The beloved woman was embarrassing in public, and the boss immediately stepped forward to protect Qin Sui in his arms:
"Dare to pour red wine on my woman, brat, believe it or not, I'll kill you right now!"

Jiang Qi twitched the corner of his mouth, really hurt by the overbearing boss' greasyness.

Opening her mouth, she was just about to respond to President Ba's threat when a few bosses who had chatted with Jiang Qi before came over.

Vance's boss was there.

He glanced at the four people, recognized Qin Sui and Ba Zong, and also knew what happened between Qin Sui, He Na and Jiang Qi, so he smiled to reconcile the conflict between the four:

"President Mo, Ms. Qin, even if it's in front of me tonight, don't bother with my friend."

Boss Vance is very shrewd. He deliberately promoted Jiang Qi's status from an employee to a friend, just to let the boss know how important Jiang Qi is to him.


What he was facing was President Ba and Qin Sui.

Mr. Ba is used to being arrogant, he doesn't pay attention to anyone.

What about Vance's boss?

In his heart, he wasn't even a P.

As for Qin Sui, she didn't care much, she was the only reborn person in this world.

With the memory of her previous life, she controls the fate of everyone.

Who was she afraid of?
and so.

She pushed away the overlord's embrace, and looked coldly and arrogantly at Boss Vance, who was as honorable as the overlord, like a queen who looked down upon all living beings:

"What does it matter to you that I talk to him?"

Qin Sui's tone was as contemptuous as Vance's boss. In her eyes, he was just a lowly ant.

Jiang Qi clenched his fists while watching.

She has nothing and is nothing, why should she be so arrogant in front of a big boss who doesn't know how many levels have crushed her!

Even if she has the backing of the boss, the status of the boss is almost the same as that of Vance.

What the hell is she dragging?
Jiang Qi thought of the novels he occasionally read in his spare time.

The reborn heroine, with her eyes above her head, hates whoever she sees, no matter how noble those bosses are, they are used to doting on the heroine.

Simply sick!
Boss has no dignity?
Just let a little girl's film run over her face without any limit?

Looking at Qin Sui, Jiang Qi felt that she must have read too many novels.

Is the reborn amazing?
Vance's boss didn't expect that a girl would dare to say even more arrogant words to him in such an arrogant tone.

He looked at Qin Sui and chuckled. The big boss's demeanor made her not care about Qin Sui's offense.

He looked at the boss and said:
"President Mo, tonight's banquet is held by me, can President Mo show me this face?"

The overlord gave a charming smile, completely ignoring Vance's boss:

"You are the one who deserves me to give you face!"

Vance's boss: "..."

This little bastard really gave him some face, so he thought he was a big shot?

Seeing this, Jiang Qi clenched his fists. Seeing that everyone's focus was on this side, he didn't want his boss to make people laugh at him because he was with his family.

Pushing He Na behind the boss, then stood up, and said to Qin Sui to Ba Boss:
"Why don't I go out and talk with you."

Qin Sui, who already resented Jiang Qi and his family, how could he let He Na go:

"Why, do you think I'll let her go if you go out and apologize to me?"

After pouring red wine all over her body, causing her to be so embarrassing in front of everyone, you still want her to let He Na go?

Seeing that she would not let He Na go easily, Jiang Qi had no choice but to wink at He's father who was about to come to help, and then helplessly responded to Qin Sui:
"Then He Na and I will go out and talk with you."

Hearing this, Qin Sui sneered.

Since he himself is going to bring He Na sheep into the tiger's mouth, then don't blame her for being rude.

With that in mind, the four of them left the hotel.

In the underground parking lot, stepping out of the elevator, Qin Sui looked at the boss's subordinates with a headache:
"Didn't I say that you don't want to help me? Why did you let your men come down to spoil my mood again?"

Boss Ba looked at her affectionately, with a gentle and pampering expression on his face, as well as a strong strength that could not be concealed:
"Woman, I just want to tell the whole world that you are mine, and anyone who dares to bully you will hit my Mo family in the face!"

Jiang Qi pulled He Na and blocked her behind.

One of them was in the elevator and the other was outside.

Listening to the conversation between Boss Ba and Qin Sui, Jiang Qi's goosebumps fell all over the floor.

It's really coated with egg liquid and glued with bread crumbs. It can fry a plate of fried goose bumps for the two of them and make the child next door cry.

"Are you finished?"

Holding He Na's hand, Jiang Qi's fingers gently entangled in her palm.

The slender fingers wrapped around He Na's palms and itched slightly. Looking at the young man Xin's long and thin back, a trace of strangeness passed over He Na's heart, like the wind blowing gently, and shallow circles appeared in He Na's eyes. ripples.

Seeing that Jiang Qi's death was imminent, Boss Ba still had the fearless calmness of an ignorant man. His face darkened, and as soon as he gave an order, several tall and burly bodyguards came to kill Jiang Qi.

Seeing this, Jiang Qi let go of He Na's hand.

He Na is worried, but she also knows that if she stays, she will only become a burden to Jiang Qi.

She obeyed Jiang Qihua's order in her palm without hesitation, and quickly pressed the up button of the elevator to escape.

Seeing this, Qin Sui was furious and immediately ordered someone to stop him.

Jiang Qi sneered, kicked the person who wanted to rush into the elevator, and kicked him hard.

He Na, who escaped, met Vance's boss on the first floor.

Vance's boss had already called his subordinates, and after arranging He Na to be taken care of by his own people, he took them to the underground car park.

After he led the people to the parking lot, Jiang Qi had already kicked Boss Ba's subordinates to the ground.

Boss Ba and Qin Sui were bruised and swollen from the beating by Jiang Qi.

If it weren't for the clothes on the two of them, Vance's boss wouldn't have recognized that it was the overbearing boss and his woman who were so arrogant that they almost smashed his nostrils in front of him more than ten minutes ago.

Seeing the boss coming, Jiang Qi looked at the group of people lying on the ground screaming, and scratched his head in embarrassment:
"I'm sorry, boss, if you're not careful, you're too ruthless."

She looked embarrassed, but there was no guilt in her tone.

Seeing this, the boss waved helplessly at Jiang Qi:

"I've done all the beatings. I'll deal with the monitoring by myself. I'll take care of the rest."

Someone took care of the aftermath, Jiang Qi quickly thanked him several times, and then went to the elevator and the parking lot to monitor.

In the end, Ba Boss and Qin Sui, who were beaten into pig heads, had no choice but to swallow their anger because they had no evidence.

But how could the two of them let Jiang Qi go.

Especially Ba Zong, who has grown so tall, no one has ever dared him.

He must look good for Jiang Qi, especially Vance Enterprise.


Before Ba Zong and Qin Sui had time to retaliate against Jiang Qi and Vance, Ba Zong's company was reported because of financial problems. Coupled with some shady transactions of companies under Ba Zong's name, Ba Zong's game was over.

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