President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 274 Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Chapter 274
Well, Lu Zhiyuan accepts her to see through, his words will never be too clever.

Lu Zhiyuan quickly calmed down, she has too many bargaining chips here, how can she fight him?But he can give her a chance, a chance to start again: "We have children, why do you have to show your teeth and claws!"

"I want to know you wake up, I'll let him throw the pot for you first."

"Why didn't you say that you killed him by taking a bottle of medicine? Why, because he was born, you couldn't bear to put vicious words on him?" Lu Zhiyuan looked at her condescendingly, like a clown.

The hatred in the eyes of ancient Cici is like a fire.

Lu Zhiyuan even liked her hateful eyes when she stared at him, like two clusters of fire, never extinguished, it makes people excited to look at, this woman, no matter angry or gentle, is the way he likes, she should have been born for him , why doesn't he get it!

Lu Zhiyuan directly pushed back the chair, walked towards her, bent down condescendingly, breathing next to her ear: "Exposing one's weakness to the enemy too early is very dangerous."

Gu Cici raised his hand to give him a slap.

Lu Zhiyuan easily pinned her hand to the back of the sofa, and after doing all this habitually, he took a deep breath again, he didn't want to go to the previous point, besides, she was obviously not so angry just now, everything can be discussed : "Think about it one by one."

Gu Cici's other hand quickly grabbed his hair, trying to tear off his scalp with such force.

In pain, Lu Zhiyuan pressed her on the back of the sofa instantly with his body strength, his eyes were sharp: "Gu Ci Ci!"

Gu Ci let go of his hand ridiculously: "Isn't it very comfortable, so you can feel comfortable?"

Lu Zhiyuan endured his temper and reasoned with her. There was no irreconcilable conflict between them, so they could reason with her.

Lu Zhiyuan lowered his voice as much as possible: "Didn't you already take revenge, what did I say to make a video like Feng Yu's? You just don't care about me, don't care about yourself, you should always think about one by one, how to deal with it in the future His mother, please stop making trouble, I will not blame you and Feng Yu in the past, we will try to live a good life for one by one, don't worry, Ji Yunxuan..." He endured it: "I can take care of his project. What do you do, you don’t want me to touch his company! I don’t have to touch it, never touch it! If you move again, it’s not guaranteed!” He can let the past go, even if that thing didn’t happen, what else can he think!
Gu Cici was about to laugh: "Do you think I'm taking revenge on you by being with Feng Yu?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Zhiyuan let go of her a little bit, Lu Zhiyuan worried that he could be easily aroused by her.

"You call that understated video revenge! Those scumbags don't even deserve to tickle you!"

"You're enough!" He backed off, knowing how much he wanted to kill these two people when he saw those videos, but she gave birth to him after all, it's not like she didn't have him in her heart.

"I'm with Feng Yu, and it has nothing to do with you! You are you, he is him, I want to take revenge on him, and let him see how ridiculous his loyalty is!"

"Okay! Why waste yourself, if you don't like him, I'll deal with him for you."

Gu Cici looked at him with burning eyes, staring at him more dazzlingly than any other day: "Do you think it's just that you don't like it? Haha, don't like it, three words that don't matter, you know, I thought I was the most Hate you, because of Feng Yu, I found that I can fear another person more than hating you, but you think it's just 'dislike'?"

Lu Zhiyuan extremely disliked her current words: "He is not worthy—"

Instead, Gu Cici relaxed, and just leaned on the sofa, not wanting to resist at all, and even moved Shenti closer to him with a sense of elegance: "How about, let me tell you, what happened after your car accident?"

Lu Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment by her sudden action.

Gu Cici said with great interest: "Those things in the video...he does it to me every day..."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her instantly!

"Don't you believe me? Let me tell you what kind of tricks he likes. He is much more ruthless than you. Do you remember that you once arrested me and went to a room because I didn't show up for an appointment? That room was so horribly furnished. Those things told me to try them all, but you didn't, but...he did, and he never got tired of it. I begged for mercy, but he didn't allow it. Yunxuan..."

Lu Zhiyuan stared at her in disbelief.

Gu Cici recalled the past, his eyes were slightly distracted: "You haven't been away from my side for [-] hours, right? When I was with me, I could feel that he was not in pain at all, he didn't need to take medicine, and he could make me survive or die. I didn't know that I had such a great charm, do you know..."


"But he gave me medicine. Do you want to know how humble I was when I took different medicines and begged him to be with me? Lu Zhiyuan..." Tears slipped out of her eyes silently: "At that time, I'd rather you live, it's not sad..."

Lu Zhiyuan was so hot from the tears in the corner of her eyes that he suddenly let go of the restraint on her.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt. Later, he cut off my fingers layer by layer, and I couldn't even cry."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her in shock, she was too calm.

Gu Ci raised his head, a little confused: "Does Lu Zhiyuan like me?"

Lu Zhiyuan firmly grasped the back of the sofa with his fingers, her eyes were full of tears and doubts, it seemed... It was just pure doubts, and the doubts were so fragile!How dare Feng Yu treat her like this!
Without Lu Zhiyuan's power, Gu Cici curled up in the corner, not afraid, not shrinking back, but shenti curled up softly, as if all the bones had been taken away: "Your people are really loyal to you, with your The preferences are the same... What did I do wrong to meet you..."

"Stop talking!" Lu Zhiyuan trembled all over, he would die if he wanted Feng Yu!
"And Shen Guangyao, they dare to play tricks you dare not play, I just are still too conservative. I shouldn't call you a qin beast every time, you are not worthy..."

"Cici, don't think about it anymore, Cici!" Lu Zhiyuan grabbed her by the shoulder to prevent her from remembering.

Gu Cici was very quiet: "I'm just telling you some past events, since you don't want to hear it, forget it, they are still very loyal to you..."

"Faithful ass!" What qualifications do they have to touch someone he can't bear to touch!

"You really shouldn't wake up. Although Chuchu sometimes has eyes above the top, he is very easy to get along with. Didn't you ask me why I gave birth to the end? You are different, you have a heavy task, you should continue to die, bless your people, everything goes well, everything goes well, and finally I will be buried with you, are you very touched, touched their love Be faithful, faithfully inherit your legacy."

Lu Zhiyuan's heart seemed to be dug out by someone: "Please..."

"You said, when you were young, you didn't know what the sun was. I didn't quite understand you. I forgot what the sun looked like until I died. I seem to understand you a little bit, so I don't care much about it. To be cruel to Lu Zhiyuan here, I know, do you still remember the pain at that time..."

"Don't say it, Cici, don't say it..." He used to feel that Cici's being with Ji Yunxuan had made him miserable, but now listening to her word for word statement would send him to hell.

"Actually, if you want to lock me up, that's fine too. I'll probably get used to it soon."

"Cici—" Lu Zhiyuan's heart was so painful that it was almost torn apart, and only then did he feel truly distraught!It was her own choice to be with Ji Yunxuan, what are Feng Yu and Shen Guangyao!
What qualifications do you have to go against her will!Who told them to avenge themselves!Why do they take revenge!Why should I have to remember them!They deserve it too!
Thinking of those scenes, Lu Zhiyuan wished to crush those two people to ashes!

"Do I still eat? I don't want to eat. It's disgusting to see you. It's not right. I can think of them when I see you. They put your picture on the bedside every time. It's disgusting..."

Lu Zhiyuan shook his head, not eating.

"Are the three happy, no, four..."

"Stop talking." Lu Zhiyuan restrained himself so as not to let his anger break through his reason: "You can go..."

"Lu Zhiyuan..."

"I said you can go, you go..."

Gu Cici got up, and his soft body gathered strength little by little to stand up, looking at him who fell down: "They said, Yunxuan looked for you..." Gu Cici's voice was very soft, not angry at all: "You have suffered It is the stimulus that wants him to die, so we are responsible for your death."

Lu Zhiyuan was motionless in pain.

Gu Cici's voice continued slowly: "Let me guess what he said to you, did it mean that you were shameless, that you would not break up with me no matter what benefits you gave him, or that you just wanted to see you pick him up?" Looks like leftovers! Are you even mad at me? Angry at him, thinking you are the only one worthy of me?"

Shouldn't it?He said those words!What are Cici in his eyes!
Gu Ci sighed: "Who has been powerless to resist you for so many years, and tried his best to appease my emotions after discovering my abnormality, fearing that Gu Nian's death and being forced by you will cause me to have a mental breakdown like my mother. You have been taking care of me carefully, even giving up starting a business, finding an ordinary job, taking me away from the city with you, and letting me raise it quietly, but in the end, you still have to push forward, not only chasing after him, but also seeing him. In this case, Everyone will say what they say, don't worry too much, I apologize to you for him. After all, if I were him, if you were him, it would be impossible to do better than him. As for insulting who or not, just care about I stabbed you, it doesn't count so much, if he really blamed me, he would have asked you for money and left, so Lu Zhiyuan, he is not bad, you will never see the situation you expect, and you will not see it, so you think about it. Let him die, Lu Zhiyuan, admit it, you chose to die because you were afraid that losing would be too ugly, and you couldn't see any hope.

Lu Zhiyuan felt that he was ridiculous and self-righteous, just now he thought that if Cici had heard what Ji Yunxuan said, he would have seen through who Ji Yunxuan was!


Gu Cici tidied up his clothes: "Remember if you let me go, don't pollute this decent body, only your despicableness will be left."

Gu Cici left with the child and the nanny, and the moment he opened the door and looked at the dark sky, the hatred that had nowhere to rest seemed to have a chance to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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