President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 196 Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Chapter 196
Gu Shi has already followed in her sister's footsteps, saying flattering words to make her happy, and even insinuating that Song Li would wear small shoes.

Gu Nian thinks that he is just a male vixen with no bottom line, wearing the skin of a schoolmaster and obedient, anyone who looks at him is blind!

The chief steward knew that the two young masters were going to live in, so he was only taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly sent someone to clean up and take care of them, which would definitely make the two young masters feel as comfortable and free as living in their own home.

Aunt Wang saw that this matter was preempted by others, so she could only work hard on asking for advice, and praised the two young masters for their malleable talents, and they were even more ostentatious and handsome.

Gu Cici is also not humble: "It is really sensible, and the recommended places have all come down."

In ancient times, he smiled cutely.

Aunt Wang was even more enthusiastic: "I knew it, it's not something in the pool at first sight."

"No, it's mainly because of their own hard work."

Gu Nian is glad that he went to college, otherwise his sister would not brag about it.

"Madam taught well. The two young masters are like Madam. After Madam and Mr. Lu have a child, the child must be as good as Madam and Sir."

In ancient times, in ancient years, I was a little uncomfortable hearing the words. It seemed that I just thought that his sister would become a mother in the future. Didn't they...

The chief manager came back enthusiastically: "Madam, it's getting late. The two young masters have been tired all day. I'll take the young masters to the room to rest first."



In ancient times, after washing, he wore brand-new pajamas and lay on the bed to read a book. When he came, he found a library with many books in it.The young man was leaning against the head of the bed. Although his body was thin, it was hard to hide his cleanliness.

Gu Nian opened the door and came in, closed it, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became: "Isn't it good for us to live here?" Someone wants to wait on him even in the shower, and it's not good for his sister.

Gu Shi didn't lift his head: "You can go out and live."

"What about you?"

"I live with my sister." It doesn't matter where he is, he lives wherever my sister is.

Gu Nian saw him adapting to this place so quickly, reading the books here like a young master, the more he looked at him, the more annoying he became, and he couldn't help saying: "Song Li has nothing to say to his sister."

Gu Shi's complexion was instantly ugly.

Gu Nian was happy, turned around and left, who is it!


Gu Cici tore open the soup dumpling and took a deep breath.

Gu Nian and Gu Shi sat aside, looked at the table full of food, and imitated my sister to eat slowly.

"I found a venture capital firm and made an agreement with them. In the past two days, you two have been walking around with the venture capitalists, watching them inspect the surrounding industries. If there is a suitable one, we will do it. They are all small businesses."

Gu Nian looked at the still stairway, and lowered his voice: "Sister, are you going to engage in venture capital?"

"Otherwise, why don't you start a company? Do you have projects, technology, and skills?"

In ancient times, I thought: "Is it too late for us to end?" The enterprises around the imperial city have already formed, and they may not be able to share the benefits.

"It's not your brother-in-law."

The two nodded: indeed.

"You can just look at the projects in the stock market. You can't always play. Even if you invest, you have to ask Shen Guangyao if it is suitable." These words are said to the ancient times.

"I know ma'am."

"By the way, let's take a look at the surrounding industries that are not very profitable and need to improve their technology. There are also companies that coincide with Lu Feng's project and can accept Lu Feng's eliminated technology. Buy some as long as they are suitable."


Gu Nian was a little puzzled: "Sister, is this a disguised form of relying on Brother Lu to make money?"

Gu Ci Ci drank jujube soup: "You can do it..."

Gu Nian stopped talking.

The kitchen steward, Mr. Zhao, served a plate of pancakes that were popular in ancient times and ancient times.


Feng Yu looked at Shen Guangyao mockingly.

Shen Guangyao thinks: "Under special circumstances, who would have thought that Song Li would go there. There is nothing wrong with Gu Cici bringing people back, and they will move out in two days."

"Before Gu Ci Ci left, he asked the housekeeper to build a bookshelf for Gu Shi's room." Does this mean he is leaving?
"Live as long as you live, it's not bad for one or two rooms, don't we live here too."

"Where do we live?" In the outer courtyard, the two of them lived in the East Wing where the prince's son would live, and he didn't think that Gu Cici was just letting those two people live here for transition.

Even so: "I will go to the dormitory when school starts."

"It's still half a year before they start school." And in that ancient time, someone changed the curtains in the room because they didn't like the patterns on them. It seemed that they didn't look like a guest at all, thinking that it was his room.In addition, Gu Cici is pointing fingers at this family, and those who don't know it think that the surname here is Gu.

"Mr. Lu didn't say anything... Maybe..." Shen Guangyao said very carefully, he could see that Feng Yu was very concerned about losing the management right here, but he wanted to show that he didn't care.

Feng Yu didn't bother, she was more concerned with business: "She took Mr. Lu away again."

Shen Guangyao sat upright, nodded, said old words about the period of passionate love, and he was a little worried about gains and losses. Recently, he always pesters Mr. Lu, no matter what he does, he needs Mr. Lu to be by his side, he said tiredly, "I'll talk to her today."

"Let's talk about it, she is the eldest lady of the Song family now, she is very delicate."

Yin and Yang weirdness.


Inside the art building.

Standing in the corridor, Gu Cici watched Shen Guangyao take off the plaster neck, smiled, and generously praised: "You are even more handsome."

Shen Guangyao felt that the ancient words had changed and remained the same, but that he dressed beautifully, and when he smiled, he was still silly, weak and flexible.

Shen Guangyao hurriedly handed out the small gift in his hand: "My dad's company is holding an event, a gift."

Gu Cici opened it and took a look. Lipstick, silk scarf, teacup, and common gift boxes, but the quality of the items was better: "Thank you." The gift box would not make him come to her on purpose.

Shen Guangyao said with a smile: "You and brother Lu go to the movies tonight?"


"We don't eat together at noon, we watch movies together at night, it's not boring to stick together every day."

Gu Ci smiled like the rare sunshine in winter, gentle and gentle, like every little girl who is silently in love: "No, seeing him every moment is not boring."

Shen Guangyao was fed a mouthful of dog food: "Brother Lu has an experiment at a critical moment..."

"But he's only a freshman?" Ignorant and ignorant, tried everything.

"Do those who can do more work?"

Gu Cici was a little puzzled: "But he said it's nothing, it's not important, it's the same with him or without him?"

Did Mr. Lu say that, hehe: " also know that Lu Feng Xinzi belongs to Brother Lu, right? Now that the end of the year is approaching, how could there be nothing wrong? Don't you also have to prepare the final theme? Are you right? "

Gu Cici looked at him.

Shen Guangyao is very innocent.

The ancient words were even more 'at a loss': "I'll call him now, won't I watch a movie tonight?"

Shen Guangyao hurriedly told her to stop: "Don't, don't." It's not that he doesn't want to live anymore, he is interfering in the boss' internal affairs: "Just don't make an appointment tomorrow, Brother Lu only has you in his heart, really, Brother Lu's is yours too, yes No, it’s all for a better life in the future.”

"Then what if he insists on taking classes with me? Persuade him to make progress?"

(End of this chapter)

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