I'm betting against the system, scumbags will become kings

Chapter 28 The Husband Who Couldn't Give Birth to a Daughter 3

Chapter 28 The Husband Who Couldn't Give Birth to a Daughter 3
During Jiang Qi's three days in the hospital, no one from the Zhang family came to see Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi was discharged from the hospital, but no one came.

Mother Zhang just wanted to give her a blow.

Who made her unable to step down in the hospital, and threatened her son to take money these two days. This kind of daughter-in-law, if you don't study hard, you will definitely turn upside down in the future.

Jiang Qi didn't care, took a taxi to the community, and called Zhang Wei to go downstairs to pay.

Zhang Wei was afraid that Jiang Qi would really tell the story of him sleeping with his mother, so he carried his wallet and wanted to go downstairs to pay, but Zhang's mother stopped him:

"Do you really think she'll tell the truth? Everyone says family ugliness should not be publicized. If Jiang Qi dares to speak out, she will be ashamed too!"

Zhang Wei hesitated, and finally decided to listen to the fuck.

Damn, sure.


3 minute later.

Jiang Qi, who got a loudspeaker from somewhere, sat on a stone pier by the roadside of the community and shouted:
"The vicious mother-in-law killed her granddaughter, and the husband and mother-in-law spend the whole night together. Is this a moral depravity or a depravity of human nature!"

Everyone has a heart for gossip, especially when Jiang Qi yelled so excitingly on the trumpet. After a while, all the old men and women in the whole community gathered here.

Even the driver, who was eager to take the money and leave to continue soliciting customers, squatted aside with a cigarette in his mouth, waiting for the next sentence.

Zhang's mother didn't expect Jiang Qi to be so ruthless, so she could only rush downstairs angrily to find Jiang Qi to settle the score.

Mother Zhang wore a new floral dress that she just bought today, and Zhang Qiang followed behind.

Seeing the two of them, Jiang Qi's face turned into a flower with a smile, and her bright eyes made her look as cunning as a fox:
"Hey, you're so old and still dressed so gorgeously, mother-in-law, do you have an appointment with some old man? I'm not afraid that your son will be jealous~"

Mother Zhang's face was almost pissed off. Seeing that Jiang Qi still dared to talk nonsense, she yelled loudly and tried to tear Jiang Qi's mouth open.

There was a sneer in his eyes.

The moment Jiang Qi threw herself on him, she flashed nimbly, and Mother Zhang screamed and threw herself on the stone pier, and even fell directly from the stone pier, falling on all fours.

The sexy red lace bitter tea seeds are all exposed.


Everyone in the audience looked straight, especially the group of old men.

Really S~
As for the young man, he couldn't help but sigh.

I'm 60 years old, and I still have red lace, so I'm not ashamed.

Zhang Qiang hurriedly helped her up, and Zhang's mother looked at the onlookers with playful and weird eyes angrily:

"What to look at, don't be afraid of the eye of a needle!"

"I don't know if the needle will grow or not, but I'm afraid they will be blind."

Jiang Qi sneered with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhang Wei:
"Husband, where's the money? If you don't give me any money, I'll have even more exciting ethical news~"

Zhang's mother was furious, with gouging eyes, wishing to stab Jiang Qi to death in place.

But she was already ashamed, and she just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Throwing 50 yuan from her body, she slammed it on Jiang Qi's body, said a harsh word, and ran away with her precious son.

Picking up the money on the ground, Jiang Qi gave it to the driver with a smile.

Where is the material, the driver confiscated it.

With a cigarette in his mouth, the other party is fooling around:

"After watching such a wonderful play, the fare is not required, but if there is still a play to watch next time, remember to call me."

How exciting, much more interesting than making money.

After speaking, he handed Jiang Qi a business card and drove away.

Jiang Qi shrugged, didn't even look at the business card, put it in his trousers bag, took 50 yuan to a nearby noodle shop and ate a bowl of mutton noodle.

After eating, I took out my mobile phone and looked through it, and made a phone call before going home.

When he got home, Jiang Qi saw Zhang's mother on the sofa, rolling with rage.

Zhang Wei comforted her.

Seeing Jiang Qi coming back, Zhang Wei immediately questioned him:
"Jiang Qi, what did you mean just now? My mother is so old, how could you treat her like this?"

Jiang Qi sneered: "Why did I treat her like this, do you know the reason as a husband?"

Zhang Wei was just upset, thinking of his mother losing such a big face in the community, he couldn't help but hate Jiang Qi:
"She's my mother, even if you really did something wrong, you just have to bear it. What's more, what happened today is your fault!"

If she hadn't prevented his mother from getting off the table in the hospital, his mother might have let her down today?
Jiang Qi couldn't help laughing.

When a daughter-in-law meets her mother-in-law, the wrong thing is that she will always be the daughter-in-law.

Too lazy to talk to him, Jiang Qi went straight into the room to sleep.

However, Zhang Wei stopped in front of her.

He also pulled out a washboard from behind like a juggler:

"Jiang Qi, you have to kneel down and ask my mother to forgive you for what happened today, otherwise, you will never enter this house again!"

On the sofa, looking at her son who has been protecting her, Zhang's mother was pleased and proud.


So what if she was young, her son didn't love her mother the most.

An orphan girl who has no parents and can't give birth to a son, wants to fight her?
next life!

Glancing at the washboard, Jiang Qi was silent for two seconds before taking it in silence.

Zhang Wei is happy.

The anger in his mother's heart can finally be vented.

Mother Zhang is happy.

Small sample, still can't handle a daughter-in-law?

After taking the washboard, Jiang Qi weighed it twice, it was still very heavy, and the uneven stripes on the washboard were also very hard.

Seeing that she still didn't kneel, Zhang Wei urged unhappily:

"Hurry up and kneel down and say to my mother—"

The last word of apology was not uttered, Zhang Wei's eyes were spinning for a while, and before he realized what happened, Jiang Qi had already pressed his head hard on the washboard.

Pressing her head, the queen of the ginger period is full of style:

"Let me kneel? I don't even look at how many catties I have. Don't you really want to kneel? Okay, I'll make it possible for you. If you don't kneel until your knees break today, I'll break your legs!"

Being pressed on the washboard by Jiang Qi like a grass carp without dignity, Zhang Wei struggled angrily.

Mother Zhang also roared angrily and rushed over to protect her son:
"Little bitch, bully my son again, see how I teach you—"


Jiang Qi kicked her flying.

teach her a lesson?

Zhang's mother was even more angry, reluctantly got up from the ground, and wanted to settle accounts with Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi didn't want to get entangled with her, so he dragged Zhang Qiang, carrying the washboard, into the master bedroom like an animal.


The bedroom door was locked, and only she and Zhang Wei were left in the room.

Outside the room, mother Zhang's hysterical screaming and cursing continuously came in.

Jiang Qi fell on deaf ears.

And Zhang Wei also took the opportunity to fight back, but Jiang Qi was so powerful in fighting, he was not Jiang Qi's opponent at all.

Within a few minutes, Jiang Qi's head, which was whipped with a feather duster, was red and swollen like a pig's head.

"Kneel down, or I will break your dog legs now!"

Flicking the feather duster, Jiang Qi threatened.

Zhang Wei was terrified of being beaten, so he could only kneel down trembling with fear.

The washboard was hard and ridged, making his face hideous.

But compared to Jiang Qi's beating, he can bear it!

Outside the door, Zhang's mother didn't even open the door when she saw that Jiang Qi was dead. She was so angry that she could only make a phone call!
(End of this chapter)

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