I'm betting against the system, scumbags will become kings

Chapter 24 The Cowardly Housewife Who Was Violated by Domestic Violence 8

Chapter 24 The Cowardly Housewife Who Was Violated by Domestic Violence 8
Two days later, the day before Ching Ming Festival, the Chen family took Jiang Qi back to his hometown to burn paper.

How could Jiang Qi not know the three people's little thoughts, she didn't expose it, and followed the three of them for a day's car ride to Chenjia Village in Dashanbao.

The return of Chen Qiang's family attracted many people in the village to watch.

Chenjia Village is located in a remote place, and it took several years for a college student to come out. However, Chen Qiang is the only one who can buy a house in a big city after graduation and find a job with a salary of tens of thousands a month.

People gathered around the car that Chen Qiang drove back, with envious expressions on their faces:
"Qiangzi is really promising, this car is very expensive at first glance, right?"

Four circles, I heard from the boss in the town that the minimum cost of a car of this brand is 40 to [-].

Enjoying everyone's envious eyes, Chen Qiang was in high spirits.

He asked Jiang Qi to find Jiang's father to pay for the car.

Jiang Qi, a silly woman, obeyed him, she would give him whatever he wanted, and never doubted it.

Opening his mouth, he was about to exaggerate himself when Jiang Qi's voice sounded leisurely from behind:
"It's not expensive, my dad bought it for over [-] yuan."

The eyes of everyone changed immediately.

It turned out that my father-in-law bought it with money~
He is a soft eater~
Chen Qiang's face was stiff and embarrassed.

With a laugh, he, Chen's father and Chen's mother took Jiang Qi back to the old house.

Mother Chen forced a smile on her face and said to Jiang Qi:

"Qiqi, we should be hungry after driving for a whole day, but we don't have any food at home, so I'll borrow some food from your aunt's."

Jiang Qi waved his hand: "Go."

Speaking of this aunt, Jiang Qi was somewhat impressed.

In the memory of the original owner, this is the most pungent woman in Chenjia Village.

When I was young, I quarreled with my mother-in-law, disagreed with each other, and carried a rolling pin, and dared not enter the house that my husband beat.

After giving birth to a son, it was even more serious. At home, she was even more tigress than a tigress, and no one could control her.

Her son Chen Qi was also spoiled by her and became a gangster in the village.

When the original owner got married, two best friends came to be bridesmaids.

It was originally a happy event, but troublesome people came out of the poor mountains and rivers.

The two good girlfriends are good-looking, and Chen Qi felt malicious. Using the pretext of making trouble in the bridal chamber, he led a group of unscrupulous best men to strip off the clothes of the little girl in an attempt to commit crimes.

Fortunately, some people couldn't stand it anymore and stood up to stop this group of hooligans.

Afterwards, the little girl's family came to the door, but Chen Qi's family turned back and said that the little girl came to be a little girl because she wanted to be molested, otherwise why would she be a bridesmaid?

Besides, make a fuss twice, touch it twice, as for making a fuss over a molehill.

Anyway, it's all over in the end.

Sitting in the old house, Chen's mother soon came back with a big and three rough woman.

The woman was holding a bamboo broom in her hand, and she walked vigorously, which was not easy to provoke.

As soon as she entered the door, her eyes turned hard, and she cursed at Jiang Qi:
"It was you who beat my old Chen's man? I think you don't want to live a good life with Chen Qiang?"

She just heard from Chen's mother that this daughter-in-law used the family's money to run amok in the Chen family.

If you don't teach her a good lesson, rub her prestige, and wear down her temper, how can she ask her natal family for money in the future?

In the years Jiang Qi married Chen Qiang, he took money from the Jiang family a lot, and Chen Qiang also gave them money every year to look good.

Thinking of this, the woman came up with a bamboo broom to smoke ginger.

The Chen family gloated.

This aunt's fighting power is the most stalwart in Chenjia Village, even the big yellow dog and the bully big goose in the village are afraid of her three points.

Not enough to deal with Jiang Qi.


They soon saw that the aunt who had never been defeated was kicked by Jiang Qi and flew to the bottom of the wall, and the bamboo broom in her hand fell into Jiang Qi's hands.

The broom was stuck on the ground, and Jiang Qi's eyes were dark:
"When is it your turn to intervene in our family's family affairs?"

Want to hit her?

She didn't say much, grabbed the bamboo broom, and screamed at the aunt who had whipped her, calling her father and mother.

The whole village came to watch the fun.

Seeing the famous tigress being beaten and rolled all over the floor by Jiang Qi's foreign daughter-in-law, many people felt relieved.

This tigress has been invincible in the village for many years by herself.

Even her parents-in-law were mad at her.

And the daughter-in-law of her family was also the daughter-in-law tricked by her rascal son from the city. He was afraid that he would run away and broke his legs.

After beating the tigress, Jiang Qi kicked her out.

Then, as soon as he turned around, Jiang Qi swung his fist and beat up the three trembling people behind him.

While beating, he cursed bitterly:
"I work hard every day for this family, but you actually find outsiders to beat me. What are you trying to do? Why can't you be more peaceful?"

"Is it easy for me every day? I work from dawn to dusk to do housework, and even ask my parents to buy you a house and a car, but you treat me like this, do you still have heart?"

"Why are you doing this to me? Why?"

What Jiang Qi said had never been told to outsiders.

Even in order to make Chen Qiang face, he said that the house and car that the Jiang family paid for were bought by Chen Qiang.

The Chen family didn't give a cent of the gift money, and Jiang Qi also lied that they gave 10 yuan.

So much so that when everyone mentions Chen Qiang, they are all talented and able to make money.

When it comes to Jiang's family, they are urbanites in the eyes of those who sell their daughter for 10 yuan.

After being beaten up, Jiang Qi raised his foot and hooked a chair to sit down.

Seeing a group of people outside the yard all eating melon expressions.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said:
"It's all gone. I just want to teach my husband a lesson. There's nothing to see."

It's really cool to beat my husband!
If I knew about my previous life, I should have beaten Gu Junlin a few more times.

Everyone suddenly realized.

It's no wonder that you can marry a wife with a dowry car and a house with a dowry. Dare to come to the door.

It's nothing to beat one by one.

"Married" to someone else's family, it's nothing to be wronged, just bear it and let it go.

The Chen family did not expect things to turn out like this.

I thought that the tigress could kill Jiang Qi's prestige, but if he didn't kill him, the son of a college student who was raised with great difficulty was even said to be a "son-in-law".

The three of them were unhappy, but in the face of Jiang Qi, who was so powerful in combat, the three of them were too scared to refute a word.

In the end, he came back excitedly and left in disgrace.

Back in Jiangcheng, in order to avoid Jiang Qi's severe beating, Chen Qiang actively worked overtime at the company every day, striving to go home as late as possible.

He also thought about borrowing a friend's house or a hotel, and then lying to Jiang Qi that he was working overtime.

After being discovered by Jiang Qi, he almost took off a layer of skin with a whip.

Since then, Chen Qiang never dared to lie to her again.

However, he was fine, he was able to escape Jiang Qi's domestic violence by going to work, Chen's father and Chen's mother were not so lucky.

The two of them were enslaved by Jiang Qi like slaves every day at home, and if they made Jiang Qi a little unhappy, they would be whipped by Jiang Qi.

In short, the two of them were suffering unspeakably, walking on thin ice.

But Jiang Qi had a very good life. With Chen Qiang's bank card, he went to the clubhouse every day to get a massage from the little girl.

In the past two days, in order to cater to customers, the club also recruited two young and handsome guys.

In the ginger period of liking the new and disliking the old, I replaced it with a little boy to serve myself.

The little boy's technique was very comfortable, so Jiang Qi fixedly asked the little boy to serve him for a few days.

Somehow, it reached Chen Qiang's ears.

Chen Qiang was furious.

He worked hard at work, but Jiang Qi actually found a man in the clubhouse.

He rushed to the clubhouse to settle accounts with Jiang Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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