I'm betting against the system, scumbags will become kings

Chapter 25 The Cowardly Housewife Who Was Violated by Domestic Violence 9

Chapter 25 The Cowardly Housewife Who Was Violated by Domestic Violence 9
When Chen Qiang arrived at the club, Jiang Qi had just been served.

His face was flushed, as if he had been moisturized.

Chen Qiang watched the forehead twitch wildly, and the anger rushed directly to the top of his head.

Two strides rushed forward, Chen Qiang grabbed Jiang Qi's wrist, and asked sharply with scarlet eyes:

"Jiang Qi, what did you do behind my back?"

He has worked so hard to support his family, but she actually finds a bad boy behind his back, does she still take him to heart?
Jiang Qi flung him away, the pores of his face that had just been moisturized by the mask became smaller, the skin became smoother, and his whole face looked radiant.

She didn't explain too much, but looked at him with very indifferent eyes, and said calmly:

"What to do with so much excitement, even if I do it, I'm just making a mistake that all women in the world make."

She was so righteous that Chen Qiang was so angry that he couldn't breathe.

Listen, what are they talking about!

Is she still a woman?
Ignoring his blushing, Jiang Qi continued to downplay:
"The child is so old, do you still want to divorce me?"

"Which man didn't come here like this, even if I really have a bad face, for the sake of the child, you just turn a blind eye and pass by."

When Chen Qiang's cheating was discovered by the original owner, that's what the Chen family told the original owner.

Let her endure for the sake of the child.

Which man doesn't cheat?

As long as the man still knows to go home, there is no need to make a fuss.

The original owner also chose to compromise after being sad because he had been derailed from society for a long time and regarded Chen Qiang as his only reliance.

Looking at the radiant Jiang Qi, and hearing her words were obviously unreasonable, yet he couldn't find anything to refute, Chen Qiang was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

He can't beat Jiang Qi, and he can't talk about her.

He could only bulge his eyes, staring at Jiang Qi angrily like a big African bullfrog.

Jiang Qi glanced at him:
"You forced me to look for a man outside. If you were more handsome, gentle, and earned more money, how could I find a man?"

"Okay, don't look at it, go home and cook. I'm looking for a little boy because you're old. Look at your face full of wrinkles that can kill flies, and your beer belly that can't be restrained by your trouser belt. There is no masculinity at all!"

When he got home, Chen Qiang was so angry that he didn't want to cook for Jiang Qi, a watery woman.

With a raised eyebrow, Jiang Qi smiled.

Yo, I'm still playing a little temper~
So, grabbing the belt, Jiang Qi gave him a meal of fried chestnuts in sugar.

Chen Qiang, who had no temper after being beaten, could only cook while crying.

When the meal was ready, Jiang Qi smiled:

"It's fine if you are obedient and obedient, you must make me angry."

What a shaking M~
Chen's father and Chen's mother dared not speak out.

What can I do, the current Jiang Qi is like a demon possessed by a murderer, if something goes wrong, the whole family will be beaten to pieces.

They tried calling the police.

But this is a family matter, and the police left after a few words.

In this way, the Chen family was tortured by Jiang Qi for more than a month, and they couldn't take it anymore, so they had to let Chen Qiang divorce Jiang Qi.

They don't want the Jiang family's money.

If they stayed with Jiang Qi any longer, their lives would be beaten to death.

Yes, marriage is easy, but divorce is difficult.

The law stipulates that there must be a one-month cooling-off period for divorce.

There was no other way, the Chen family could only continue to live with Jiang Qi in fear.

Knowing that Chen Qiang was going to divorce him, Jiang Qi totally disagreed.

Clenching her fists, she pressed Chen Qiang to the ground, rubbing and rubbing:
"Why do you want a divorce? Am I not good enough for you? Why do you have to make me unhappy, why do you have to force me to beat you!"

"I love you so much. For you, I gave up my career and took my car and house to marry you. Why did you divorce me?"

"Am I not good enough? Or do you have a woman outside?"

Clenching his fists tightly, Jiang Qi questioned him hoarsely, his fists as big as sandbags pounded on him.

Chen's father and Chen's mother have more than enough heart but not enough energy.

They were really scared.

And Chen Qiang was almost beaten into a meatloaf. He hugged his head and explained helplessly with a trembling voice:

"My wife, you have misunderstood. You are very good to me, but I am just a poor boy. I am not worthy of you. You should belong to a better man!"

"How dare I betray you, I am like this, no one would like me!"

As long as he can get a divorce, he won't hesitate to ask him to do anything!

Jiang Qi pounded his fist harder:
"Since I treat you so well, why do you give me up to other men? Do you not love me anymore? Am I not your favorite little princess?"

"I don't allow you to talk about yourself like that. In my eyes, you are the most perfect husband in the world!"

Chen Qiang wanted to cry but had no tears.

Having enjoyed the beating, Jiang Qi put away his fists and looked at Chen Qiang, who was beaten into a pig's head, with a tender and tender expression on his face:

"Husband, don't talk about divorce in the future, our relationship is so good, we should never leave each other forever!"

Chen Qiang had tears in his eyes.

He could only put aside the idea of ​​divorcing Jiang Qi, and held Jiang Qi in his palm as an offering every day like walking on eggshells.

Chen's father and Chen's mother did not dare to be demons.

When Jiang Qi said east, the Chen family dared not go west.

The family is loving and loving, very harmonious.

As for Chen Tongtong, he is still young, and he has had time to correct many bad habits.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother are all intellectuals, and they should be petted and disciplined, and they will never let him show the slightest sign of being crooked.

Chen's father and Chen's mother missed their good grandson very much, and begged Jiang Qi to see Chen Tongtong.

Jiang Qi didn't stop him.

After seeing her grandson, Chen's mother hugged Chen Tongtong and cried to Chen Tongtong all the pain she had suffered these days:

"Good grandson, grandpa and grandma are so miserable. They are bullied by your vicious stepmother every day. Grandma wants to see my good grandson, but your vicious stepmother won't let grandma see her!"

"My good grandson has also suffered a lot of grievances these days. Let's see how thin he has become. Grandma really loves me. My good grandson will go with grandma. Grandma will cook something delicious for you, okay?"

Chen Tongtong frowned and shook his head:

"Grandma, Tongtong is not wronged. Grandpa and grandma are very kind to Tongtong. Also, don't say that mother is a vicious stepmother, she is Tongtong's real mother!"

He quite likes himself now.

Thin is a little thinner, but many little girls are willing to play with him.

The teacher also praised him for being obedient and sensible now.

He thinks he's fine.

Upon hearing this, Mother Chen cried even louder.

Jiang Qi, a bad woman, actually turned her good grandson into a traitor:

"My dear grandson, don't you want grandma anymore, woo woo woo, my life is so hard, my daughter-in-law beat me, now I don't even want my grandson—"

"Don't what?"

A sinister voice sounded from behind her.

Looking back, Jiang Qi didn't know when he was standing behind him.

She had a smile on her face, but it made people's scalp numb.

Mother Chen's crying was stuck in her throat in embarrassment.

The grievance on his face was suddenly replaced by flattery and flattery:

"It's nothing, nothing, why are you here, are you hungry? Wait, mom will go home and cook for you now!"

Today's Jiang Qi, in her eyes, is like a scourge.

She doesn't want any good grandchildren!

Pushing Chen Tongtong away and dragging Chen's father, the two fled.

Later, Chen's father and Chen's mother dared not mention seeing their grandson again.

Chen Qiang worked hard in the company like an old scalper every day, and finally died suddenly at work.

All his property also fell into Jiang Qi's hands.

After Chen Qiang's death, Chen's father and Chen's mother were even more afraid of Jiang Qi. Until Chen's mother died in a car accident while shopping for vegetables, Chen's father also had enough of Jiang Qi's suppression and torture, and committed suicide by drinking medicine.

Jiang Qi didn't care about these things.

He held a funeral for the two casually, and took the money left by Chen Qiang to travel around the world with Jiang's father and Jiang's mother.

Under the careful cultivation of Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, Chen Tongtong became a university professor.

After Jiang's father and Jiang's mother passed away, Jiang Qi also left this world.

(End of this chapter)

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