Chapter 15
When the soldiers approached the city, Emperor Qing was still playing with his concubine Yu in the wine pool and meat forest in the harem.

"My concubine, when the Sujiang palace is built, I will take you there."

After soaking in the hot spring pool, the fat and bloated Emperor Qing hugged his delicate concubine.

"Then don't you bring the empress with you?"

Touching the water in the pool, Concubine Yu asked him.

Emperor Qing smiled disdainfully:
"What are you taking her for? You'll just put a stern face on me. If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Qiyuan is her father, I would have deposed her as a queen long ago!"

It is said that the harem is not allowed to interfere in the government affairs, but she is good, pointing fingers every day.

Just like the waterlogging in Zhenjiang, isn't it just that there is too much water, how serious can it be?

He also kept asking him to take all the food and money from the imperial court to help the disaster-stricken areas. His money didn't come from the wind, so why should he give it to others?
After the money is given away, how can he cultivate the palace.

As an emperor, if he doesn't enjoy the blessings of being an emperor, what's the difference between him and a beggar?
Concubine Yu poked his chest with her finger in displeasure:
"Then Chen Qiyuan has been dead for so many years, why is the emperor still afraid of her?"

He's just a dead man, how can he jump out of the coffin to support his daughter?

"Why am I afraid of her? I just don't want to be talked about."

It's not that he hasn't tried abolishing queens before, but every time he brings it up, a group of thick generals will jump out to stop him.

Said that he crossed the river and demolished the bridge, said that he bullied a woman because the queen was not protected by her natal family.

Anyway, how hateful it is to say something about him.

To be able to treat the emperor so aggrieved, he is really No. 1 through the ages.

Concubine Yu was still not happy:

"The emperor will say that. If you are really not afraid, why don't you let your concubine be the queen? After all, the emperor is afraid of the queen!"

Afraid of his wife?

Emperor Qing's self-esteem as a man was severely hit.

As soon as he got angry, he stood up from the pool with a swish:

"I'm afraid she's a woman? A joke! Aifei, you wait, I will abolish her today, and make you my queen!"

The voice fell, and the heavy vermilion carved wooden door was kicked open:

"I want to see who wants to abolish my successor!"

The woman's voice has three points of majesty.

In the hot spring pool, Concubine Yu screamed in fright.

Emperor Qing was furious:
"Who allowed you to come in? Empress, I think you are becoming more and more presumptuous!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the imperial guards following behind the queen, and sternly reprimanded:

"Are you planning to rebel? Without my will, who would allow you to leave your post?"

Hiding behind Emperor Qing, Concubine Yu covered her proud chest, her charming phoenix eyes, full of pride and complacency:

"Your Majesty, this is the Emperor's Forbidden City. Are you planning to rebel with so many imperial guards here?"

When Emperor Qing heard this, he became even more angry.

He had long suspected that the Queen had the intention of treason.

When Chen Qiyuan was alive, he supported his own self-respect, and every time he wanted to cultivate the palace, he said that it was a waste of money.

He wanted to expand the harem, and Chen Qiyuan directly said that he was a fool.

Fortunately, his concubine advised him and killed him on the battlefield.

The queen sneered, she knew very well that if she talks too much, she will be overthrown.

She didn't want to spend too much time talking with the adulterers and prostitutes, she turned her back and pulled out the long sword of the Imperial Guard behind her, stabbing Emperor Qing and Concubine Yu to death with two swords.


When he married her, he said that she was a sweetheart, and that Da Song was able to have the peace and prosperity it is now because of her Chen family.

When he changed his mind, he would say that she was incomprehensible, that she was a lump of elm, and that she was old and decrepit.

The great changes in the imperial palace soon spread throughout the imperial capital.

Some people are happy, some people are afraid.

There are also people who lie flat and rotten. Anyway, no matter how the emperor changes, the common people are still common people.

Besides, since Emperor Qing came to power, taxes have been raised every year. In less than 20 years since his reign, as many as [-] palaces have been built, and countless young men have died of exhaustion.

This emperor should have been replaced long ago.

When Concubine Yu's father and his party learned that the queen had killed Emperor Qing, they quickly mobilized troops and planned to ascend the throne and become king while the overall situation was still uncertain.

How did they know that the Shenhu Army who had been stationed at the frontier would kill the city silently.

The gates of the city were wide open, and the Shenhu army descended from the sky like divine soldiers. A group of treacherous and powerful ministers who would only encourage Emperor Qing to oppress the people on weekdays became prisoners in less than half a day.

The queen acted vigorously, arresting people in the morning, and beheading all the family members of the powerful ministers in the market in the afternoon, without even giving them a chance to complain or stand up.

Leveraging the strength of the Shenhu army, and with the financial support of the Jiang family, the queen quickly stabilized the political situation.

The various places originally wanted to take the opportunity to attack the city lord prince who sat on the dragon chair in the imperial capital. Seeing that the situation was not good, they had no choice but to retreat to their own city again and continue to be the prince of salted fish who seemed to be very idle.

The new emperor ascended the throne, changed Song to Qi, and Empress Chen ascended the throne as emperor, becoming the first female emperor in history.

Empress Chen was wiser than Emperor Qing. After ascending the throne, she lowered taxes and revised a series of laws.

All scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen can participate in politics, and royal academies are built all over the country, and the descendants of ordinary people, regardless of gender, can enroll in school.

If the family is too poor to afford a copper coin, you can sign an agreement with the college, find a good job after you finish your studies, and then pay tuition fees.

At Jiang Qi's suggestion, the Jiang family handed over the treasure map to the new emperor.

The husband is innocent, but he is guilty. Although Empress Chen is not as stupid as Emperor Qing, Jiang Qi dare not bet on the Jiang family.

Thinking of the Jiang family being wiped out because of the treasure map in her previous life, she would wake up from her dreams with fright.

And just when the situation had stabilized and everyone thought that Prince Duan would become the founding hero of Qi, the Jiang family sued Prince Duan before the Empress.

In the solemn Golden Luan Hall, Father Jiang's face was full of anger, while the ministers around him looked puzzled.

Just when the world was at peace, why did the Jiang family jump out and sue their son-in-law before the Empress?

Can't you cause less trouble?

In the Jinluan Palace, Gu Junlin's face was as dark as if a pot of ink had been splashed on it.

Jiang Qi, the temptress, used sorcery to steal his body, causing him to suffer so much that he can't tell.

Had she forgotten that she was using his body now?
The crime of treason is to divide the body into five horses, and there will be no whole body.

At the most critical moment, the Jiang family even beat the Dengwen drum, which made the noise known to everyone in the capital.

The Dengwen Drum can only be sounded for serious grievances!
Anyone who beats the Dengwen drum must first be punished with a staff of one hundred.

The hip stick is okay, but the spine stick that was drummed by Dengwen, let alone a hundred, will cause internal bleeding if the spine stick is twenty, let alone a hundred.

Therefore, since the establishment of Dengwen drum, it has never been sounded.

And the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, especially the group of military generals, after seeing the complaint submitted by the Jiang family, their scarlet eyes wished to turn into knives and gouge Jiang Qi to death with one knife.

Kneeling on the Golden Luan Hall, Jiang Qi confessed all his crimes with Gu Junlin's body against the overwhelming anger of everyone.

On the dragon chair, Empress Chen's expression was heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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