President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 247 Chapter 247

Chapter 246 Chapter 247

"Anything." Gu Cici turned around slowly, closed his eyes, sleepy.

Seeing her wishes come true, Lu Zhiyuan didn't want to say a word, the anger rose in his heart, and after a while, he fell back and laughed at himself.

three minutes later.

Aunt Wang brought the dinner with a smile, knelt down beside the bed, and placed all the prepared dinners on the bedside table: "My dear madam, wake up, it's all madam's favorite food, madam eat a little before going to bed .”

Gu Cici seemed to have forgotten about asking Lu Zhiyuan to pick up dinner, and stuck out his head sleepily: "Yeah."

Aunt Wang fed it to Madam's mouth.

Gu Cici ate some pumpkin with Aunt Wang's hand, and drank two mouthfuls of bird's nest: "I can't eat anymore, I'll sleep for a while."

"Eat more..."

Gu Ci waved his hand.

Seeing that she really didn't want to eat, Aunt Wang put it away: "Madam, rest well."

Aunt Wang came out with a plate, just in time to see Mr. Lu standing by the door, and immediately smiled: "Sir, Madam is asleep, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Lu Zhiyuan glanced inside, but saw nothing: "What did she say?" She asked herself to go downstairs to get dinner, but he wasn't the one who came up.

Ah, say what? "Ma'am said you are tired?" Or, the food is very appetizing?What do you want to hear sir?
Lu Zhiyuan snorted coldly when he heard the words, turned around and went to the study without saying anything.

Aunt Wang looked at her husband's back, not knowing why, what's the matter, wasn't she fine just now?In the past two years, my husband's temper has become more and more unpredictable. If this continues, how can my wife guess it?


When Gu Cici went downstairs to have breakfast, Lu Zhiyuan had already left, but the huge Lu residence was not empty, and the dining room was filled with the aroma of breakfast: "Aunt Wang."

"Yes, yes."

Gu Cici used glutinous rice dipped in some honey, and now that he and Lu Zhiyuan have 'reconciled', there are some things that need to be dealt with: "Who took the safe?"

"Oh, it's Assistant Liu."

He, Gu Cici slowly stirred the rice porridge in the bowl, was it also he who hung up on her phone that day and didn't return the car?

I have become less and less status over the years, and my assistant dare not take her seriously, which shows that Lu Zhiyuan usually doesn't take her seriously.

It's all like this, it's really ridiculous to be able to sleep in the same bed last night.

Gu Cici wanted to return to Liu Ju, he dared to do so, he must have figured out what Lu Zhiyuan meant.How can a person who is so dedicated and able to figure out what the master wants to stay with the master.

Gu Cici wiped his mouth, he immediately felt concerned, and his expression returned to normal: "Has Lu Zhiyuan had breakfast?"

"Mr. said to eat at the company."

Gu Cici looked at the remaining buns: "Well, the buns are quite fresh, pack a few and I'll send them to Mr. Lu."

Aunt Wang looked at the time: "Ma'am, it's already time, sir, have you had breakfast?"

"It's okay, you can pack some other snacks and give him a toothpaste."

"Okay." Bar: "Madame is really virtuous. It is a blessing for you to find a wife like you."

Gu Cici said with a smile: "They all complement each other."

"Who said it wasn't."

Butler Zhao packed snacks in 5-layer food boxes up and down, and took his wife out graciously. The husband hadn't tasted his cooking for a long time, and he didn't speak until the car drove a long way: "In the state of madam and sir, You can still say the word 'blessing', I really admire it."

"What do you know, Mr. and Mrs. have a good relationship."

"The two of you can't eat a few times throughout the year. This is called a good relationship."

Aunt Wang doesn't talk to these big bosses: "What do you know?"


Outside the Shuguang Group building, Gu Cici was wearing a ostentatious new summer black sleeveless short skirt with a waist, wearing pink gemstone-cut auction treasures on his wrists, dark glasses on his delicate nose, making his skin whiter, tenderer and cleaner, Holding a limited-edition name bag in his hand, as soon as he appeared, there was an air of sister not to be messed with written all over his body.

What's more, Gu Cici really felt that he was not easy to mess with. He walked into the lobby of Shuguang Group with his head held high and his eyes never looked down.

A gentle voice from the front desk sounded pleasant to the ear: "Welcome to Shuguang Group, who did you make an appointment to meet with?"

Gu Cici's sunglasses slid down, took a look, and found that he didn't recognize him, then pushed the glasses back to the original position, raised his head, and walked directly to the exclusive elevator.

Seeing this, the little girl at the front desk quickly explained to the other person and walked towards the person in a hurry.

Gu Cici pressed the exclusive elevator once, and then pressed it again, but the elevator did not move at all.

Well, not recognizing her fingerprints means that her fingerprints are deleted from the fingerprint database.

The little girl at the front desk has already come over, her smile is even more beautiful: "Hello, I'm very sorry, the elevators here are not convenient to use, you can use our six ultra-luxury elevators, which floor do you reserve?" It will be able to confirm whether it is an appointment customer in the first time.

It's good that the old words don't move, hang up her phone, move her car, now she is not qualified to use the exclusive elevator.

Gu Cici ignored the front desk and called Liu Ju directly: "What's the matter with the elevator? Why can't I go up?"

"Miss Gu? Are you downstairs?"

"I don't know my phone number anymore. Assistant Liu is such a noble person who forgets things. It's not unusual to forget me someday. If I'm not downstairs, I don't know. I can't even enter the door of my company." !"

Liu Ju didn't know where she got the confidence to feel that this was her company, and she had such a superior self-knowledge.

Liu Ju felt that she was Mr. Lu's biological mother, and he didn't dare to feel this kind of pride: "Miss Gu, wait a moment, I will tell Mr. Lu right away."

" didn't come down to pick me up immediately, and you...who deleted my fingerprints from the elevator!"


"What do you mean? Is it you or Lu Zhiyuan! Why don't you just ask Lu Zhiyuan?"


"Don't call me! I won't come if you invite me in the future! You don't have to play the trick of deleting fingerprints!" Gu Cici turned and left!

The little girl at the front desk looked at the person who turned and left inexplicably, this...

Liu Ju knocked on the office door and reported the matter to Mr. Lu in detail.

Hearing this, Lu Zhiyuan frowned, and she came to the company: "Let's go out."

"Yes." Liu Jugang closed the door.Lu Zhiyuan immediately called Gu Cici: "Have you come to the company?"

No, don't go!The ancient diction does not speak.

Lu Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "The elevator has been overhauled, and you never came back after the overhaul, so your fingerprint was not recorded in the elevator."


"I've always wanted to record for you, and I asked you to come over a few times, but you were always busy..."

The ancient words seemed to be a little less angry: "Bring you breakfast." The tone was obviously unhappy, but it was not an attitude that was completely without room for change.

"I'll ask Assistant Liu to go down and pick you up."

"I can't move him."

"In two minutes, he'll be waiting for you in the lobby."

When Gu Cici came in again, the little girl at the front desk immediately greeted her enthusiastically. She has beautiful eyes, fair skin, and a pair of cute little canine teeth when she smiled: Who are you looking for?But the more uncertain he was, the more cautious Zhou Tangtang became.

"You..." Zhou Tangtang hadn't gone up to meet her yet.

Assistant Liu came down from the staff elevator, and saw the little girl who was going to meet Miss Gu, feeling vaguely familiar.

Gu Ci Ci still didn't look at the front desk. What's interesting about the front desk, he directly turned to Liu Ju: "I don't dare to work hard for you."

When Zhou Tangtang turned around, he saw the company's well-known Mr. Liu Gu. He immediately stood still and folded his hands on his stomach: "Hello, Mr. Liu."

Only then did Liu Ju see clearly that she was the little girl who stood with Mr. Lu on the bridge that day.

Zhou Tangtang obviously didn't recognize him. It was raining heavily that day, and she was very embarrassed. Now she can't wait to forget what happened that day, not to mention that day, she was too embarrassed, so she had the nerve to look at the people at that time.

It was also because of her identity that she was widely known in the original company, so she had no choice but to find a new job. She had just successfully applied for the front desk job of the Shuguang Group last month.

In fact, her academic qualifications and work experience are very good, but Shuguang only recruits the front desk, and the treatment of the Shuguang receptionist is the best among the jobs she can find in the same period, plus the greeting from her boyfriend's mother, there are many professional counterparts She couldn't apply for the job smoothly, so she had to choose Shuguang.

As a result, after work, I found that Shuguang employees are treated very well, even if it is just the front desk, the salary and vacation are clearly arranged, and she is very happy at present.

Liu Ju took one more look at her before turning to Gu Cici: "Miss Gu, please." The title 'Mrs.' can only be called in the Lu family. After all, the two are not married yet.

Gu Ci Ci didn't even look at them, like a proud phoenix, he walked over the two of them to the exclusive elevator.

Liu Ju took the opportunity to glance at the badge of the little girl at the front desk - Zhou Tangtang.Not long ago, I did hear from the HR department that a very beautiful little girl was recruited, and it turned out to be this little girl.

She and Mr. Lu... just met that day by chance?
Liu Ju is not a troublesome person at all, he only blames someone who is really annoying, if Mr. Lu can switch to a girlfriend who knows the general situation, or any girlfriend, it will be better than this.

Liu Ju pressed the president's exclusive elevator.

Gu Cici snorted coldly.

Liu Ju didn't hear it. In fact, Mr. Lu treated this 'madam' well. He just got off the staff elevator, and now he took this elevator because he wanted to take Miss Gu up. What else was she thinking.

After a while, Gu Cici put the breakfast on Lu Zhiyuan's desk, and before Liu Ju walked out of the office, he said directly: "Are there so few people who come to you, and the people who call you even ask who I am? What, you here Anyone else coming?"

Lu Zhiyuan glanced at her.

"Am I wrong? Can you change yourself an assistant? I've never seen someone who can't handle things like this. The King of Hades is good to see you. The little devil is hard to deal with. He is more than difficult to deal with."

Lu Zhiyuan and Liu Ju "..."

"Change your assistant." It's no longer an inquiry, it's a final decision.

Liu Ju closed the door.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Gu Cici just looked at the food: "Did you hear that, I said you should change your assistant."

Lu Zhiyuan opened the box, and there were extra meals that suited his taste. Unlike her craftsmanship, Lu Zhiyuan closed the box: "I've already had breakfast."

"You can eat some more. Last time, did you drive away my car and hang up on my phone?"

Lu Zhiyuan wanted to ask her if she was here to deliver food, or looking for trouble: "..."

"I don't care about the elevator, but what about my car?"

You bought a new car at that time, and you were wronged to go out: "There are personnel considerations in personnel appointments."

"I'm not human?"

Lu Zhiyuan didn't open his mouth, at least he didn't want to fulfill her unreasonable troubles.

"Okay, your people are important!" Gu Cici turned around, opened the office door and left!
Lu Zhiyuan was dumbfounded!Also eat a fart extra meal!

In the hall of Shuguang Group, before Zhou Tangtang walked back to the workbench, he saw the haughty figure getting off the elevator and leaving again.

Zhou Tangtang was a little confused, Assistant Liu picked it up in person and came down so soon?
Zhou Tangtang was puzzled, and asked his sister Ma, "Sister, who is that?"

Sister Ma is an old employee of the company. She really knows her, but her tone is weird: "The boss's girlfriend."

Zhou Tangtang could easily hear the disdain in Sister Ma's tone, and was even more puzzled: "What's the matter?" The boss's girlfriend must be a lady from a well-known family, a golden boy and a jade girl.

Sister Ma opened her mouth, then closed it again: "In short, two words - a living ancestor."

five words.

(End of this chapter)

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