Chapter 16
She always thought that Emperor Qing was responsible for her father's death, but she never expected that Prince Duan's residence would also intervene.

Ten years ago, Chen Qiyuan was suspected by Emperor Qing. When fighting against the barbarians, he was almost desperate due to lack of food and weapons.

In desperation, Chen Qiyuan could only ask an old friend of the city guard for assistance in weapons and food.

Originally, the old friend had already taken the risk of being beheaded by Emperor Qing, and immediately raised food and weapons to transport to the battlefield.

If the rations and weapons arrive in time, hundreds of thousands of soldiers will not be trapped to death.

But it was discovered and stopped by Gu Junlin who happened to be playing in the city.

In the end, Chen Qiyuan was trapped to death on the battlefield, and his old friend was killed by the displeased Emperor Qing who randomly found a name.

The pale words in the complaint are not enough to describe the despair of Chen Qiyuan and hundreds of thousands of soldiers at that time.

The literati didn't understand either, but the military generals in the Golden Luan Hall felt that their teeth were almost crushed.

The unreasonable suspicion of the court and the emperor put a group of soldiers who defended their families into a desperate situation.

But until the moment of their death, they were still desperately protecting the country behind them.

No one knows what these soldiers who were trapped on the battlefield were thinking about at the moment of their death?
Is it anger at the barbarians, or despair at the imperial court?

They never know what they did wrong. They were fighting for the country, but the country abandoned them in the end.

If it wasn't for Gu Junlin's last straw, they obviously wouldn't have to die!
Kneeling on the Golden Luan Hall, Jiang Qi didn't say a single word of defense in the face of the angry questions from the generals.

After the Jiang family finished talking about the crime of treason, they talked a few words about the suffering their daughter suffered after marrying into Prince Duan's mansion.

Domestic violence, domestic slave abuse, bloodletting...

Although there were few words, the scalps of those who listened were numb.

No one expected that Prince Duan, who looks like a beautiful man and a hero for the founding of the country, would be so vicious behind his back.

Another treason, another abuse of his wife.

Many ministers who wanted to marry their daughters into Prince Duan's mansion at first began to rejoice that they did not marry their daughters into it.

Given the numerous crimes, Prince Duan's Mansion could not escape this catastrophe.

In the end, Prince Duan's mansion was ransacked, and Prince Duan was executed by quartering his body by five horses for treason.

There is no reason for the prince's mansion in the world.

One month later

At the Golden Luan Hall, Gu Junlin thought that the one who died would be Jiang Qi, but unexpectedly, the one who died was a substitute.

Gu Junlin, who thought he could escape in Jiang Qi's body, was also turned into a human pig by Queen Chen.

Empress Chen hated him no less than Emperor Qing.

Killing Emperor Qing happily is because he doesn't mind provoking accidents.

As for Gu Junlin, she wasn't afraid that he would stir up trouble.


He was still trapped in Jiang Qi's body.

The pain of losing her father made Empress Chen come up with different ways to torture Gu Junlin every day. As a human being, even death was an extravagant hope.

It wasn't until he was tortured by Queen Chen that he couldn't tell it was a human stick, and Queen Chen threw him back to Jiang Qi in disgust.

Jiang Qi, who is already a commoner, has been taking Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, and Lin Rou'er to travel around the mountains and rivers.

In the previous life, she owed her parents and lacked companionship. In this life, she didn't want to do anything, but wanted to stay by her parents' side and honor them well.

As for Lin Rou'er, Jiang Qi did not hide the fact that she and Gu Junlin exchanged souls.

But Jiang Qi really couldn't understand this woman.

She thought that Lin Rou'er would leave her after she knew the truth.

After all, although her body is a man, her soul is a woman, but Lin Rou'er still chooses to stay by her side.

She even served her parents as if they were her own parents. Sometimes Jiang's father and Jiang's mother felt that Lin Rou'er was more considerate than Jiang Qi.

Until a year later, Empress Chen wrote to say that she was tired of playing, and asked her if she wanted to take revenge on Gu Junlin, if she didn't want to, she would kill him.

Jiang Qi originally wanted to go back to the imperial capital and experience all 180 kinds of torture in the criminal code on Gu Junlin, but looking at the happy family around him, he felt that living in the pain of the past would only make him more painful.

She likes her current life very much, and for the rest of her life, she just wants to get out of the haze of her previous life.

About Gu Junlin's death, including the fact that he was turned into a pig by Queen Chen, Jiang Qi kept Lin Rou'er from it.

In the remaining decades, she took the three of them to travel thousands of miles across mountains and rivers.

After Jiang's father and Jiang's mother passed away, and Jiang Qi gradually grew older, he and Lin Rou'er bought a small courtyard in a small town with a pleasant scenery and settled down.

She loves reading, and Lin Rou'er likes to grow flowers.

In midsummer, the sunset is gorgeous, one is shaking a rocking chair, and the other is arranging flowers under the sunset. Two people who should hate each other have lived in harmony for so many years.

Until another year of heavy snow turning the whole world white, Lin Rou'er died peacefully, and Jiang Qi was separated from her body by Er Tong. Looking back on her life, she finally had no regrets.

Looking at the white and empty space, Jiang Qi was very curious: "Ertong, is this where you live?"

Nothing, all white mist.

[How is it possible, seeing that you are so curious, let me show you what my house really looks like! 】

Ertong snapped his fingers proudly, the white mist dissipated, and a tall building rose from the ground in the originally empty world.

This is the place where its former host used the remaining points to exchange for it before reincarnation.

Jiang Qi looked at the tall building in front of her in surprise. It was different from all the buildings in her impression, as tall as if it towered into the sky.

The transparent walls are shining like crystals.

In the following time, Er Tong took Jiang Qi to visit its residence, and finally guided Jiang Qi to the study on the top floor.

[The first world is your own world, because you are a novice host, so there is no task arranged, just let you familiarize yourself with the so-called fast travel world, in the next world, you need to fulfill the wish of the bitter master, you can read the books here first Take a look, it's all the experience and experience left by my previous hosts. 】

For Jiang Qi's first world, Ertong was not very satisfied.

If it was replaced by those previous hosts, not to mention tearing the skin apart, a scum like Gu Junlin would definitely not even have the chance to be reincarnated.

But Jiang Qi is a newcomer after all, unlike those gods and demons, he can understand.

After Ertong explained, Jiang Qi grabbed a book and read it.

The words in the book were not familiar to her, but the moment she entered the book, the unfamiliar characters became extremely familiar.

The strange world in the book amazed her.

Human beings can not only make great strides, but also fly into the sky to fight against the so-called aliens. In the book, there are many miserable characters than her, and even more miserable ones.

But each of the hosts can complete the task excellently, and the means by which they fulfill the wishes of the suffering master are always beyond Jiang Qi's expectations, but after watching it, they feel hearty.

"Ertong, will I encounter this kind of world in the future?"

Jiang Qi was very curious, and his tone was particularly excited.

(End of this chapter)

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