President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 260 Chapter 260

Gu Cici stood in the corner, looking at the lively meeting place, she was clearly close at hand, but felt that everything was so far away from her, maybe... She was looking forward to such a scene, looking forward to it for a long time, looking forward to it so much that I really saw it, and there were some clouds and mist.

Gu Cici smiled at the assistant in the distance: It's fun.

"Mr. Gu?"

Looking back at the old words, I didn't know him, and a smile subconsciously hung on his face.

"It's really Mr. Gu. I'm Wu Chao from Hengyuan Ventures. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Gu here. I'm honored to be able to invest in a project with Mr. Gu."

"Where, Mr. Wu is the one with the discerning eye."

"I dare not. At that time, I just saw that it was not easy for a few children to start a business. Their initial funds were insufficient, and I did my best. I didn't expect them to be so good."

Gu Cici signaled the waiter to bring two glasses of wine, and gave one to Mr. Wu: "It is indeed excellent."

Wu Chao felt that half and half, the people in front of him also contributed a lot. He knew that the talents in front of Jichang Technology were very important for the technology of Jichang Technology to be able to produce finished products so quickly.

When he first invested, he didn't have much hope, he just bought a feeling. He knew that Ji Chang's forward-looking vision could not see the immediate benefits. Who knew that it could form a system and come out in just three years, and even bring broader benefits. market earnings.

It can be said that his original [-]% investment has almost paid back all his losses over the years, and the person in front of him is the golden finger to realize this profit.

If he guessed correctly, Gu Cici still has a lot of technologies like this in her hand, maybe because there are too many, she is not in a hurry to realize these, and she doesn't even intend to enter any industry.

How could Wu Chao not want to seize the opportunity? If he can make friends with her, the future market will be limitless.

Wu Chao graciously catered to the ancient words.

The ancient diction gradually became less talkative.

"Mr. Gu, are you hiding here and being lazy? Hurry up, I'm waiting for you to have a drink."

"Here we come, sorry to accompany Mr. Wu."

"Mr. Gu is busy, please."

Gu Cici was dragged to take a lot of photos. According to Ji Chang's vice president, these photos will be the treasure of Ji Chang's technology in the future.

Gu Cici was so teased by him that he couldn't laugh or cry, and the few people surrounding her were even more unwilling to leave.

Nobile was wearing a blue tube top evening dress, her hair was pulled up high, reserved and beautiful, she saw the ancient Cici surrounded by people from the moment she came in, and heard that Yunxuan could achieve such a success, she It was a great help.

She thought that this woman must be eager for quick success and quick profit, mean and ungrateful, otherwise her eyes are high above her head, she would be extremely difficult to get along with, and at worst she would have a bitter and mean look.

But when she saw him, she felt a sense of crisis. Why did she join Brother Yunxuan's company?Because of brother Yunxuan?
Jinchai was very anxious, her family and Ji's family had been friends for generations, Brother Yunxuan had never had a girlfriend for so many years, her aunt and her mother wanted to match her and Brother Yunxuan.

She has liked Brother Yunxuan since she was a child, and she followed Yunxuan abroad, and Yunxuan has always been the only woman around her, Yunxuan will always think of herself when talking about marriage, how could she be happy to have someone else come.

Jinchai immediately took Aunt Ji's arm and said with a smile, "Auntie, the person they are all surrounded by is Gu Cici, who looks so good-looking, no wonder she can fall in love with Mr. Lu from Shuguang International, and she cooperates with Brother Yunxuan It is said that it is one of the ex-boyfriend's breakup fees."

Mother Ji glanced at Nobile when she heard the words.

Nobile felt a little guilty: "Everyone...that's what they say."

"But you can't, let alone in business..." Yunxuan's choice of cooperation must have Yunxuan's reason, and then mentioning this is to ridicule someone, if it is Mr. Gu, then what is Yunxuan who is rushing to cooperate!
Nobile lowered her head in embarrassment.

Ji's mother felt that it was not enough, because she spoke in the wrong place, if the people over at Gu Ci Ci heard her, what would she think: "What should be said and what should not be said, you have to know."

Nobile was even more embarrassed.

Gu Cici glanced across the venue, saw an elegant woman standing beside Aunt Ji, was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

Uncle Ji and Aunt Ji are very good people, gentle and reasonable. They were not dissatisfied with themselves in the past, but they would take good care of themselves in public.

To her at that time, Yunxuan's family relationship was as happy as a fairy tale, and Aunt Ji made up for the maternal love she had lost for many years.

However, now she has Ms. Ye, and Aunt Ji also has a son who is hardworking and motivated. She doesn't have to give birth to Huafa early, and she will be more elegant and smooth.That girl is very lucky to be surrounded by such elders.

Gu Cici remembered the girl surnamed Jin mentioned by senior Wei when he was in school. She was probably she. She was very beautiful. Ji Yunxuan was very lucky, and girls were also very lucky. Senior Ji was a very responsible person.

Gu Cici's expression relaxed, everything is fine, it will be fine with or without her.

Gu Cici looked at the time and prepared to leave.

Ji Yunxuan called her suddenly, dressed in a wine red suit, as gentle as jade.

Looking back at the ancient words, I couldn't help smiling, such an uncontrollable color, but it seemed to be tailor-made for him, making him more gentle, not like a businessman, but more like a scholar: "Senior Ji. "

Ji Yunxuan didn't sound alienated, but more like a closeness in the past: "Isn't it a bit boring."

"How come, it's very lively."

Ji Yunxuan felt that she didn't blend in. If he didn't stop her, she would leave. There are no business people here who need her to worry about, and there are no people who can cooperate with her. She will feel that there is no need to stay and take it for granted.

In fact, she was able to come and let her brothers take a group photo, which had already given him enough face.

But he still didn't want her to leave so early.

Gu Ci smiled: "Congratulations, senior. In just one year, I was able to implement the terms on paper into finished products, which allowed me to see the benefits so quickly. Congratulations, senior, for your dreams to come true."

"The main thing is that the technology you provided is detailed." No, how did she know that it was his dream to make this technology?But looking at her distant smile, it doesn't seem to matter whether she knows or not.

"Not necessarily, let our family watch it every hour and every year, and no one can understand it."

"It was very powerful in ancient times. I heard many students mention him."

Gu Cici is also proud of his younger brother, not to mention that he has always been excellent, but his ambition is not here, and now he is finally distracted. She will not be surprised that he will start a housekeeping company later: "He is still far away from the senior." A long way to go."

"Then, I congratulate Mr. Gu for his insight." The man rarely joked.

"Yes, yes, I am very grateful to the senior for giving me the opportunity."

The two handsome men and beautiful women smiled so dazzlingly that they attracted many people's attention.

Nobile's face became more anxious, she found that Brother Yunxuan actually took the initiative to talk to someone, and he smiled so seductively, it was clearly... it was...

Mother Ji patted her on the arm reassuringly. Women look at women, and of course she sees more. Ms. Gu on the opposite side may not have the same thoughts as her son, and her son has no role to play.

Not far away, Ji Yunxuan looked at her and smiled, and his mood improved unconsciously: "Have you been in Yunshui City recently?"


"How about it?"

"The investment environment over there is complicated, but fortunately, a gap can be opened through professionalism."

"Should the focus of future work be on Yunshui City?"

"Look, at present, such an idea is not yet mature."

Ji Yunxuan looked at her, and suddenly said, "Have you heard about Mr. Lu?"


"Lu Zhiyuan annexed the Lu Group." It was a real annexation, not a simple merger. The Lu Group was dismantled and crushed a little bit: "Kick everyone from the Lu family out of the company." Didn't leave any sympathy, or a lot They were both sentenced to [-] years in prison, and Lu Jiansen was also sent there. He said that he went to Jianyu, the most difficult place at his age, and whether he could dig mines.

"That's it." The Feng family is almost here, if Feng Zheng goes in, she will take good care of her.

Ji Yunxuan kept looking at Gu Cici, and found that she was not surprised: "The shopping mall has a lot of complaints about his actions. After all, a tiger's poison does not eat its father."

"It's just a complaint. You really have a sense of justice, why don't you act rashly."

Ji Yunxuan was not at all surprised that she defended Lu Zhiyuan because of this matter in her tone, she is not the one who would step on each other after breaking up, not to mention that the outside world has always heard that their father-son relationship is normal, it seems that it is indeed the case.

"Will the disbandment of the Lu family affect Ji Chang's follow-up arrangements?"

"will not."

"That's okay." Gu Cici looked at the time, she really has something to do, and I'm afraid she won't be able to stay for long.

Seeing this, Ji Yunxuan hurriedly said, "I invite you to dinner tonight."

Gu Cici smiled: "Okay..." Just as he was about to say that he knew a good restaurant, the phone rang.

Gu Cici glanced at it, hesitated for a moment, and then connected to the video of his rebellious son.

The milky voice faintly entered Ji Yunxuan's ears.

Gu Cici looked at the little man lying on the mobile phone and took two bites of the mobile phone. He hung up the phone after talking to his mother about something: "My son, more than six months old."

Ji Yunxuan's expression paused for a moment, and then he was relieved, because there was always a faint sense of distance hidden in her enthusiasm.

Now that she is generously spreading everything in front of him, even if he lets himself ignore it again and again, he still knows that he is deceiving himself.

"Do you want to see photos?" Gu Cici found that he also has the bad habits of all mothers. He likes to show his chubby babies to his friends.

"it is good."

The two quickly stood together, looking at Song Yiyi's appearance from a little older to now. It seemed that the time span was long. After all, Gu Cici knew that she might not like someone else, so there were not many photos.

Ji Yunxuan suppressed the sadness that was rolling in his heart, and said with a smile, "It's very cute." After all, he was a step late, and the lost opportunities never waited for him in place.

But when she looked up and saw Gu Cici's gentle smile, she felt that she should be like this, no matter who she is, no matter whether a man is by her side or not, she is her, everything goes well and everything goes smoothly.

"No, it's also naughty." Gu Cici put away the phone, and was about to say a few words of farewell when she noticed a silence at the door. She looked up, frowned unconsciously, and quickly let go.

Ji Yunxuan followed her gaze and was stunned, Lu Zhiyuan? !He didn't ask.What's more, it's impossible for a party of their level to invite Lu Zhiyuan.

Ji Yunxuan subconsciously turned to Gu Ci Ci: "I didn't invite him."


"I'll go and have a look." No matter what, when someone came, or Lu Zhiyuan himself came, he would come forward to greet him.

Soon all the leaders of Jichang Technology, as well as the bosses of several venture capital companies, no matter what they were doing a moment ago or where they were taking a break, all gathered at the door to warmly welcome Lu Zhiyuan.

"As soon as Mr. Lu arrives, let our place flourish."

"When I went out, I felt that something big had happened, and it turned out that Mr. Lu was here."

No matter how old the words are, the bosses who are in charge at the moment can only think of such simple words to express their excitement.

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