President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 259 259 Buttons

Ye Man made chicken soup for her daughter, and immediately asked the nanny to serve it when her daughter came back: "I just went out to work when my body recovered, and I don't know how to take care of myself. When can't I expand my career, this is the time."

Gu Cici took over the chicken soup, and she has gained five catties and how to support it: "Mom has worked hard."

Ye Man handed over the tissue, looked upstairs, and said sincerely: "When I was young, this kid is not bad."

Gu Cici smiled, recently I often heard my mother praise my childhood, it should be that the grudges in my heart have been reduced a lot.

"It can be seen that he really likes children and is very careful. He takes good care of them one by one. He didn't love him for nothing."

Gu Cici loves them not because they want to take care of their children: "Chicken soup is delicious." It was only then that she discovered that Gu Ci was really good at taking care of children.

In her previous life, she didn't, and she always followed her and Ji Yunxuan quietly in ancient times. In the first few years of following them, she would act coquettishly when she was young. became silent.

"The prescription given by your grandma, drink it for a while, it will take a long time to replenish blood."


Ye Man looked at her daughter and said, "I really don't intend to let him know."


"I'm just asking. You go back to discuss business in two days, and I'm just asking casually."

"I came back after three days. Mom, do you want to go back? My dad always flies around to see you like this. I feel sorry for my dad."

In ancient times, they carried their children and came down from upstairs.

Ye Man's mind was immediately occupied by the child. The three-month-old child was chubby and cute. Ye Man liked it no matter what he saw. She was reluctant to let her leave her grandson and go back: "Grandma hugs."

Gu Cici put down the bowl, smiled and stretched out his hands to pinch his son's chubby face: "Finally, I don't think mom is there."

Song Yi turned away his small face and refused to pinch it.

"Hey, you have a small temper." Gu Cici realized that what he thought of relying on his ability at the beginning was a bit of a slap in the face. The moment he appeared, some people lived under your wings for no reason. You will be very natural Take him over and bring him under protection.

This little thing obviously existed independently and proudly in her life.


Gu Cici did not intentionally not return to the Imperial City, she would go back to socialize every half a month or so because of work or the activities of the Painting Association.

I have also seen Lu Zhiyuan on important occasions. She treated him as a stranger and never gave him a chance to notice her. Most of the time, she left very early, and the two sides tacitly maintained that they were not far or close stranger relationship.

"Cici..." Zhang Kaijun came over, he hadn't seen her for a while, her recent career centered in the south, and she was at home a few days a month: "You..."

Aunt Zhang came over immediately, and took her son away in a reserved and polite manner: "His father insists on introducing him to some uncles."

The ancient words politely expressed understanding.

After Zhang Kaijun walked away from Gu Ci Ci for a while, his face darkened and he was very unhappy: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Aunt Zhang was also unhappy: "How many times have I told you, stay away from her, you forgot what happened half a year ago." In case Mr. Lu is unhappy...

"It's been so long..."

Of course, Aunt Zhang knew that although she felt that Mr. Lu and Gu Cici had little hope of getting back together, after all, although Gu Cici had excellent personal abilities, they were not so good that people would never forget them.

But Mr. Lu has not had a girlfriend so far, and the female secretary who caused Gu Cici to break up with Mr. Lu has not attended public occasions with Mr. Lu again. It is always worrying: "There is nothing wrong with being cautious, you Think how rich our business is."

Lu Zhiyuan's recent new ventures have directly led to the bankruptcy of many established companies. ZF came forward to mediate and wanted Mr. Lu to buy into these companies or take a stake in technology, but they were all rejected. Feng Ruochu's intervention did not ease the situation.

In short, don't make trouble.

Gu Cici doesn't mind the attitude of the aunts. She couldn't hold back the impulse for a while. Half a year has passed, and the impact has been very low. At least the companies under Shuguang stopped cooperating with her. After Huan was demoted by Lu Zhiyuan, the influence of that incident became even lower.

Gu Cici met the third senior brother, and after talking with his eldest son about the tenth theater and the Song family's respective shareholding ratio, he didn't plan to stay long at today's occasion.

Gu Cici took out his coat and went out.

Lu Zhiyuan just got off an unmarked car, low-key but surrounded by everyone, no one puts politeness on this person.

The ancient Cici should not be seen.

"Something fell." The voice was calm, steady, and impatient.

Gu Cici turned her head and saw that it was a spare button on the clothes, a pearl button. Maybe the assistant forgot to take it out when she was going out. She accidentally dropped it when she was putting on her clothes just now.

Gu Cici glanced at the button, then at the cold-faced Lu Zhiyuan, and said loftily, "I've rewarded you." He turned his head and walked away dismissively.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her virtue and restrained his temper. Every time he felt that the displeasure was not so strong, after seeing her again, he would find how wise his decision was!
Qin Pin followed quietly, admiring Miss Gu's aura when she said those three words. Both her tone and eyes were on point, and she fully demonstrated her self-importance, ignorance of good and bad, and sister's refusal to give in to Tian.

The important thing is that Mr. Lu must feel that he is very disdainful and very angry, but in Qin Pin's eyes, Mr. Lu's current expression is far from Mr. Lu's real displeasure, and there are still hundreds of thousands of miles away!

Lu Zhiyuan walked past the button with a sullen face.

Qin Pin walked over without looking sideways.

Five minutes later, Qin Pin returned to the front desk and claimed that he had lost a pearl button: "Thank you."

The receptionist was a little worried: "Assistant Qin." Assistant Qin is very famous, and it's hard for her to know him: "Mr. Lu can't use this button, right?"

Qin Pin looked at the other party with a smile on hearing the words: "Do you think I need to claim a button?"

"Don't dare, dare not, Mr. Qin, please, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I'm sorry."

Qin Pin took the buttons, turned and left.


When Song Yi was six months old, he completely resisted breastfeeding, and also resisted all the heads who wanted to get close to him and kiss his chubby face.

The ancient Cici was unwilling to give up and wanted to kiss him, such a cute, milky and milky villain, it's normal to want to take a bite.

Song Yi put his strong little arms against his mother's face, and buried her face in grandma's arms.

Gu Cici does not believe in evil, and wants to dig out his chubby face.

Ms. Ye Man patted her daughter's hand: "Take it easy."

"Did your rebellious period come a bit early?"

The little clod's face was buried even deeper.

"Finally, dinner is ready!"

Song Yi immediately came out of his grandma's arms, his beautiful eyes shining brightly.

Gu Ci slapped him and kissed him: "Good boy."

Song Yi burst into tears, heart-piercing, and howling loudly, crying all over Gu Shi who was sorting out his thesis.

Ye Man also hurriedly hugged the child to coax him: "What are you going to do to tease him? He is cold when he comes back from the outside. You can hug him and he will be comfortable. Don't cry, don't cry. We are going to eat one by one, right? Let's eat, no Mother."

Song Yi had two lines of tears in his eyes at the end, pouring the source of life, pouring it happily and comfortably, his little hands still had time to pick his little feet, and then happily smiled at his mother: "Ah——"

Gu Ci pushed his bottle back in disgust: "Eat it, eat it, eat it even when you are so fat, who do you think you look like?"

Song took a look at his mother, and he was still eating happily. He kicked his mother's palm with his little feet, and the feeding became more enjoyable.


Song Yi seldom thought of his mother when he was playing, and he didn't pick up his arms three months ago, but since he was three months old, as long as Gu Cici is at home, he must sleep with his mother at night.

Song Yi was wearing pajamas, his little face was flushed red by the evening wind, when he saw his mother coming in, he turned around and crawled to the bedside to give his mother a large, messy gnawed apple.

Gu Cici had just taken a shower, grabbed another hand of apple juice, and there were circles of marks on the bed where he rolled out when he couldn't hold it anymore, so filial: "I thank you."

"Ba—ba——" the little guy showed a small tooth, happily arching back and forth on his mother.

Gu Ci patted his little pig: "Sleep."


Gu Cici rushed back this time to hold a new product launch event with his team and all the shareholders of 'Ji Chang'.

In just one year, the new 6-1 series of 'Ji Chang' was officially launched and officially entered the profit-making stage.

At the meeting, there were endless praises surrounding Ji Yunxuan, and the words of youthful promise and young talents came from the mouths of elders one after another.

Gu Cici listened from afar, and only let his team send reasonable compliments.

The celebration banquet in the evening was even more crowded with people from all walks of life. Ji Yunxuan's parents also appeared at the venue, chatting and laughing happily, without vicissitudes.

Their son is successful in his career, and they are also proud of it. Smiling like this is better than worrying about their son everywhere.

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