I'm betting against the system, scumbags will become kings

Chapter 32 The Husband Who Can’t Give birth to a Daughter 7

Chapter 32 The Husband Who Can’t Give birth to a Daughter 7
There was no other way, Zhang Wei could only cook.

Smelling the smell of oily smoke, he was nauseated and vomited.

Zhang's mother was so distressed that she wanted to help, but Jiang Qi's barbed sarcasm went out like a knife:
"It's just cooking, how can you be so pretentious, look at the husband of sister Zhang upstairs, he can earn money to go home and cook, he can't even earn a little money, and he needs someone to help him cook, it's really a raise A pig is better than raising him!"

Mother Zhang really couldn't stand her poisonous tongue, she didn't want her son to be scolded by Jiang Qi, so she simply hid in the room, out of sight and out of mind.

After dinner was ready, Jiang Qi was like the elders, throwing away the bowls and chopsticks, and went to watch the foam show.

Zhang Wei and Zhang's mother were almost used to it, and they held back their anger and washed the dishes.

After washing the dishes, the busy day is finally over.

Zhang Wei, who was tired all day, slumped on the sofa, motionless.

After calming down, he rubbed his stomach, and his mind started to be dazed again.

Is he really pregnant?

I'm afraid it's not a daydream, right?

He couldn't help pinching his thigh, and gasped in pain.

it is true!
He is really pregnant.

He couldn't figure it out, he was really a man, how could he be pregnant like a woman?

He remembered the black clinic that Jiang Qi had taken him to before.

He remembered seeing Jiang Qi enter the operating room before Hei Clinic lost consciousness.

Could it be that at that time, she and the fat doctor manipulated his body?

At the thought of this, a surge of anger, like gasoline being poured on him, burned fiercely in his heart:

"Jiang Qi, did you let that black clinic doctor do the matter of my pregnancy?"

He couldn't hold back, turned his head, and questioned Jiang Qi angrily.

Hearing this, Zhang's mother next to her also felt that this possibility was very high.

It must be that Jiang Qi colluded with the black clinic doctor and moved her son.

Jiang Qi, who was seeing the most exciting part, laughed out loud when he heard his words, as if hearing the funniest joke in the world:

"The experts have studied it for so many years, but they haven't worked out the problem. Are you sure that I, a layman, can figure it out at once?"

"If I could really make you a big man pregnant, I would at least have to disembowel you and change your body structure. But look at your stomach yourself. Besides being as fat as a pig, is there any sign of being passive?"

Don't try to slander her without evidence!

She was telling the truth, and there was no trace of a knife on Zhang Wei's body.

Even so, Zhang Wei was still dubious about Jiang Qi.

Ginger gets irritable:

"Okay, I'm suspicious when I'm pregnant. You're not tired. I'm tired. No wonder married women don't want to go home. It's because you men always like to think wildly."

After finishing speaking, he dropped the remote control impatiently and went back to the house to swipe his phone.

Looking at her cold back as she left, Zhang Wei was very hurt.

In the past, Jiang Qi would listen to whatever he said, and she would not make him angry.

Jiang Qi now, not to mention fierce, he is pregnant, and she doesn't know how to take care of him.

Jiang Qi didn't care about all of this.

She only wants a beautiful and well-behaved daughter, other than that, whether Zhang Wei is happy or sad has nothing to do with her.

Time flies quickly, and several months have passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Wei and Zhang's mother have slowly accepted the fact that the man is pregnant.

However, Zhang Wei's stomach was getting bigger and bigger. The hospital had a [-]D color Doppler ultrasound, and it turned out that there was a boy in his stomach.

It was originally a happy thing for the Zhang family to have successors, but Zhang's mother and Zhang Wei were not happy.

Because Jiang Qi's unhappiness has been written on his face since the sex of the fetus was confirmed, and his mouth is more poisonous than before:

"Spending so much money to support you, just give me a prodigal son, I think it's better to get it done as soon as possible!"

"Look at the fact that we are born in opposite families. We have been two daughters all our lives. They are both beautiful and sensible. You are lucky. You are a gold swallowing beast. You also have the same stomach. Why is there such a big difference?"


Under her constant psychological blows, Zhang Wei, who was already psychologically sensitive after pregnancy, gradually developed depression.

The hospital was afraid that the child would not be able to keep it, and suggested that he be hospitalized until the child was born safely.

Zhang's mother couldn't stand Jiang Qi's poisonous tongue, so she agreed to the hospital's arrangement.

However, after Zhang Wei was hospitalized, his condition became more serious.

Doctors and nurses would go to the ward to check on his body almost every hour, and everyone cared about the fetus in his belly from the moment they opened their mouths.

It seems that he is just a parasite of the fetus.

And his wife never came to see him once.

I don't know if it's because I'm being mean, or if I'm more dependent on my partner after pregnancy. After I was admitted to the hospital and couldn't see Jiang Qi, he began to miss Jiang Qi.

Although she was fierce and beat him, he just wanted it.

But every time he called her, Jiang Qi was either busy, or he was hypocritical:
"So many people are alone when they are children. You still have a doctor to take care of you. What can I do?"

After being reprimanded by her, Zhang Wei became even more depressed.

He felt more and more like a woman.

Looking in the mirror, seeing his increasingly ugly face, huge pregnant belly covered with horrible and ugly stretch marks, he was worried that Jiang Qi would change his mind.

His stomach is larger than that of ordinary pregnant women, and it is more uncomfortable to sleep at night.

After pregnancy, he realized how uncomfortable it is for a pregnant woman to sleep on her side for the safety of the fetus.

But all this panic, no one can understand.

Even Zhang's mother couldn't give him much comfort.

He just wanted Jiang Qi, as a wife, to be by his side and give him the sense of security a pregnant woman needs.

In the days of such collapse and suffering, Zhang Wei finally looked forward to the day when the child would be born out of the stomach.

On this day, almost all the gynecologists in the hospital appeared in the operating room, and the dean even transferred the top experts in Huazhou from the Imperial Hospital.

In the operating room, Zhang Wei, who was lying on the operating bed with his legs crossed and without dignity, felt like a fish at the mercy of others.

There were bursts of severe pain in the abdomen, and he was covered in cold sweat from the pain.

He never knew that it was so painful for a woman to give birth.

It was as if a pair of hands stretched his body apart, the tearing feeling made him feel worse than death.

The doctors delivered a man for the first time. Everyone was excited and nervous. If the baby was born smoothly, the doctors and nurses in the operating room today will all be recorded in the annals of medical history!
"Where is my wife, is she here?"

Enduring the tearing pain, Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and asked the nurse.

The nurse hesitated and nodded:
"Come on, it's outside."

It was said that Zhang Wei, who had been depressed for several months, finally became a little happier.

Although she would hit him with her hands and treat him coldly, in fact, she still loves him.


Because it was the first case of a man giving birth in the world, the whole operation process was extremely cautious and lengthy. Zhang Wei entered the operating room at [-]:[-] am and was not pushed out until [-]:[-] pm.

During the period, he couldn't stand the pain. Seeing that the baby would be stillborn if it was delayed any longer, the doctor suggested a caesarean section instead of a natural delivery.

(End of this chapter)

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