"Miss sister's voice kills me, can my sister's conditions for finding a partner not be so strict?"

"What kind of sound is this that makes people pregnant? I've already made up a [-]-word indescribable essay!"

"My sister marry me! I belong to my sister!"

"I declare that I am already my sister's loyal licking dog!"


Jiang Yue couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the comment section where the limelight was turning.

Is her voice that nice?
I don't feel it.

However, she still paid attention to the question in the studio: "Not strict."

As soon as the words light and fluttering came out, the fans in the live broadcast room went crazy:

"Very well, I'm already lying flat, come on, sister."

"Twisting, shadowy crawling, screaming, crawling, writhing, splitting, shadowy creeping, tumbling..."

"Sister's voice, I'm so cute, Sihashiha~"

Seeing that the comment area was getting more and more crooked, Jiang Qi couldn't help laughing out loud, and then concentrated on looking for supplies and steel guns.

She was in a single row of four, picked up a shotgun on the ground and added a win98, relying on precise and instant sniper skills, she directly entered the finals, and the eyes of the people in the live broadcast room were straight:
"Other people's trolls VS my trolls."

"Did it hang up? I don't think the instant snipers of those God of War anchors are as accurate as hers. The key point is that she still uses win98!"

"I also think it's cheating. Most of the girls' reaction ability is not as good as boys'. How could she be so good at fighting like that!"

"It's giving yourself a carnival again, and it's cheating. Is there such a big competition among e-sports Internet celebrities?"


With the appearance of an open comment, more voices of doubt began to appear in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Qi said in a low voice: "Is it all about one hand to spread rumors? If you think it's cheating, record the screen yourself for lens analysis."

With so many worlds added up, she has lived for hundreds of years. It's just such a gunfight game, and she still needs to open it?
Seeing Jiang Qi's voice of spreading rumors, some people were not convinced, thinking that Jiang Qi was deliberately using this to hype himself, after all, black and red are also red!
"Nowadays female anchors really do everything they can to become popular."

"Want to be black and red? Then you completely underestimated the horror of our e-sports circle!"


Many anchors in the e-sports circle have tried the road of black and red for hype, and without exception, they were scolded and quit the Internet.

Seeing Jiang Qi's "not afraid of death", soon someone began to record the screen for technical analysis.

An hour later, the man returned:

"I'm sorry Miss, I apologize to you. I have already analyzed the technology, but I did not open it. I was reckless! The technical analysis video has been pinned to the top, IDXXXX."

Seeing that someone was really doing technical analysis, the people in the live broadcast room ran out to watch the video analysis.

Soon, everyone came back kneeling all the way:
"I have changed from a dog-licking fan to a technical fan of my little sister. Is my sister a fan?"

"Okay, I'm already on the game and I'm ready to meet my sister!"

"Spasm, growl, squirm, eerie growl, crawl, split..."

"Upstairs, this is an e-sports zone, not a no-man's zone!"


Jiang Qi's live broadcast room became very popular, and the live broadcast continued until two o'clock in the morning before it was released.

Looking at the fan data, the number of fans has increased rapidly, and it has already exceeded [-].

After taking a shower and just getting ready to rest, the agent called and said that the character that had been set before had been cut off.

Jiang Qi didn't care. After the manager finished speaking, he asked about the termination of the contract.

The agent turned pale with shock: "Are you planning to terminate the contract?"

Jiang Qi nodded: "That's what I thought. I haven't been able to meet a suitable role. I have no idea of ​​acting for the time being. I plan to change the industry."

The agent sighed. She understood Jiang Qi's feelings very well. The flowering period of a female artist is too short, so she might as well find another way out: "Our company is not strict with artists. Your contract expires next month. When the time comes I'm ready for the formalities, you just come and sign."

"Thank you"

Hang up the phone, Jiang Qi fell asleep.

On the other side, in the hotel, there is a sexy and hot woman with a hint of charm in the corners of her eyes and brows, like a fox, her every move is extremely provocative.

The man's face was indifferent. Facing the temptation of the woman, he sat still, but his eyes were red as if a fire was burning.

The woman in front of her is too charming. She is a man, so she will have a physical reaction.

"Nanchuan, you haven't responded all this time, so it's not because of that?"

Su Xinran's soft voice teased Lu Nanchuan.

No one knows Lu Nanchuan better than her, after all, she is the hero created by herself.

Three days ago, Su Xinran, an online writer who had been absent for a month, was cursed by angry readers into her serial book.

After learning that this is a novel world created by herself, the arrogant Su Xinran decides to seize the halo of the protagonist and become the new heroine of this world.

Using the BUFF of "the author knows all the plots", Su Xinran easily snatched the web drama that could make the original heroine a hit, and the next step is to snatch the original heroine's future husband, the three-gold actor Lu Nanchuan .

The original heroine and Lu Nanchuan grew up in an orphanage. When Lu Nanchuan was brought home from the orphanage by his family, he gave the original heroine a necklace, saying that when they met again, they could recognize each other by the necklace.

Unfortunately, the necklace of the original heroine was lost. In the original plot, the two had many misunderstandings because of this.

Now, relying on knowing the plot, Su Xinran had someone make an identical necklace.

As for Lu Nanchuan, she knows his character very well. He looks indifferent, but he is actually sullen. In her writing, after Lu Nanchuan confirmed that the heroine was the girl she met in the orphanage, she turned into a hungry wolf. Asking for it day and night.

In order for Lu Nanchuan to "drive", Su Xinran watched a lot of small movies.

Looking at the charming woman in front of him, Lu Nanchuan frowned.

Yesterday, the woman came to him with a necklace and told him a lot about the past in the orphanage. All kinds of evidence prove that the woman is "Yueyue".

But for some reason, Lu Nanchuan couldn't feel any "Yueyue" aura from Su Xinran.

Enduring being teased by her, Lu Nanchuan pushed her away coldly:
"Are you Yueyue? I'll let someone investigate. Before that, please respect yourself."

After finishing speaking, Lu Nanchuan threw the room card to her:

"Since you like this room so much, let me live in it for you."

After the words fell to the ground, Lu Nanchuan lifted his legs and left.

Behind him, Su Xinran lay lazily on the sofa, looked at Lu Nanchuan who didn't look back, licked his lips, and showed a smile that was inevitable.

As expected of a hero created by her own hands, it really suits her taste.

"Lu Nanchuan~"

Pursing her lips, Su Xinran chuckled.

This man, she must!

Since he wants to check, let him check, anyway, everyone in the orphanage has been bribed by her.

As for the original heroine, she has nothing now, she just needs to move her fingers to make her disappear from this world.

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