Anyway, she was very bitter, so bitter that Mo Siting felt as if her bitter melon face had been soaked in Coptis chinensis.

And Chen Xiaobao, when he first got along with him, Mo Siting thought that this son was a genius, and he was especially good at speaking.

Now, Mo Si Ting thinks he is a freak.

No matter how fast a six or seven-year-old child develops mentally, and no matter how desperately he wants a younger sister, he won't be so eager to urge him to do that kind of thing with Chen Qiaoqiao as soon as he sees him as a father. something like that.

What annoyed Mo Siting the most was that Chen Qiaoqiao had a bitter face, and Chen Xiaobao often cried and made noises to blame him for taking the mother and son back to Mo's house.

This kid was full of scheming and scheming, seeing that he was not in the mood to do that kind of thing with Chen Qiaoqiao, he would even put medicine in the water he drank.

Mo Siting felt more and more that Chen Xiaobao was a devil boy, and he was a little afraid to come to see Chen Qiaoqiao and Chen Xiaobao.

I was already irritated by my family, and I wanted to find my beloved woman and son to relieve my boredom, but when I opened the door, a bitter face appeared behind the door, and a little devil boy pretending to be full of bad things, It's as scary as a ghost movie!
Gradually, Mo Siting became resistant to Chen Qiaoqiao's mother and son. He came to see them less and less. Mo's father and Mo's mother became more and more happy, and began to try to introduce him to a suitable partner.

However, after knowing the existence of Chen Qiaoqiao and Chen Xiaobao, the girls who were worthy of Mo Si Ting all refused to marry into the Mo family.

I don't mind Chen Qiaoqiao and Chen Xiaobao's girls, but Mo's father and Mo's mother dislike each other's family being inferior to Mo's.

Just picking and picking like this, Chen Xiaobao gradually grew up, and Chen Qiaoqiao also got older.

Having been spoiled by the Mo family for so many years, Chen Qiaoqiao has evolved from a bitter gourd to a bitter gourd essence. The resentment all over her body makes one's scalp tingle even a dozen meters away.

Chen Xiaobao is smart, but he didn't receive proper and correct education since he was a child. Coupled with the messy kindness and resentment, Chen Xiaobao grew up to be a will-o'-the-wisp boy who complained and complained.

Relying on his cleverness and being a minor, he led a group of kids around his age, cheated and abducted, and did all sorts of evil.

Anyway, if he is a minor, even if he kills and sets fire, he can't be treated like this.

In the end, Mo Si Ting stopped visiting the two of them. Except for some monthly living expenses, he had no interaction with the mother and son at all.

Today's Mo Si Ting, as long as he thinks of Chen Qiaoqiao's resentment, and Chen Xiaobao who dresses up like a murderous boy all day long, he will regret how young and ignorant he was back then.

Looking back, Mo Siting felt that the "cute and charming" and "weak and deceitful" that he liked at the beginning became ridiculous and fragile with age and experience.

The so-called "cute and charming" and "weak and deceitful", from a certain point of view, isn't it just humble and cowardly.

Mo Si Ting, who was in his thirties, looked at Song Yue, who was already one of the world's top [-] celebrities, and he only hated himself when he was young. Why did he lose watermelon just for a sesame seed?

But he has no chance to choose again. Song Yue is already married to Jiang Qi, who is so good that he can't wait for him.

Because Mo Si Ting annoyed several big business partners because of Chen Qiaoqiao, and when the secretary left, he took away many of his right-hand assistants. Under the successive blows, Mo Si Ting's enterprise has long since fallen from the top to the successful. third-rate enterprises.

Seeing that the company was getting worse day by day, Mo Si Ting could only marry a family richer than the Mo family under the persecution of Mo's parents.

After Chen Qiaoqiao and Chen Xiaobao learned that Mo Si Ting had abandoned their mother and son and got engaged to everyone's daughter, they ran to Mo Si Ting's engagement banquet, one was crying and the other was messing around and hurt many guests.

Mo Si Ting's engagement banquet was ruined in this way. In a fit of rage, the daughter asked the family to blackmail the Mo family. As a result, the Mo family lost a lot of contracts and orders, as well as many partners.

Mo's father had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Before Mo's mother got into the ambulance, her eyes were red, she gritted her teeth and said harsh words to Chen Qiaoqiao and Chen Xiaobao:

"As long as I live, the two of you will never step into my Mo family!"

Seeing the messy engagement banquet and Chen Qiaoqiao who only knew how to cry, Mo Siting was so irritable that if he could travel back in time, he would definitely kill Chen Qiaoqiao.

But Chen Qiaoqiao didn't know, she looked at Mo Siting with a gloomy face, and couldn't bear the grievance in her heart.

Chen Xiaobao saw that the old couple of the Mo family had gone to the hospital. In front of Mo Siting, he took out his mobile phone and called his group of cronies, calling them to a five-star hotel for a feast.

He just wanted to provoke Mo Si Ting, who told him to betray him and his mommy, the more unhappy and angry Mo Si Ting was, the more relieved he would be.

Seeing Chen Xiaobao, whose hair was dyed in various colors, who looked like a gangster, Mo Siting's anger finally burned up. He raised his hand, and he slapped him hard:

"Little bastard, you see clearly, I am your father, do you just expect your father to be unsatisfactory?"

Taking a slap on the face, Chen Xiaobao became angry from the heart, and ground his back molars. He smiled coldly, looked at the old Mo Si Ting, made a fist, and returned it unceremoniously:

"My dad? Now you admit that it's my dad. Why don't you say it's my dad when you let me and mom be cold-eyed in the apartment? "

At the age of 15, he is taller than Mo Si Ting, and his whole body is full of hostility, which makes him look very violent.

Chen Xiaobao, who punched out, finally found a place to explode the anger that had accumulated for many years. He grabbed Mo Si Ting by the collar, and punched and punched viciously. After punching, he questioned Mo Si Ting. .

Chen Qiaoqiao was just beside her like an accompaniment tool, crying with unique emotions and a unique rhythm.

Mo Si Ting was able to fight back at first, but gradually lost the ability to fight back.

Chen Xiaobao punched him in the face again, and Mo Si Ting staggered from the blow, and then fell to the ground with the back of his head down.

When he fell to the ground, his face changed suddenly, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but Chen Qiaoqiao and Chen Xiaobao didn't listen.


By the time the hotel security arrived slowly and found out in horror that Mo Si Ting's head had been smashed into a piece of broken glass, it was already too late.

Seeing Mo Siting, who had no signs of life, Chen Qiaoqiao cried even louder, and Chen Xiaobao was taken away by the police.

But he is a minor, even if Mo's parents strongly demanded a heavy sentence, Chen Xiaobao will be fine in the end.

Mother Mo drove them out of the apartment angrily.

Chen Qiaoqiao, who lost her place of residence, had no ability to earn a living, so she stuck to Chen Xiaobao every day, where did Chen Xiaobao go, where did she go, and then continued to cry in Chen Xiaobao's ear like a grieving ghost.

Her life is really hard, she has no father and no scolding, she was pregnant before marriage, the man was killed by her son, and her son was idle at a young age.

She is so miserable~
Until one time when Chen Xiaobao was tired of crying, Chen Xiaobao pushed him casually, and Chen Qiaoqiao was crushed into meatloaf by the speeding van.

This time, Chen Xiaobao has grown up.

Although it was a mistake, Chen Xiaobao had a bad nature and was finally sentenced to death.

What happened to the Mo family was all expected by Jiang Qi.

Holding the mirror frame, Jiang Qi looked at the news about the Mo family released on the mobile phone news. The reporter mocked and used the word "legendary" to describe the ups and downs of the Mo family over the past century.

"Do you think I should call Mo's family to take care?"

Carrying a bunch of grapes, Song Yue, who was rarely unharmed, lay on Jiang Qi's lap and asked with a smirk.

Jiang Qi couldn't help laughing: "Then the Mo family may not be able to bear your concern."

If she calls the Mo family, the Mo family will be so angry that she will die.

With a snort, Song Yue wrinkled her nose and didn't mention Mo's family: "My parents called again to urge us to have a baby. I told them about Chen Xiaobao, and the two of them stopped urging us."

Jiang Qi laughed again: "It seems that Chen Xiaobao is quite lethal."

It can scare an old couple even their grandchildren.

However, Jiang Qi and Song Yue really didn't want children.

What is good about the child, how good the life of the two of them is, they can do whatever they want, how comfortable they are.

The most important thing is Song Yue. Although she is a strong woman, she still looks like a willful little girl who has not grown up in her life. She just wants to be pampered and loved by others, and she doesn't want to take care of children at all!
Fortunately, Jiang Qi followed her, and Jiang Qi's parents were also very open-minded, and even helped Song Yue comfort her parents.

Blinking her eyes, Song Yue looked at the beautiful and gentle face of the person in front of her, and her heart was suddenly filled with a sense of warmth. Throwing away the grapes, she greedily hugged the other person's waist, her head resting comfortably Ginger arched his white shirt, which exuded a faint fragrance of laundry detergent.

Looking at Song Yue who suddenly transformed into a soft kitten, the smile in Jiang Qi's eyes was as gentle as if covered with a layer of sunshine, gently rubbing her short fluffy hair, Jiang Qi asked:
"what happened?"

Hugging Jiang Qi's waist, Song Yue shook her head: "It's nothing, I'm just glad I lost that rotten sesame seed of Mo Si Ting."

Otherwise, where can I get such a big watermelon that is so good, so big and so sweet!

Like the previous plane, Jiang Qi still left the plane only after all the people he loved had left.

But when she returned to the empty space, she was stunned by a little girl in a white dress in the hall.

She remembered that Ertong said that there is an enchantment between the buildings of each system in the void space, and it is impossible to visit each other.

Looking at the little girl, many possibilities flashed through Jiang Qi's mind quickly.

Could it be that Ertong has found a new host?

Tsk, Xiao Tongzi's personality is really bad, he didn't even tell her, and even cut it first and played it later.

Sighing, Jiang Qi was not angry.

If the little girl is really the new host that Ertong found, then she just needs to be reincarnated.

Her personality is neither entangled nor hypocritical, and there is nothing to worry about.

She is already content to experience so many worlds and try so many different lives.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qi was no longer surprised.

The little girl in white looked at Jiang Qi with complicated eyes, a little awkward, a little unnatural, and a little strangely embarrassing to Jiang Qi.

Does she know her?
Otherwise, why would you look at her like that.

Just when Jiang Qi was puzzled, the little girl in white said, "What are you doing staring at me for so long? Isn't it that strange that you have changed your appearance?" 】

Jiang Qi, who had just calmed down, was shocked again by the little girl's voice: "Er Tong?"

Seeing that Jiang Qi looked like hell again, Ertong was annoyed [Who else could it be if it wasn't me?No one dares to enter my building without my permission! 】

Jiang Qi couldn't laugh or cry.

After calming down, she looked at Ertong with a broken smile: "Why did you suddenly change your appearance?"

Er Tong glanced at her, coughed twice, straightened the hem of her skirt, and then replied in a natural manner [It's nothing, I just want to change my image. 】

Hearing this, Jiang Qi looked at it and smiled without saying a word.

After being stared at by her for a long time, Er Tong subconsciously adjusted his sitting posture, not daring to look at her [Why are you looking at me, am I ugly like this? 】

Licking his lower lip, Jiang Qi chuckled and shook his head: "No, it's not ugly, but why do you look so much like Song Yue?"

Er Tong's face tightened, and he felt guilty.

Have it?

It didn't pinch its face like Song Yue's!

[There is no such thing as talent, it's not because you like Song Yue that everyone looks like Song Yue! 】

Er Tong stuttered and panicked, but still strongly and calmly denied it.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Jiang Qi observed its expression, and there was something in his eyes: "Maybe it is, oh, who made Song Yue cute."

Seeing her actually admitting that she likes Song Yue, the two of them almost exploded [I've only known her for decades and I like her, scumbag! 】

After finishing speaking, she stood up abruptly, grabbed the hem of her skirt roughly, and was about to leave with aggressive steps.

Seeing that Er Tong got angry because of being teased, Jiang Qi smiled and started to put out the fire skillfully: "I'm just kidding you, how could I like other people."

He stopped in his tracks, Er Tong turned his head, his eyes suspicious [Really? 】

Jiang Yue: "Can I still lie to you?"

Hearing this, the two tubes of anger subsided a little [I believe you, you'd better not be tempted in the plane, the hosts I have brought have also been tempted by plane characters, but it is very painful, because you have to send your favorite away with your own hands. people. 】

Even if you enter reincarnation, because of the difference in the world, you will never meet the person you love forever.

Knowing that Ertong was caring about him, Jiang Yue nodded: "I know."

Seeing that she listened, Er Tong was relieved.

Jiang Yue looked at Ertong who was still a little girl, raised his eyebrows, and joked: "Then you still don't change back to the way you were before?"

Ertong didn't think much, and replied without thinking about it [it will change in a while——]

Before he could finish the word "come back", Er Tong's expression changed drastically, he gave her a hard look from embarrassment, and ran away angrily.

This woman really learned badly, and actually used it!
Ertong's temper became more and more serious, and it took several days for the anger to dissipate, and Jiang Yue was able to enter the next plane to start a new mission.


In a new plane, Jiang Qi chose a new identity that he had never experienced before:

A small cannon fodder in an entertainment article.

For the first time, Jiang Qi knew that novels could also form a real world.

In this entertainment article, the original master is good at acting, and his acting skills are good, but he is an unknown star on the [-]th line.

As an unknown starlet, it is inevitable that other more well-known stars will take the role away.

The original host was no exception. She was also robbed of a role in an online drama. Later, the drama became popular all over the Internet, and the heroine became popular all the way through this drama until she became a three-gold actress.

In the end, the original owner was an unknown little cannon fodder all his life. It was not until after his death that the original owner knew that in the original plot of this book, she was supposed to be the heroine in that web drama, and she should also be the queen of the three golden actresses. It was the author of this book who transmigrated into the book by chance, and by virtue of knowing the plot, took away all the aura that should have belonged to her.

What really made the original owner angry was that the author took away her chance of becoming famous by transmigrating into the book, and worried that Tiandao would restore the disrupted track, so he kept using his power to suppress her.

If not, he just lost the original owner of a web drama character, and with the support of Tiandao, he could have gained other opportunities to become famous and popular.

But the author just doesn't allow it.

In the author's eyes, it is enough for the world to have her as the brightest superstar. As for the original owner, the author doesn't care at all, she is just a character in the book created by her.

When Jiang Qi entered the world, the role of the original owner was snatched away by the author.

At this time, the author, relying on his own knowledge of the plot, has already won the favor of the director.

Seeing that things had developed to this point, Jiang Qi didn't intend to waste time on this matter.

The original owner's wish was to become a top performer in the entertainment industry. If possible, he would win another Best Actress Award.

This is not too difficult for Jiang Qi.

The simplest and feasible plan is to make money by speculating in stocks, invest by yourself, make films by yourself, and promote yourself by yourself.

However, Jiang Qi, who has speculated on several face stocks, really wants to try new things.

Soon, Jiang Qi made a preliminary plan in his mind, but stocks still had to be speculated. In case plan A failed, there was also a plan B to prevent accidents.

Going ahead, Jiang Qi began to purchase equipment and register for an account.

She chose a live broadcast platform with the largest traffic in China. This time, she wanted to try being an anchor.

After the account was registered, Jiang Qi bought another hundred or so fake fans. After meeting the conditions for opening a live broadcast room, she chose to try e-sports live broadcast.

The main reason is that there was a company under the name of Song Yue in the previous plane that did live broadcasts, and Jiang Qi's heart was itchy after being influenced by his ears and eyes.

[It's because of Song Yue again, you still haven't admitted that you are really attracted to Song Yue. 】

Ertong, who eavesdropped on Jiang Qi's heartfelt voice, sarcastically.

Jiang Qi was very helpless, and he didn't want to argue with it about Song Yue, so he could only pretend not to hear it.

The application for the live broadcast room was quickly approved. It happened to be eight o'clock in the evening. The ginger period of the novice teaching had passed, and the live broadcast began in the cute new clothes.

She was playing a shootout game. This game tested both eyesight and reflexes, and it required a high level of players.

Fortunately, I have already experienced the ginger period of many worlds, but I can play it with ease.

After a few rounds, he can start with ten heads.

Seeing that there were only two viewers in the live broadcast room who didn't know if they were man-machines, Jiang Qi opened a small account and rewarded himself with two carnivals.

Money is something she can earn, and she is not a rarity.

Relying on these two carnivals, many people came to the live broadcast room at once.

As soon as the person came in, she saw that she was a new anchor, the game account was also a new one, and the tipping account was also a new one. Many people laughed at her in a strange way:

"If you have money and have nowhere to spend it, praise yourself!"

"I'm dying of laughter. The new anchor, the new game account, and the tipped account is also a new account. Which new platform is this promoting its own anchor again?"

"As for it? The platform deducts half of the tipping money, so there's no need to waste money like this for popularity, right?"

Jiang Qi glanced at the string of sarcasms in the comment area, hooked his lips, chuckled, and said softly:

"It's okay, I have money."

Fans in the live room: "..."

As soon as her voice came out, the comment area, which was originally full of yin and yang, suddenly became popular.

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