President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 248 Chapter 249 Banquet

Chapter 248 Chapter 249 Banquet
The hotel was very luxurious, and the audience made way for the grand event. Where Lu Zhiyuan would go now, there would be no people like Kapok who were obviously exposed outside.

On such occasions, men are elegant and calm, and pursue interests more rationally; women are intellectual yet beautiful, and no matter where they go, they exude a luxurious and concise atmosphere.

Between the cups and cups, the floating lights flowed, and the soft and warm greetings showed everyone's self-cultivation and politeness.

Gu Cici easily saw Zhou Tangtang in the crowd, who was very different from the people he met a few days ago.

Standing next to Assistant Liu in a small golden dress, she was listening carefully to what Lu Zhiyuan said to the people around her, and responded with a smile at the right moment, complementing the radiant and charming ladies around her.

Gu Cici ordered a glass of wine, and stood in the corner watching the scene. The three of them stood together, complementing each other, handsome and beautiful, especially when the lights were turned on tonight, the lady beside him became more mysterious and hazy.

Gu Cici hadn't seen her face for a long time, and she couldn't remember what she looked like for a while, and she said she was born from the heart, so she should be ugly now.

Gu Cici took a sip of his wine and listened casually to the discussion of the people next to him.

"Do you know the secretary next to Mr. Lu?"

"I don't know him, a newcomer who just followed Mr. Lu."

"Speaking of which, Boss Lu hasn't had a female secretary for many years, and there are very few female subordinates in the office. Last time he showed up with his girlfriend, but it's the first time seeing Boss Lu bring a female secretary."

"That's right, except that it's really the first time seeing Mr. Lu's former girlfriend."

Gu Cici thinks this word is interesting, 'the former', have you broken up now?

"It looks pretty."

"I just inquired about it from the side. He graduated from a prestigious school and is good at the violin. I didn't find out about his family background."

"Now the little girls appear one after another, and each one is more beautiful than the other."

"That's all you see is beautiful."

Lu Zhiyuan quickly found the ancient words among the crowd.

Gu Cici also saw him, in the vast crowd, against the light, he was more dazzling than the light.

The ancient Cici raised his glass to him from a distance, without any meaning of the past.

Lu Zhiyuan's footsteps that were about to move towards her stopped and then retracted. Since this was the case, he had no intention of going there.

"Mr. Lu, I saw Boss Zheng, go over and say hello."

Assistant Liu nodded, turned to look in the direction of Gu Cici, and turned around: "President Lu, it's Ms. Gu."

Nonsense, couldn't he not see, but Lu Zhiyuan's eyes were giving to Shen Shen who had been following behind him.

Chong Chong was flattered: "Mr. Lu."

Liu Ju breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gu Cici again, and was determined in her heart, she really thought no one would touch her!Then he stood quietly behind Mr. Lu and exchanged greetings with Mr. Shen.

On the other side, Zhou Tangtang, who escaped from Lu Zhiyuan and Liu Ju, was soon surrounded by people.

To say that the encirclement is inappropriate is not to rush forward, but to follow up one by one quietly without any trace, making people feel like a spring breeze, and the compliments are not leaking.

Zhou Tangtang walked a very, very long way in a short trip, and when she really stood beside her former boss, it felt like half an hour had passed.

Gu Cici smiled, how does it feel to stand high, is the air very fresh?

Boss Zheng has already noticed that Zhou Tangtang is standing next to Mr. Lu. Who would not pay attention? Even if he didn't know him before, his secretary has already told him that the secretary next to Mr. Lu is a former employee of their company. I also heard some rumors about the life experience of an employee.

"Hello Mr. Zheng."

"Zhou Tangtang from the Secretary Department." Mr. Zheng called out her name accurately: "Congratulations, you are now Secretary Zhou from the Secretary Department of Shuguang Group."

"Just luck."

Mr. Zheng really greeted her politely. With the capital strength of his company, he would not be able to curry favor with Shuguang Group, but he would not push away the chance of making good friends with larger companies.

Mr. Zheng soon discovered that he was surrounded by a few bosses who were about the same size as his company, and some were even taller than them. The conversation, intentionally or not, turned to Zhou Tangtang.

Zhou Tangtang, who had never dealt with a big scene by himself, was a little embarrassed.

The bosses thoughtfully asked the secretary beside him to join the topic, praised Zhou Tangtang's clothes in a subtle and humorous manner, and politely mentioned the heavy work of the secretarial department.

Zhou Tangtang quickly relaxed, and felt for the first time that the bosses who were once only looked up to could be so amiable.

Zhou Tangtang withdrew from the group of bosses in a good mood, before he could catch his breath, he was quickly stopped by someone who greeted him.

Holding a glass of wine, Gu Cici walked slowly over there. She found that what she had done all these years had affected her mood, and now she didn't feel that she was about to make trouble for no reason.

Zhou Tangtang smiled lightly: "Your skirt is also very good..." Suddenly, a glass of wine was poured on her unceremoniously.

Zhou Tangtang backed away in surprise.

Gu Cici casually placed the wine glass on the waiter's tray indifferently: "Sorry, I didn't see anyone."

The person who was talking to Zhou Tangtang had an ugly expression on his face. He was about to say a few words for Zhou Tangtang when he turned around and saw Gu Cici, and the corners of his mouth froze: "President Gu?"

"Hi Madam Bai."

Many people around looked over, and their gazes immediately fell on Gu Cici and Zhou Tangtang, who was splashed with wine, and thought of something almost instantly?
"Boss Lu's girlfriend."

"And President Lu's female secretary."

"Sprinkled wine on the secretary by such a coincidence?" Facts have proved that when there is excitement, it has nothing to do with self-cultivation, and everyone will appreciate it for a while.

Zhou Tangtang soon noticed that there were more and more eyes around her. She knew that she represented the company's image and knew who was facing her. Now was not the time to argue about who was right and who was wrong.

Zhou Tangtang backed down immediately: "I'll deal with the skirt."

Gu Cici took a step sideways, directly blocking the opponent's footsteps: "What are you going, wouldn't adding some color make it look better."

Zhou Tangtang lowered his voice: "Miss Gu..."

"Know who I am."

"With so many people watching, don't let people see the joke."

"It's also a joke to see you." Gu Ci said proudly.

Zhou Tangtang didn't expect Boss Lu's girlfriend to be so brainless, she...

An elegant and well-maintained aunt held Gu Cici's hand and did not let her move.

Zhou Tangtang took the opportunity and ran away quickly.

Gu Ci was not happy: "Sister-in-law." Her second brother's wife is also a dancer, and has a good relationship with her mother, and she will teach her dance lessons with her mother on weekdays.

"What are you doing, so many people are watching."

People around hurriedly looked away, whispering one after another.

"She's the old Cici. I haven't seen her in a few years, and she's much more domineering."

"Inevitably, at such a young age, in addition to being Mr. Lu's girlfriend, he is also the manager of Song's Gallery, and he is also a newly famous painter. Of course, he has a high spirit and cannot stand being wronged."

"But you can't make trouble with a little secretary in public, it's a bit of a loss of identity."


The well-maintained and elegant lady shot her a look: "Look, let your mother know and criticize you."

"I can't get enough of it."

"That also depends on the occasion."

The news that Zhou Tangtang was doused with alcohol quickly reached Assistant Liu.

Assistant Liu was not surprised. With Ms. Gu's character, she didn't come to slap Zhou Tangtang on the spot. Maybe Gu Cici thought it was her generosity.

It's just that Liu Ju didn't expect that Ms. Gu would embarrass Zhou Tangtang in public by being so ignorant. She thought she would have no face: "Find a spare dress for Ms. Zhou."


Liu Ju took a step forward and told Mr. Lu about this matter in Mr. Lu's ear.

Lu Zhiyuan frowned faintly, and looked in the direction of Gu Cici, Gu Cici was reluctantly detained by his elders, obviously still angry.

Lu Zhiyuan suddenly felt powerless when he fell to the bottom, and his mind was full of the past that he didn't want to recall more than the stiff relationship between the two of them these years.

They started to quarrel at that time, and it has developed to the point where it is today.

In those years, no matter how he explained, flattered, or admitted his mistakes, this was the situation.

He once felt that he missed it, not keeping a distance from his female colleagues at work, but looking back over the years, what did he do wrong then?It's just that he doesn't have the most basic trust and responsibility with her.

If Gu Cici was really angry because of a misunderstanding at the beginning, everything afterward was that she stood on the victim's side and made trouble for no reason!
Unexpectedly, after so many years, she still thinks that he has a problem with his personal style.

If there is something wrong with his personal style, how could Gu Cici have been able to stabilize his status and live in the Lu family for so many years!

Lu Zhiyuan was in a bad mood, being questioned about these groundless things made him feel tired and tired.

"Mr. Lu?"

Lu Zhiyuan looked at Shen Zhong: "You continue."

Zhou Tangtang quickly changed her clothes and came out, planning to go around and tell Mr. Liu before leaving. Ms. Gu may not be willing to see her now, but in the end...

Gu Cici broke away from his sister-in-law's hand, and went directly to greet her: "When did the secretary take three or four sets of clothes when he went out?" Immediately, an elder grabbed Gu Cici again: "Cici, so it's here, yesterday your grandma returned Remind you."

Zhou Tangtang quickly explained: "Secretary Liu is more careful, and always likes to prepare a few more sets of clothes when going out." She removed her relationship with Mr. Lu.

At this time, the wives who have a good relationship with the Song family walked to Gu Cici calmly, separating the distance between her and Zhou Tangtang: "There are a few paintings in this hotel that your family provided, can you give them to me?" Let me introduce you? Let's see how your new successor looks." It would be disrespectful to argue with a secretary on such an occasion.

The second sister-in-law also came over, feeling helpless and having a headache, her husband's younger junior sister became more self-willed.

Zhou Tangtang didn't dare to stay any longer, and didn't even dare to say goodbye, so he hurried to leave first, saying that Boss Lu's girlfriend was difficult to get along with, and it really was.

"Did I let you go?"


"I'm not doing well. Now that I've changed my clothes, go and pour us a cup of tea."

"Okay, let her pour tea."

"At that time, all you aunts don't want to drink it. The tea made by a child born in the third year may be unpalatable."

Zhou Tangtang's face turned pale, why would she say that!But he still endured it and turned around to go out.

Gu Cici turned around victoriously, let's go, which paintings do you want to see.

The relationship with the Song family is not so good, I just feel that this scene is hot, this daughter of the Song family is too arrogant!

(End of this chapter)

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