I'm betting against the system, scumbags will become kings

Chapter 31 The Husband Who Can’t Give birth to a Daughter 6

Chapter 31 The Husband Who Can’t Give birth to a Daughter 6
But she didn't dare to ask more, if she said something wrong, she would be beaten again.

After dinner, Mother Zhang was washing the dishes in the kitchen, Jiang Qi was flipping through her phone, and Zhang Wei looked at her.

Seeing that she wasn't paying attention to him, he quietly touched an orange.

As a result, as soon as his finger touched the orange, he was slapped off by Jiang Qi.

Looking up, I saw Jiang Qi frowning, with displeasure written all over his face:
"What kind of oranges are you eating? My stomach is so unbearable, why don't you eat more spicy food!"

Zhang Wei was at a loss when he was trained.

What does it have to do with whether he eats spicy food or not?
But looking at Jiang Qi's angry look, Zhang Wei didn't dare to say anything.

Jiang Qi was so fierce that he was afraid.

In the kitchen, when Zhang's mother came out after packing up the dishes, she saw Zhang Wei shrinking aside pitifully, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Aiko was eager to forget how cruel the fist that was stubborn by Jiang Qi was.

Pulling up her precious son, the five-year-old man was guarded by her like a little chick.

Zhang's mother glared at Jiang Qi unhappily:

"It's fine to eat too much and be lazy. If you don't serve your husband and in-laws well, how can you bully your husband?"

It hurts her to see who wronged her son.

No matter how fierce Jiang Qi was, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Her son was raised by her in the palm of his hand since he was a child, and he was raised with care. How could he have been bullied like this.

She spends money to marry her daughter-in-law so that she can serve her son comfortably like a maid, not to make her like a rich lady who only oppresses and bullies her son.

Jiang Qi's calm response:
"That's right, a woman has to take good care of her in-laws. Just wait, I'll buy you a plane ticket and send you back to your hometown to be filial to your in-laws."

Mother Zhang's parents-in-law are both alive, and they are still in good health.

When Zhang's mother was young, she was bullied by her mother-in-law very badly. Like Jiang Qi, her first child was also a daughter, and she was given away after birth.

In that era of underdeveloped information, it was even more difficult to find a baby girl who didn't even have a name.

However, no matter how much mother Zhang hated and became angry, she dared not express any dissatisfaction with her mother-in-law.

But this dissatisfaction was always squeezed in her heart, and it accumulated over time until her son married his daughter-in-law.

After decades of depression and resentment, she finally found an outlet in the daughter-in-law of the original owner.

Isn’t the daughter-in-law just a nanny bought with money? Her mother-in-law bullied her. She finally became a mother-in-law. What a waste.

She is not stupid, how could she suffer such a loss!


When she heard that Jiang Qi was going to send her back to her hometown, Zhang's mother didn't dare to stand up for her son.

If it was the weak Jiang Qi before, she would have already slapped him by now.

The current Jiang Qi is irritable and fierce, and it makes her a little scared to fight.

In her body, she seemed to see the toughness of her mother-in-law when she was young.

It was a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart, which made her more afraid of Jiang Qi than disgust.

"Other people's daughters-in-law know that they are filial to their parents-in-law and love their husbands. As long as you are lucky, you can live in a big city and eat delicious food with us."

Crossing Erlang's legs, Jiang Qi sarcastically said.

Mother Zhang's face was pale and she kept silent.

With a sneer, Jiang Qi stopped talking to her.

If you play tricks with her, you won't be afraid of talking badly!

In the next few days, as long as mother Zhang didn't find fault, Jiang Qi would ignore her.

But Zhang Wei was miserable.

I don't know what happened to Jiang Qi, so I prepared a bunch of chili powder at home, as well as the most spicy hot pot ingredients in Chongqing.

The daily meals are either dry-fried chili, or Chongqing hot pot that smells so spicy that it can bring tears and noses out.

Zhang Wei, who had a strong taste, couldn't stand it anymore.

His tongue was blistered, his face had acne, and his hair was so oily that he went to see a client. The client suspected that he hadn't washed his hair for half a month.

The most frightening thing is that he also suffered from hemorrhoids.

Just returned home from the hospital for hemorrhoid surgery, lying on the sofa, Zhang Wei begged Jiang Qi weakly:
"Honey, can I stop eating peppers in the future? I really can't stand it anymore. Now I can get angry when I see peppers!"

He had never found spicy food so bad in his life.

What surprised him the most was that everyone talked about eating spicy food to lose weight, but he felt that he had gained a lot of weight recently, lost his appetite when he saw everything, and felt nauseous from time to time.

However, when he passed by the fruit shop after get off work yesterday, the green and crunchy apricots in it almost made his mouth water.

"If you don't eat spicy food, how can you give me a daughter? Our Old Jiang's family is waiting for a daughter to carry on the family line!"

Holding the Devil's Spicy that he just snapped up from the supermarket, Jiang Qi rolled his eyes without even thinking about it:
"Our old Jiang's family has been passed down through three generations. My dean's mother dreams of having a beautiful daughter. She has been married to you for several years, and your stomach hasn't moved. I really spend money to raise a pig than you!"

"My dean's mother is quite old. She just wants a daughter. Whenever you give birth to a daughter for our Lao Jiang's family, you will stop eating spicy food!"

When the words fell to the ground, Jiang Qi threw him a spicy chicken with spicy peppers:
"I specially bought an old hen that can lay two eggs a day and asked the boss to make it. You eat the chicken quickly, and lay an egg quickly!"

Listening to her words, looking at the pepper chicken she threw in front of him, Zhang Wei was stunned.

Is she crazy?

Does she know what she is talking about?

He is a man, even if he eats a hundred chickens, his body structure does not allow him to have children!

Zhang's mother on the side also suspected that Jiang Qi must have a mental problem:

"Awei is a man, how could he have children, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Looking at Zhang Wei's stomach, Jiang Qi was also shocked:
"Isn't it said that men and women are equal every day? Why can't a man be pregnant if a woman can conceive? Besides, look at his belly, what is it if he is not pregnant?"

Zhang Wei is five big and three thick, belonging to the type that looks very muscular by nature.

But I don't know when he started, his belly with obvious abdominal muscles became softer and bigger. At first glance, it really looks like a pregnant belly.

Zhang's mother subconsciously looked at Zhang Wei's stomach, and I have to say, it really looks like it.


A man is pregnant, it's just a joke!


So, Jiang Qi forcefully dragged Zhang Wei to the hospital for an examination.

It was the first time for the doctor to see a man come to check whether he was pregnant. Although it was unexpected, the doctor was benevolent, and Jiang Qi looked very serious. He also said a lot of professional terms. It sounded like he was in the same industry. The doctor still agreed to let Zhang Wei do it first. urine test.

After half an hour, the results came out.

When Zhang Wei saw the doctor again, the doctor's face was full of complexity and disbelief, and beside her were two doctors who seemed to have more senior qualifications, also with shocked expressions.

Adhering to the rigorous principle, the three did not directly say the result, but suggested Zhang Wei to do a more detailed inspection.

Hearing this, Zhang's mother panicked, but she only thought that Zhang Wei had a serious physical problem.

After the doctor comforted her, he took Zhang Wei to check his body again.

The waiting time for the result was very long this time, and it took almost three hours before I waited for the doctor's reply.

Zhang Wei is pregnant!

When they heard the news, Zhang's mother and Zhang Wei thought they were hallucinating:

"Doctor, are you kidding me? I'm a man, how could I be pregnant!"

Mother Zhang also felt that the doctor was lying to her.

Zhang Wei came out of her stomach, he is a real man, and he can never be pregnant!
Seeing that the two didn't believe it, the doctor could only show Zhang Wei the report:
"Although even our doctors find this unbelievable, you are indeed pregnant."

After the urine test, the doctor quickly notified the dean.

The dean also called other doctors in the hospital, held an emergency meeting, and made the most detailed analysis and judgment.

The final conclusion, a case that shocked the world, was born.

If this male patient is really pregnant, then they must study his body structure carefully and strive to benefit other men as soon as possible.

In today's society, the problem of gender antagonism is extremely serious, especially in the matter of bride price.

If a man can also have children by himself, he can have his own offspring without spending money to marry a wife.

Thinking of this, the doctors looked at Zhang Wei and became extremely excited, as if seeing a prey, the excitement in their eyes could not be concealed:
"Sir, if you want, our hospital can afford all the expenses from today until the day of delivery."

As long as he promised them to study his body structure, in fact, the hospital would be responsible for all the expenses of his child's future growth.

Where can Zhang Wei hear these things now? He feels that the world has turned into fantasy.

he is pregnant?
God must be kidding him.

Thinking that in a few months, he would be like a woman and give birth to a child from his body, he was so disgusted that he wished he could cut himself open, pull out the unformed fetus in his stomach and throw it away.

"If this is the case, it must be very good, but I hope that it will be told in advance whether it is a daughter or a son."

Jiang Qi opened his mouth and made the decision for him.

The doctor can't make up her mind about her request.

It is stipulated that the gender of the fetus cannot be determined by family members.

"I have learned relevant knowledge, even if I don't tell me, I can see it myself."

Seeing the doctor hesitate, Jiang Qi shrugged and said casually.

Hearing this, the doctor called the dean in front of her, and agreed to Jiang Qi's request.

Throughout the whole process, the hospital and Jiang Qi ignored Zhang Wei.

It seemed that he was not the one who conceived the child.

Zhang Wei couldn't take it anymore, he yelled:
"Shouldn't you ask my opinion on this kind of thing?"

Anyway, he is pregnant——

Now he just wants the hospital to abort the fetus in his stomach!
"Ask what you are doing, there is no place for you to talk here!"

Jiang Qi rolled his big eyes at him:

"As a father, you only need to take good care of my daughter and let her be born healthy and healthy!"

Zhang Wei: "I..."

Doesn't she think it's a terrible thing for a man to get pregnant?
"What about me? I'll tell you, if you can't give birth to a daughter in this pregnancy, you can continue to give birth to me. When you give birth, you will seal your belly!"

Jiang Qi interrupted him viciously and threatened.

In the end, it was up to Jiang Qi to make the decision, and Zhang Wei could only keep the fetus in his womb.

In order to ensure the smooth birth of the fetus, the hospital also arranged for a doctor to come to Zhang Wei’s home for regular physical examinations. Originally, another nurse was supposed to take care of him, but Jiang Qi refused:
"Isn't it just a pregnancy? There's no need to waste hospital resources like this. Don't worry, I can take care of my husband."

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Wei drove home.

Although Zhang's mother could not accept her son's pregnancy, she, who had given birth to a child, also knew how uncomfortable pregnancy was, so she said to Jiang Qi:
"Jiang Qi, although there have been many conflicts between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the past two days, you and Ah Wei are husband and wife after all. He is pregnant and heavy now, so you can drive when you go back."

Jiang Qi bought a cup of milk tea for some reason, sat in the back row, drinking the milk tea, very leisurely:
"It's just driving a car, how hard it can be. When I was pregnant, let alone driving, I couldn't even carry a dozen kilograms of rice upstairs."

"Nowadays men are as squeamish as the Supreme Emperor when they get pregnant. If they really give birth to a daughter for my old Jiang's family, then they can't ride on my head."

Mother Zhang, unable to refute: "..."

Jiang Qi's words came from her mouth.

At that time, she asked someone to look at Jiang Qi's stomach. It was her daughter.

Then, she would often scold her in a strange way for not living up to expectations, and leave all the tiring and dirty work at home to her.

A money-losing product is not worth her time to take care of.

Now, listening to Jiang Qi's sarcasm, Zhang's mother knew that she was deliberately angry with herself.

But she could only bear it in silence.

When he got home, Jiang Qi was like a salted fish again, slumped on the sofa watching TV.

Seeing that it was getting late, she urged Zhang Wei impatiently:

"It's so late, let's go and cook, I'm exhausted after a busy day."

I don't know if it's because of pregnancy, Zhang Wei feels very tired, he really doesn't want to move anymore:
"Honey, I feel that my legs are as heavy as lead. Let me take a rest today."

It may be because of pregnancy. I never thought the disinfectant in the hospital smelled bad. After I came back from the hospital today, I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit all the time.

When I think about cooking and seeing raw oil and chili, the nauseating feeling of vomiting rushes directly to my throat.

Jiang Qi directly refused without thinking:
"What are you resting for? Our mother is quite old, and she has been cooking every day for the past two days. You are her son. She has raised you so much, so she should enjoy the blessing of children and grandchildren."

"Is it easy for our mother to raise you so big? You are just pregnant. When mother was pregnant with you for seven or eight months, she still cooked meals for the whole family. As soon as you were born, she went to work in the fields. Our mother That's how you came here, how come you can't do it anymore?"

Mother Zhang: "..."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Zhang Wei has a deep understanding of the feeling of not knowing how painful it is without the pain on his body.

When Jiang Qi was pregnant, she always said that her back hurt and her body was heavy, and her mother said how capable she was when she was pregnant when she was young.

Zhang Wei echoed every time.

What hurts and how heavy it can be, isn't it just to take the opportunity to be lazy and don't want to work.

Don't think he doesn't know what these women are thinking.

She was so heavy that she couldn't work, how the hell did the woman at that time survive?

(changed, sorry)

(End of this chapter)

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