I'm betting against the system, scumbags will become kings

Chapter 27 The Husband Who Can’t Give birth to a Daughter 2

Chapter 27 The Husband Who Can’t Give birth to a Daughter 2
【Come on host, the wish of the original host is to let everyone experience the pain she went through. 】

Ertong said.

Jiang Qi fell silent after hearing this.

How do you feel?

The idea of ​​patriarchy has taken root in this land for thousands of years, and it has penetrated into their bones like genes.

[This is the host's business. 】

Two barrels shrugged.

Jiang Qi didn't blame it.

It was indeed her business.

The doctor was still cleaning up the remains of the fetus in her body. Jiang Qi endured the pain and recalled the books he had read.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, Jiang Qi had an idea.

The operation ended soon, and Jiang Qi was pushed out of the operating room.

Outside the operating room, only her husband was waiting outside.

When Jiang Qi was pushed out, he just heard the sound of the game starting from his mobile phone.

On the palm-sized screen, you can see the picture of the Canyon of Kings at a glance.

But he didn't have the slightest bit of embarrassment or guilt, and a trace of irritability flashed across his face.

Just started, it was launched, which affected him to start a black game with his friends.

Can't you hide inside for a while?
But due to the presence of doctors and nurses, he could only suppress his displeasure:
"Is it going to be so soon? It seems that there is nothing wrong with you, so you can pack up your things and go home in the afternoon."

Stay in the hospital for one more day, and pay for one more day.


His mother is still at home waiting for someone to take care of her.

Doctors are used to it.

It is said that when a woman is pregnant, it is the best opportunity to see her husband's family.

In fact, the same is true when a married woman has a miscarriage.

A man who loves his wife will feel restless and worried.

A man who is ruthless and ungrateful is as indifferent as visiting the hospital.

Doctor: "It's best for the patient to stay in the hospital for observation for half a day."

The doctor said so, Zhang Wei could only reluctantly pay the half-day hospital fee.

In the ward, holding the payment slip and seeing the thousands of dollars flowing away like running water, Zhang Wei blamed Jiang Qi distressedly:
"Look, if it wasn't for you, why would you spend so much money in vain? No wonder people say that women cost money, and they are right!"

Thousands of dollars in less than a day, and his half-month shift was for nothing.

Coincidentally, the mother-in-law of the original owner also finished the set and came slowly.

Seeing Jiang Qi falling asleep on the hospital bed, she was not happy:

"Isn't it just an abortion and a waste of money to stay in the hospital, as if our family's money came from the wind?"

Zhang Wei also followed suit.

It's not about having a son, it's too unfair to spend money on this hospitalization!
Zhang's mother was babbling, she took the fee bill away, and was going to go to the hospital to refund the money:
"I'm going to refund the money, Jiang Qi, hurry up and pack your things, there's still a lot of work at home, you're wasting time here."

She didn't feel guilty at all for killing Jiang Qi's child. Instead, she confidently asked Jiang Qi, who had just had an abortion, to go home and work quickly.

Zhang Wei agrees:

"Yes, go home and help mom with work!"

Jiang Qi's body still hurts, but compared with the torture she suffered under Gu Junlin's hands, this pain is like a mosquito bite.

Seeing that the two of them had no conscience at all, their faces sank, they grabbed the vase on the bedside table, and threw it over without hesitation.

Zhang Wei's head was strangely stiff, the vase was smashed, and no blood flowed from his head, it just became red and swollen instantly.

Zhang Wei covered his head, and jumped up angrily:
"Jiang Qi, what are you doing!"

Seeing her son being smashed, Zhang's mother was heartbroken, and yelled at Jiang Qi:

"Little bastard, you dare to hit your husband, I think you are really born but not taught!"

No wonder he was abandoned by his biological parents.

Live it!

A lot of onlookers slowly gathered at the door of the ward.

Jiang Qi ignored them, pointed at the two of them, and fought back angrily at the top of his voice:

"I don't have a mother, and it's better than you, a mother, who taught me a black-hearted, black-lung beast, who pushed me down the stairs and killed my own granddaughter, and whose wife rushed home to work right after a miscarriage. I think the conscience of your Zhang family has been ruined by the two of you!"

"What are you staring at? Did I say something wrong? Did you think I wouldn't know that it was you, an old woman, who pushed me down the stairs without surveillance? Didn't you just think I was pregnant with a daughter? Heh, I made a fool of myself. Not like a woman!"

Jiang Qi's mouth was particularly poisonous, and he spoke so fast that Zhang's mother's face turned livid with anger, but she was powerless to fight back.

Hearing that the old lady was so patriarchal that she pushed her daughter-in-law down the stairs, the eyes of the onlookers were mixed with a little strangeness.

Seeing his mother being bullied, Zhang Wei became unhappy. He had an angry face, and was about to order Jiang Qi to shut up, when Jiang Qi pointed at him sharply:

"And you, a man of five grades, three vulgar ones, but you don't know what to do. You open your mouth and shut your mouth. Your mother killed your own daughter, and you dare not stand up for your wife. If you are so filial to your mother, what do you want your wife to do?"

"Marrying into your family, I am really blind. Don't think that I have no parents, just want to manipulate me casually. Let me tell you Zhang Wei, if I marry you, it is your arrogance. If you dare to let me marry you for your mother in the future. Wronged, I will make your whole family eat and walk around!"

Whoever's mother is filial, she won't serve her!
After venting all his grievances, Jiang Qi waved impatiently:
"Okay, step back, I'm going to rest!"

There were too many onlookers, Zhang Wei wanted to save face, even though he had all sorts of resentments towards Jiang Qi at the moment, he could only hold back his resentment and take Zhang's mother away.

Big deal, refund the hospitalization fee and see how arrogant she is.

"By the way, pay Bengong three days of hospitalization fees. If one day is missing, I'll make the whole community know that you two share the same bed at night!"

Ginger threat.

The onlookers were shocked again, and there was a meaningful sound in their mouths.

Zhang Wei's face froze, and the hatred in his eyes deepened. He dragged Zhang's mother, and the pace of leaving was even greater.

Jiang Qi was telling the truth.

When she was in love with Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei did not hide Ma Bao's male attributes.

But the original owner, who had no parents since childhood, envied Zhang Wei, who was over 20, and could be loved by his mother as a treasure.

The original owner, longing for maternal love and care, had such envy in his heart, and couldn't wait to marry Zhang Wei.

She really wants to have a home, a mother who can treat herself like a treasure.

But she forgot that mother-in-law is not mother.

How many mother-in-laws in the world can accept their daughter-in-law without any grievances?
Especially a mother-in-law who spoils her son like a baby boy.

Therefore, on the first day of their marriage, when the mother-in-law hung her portrait on the bedside of the new house, and asked Zhang Wei to sleep with her that night, and Zhang Wei did not refuse, the original owner felt that his worldview had collapsed.

But she cherishes this family that was formed with great difficulty. Although her mother-in-law has many strange and even unethical habits, she still forces herself to accept and accept them.

But it was this kind of tolerance without a bottom line that buried the original owner in the grave of marriage bit by bit.

After the two left, Jiang Qi's ears finally became quiet.

She tucked into the bed and slept comfortably for a long time.

In this way, Jiang Qi stayed in the hospital for three days.

She also threatened Zhang Qiang to pay for the food expenses during the period.

If Zhang Wei didn't give it, she picked her feet and counted the strange things between him and his mother.

Speaking of it, it's really funny.

Zhang Wei himself knew that it was abnormal to sleep with his mother at this age, but he just wanted the original owner to accept it, and if the original owner didn't accept it, he blamed the original owner for wanting to separate him and his mother.

As a result, as soon as Jiang Qi threatened, he compromised.


Mommy scum!

(End of this chapter)

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