Without the backing of the Ba Boss, Qin Sui couldn't make any waves anymore.

After Mr. Ba was arrested and imprisoned, Qin Sui wanted to rely on the memory of his previous life to miss out on two small productions that would become popular in the future.

How could Jiang Qi make her wish come true.

Relying on the memory of her previous life to snatch the opportunity that should belong to others to become popular, what should the original actress do?
Jiang Qi hated this kind of bandit reborn who plundered other people's luck with his golden finger of rebirth.

In the end, under Jiang Qi's obstruction, Qin Sui never achieved anything in his life.

When she died, Qin Sui recalled her mediocre life, and she almost forgot that she was a reborn person.

Looking at the shabby rental house full of bottles and broken cardboard boxes, her mind is full of the bright and dazzling lives of the heroines in the novel after their rebirth.

Obviously everyone is a reborn person, why did she live in such a mess all her life.

Qin Sui racked his brains and couldn't figure out what he did wrong.

But life and death are always cruel, she couldn't figure it out, and she could only die in the dilapidated rented house.

In every plane of Jiang Qi, she will guard the loved ones of the original owner to leave, and only then will she leave the plane.

She is no exception in this world.

She left only after Jiang's father and Jiang's mother passed away, and He Na also died of old age.

Er Tong couldn't understand [Are you a masochist, the task is completed, you can leave the plane at any time, why do you have to send away your relatives or lovers in the plane again and again]

If it was replaced by those previous hosts, they would not torture themselves so much.

Its previous hosts were so free and easy, all of them were top-notch scumbags, every time they teased the infatuated men and women in the plane to death, and then patted their asses and left.

It had never encountered a host with such a weird personality like Jiang Qi.

Sitting on the sofa opposite it, Jiang Qi looked at Ertong who was masturbating Xiao Ba, with a gentle smile:
"I just want to experience how you feel every time you send the host away."

She has only experienced life and death more than a dozen times in more than a dozen planes.

But Ertong has endured thousands of years of loneliness and experienced thousands of partings in the long years.

Er Tong rubbed Xiao Ba's hand, and suddenly stopped.

Looking up, it was a little stunned and puzzled, looking at Jiang Qi with complicated eyes.

It didn't expect this to be the reason.

After a long while, it quickly lowered its head, concealing the unnaturalness on its face, and stammered in a nasty voice [I don't even know what you're talking about, I'm going to play games, I don't bother to talk to you! 】

After finishing speaking, she blushed while hugging Xiao Ba, and hurried upstairs.

Leaning on the sofa, Jiang Qi looked at its back as if running away, tilted his head slightly, and then laughed softly.

Xiao Tongzi, it's quite twisted~

Jiang Qi took a short rest in the empty space and read some books before entering the next world.

Jiang Qi was very excited about this world.

She can finally experience the joy of hugging beauties from left to right in ancient times.

Jiang Qi's identity this time is the emperor of the ninth five.

The original owner has many princes Gege, but he loves two of them the most.

One is Xinyue and the other is Rong Wei.

Because of the original owner's spoiling, Xinyue was more naughty than the other Gege, dragging Rong Wei and the original owner's third son out of the palace every three days or so.

The original owner favored the two, plus Fu Cheng, the son of a Hanlin scholar, had a good relationship with the three of them, and every time the three of them went out of the palace, Fu Cheng would follow.

Fu Chou was strong in martial arts, yet calm and introverted. He followed, and the original owner was at ease, so he didn't disturb the interest of these children, and even gave them a token to leave the palace, allowing them to go out of the palace for a day on the [-]th day of every month.

Until one day, the four rescued a seriously injured man from the Western Regions.

After the man was rescued, after questioning, the four of them knew that the man's name was Maier, and that he was the lover of Yun Xiang, who was sent into the palace by the king of the Western Regions two days ago to be the concubine of the original owner.

Maier and Yunxiang are childhood sweethearts. When Maier was very young, he swore that he would marry Yunxiang when he grew up.

However, the Western Regions were later invaded by enemy countries. For the sake of the people of the Western Regions, the king of the Western Regions could only give his daughter to the original owner in order to obtain the protection of the State of Wei.

After Yunxiang entered the palace, the original owner also sent troops to support the Western Regions as agreed.

Regarding Yun Xiang, who had always been very resistant to him, the original owner did not force her, and even gave her all the favors.

She missed her hometown, so the original owner built her a palace with the characteristics of the Western Regions in the palace.

Fearing that she might not be used to the food in the capital, he specially hired two cooks from the Western Regions for her.

In short, although the original owner is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, as long as Yun Xiang is not willing, the original owner will not use the status of emperor to persecute her.

Even when his concubine had other men in his heart, the original owner was only angry for a while.

Who would have thought that the two most beloved daughters of the original owner would actually help other men by giving him a green hat.

After Xinyue and Rongwei knew that Maier and Yunxiang were separated childhood sweethearts, the four were all moved by their love, so they decided to help Maier enter the palace to meet Yunxiang.

So it happened that the original owner's favorite concubine, with the help of his two favorite daughters, had a romantic tryst under his nose.

The rendezvous was not enough, Xinyue's party of four secretly plotted a plan to help Yunxiang escape from the palace.

Their plan was perfect, Yun Xiang was successfully sent out of the palace, and then wandered with Maier.

When the original owner learned about it, he was furious. He not only punished the Party of Four severely, but also angered the Western Regions, and transferred back the troops sent to support them.

In the end, the Western Regions were invaded by the empire, and the king of the Western Regions died tragically.

After sorting out the whole thing, Jiang Qi actually felt that everyone was at fault, and no one was right.

Xinyue and Rongwei, who are pampered and pampered, will inevitably be moved by the romantic love between Maier and Yunxiang, and the two little girls will inevitably feel sympathy.

As for Yun Xiang, a teenage girl was sent to a foreign country to serve a man who was about the same age as her father, and she had to watch the invisible swords and swords everywhere in the palace. She would be afraid and want to escape from the palace, which was unavoidable of.

The original owner is also right, he is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, it can be said that everything in the world belongs to him, he was born noble, but it is understandable that he was betrayed by the woman he loves the most and the woman he loves the most, and angered the Western Regions.

The only thing Jiang Qi didn't like was Maier.

Said that he likes Yunxiang, Jiang Qi didn't read much about Maier's feelings in the original owner's memory.

If he really likes Yunxiang, why is he willing to let Yunxiang risk his head to have a tryst with him in the palace?
The most frightening thing is that when Maier entered the palace and saw Yun Xiang, the first thing he said was to ask if Yun Xiang was still innocent.

What's even more frightening is that Maier still has mania and is used to moral kidnapping.

Maier was rescued by Xinyue and Rong Wei, and after learning their identities, he kept abducting them morally, disregarding their comfort, and kept arguing for them to take him into the palace to meet Yunxiang.

Fu Cheng is cautious by nature, and has been perfecting the plan all the time, just to prevent everyone from getting into a dangerous situation.

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