Chapter 39 Group pet 6
However, before that, he had one more thing to tell Jiang Yu.

The next day
Jiang Qi's group was notified by the teacher who led the group to add a new member.

As Jiang Qi expected, it was Jiang Yao.

After the people in the group learned about it, they howled all over the place.

This competition is very important. If you can get the first place, you will not only get a generous bonus, but also add points to the college entrance examination.

So, everyone is doing their best.

But apart from Jiang Yao's good family background, those with ordinary grades can't be more ordinary.

Let her participate in the competition, it will definitely slow down!
The world is really run by the rich.

Rich people can be gilded for a little money.

People without money are just broken clay pots.

"It's okay, we'll do our best."

Jiang Qi comforted the aggrieved team members.

The game is coming soon, and emotions will affect everyone's performance.

Since Jiang Yao wants to come to the competition, then come.

However, whether she can bear the consequences, I don't know.

Soon, the game begins.

Still an Olympic number.

The competition was fierce, and the participating schools all sent their top students.

However, to the surprise of the participating members of Nangao, Jiang Yao, who originally thought she would be a laggard, performed exceptionally in the competition, not only answering the answer, but even breaking the previous record in a short time.

Nangao suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention, even the news media were alarmed.

Jiang Yao instantly became popular on the Internet. She looks sweet and has a superior background. Hundreds of millions of netizens call her a "little genius princess".

Jiang Yao became the girl everyone wanted to be.

Enjoying the admiration and admiration of the crowd, Jiang Yao felt ecstatic when she saw the big Vs calling herself the once-in-a-thousand-year "little genius princess" in their manuscripts.

No matter how smart Jiang Qi was, he was now called a genius, but it was still her, Jiang Yao.

Not long after Jiang Yao became popular on the Internet, an official announcement, like a bomb, exploded on the Internet.

In the announcement, it clearly explained how Jiang Yao got her honor:
The topic of the Mathematical Olympiad was leaked after being hacked into the Internet.

According to the investigation, the ID of the intruder was Jiang Yu, a well-known hacker.

After the truth came out, Jiang Yao fell from the altar overnight.

Netizens have piled up so many beautiful words on her, and now they are throwing so many bad words at her.

Even Jiang Yu's reputation plummeted.

Everyone knows that Jiang Yu is a madman who spoils his sister.

But in order to pamper my sister and infringe on the interests of others, it must not be tolerated!

The participating members who had successfully obtained extra points and awards in the college entrance examination by virtue of this competition were also recovered their bonuses and their bonus points were cancelled. They were even prohibited from participating in the Mathematical Olympiad before the college entrance examination because of joint and several liabilities.

The participating members were very angry. For this competition, they have paid unimaginable hard work for ordinary people.

Now, because of the young lady of the Jiang family, all the hard work has been in vain.

They posted online condemning Jiang Yao and asked Jiang's family to give an explanation.

Facing the anger of netizens and students, Jiang Yao hid at home in fear and dared not go out.

Jiang Feng was very distressed, he questioned Jiang Yu:
"Didn't you say that you have good skills? How can you leave evidence?"

It was he who asked Jiang Yu to hack into the computer of the Austrian array, obtain the test questions in advance, and then tell Jiang Yao the answers.

At that time, Jiang Yu repeatedly assured that it was impossible to be traced to the IP address.

The results of it?
His Yaoyao is now the target of public criticism!

Jiang Yu didn't expect that someone in China could track his IP location.

Jiang Yi sullenly;
"Now is not the time to argue about who it is, the top priority should be how to help Yaoyao get rid of the public opinion on the Internet!"

Jiang Feng frowned:

"Do you have any idea?"

Jiang Yi did have an idea.

It's just that the thought of being in contact with that woman made him feel uncomfortable.


Jiang Qi did not expect that the Jiang family would take the initiative to call, and even asked her to go home in a not too indifferent tone.

But Jiang Qi still refused.

When things go wrong, there must be demons, don't think she doesn't know their thoughts.

After the three Jiang family brothers were rejected, they became angry with embarrassment, but for Jiang Yao, the three could only hold back their anger.

Among the three brothers, Jiang Yi, who has the best emotional self-control, even drove to Nangao to pick up Jiang Qi himself.

The brothers and sisters who met for the first time were polite and indifferent.

Jiang Qi looked at the man standing in front of him with a very calm expression:

"Is there something wrong? If it's okay, I have to go back to the dormitory to study."

Her indifference made Jiang Yi frown.

What kind of attitude is this?

Anyway, he is also her brother, so she doesn't even have any respect for him.

But when he thought of Jiang Yao, Jiang Yi suppressed the disgust in his eyes very well:

"Other people in the family have accepted you, and I will pick you up today to live in."

For Yaoyao, Jiang Yi lied.

In fact, it is impossible for him to accept Jiang Qi in his whole life.

An intruder is an intruder, even if he compromises for a while, in his heart, she is not Jiang's person.

Jiang Qi suddenly found it funny.

They have accepted her?
Said it as if she was an outsider.

"It's very convenient for me to live in the school, so I won't go back."

Jiang Qi opened his mouth and refused again.

She hasn't learned enough yet, she needs to study hard at her youthful age!
No one has ever dared to refuse his arrangement, and Jiang Qi was the first.

Jiang Yi was very upset.

Reject him on the phone.

Now, she refuses in front of him.

This woman is really not as good-looking and obedient as his Yaoyao!

"Chen—Jiang Qi, I advise you to stop losing your temper. If you don't want us to hate you, then go back to Jiang's house obediently while I'm still patient with you."

Jiang Yi threatened.

Otherwise, she would never want to enter Jiang's house.

Seeing that he was still rambling, Jiang Qi felt that he was as annoying as Jiang Yu:

"Say what you want to say quickly, don't beat me around the bush, my time is precious, you can't afford to waste it!"

Don't think she doesn't know what he's going to do, she's smart.

Seeing her so ignorant of flattery, Jiang Yi sneered and stopped being polite to her:

"Since you said that, then I will tell you directly. You must know about Yaoyao. Yaoyao didn't come to school these two days because of the abuse on the Internet. She is very innocent and fragile. She is held in the palm of Jiang's family. The little princess raised here..."

Jiang Qi interrupted him coldly:
"Speak directly, I don't have time to listen to how you praise your little princess."

Jiang Yi's eyebrows twitched twice, obviously annoyed at her ruthless interruption.

After taking a deep breath, Jiang Yi suppressed his anger.

He went on to say:

"We can let you go back to Jiang's family, and even recognize you as Jiang's family, as long as you tell the outside world that the test questions of the Olympiad were leaked to you!"

As long as Jiang Qi takes the blame, they agree that she will become the Jiang family.

All this is for Yaoyao.

Otherwise, it is impossible for them to agree to death.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yi's face showed a hint of condescension.

Like a nobleman who is showing kindness, he looks at Jiang Qi with contempt and disdain.


I'm pushing it, I'm climbing the list, I'm asking for a recommendation ticket, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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