President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 195 Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Chapter 195
Song Li was hurt more than beaten, why didn't she have any compassion, she fell into the mud from a height, she needed time to accept.But obviously, she didn't, she looked at everyone from above.

Also, growing up in such a family, how can she be expected to be considerate of others, and only by seeing others suffering can satisfy her pleasure, but: "Cici, this is where she will live in the future..." Speaking of these, how can she still be in this place in the future? Stay at home!

What's more, Wanwan is still young, knowing what can't be dealt with, there is nothing wrong with trying to hide it, isn't it because of this that they keep threatening Wanwan for money, Wanwan keeps giving money because of the one in ten thousand possibility , Not even doing a paternity test, it's not a mature and calm way to deal with it at all!

As for buying murder to kill?He guessed from Wan Wan's words that she didn't do it, but someone wanted to use her, Feng Zheng was eager to show his favor to Wan Wan, so it's hard to guarantee that Feng Zheng didn't do it on his own.

"Since it's her place, why do you need to come here and do nothing?"

"Aren't you here too!"

Gu Cici thinks he is really a good brother: "If you don't come, they will come to me? After all, they are beating people who are rich and precious." After finishing speaking, he inspected his face. !

Song Li was speechless, he was indeed the one who wanted to stay today, but: "She is Song Wanwan—surnamed Song!"

Gu Shi excitedly clutched his sister's cuff, looking at him with fiery eyes, wishing Song Li could say more, don't stop, you are just Song Wanwan's elder brother!Don't forget the original intention, stay together well.

Song Li felt uncomfortable being watched.

Gu Cici sighed: "So you want to help her pay the room fee?"

"Fang..." Song Li was stunned for a moment: "How much?"

"Twenty thousand."

The corner of Song Li's mouth twitched, did she know that he just got a month's salary, twenty-six thousand!Good: "Is it true that she can live in any room she wants if she pays for it?"

Song Wanwan was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her brother to be rich, her brother couldn't take her out these days, and couldn't take care of her personally, it was because all his cards were blocked at home, so she had to squeeze here, if her brother was rich, Who wants to live in this crappy house.

Song Wanwan thought that it was these few days when her brother got paid, so she hurriedly held Song Li's hand: "No, brother, don't give it, brother..." They can definitely rent a house with this money, and Song Li's salary will support her expenses in the future .

As long as Song Li takes her out, she will be responsible for her life. She doesn't believe that the Song family doesn't want the eldest grandson. By then, Song Li can still ease the relationship with her parents and go out. Why would she spend money to live here? , she is not crazy!

Song Li directly threw her a bank card, seeing the money!

Gu Shi immediately picked it up and gave it to sister, lest the other party would repent, and the money thrown on the ground at their house was also money.

Gu Cici took it over, looked at the brand new card, and smiled: "Young Master Song is really nice, he eats the Song family's food, and even makes things difficult for the Song family's parents, so why not just marry him back, and you can still call him parents. "

In ancient times, I thought: "That's right, the dowry is less important, one hundred thousand."

Song Li was almost pissed off: "What are you talking about, she is my sister!"

Song Wanwan's face brightened, why didn't she expect that.

Gu Cici snorted coldly, and left with his two younger brothers. The money has already been paid, so of course the house cannot be lived.

Cao Xiurong hurriedly turned the wheelchair and chased to the door: "Cici, Cici!"

Gu Qiang was also in a hurry to come out, why did he leave, Gu Nian Gu Shi couldn't leave: "Gu Nian! Gu Shi! Cici—" What should I do with this family if I'm gone!
Gu Qiang immediately looked at Song Li, wishing to beat him again: "You are satisfied! You are happy! What should we do with this family! Do you give me a pension or take care of our two paralytics! I know that there is nothing good about having you as a broom star! It will only cause trouble for the family, and you can sleep in whichever room you are asked to sleep in. Do you still feel wronged! You don’t cook, and you don’t work on the ground. It’s yours! Okay! Isn’t Song Li! Since you drove my son away! You will take care of me from now on! I’m a paralyzed man, what crime did I do!”

Qian Yuzhi's eyes lit up, and Fu Ruxin said, "Why are you crying? Since Young Master Song is in charge, he will take care of you no matter what. Young Master Song is the best person."

Song Li looked at the people in the room, he didn't expect the matter to develop to this point!
Song Wanwan is also dumbfounded, she hasn't recovered from the lost salary card, why is she tied to this family of vampires, she doesn't want it, she doesn't want it: "Ah—brother, let's go, let's go!"

Song Li didn't want to leave, but he didn't have any money on him, so where did he go?

Song Li looked at Gu Qiang, who was cursing, and then at Qian Yuzhi, who seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw and possessed greedily. He was thrown into the pile of hungry wolves like a piece of delicious meat, or he threw himself in.


Gu Nian sat in the co-pilot.

In ancient times, he sat in the back with his sister and Brother Lu. If it was normal, he would have leaned over to be next to his sister. Lu Zhiyuan was just an outsider.

But now it's different, and it's obvious that they want to depend on others, offending anyone is not the time to offend Lu Zhiyuan, let alone Lu Zhiyuan may not treat them as human beings.

Gu Ci asked curiously: "What did you tell Song Li?"

Lu Zhiyuan felt that she was just full of curiosity, so he couldn't help scratching her nose: "Nothing?"

"Did you say, did you say, I'm just curious, about Song Wanwan, or... right of inheritance?"

"things related to work."

"What can I do at work?"

"They have a project recently."

"The project will involve him in personal affairs?"

"You don't believe me when I tell you, but you still keep asking."

In ancient times, listening to my sister and Lu Zhiyuan chatting about a problem without nutrition, the two of them were like dumb, and neither of them interrupted.

The car stopped, and in front of the high-rise mansion in front of the compound, the pressure enveloped the two of them invisible, every lit lantern, every long corridor was like a ravine, lying in front of them and Lu Zhiyuan.

"Is it okay to live here?" Gu Cici asked the two precious brothers in a gentle voice.

Gu Nian, Gu Shi was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously went to look at Lu Zhiyuan, shouldn't he ask Brother Lu about this matter?
Lu Zhiyuan didn't respond to them at all, all his tenderness was on Gu Cici: "I'll put the bath water for you."

"Stop calling?"

Lu Zhiyuan had no choice but to ask, "Is it still making trouble?" His expression was very helpful, he put his arms around her shoulders, and walked away first.

Ancient nod.

Nodding, ignorant, seeing Brother Lu disappear, Gu Nian hurriedly said: "Sister, we have money to rent a house."

"What are you renting? There are so many rooms in the house." Wujin's big house is filled with ashes.

"Sister—" Of course they wanted to live with my sister, but here... someone else's house?And, too big.And isn't it bad to live in my sister's boyfriend's house? After all, they are not married yet. What do the man's family think of them? They are chasing blood-sucking poor relatives before they get married?Not good for my sister.

(End of this chapter)

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