Chapter 68
She flew back and forth, constantly urging and complaining to Papa Hu:

"I don't care, I don't care, I must become a human and marry Wen Sheng, you are useless, you have lived for more than 1000 years, but your cultivation is only a few hundred years!"

Papa Hu was embarrassed and guilty, but there was nothing he could do.

Butterfly's face is not good.

Anyone who is rejected by their own daughter is not in a good mood.

Looking at Hu Ling'er who kept complaining, Father Hu's eyes lit up, and suddenly remembered that there was another way.

But seeing Mother Butterfly at the side, he endured it, but he didn't say anything.

This method is too insidious and against the laws of nature. Mother Hu is old-fashioned and will definitely oppose it.

Seeing that it was getting late, Father Hu said to Mother Hu:
"Okay, don't think about it for now, let's go and get something to eat."

Mother Butterfly left without doubting him.

As soon as Mother Hu left, Father Hu hurriedly lowered his voice and muttered to Hu Ling'er.


Looking at the matchmaker who came to the door to talk about matchmaking, Pei Yuyan did not expect Wen Sheng to like her.

Father Pei was not too pleased with Wen Sheng.

The family background is not good, so he is still arrogant, but he is still decent.

Thinking of this, Father Pei went to ask Pei Yuyan what he meant.

It was his daughter who married, and he could only agree to the marriage if his daughter liked it.

Anyway, the Pei family is not short of money, and after the two get married, Wen Sheng will be the accountant of the restaurant.

Listening to her father's question, Pei Yuyan bit her lip in embarrassment, and after a while, she blushed and shook her head to refuse.

She doesn't like it.

Seeing this, Father Pei was delighted.

It's fine if you don't like it.

In this way, Father Pei rejected the matchmaker in a good mood.

The matchmaker was disappointed, and tried to persuade her a few more times. Seeing that the Pei family really disagreed with the marriage, she had no choice but to reply to Wen Sheng.

Wen Sheng couldn't believe it when he learned that Pei Yuyan didn't want to marry him.

She doesn't like herself, how could she thank him specifically?

How could he buy his paintings in person?

Wen Sheng didn't believe it, so he went to find Pei Yuyan.

After Pei Yuyan knew that Wen Sheng actually liked her, she didn't want to give him hope, so she asked the maid to reject him.

Vincent was very angry.

He didn't know why Pei Yuyan didn't like him?

Is it like everyone else that he thinks that his family is poor and he can't accomplish anything?

He didn't expect Pei Yuyan to be so vain, but he was wrong, and in the end he paid the wrong price sincerely!

From that day on, Wen Sheng never looked for Pei Yuyan again.

The neighbor heard from nowhere that he had talked about the marriage with the Pei family, and asked him why he said the marriage failed, Wen Sheng gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"I thought that Pei Yuyan would be different from other women. I didn't expect that she was also greedy for glory and wealth. She thought I was born poor and my family was not as good as others."

"Heh, I, a poor scholar, got promoted. The Pei family is a wealthy family. I shouldn't be delusional!"


After his classmates learned about it, they advised him not to think so, and advised him to complain instead of making progress.

However, Wen Sheng felt that his classmates were mocking him for his wishful thinking, and he responded eccentrically to his classmates and friends.

In the end, his friends were so angry with him that they finally cut off contact with him.

What kind of literati arrogance, at best, is arrogance, at worst, it is desperate for face.

It is not terrible for people to be poor, but what is terrible is that they want to save face even if they are poor!

Wen Sheng didn't feel that he was wrong from the beginning to the end. Anyway, whenever others mentioned the Pei family in front of him, he would sneer and sneer.

Pei Yuyan also knew about this, but she didn't bother to talk about it, so she just thought of it as a way to see through a person.

Besides, she was not in the mood to care about Wen Sheng.

She is now only interested in the man in front of her eyes.

These days, Jiang Qi would go to the restaurant almost every day.

Whenever Pei Yuyan heard that Jiang Qi was coming, she would play a tune.

Whatever Jiang Qi likes to listen to, she plays.

But the two hadn't spoken a word except the day they first met.

Every time Pei Yuyan finished playing the piece, she wanted to go downstairs to find Jiang Qi, but she couldn't see Jiang Qi every time.

During this period, Fat Fu and Shao came to look for work several times, and every time he was beaten by Jiang Qi, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Afraid of being beaten, fat, rich and young dare not come to the restaurant again.

Seeing that his daughter seemed to like Jiang Qi, Father Pei deliberately matched the two of them up, but Jiang Qi didn't know if he understood or not, so he changed the subject calmly every time.

After so many times, Father Pei didn't mention it anymore.


I can only feel sorry for my daughter's wishful thinking.

【I think this Pei Yuyan is pretty good. His father wants to marry his daughter to you. Why don't you agree? 】

Ertong doesn't understand.

If she doesn't like girls, didn't Jiang Qi marry Bai Han last time?
Isn't Pei Yuyan her type?
"I'm a demon, she's a human being, so I can't harm her."

The combination of humans and demons has only been a tragedy since ancient times.

She can leave the plane as soon as the task is completed, what about Pei Yuyan?
Er Tong rolled his eyes [Then you still give people hope, aren't you deceiving people's feelings? 】

"If we're not together, we can't protect them anymore?"

Jiang Qi retorted.

Besides, she has other arrangements.

【All right, all right, you are the host and you have reason】

Leaving the restaurant, Jiang Qi was about to go back.

When passing by the county government office, I heard heart-piercing cries coming from inside.

Everyone has a gossip mind, and Jiang Qi is no exception.

Hiding her figure, she slipped into the county office.

In the backyard of the county government office, the elegant and luxurious woman cried so much that she almost fainted, and the county magistrate next to her was even more indignant.

Fat Fu Shao is dead!
What a terrible death!

The originally fat and bloated person seems to have been scraped off the subcutaneous fat and sucked away the blood in the body, leaving only a strange human skin.

The matter quickly spread throughout the town, and in the next few days, several such murders occurred one after another.

The dead were all those playboys or street gangsters who were doing evil in the town on weekdays.

At the beginning, people in the small town were panic-stricken, seeing that the dead were domineering children and hooligans, everyone thought that the murderer was a great hero who killed the people.

But the law doesn't care about these things, killing people pays for their lives, and the government is bound to catch the murderer.

After the common people learned that the government was going to arrest their "big hero", they obstructed the government's actions one after another, either providing false clues or causing trouble at the gate of the county government.

The government was exhausted physically and mentally, and the case progressed slowly.

Jiang Qi is also investigating this matter, and she even already knows who the murderer is.

Sitting on the wall of the yard, Jiang Qi looked at Hu Ling'er who was in love with Wen Sheng in the yard, with a calm expression.

Unexpectedly, in order to become a human, Hue Ling'er would absorb the essence of human beings.

Although those killed by her were all hooligans, but those people were not guilty of death.

Huo Linger's move is undoubtedly against the laws of nature.

Wen Sheng looked at Hu Ling'er beside him. The two met by chance ten days ago. With just one glance, he knew that Hu Ling'er was her wife.

Soon, the two got married, and after getting married, they were very loving and harmonious.

Hu Linger doesn't think he is poor, as long as he has new paintings, Hu Linger will praise him without hesitation.

In her eyes, he is like a genius.

The only thing that dissatisfied him was that Huo Ling'er had a delicate and savage personality, and she didn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers.

He cooks three meals a day after marriage.

Wen Sheng suggested that Hue Linger should do it, but Huo Linger felt as if she had been abused. She was pitifully aggrieved and suspected that he didn't love her anymore.

There was no other way, Wen Sheng could only continue cooking.

Seeing the lumps of brown rice and pickles on the dining table again, Hu Ling'er was a little tired.

She wants to eat meat and eat delicious food!

(End of this chapter)

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