President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 273: Who Are You?

Chapter 273 Chapter 273 Who Are You?

Gu Cici didn't care what Zhongzhong called, she didn't take the child away while Lu Zhiyuan was sleeping, because she didn't want to encounter an unmanageable situation.

Besides, she doesn't think that Lu Zhiyuan has a crush on this child now, after all, it was born by an adulterous woman, no matter how magnanimous he is, he won't bother to look at it.

He brought Zhong Zhong here now because he wanted to embarrass her and hate the house. When he was furious, he would have a good impression of their mother and child.

Gu Cici picked up Zhongzhong who was on the ground, and called Aunt Li to let her carry the baby down.

Song Yiyi rushed towards his mother, unwilling to go with the nanny.

Gu Cici patiently comforted him for a while, and let Aunt Li take the job bowl before taking this clingy little thing away.

Lu Zhiyuan also came down, and when he passed by her, he felt an unprecedented peace of mind, walked past her casually, and poured himself a cup of tea leisurely.

Gu Cici looked at Lu Zhiyuan with an indifferent expression: "What do you want?"

Lu Zhiyuan was drinking tea, Ci Ci looked at him with life and death hatred in his eyes, now in this angry state, it is just drizzle, usually when she is in a very good mood, she will give him this expression, let alone when he is in a good mood. In his perception, Cici wasn't angry, but a little cold.

So this body can't take it because of this indifference and wants to break up?Lu Zhiyuan snorted, "he" should be grateful for being able to look at 'him' like this, there is so much nonsense.

"What do you want!?"

Lu Zhiyuan didn't move, his words were so obedient, he didn't want to break the tranquility at all, it turned out that he had always hoped that she could look at him quietly like this, so it was rare for him to relax.

Gu Cici is not in a hurry, she doesn't believe that he rarely sees himself, a woman who is useless and disorderly in breaking up with others, this woman even lied to him, Lu Zhiyuan would not hate her if he is crazy.

Therefore, Gu Cici asked directly: "Where is Feng Yu? Where is Feng Yu?"

Lu Zhiyuan just looked at her. Compared with Ji Yunxuan's question and his desire to eat people, her questioning of Feng Yu tended to be superficial, and he didn't even bother to go deep into his expression.

Such a question, is it the emotion of love to the marrow mentioned in the video?I'm afraid it's not even a fart. This woman is indifferent and cold-blooded to a man who is not interested in her.

Instead of having trouble with a video, he wants to know why she chooses Feng Yu and hates him?That's right, Feng Yu often moved Ji Yunxuan's cake with his orders.

Gu Cici's voice was calm: "It's not his fault..." She waited for Lu Zhiyuan to say something nasty!Waiting for him to make a clean break with a loose woman or to be doomed with him!
Lu Zhiyuan didn't speak, he realized that he could even pretend that nothing happened and give her a chance.

The premise is that she can't know who he is, Cici is tolerant to this body, but not to herself.

Lu Zhiyuan withdrew all his sharp edges, and tried his best to get closer to the person in his dream, being indifferent yet arrogant and gentle.

Lu Zhiyuan scoffed at the word 'gentle': "You take good care of Yiyi..."

Gu Cici frowned, observing the expression on his face, what was he talking about?Now is the time to talk about children?
"Where's Feng Yu?"

"What did you call him Song Zhong just now? To whom?" Lu Zhiyuan looked at her oppressively, and refused to talk about Feng Yu.

Gu Cici insisted: "Where is Feng Yu? Let me ask you where he is?" Lu Zhiyuan didn't like her speaking to him in a commanding tone, so she wanted to use it at this time!With his arrogance...

Lu Zhiyuan is very used to it, and she is used to talking to him with the expression of stepping on dog shit, because he is that shit in her eyes, and now...he is still a person: "Let's call it Yiyi, children can't call their names indiscriminately, it's taboo .”

Gu Cici frowned and looked at him, he...

Gu Cici was confused by him, Lu Zhiyuan went crazy, after he found those videos, he told her this.

Lu Zhiyuan walked towards her step by step, and couldn't help but handed her another cup of tea, because she was so obedient: "Try?"

Gu Cici didn't see the slightest hatred in his eyes, how could it be possible!

Gu Cici directly swept away the tea in his hand.

Lu Zhiyuan frowned, still able to irritate people, but not so much, usually she would also slap him on the face.

Of course, he won't fulfill her, he will let her know what price she will pay if she stretches her claws indiscriminately.

But compared to getting her on the bed, he wanted her to talk to him more like this, which made him tremble more than that time.

He seems to be a little greedy... The impatience in her eyes is just impatient: "Have you eaten yet?" Lu Zhiyuan's fingers were trembling, standing in the same space as him, just frowning slightly Cici, so 'quiet'.

"Lu Zhiyuan!"

"Probably not, let's eat something."

"I do not like you!"

Hearing this, Lu Zhiyuan patted the sofa with his palm unconsciously, and forbearance: "Let's talk after dinner, don't shout, Yiyi is in the room."

Gu Ci watched him go to the dining table, opened the seat of the dining table, put three fingers on the back of the chair, looked down at her, and slightly turned sideways: "Come here, sit." Just this action, Gu Ci The heart of Ci was instantly tightened, and the sense of familiarity and oppression came to my face!

Lu Zhiyuan waited for her to sit.

Gu Ci couldn't believe it, Lu Zhiyuan would not pull the chair like this, he was very sincere when pulling the chair, especially when he gave it to her, he was so careful that he didn't dare to let the chair askew with both hands.

Later, after the Cold War, although he was not so considerate, he still helped her with one hand, never showing perfunctory arrogance.

Not to mention the contemptuous posture of confronting her, comparing who can embarrass who more.

"Who are you?!"

Lu Zhiyuan trembled, his hands resting on the chair flustered slightly, but he steadied himself, did not look her in the eyes, and tried to imitate the tone of this body: "You must be hungry when you come back, eat first."

Gu Cici looked at him and said word by word: "Lu Zhiyuan—it's you, only when he pulls away the chair, he will use half of his finger. It seems polite, but in fact it is contemptuous to the bone."

Lu Zhiyuan's face turned cold suddenly, he didn't know whether he was happy that she recognized him so quickly, or resented that she exposed him so quickly, and didn't even give him a chance to dream!

This woman has always been cruel to him!
Lu Zhiyuan remained motionless.

Gu Cici suddenly laughed, how could she be unhappy!She is very satisfied, she is too satisfied!Faced with a face that says she loves her every day, but looks down on everyone around her, but pretends to be like a little sheep that no one will offend, she will feel guilty when she takes revenge.

The person in front of me is different, how calm, shameless, and high-sounding, she cheats her feelings, he grabs and robs her, who is cleaner than the other!They are not good people!

 Ask for a double monthly ticket!Roll around and ask for a monthly pass!It's the last month of this book, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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