Chapter 40
Jiang Yi is determined to win.

He was very sure that Jiang Qi would agree to take the blame for Jiang Yao in order to return to the Jiang family.

The Jiang family is rich and powerful, no one will refuse the temptation of money.

Looking at Jiang Yi's confident face, Jiang Qi closed his eyes and slowly took a deep breath.


Instead of suppressing the anger, it burned even more fiercely.

Forget it.

What to bear.

Call first!

So, 3 minutes later, Jiang Yi was beaten into a pig's head by Fatty!
Jiang Qi stepped on his face, leaned over slightly, and slapped his face, which he considered to be the most noble in the world, insultingly:

"If you have time, please go to the hospital to check your brain. Am I from the Jiang family? Why do I have to get your approval? I have seen weird ones, but I have never seen anything as weird as your brothers!"

"You treat Jiang Yao as a treasure, and you want me to tolerate her unconditionally? Please shake your brains full of sea water, I am the victim, I did not take the initiative to find Jiang Yao to drive her out of Jiang's house, It's already very magnanimous, and you still come to find fault with me every day, is it because I am too tolerant to you that you think I am easy to bully?"

If it weren't for the fact that killing people in this world is against the law, she really wanted to pry open their brains with her own hands and see what kind of strange structures are inside!
As long as their three views are a little bit normal, even if they have no feelings for their own sister, they will not repeatedly bully and exclude their own sister for the sake of an adopted daughter who has no blood relationship.

She suddenly felt that going back to Jiang's house was a very unwise decision.

Isn't studying fun?

She obviously didn't have to go back to Jiang's house and concentrate on her studies.

Forget it.

Who made the original owner's wish be to be recognized by the Jiang family?


Jiang Yi returned home with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and Jiang Yao was taken aback by the hostility all over his body.

She had never seen Jiang Yi so angry, like an enraged beast, anyone who approached would be torn to death by him.

What surprised the Jiang family even more was that Jiang Yi was the second young master of the Jiang family, not to mention the imperial capital, but looking at the entire country of Hua, not to mention beating him, there were only a handful of people who dared to show a little disrespect to him.


Jiang Yi was not only beaten up, but also beaten up so much that Jiang's mother almost didn't recognize that it was his son.

After asking the reason, Jiang's mother, who originally felt a little guilty about Jiang Qi, made a rare fire:
"Don't protect my sister, and even beat my brother, I don't think she has any family education at all!"

Seeing that Jiang's mother was angry, Jiang Yao secretly felt proud.

Jiang Qi is really daring, if she continues to do it, she will never see Jiang again.

Thinking of this, she hurried forward to comfort Mother Jiang:

"Mom, it's all my fault. If I can be as smart as my sister, I won't hurt my brothers. It's my fault. I can understand that my sister doesn't want to help me. Mom, don't be angry."

Looking at the considerate and well-behaved daughter in front of her, Jiang's mother became even more disgusted with Jiang Qi's violent behavior.

The family doctor was called to bandage Jiang Yi, and Mother Jiang went to find Jiang Qi herself.

Just as Jiang Qi sent out the organized information, she heard the dormitory auntie say that an uncle came to her.

She was surprised.

In the memory of the original owner, there is no other uncle except the gold master.

Could it be that the patron found the school?

Should not be ah.

Didn't that person already promise to get rid of all the donors for her, and promised not to let the donors pester her to take revenge?
damn it.

That dog man won't be breaking his promise, will he?

Full of doubts, Jiang Qi went downstairs.

What an uncle, the driver of Jiang's family.

Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

The driver took her to meet Mother Jiang outside the school.

Following behind, Jiang Qi had a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Until I saw Mother Jiang.

Mother Jiang was sitting in the car with the windows closed, so she couldn't see anything inside.

The car was parked at the entrance of a very remote alley outside the school.

There was no one around.

Jiang Qi felt more and more funny.

As a mother, she came to school to meet her biological daughter, but she was sneaky. If she didn't know it, she thought the spy chief was secretly prodding her to meet her!
The driver opened the door and Jiang Qi got in the car.

In the car, Mother Jiang didn't feel any warmth on her face, she looked at Jiang Qi with displeasure and anger:
"It was you who beat your brother?"

Jiang Qi smiled, "What? He didn't go home to sue me?"

Seeing that she knew nothing wrong, Mother Jiang's chest became even more angry, like a volcano about to erupt:
"He's your brother, even if he doesn't like you, how can you beat him?"

Jiang Yi is a star, and for a star, the face is especially important.

But Jiang Qi scratched Jiang Yi's face recklessly.

If Jiang Yi's face is injured, it will definitely affect his future in the entertainment industry.

Jiang Qi Youyou asked back:
"I hit him, so why don't you ask me why I hit him?"

Mother Jiang asked her angrily, "Okay, why did you say you beat your brother?"

"Because Jiang Yao cheated in the Mathematical Olympiad, he asked me to take the blame for Jiang Yao. If I refused, he threatened me not to let me go back to Jiang's house, so I beat him."

Jiang Qi answered Jiang's mother without any personal feelings.

Mother Jiang was dumbfounded when she heard the words.

She only knew that Jiang Yi helped Jiang Yao cheat in the Olympiad, but she didn't know that Jiang Yi would threaten Jiang Qi.

But even if he knew it now, it would only be a moment of guilt for Jiang Qi.

Jiang Yao is the apple of the eye of the Jiang family, and Jiang Yi is the noble second young master of the Jiang family.

And what about the ginger period?

She has just returned to the Jiang family, and the Jiang family has not given her a title yet.

What's more, she has suffered so much in the Chen family, so it's okay to take the blame for Yaoyao.

It's a big deal, just give her more money in the future to make up for her.

Thinking of this, the only bit of guilt in Mother Jiang's heart disappeared.

She took out a bank card from her handbag and handed it to Jiang Qi:

"There are 20 in this card, which is considered as compensation from your mother for this incident. Don't worry, this incident will pass soon. After two days, no one will remember this incident."

She said of course.

Jiang Qi didn't take the bank card, and looked at Jiang's mother without blinking his dark eyes.

Mother Jiang's scalp was numb from being stared at:
"Why are you looking at mom like that? Mom also knows that I'm sorry for you, but Yaoyao has never suffered since she was a child. As a big sister, you should protect her."

Mother Jiang, who is eccentric, doesn't think there is anything wrong with her words.

Jiang Qi blinked his eyes, he really felt that the Jiang family was sick.

Forget about Jiang Yi's brothers, even Jiang's mother, her own mother, wronged her own daughter for her adoptive daughter.

No wonder the original owner was depressed.

If you meet such a superb family member, whoever will be depressed!

"She used my identity to enjoy your love for me for so many years, what's wrong with being wronged now?"

"You treat her as closer than your own daughter, that's your right, but I never recognize her as my sister, if you really think she is closer than me, then just pretend that I never went back to Jiang's house !"

(End of this chapter)

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