Chapter 69
But she had just become a human being, so she didn't have enough mana, and the gold, silver and jewelry she conjured could only last for one breath, so she couldn't fool anyone at all.

"Wen Sheng, why are you eating these again? I want to eat braised pork!"

Huo Linger complained.

Wen Sheng frowned: "Where do you have money to buy meat at home, as long as you have something to eat."

Wrinkling her nose, she licked the pickles twice, but Huo Ling'er couldn't eat any more:

"Then if you paint a picture for Song Yuanwai, won't you get money!"

With silver, she can also buy beautiful clothes.

Although she is now married to Wen Sheng, every time she sees Pei Yuyan, she is still secretly jealous.

She wanted to dress better than Pei Yuyan, and wanted to compare Pei Yuyan.

Wen Sheng's face suddenly became angry:

"How dare you say such a thing! I'm a scholar anyway. If I go to paint him that kind of filthy stuff and spread it out, what will people think of me?"

Huo Ling'er doesn't care:
"Quietly draw twice, if you don't tell me, if I don't tell you, who will know?"

Wen Sheng didn't expect that she would say such a thing, and he couldn't eat anymore because of his anger:
"Ling'er, I thought you were different from other women. You could understand my heart and appreciate my talent. Unexpectedly, you are no different from those vulgar fans!"

For money, let him betray his heart.

Seeing that he was angry, Huo Linger regretted it, so she quickly apologized to him:

"Sir, don't be angry, I'm just joking with you, don't take it seriously!"

Wen Sheng: "If you make this kind of joke again in the future, I don't think it's a bad day!"

No one wants him to betray his heart, and no one wants him to give up his literati integrity!

Hu Ling'er gave another round of persuasion with good words, and Wen Sheng's anger slowly subsided.

Jiang Qi watched it for a while, felt bored, and left.

Night fell, the moonlight was bleak, and the stars were few and far between.

After Wen Sheng fell asleep, Hu Ling'er slipped out of the house quietly.

During the day, she found another target.

She is still a stinky hooligan who oppresses the orphans and widows in the town on weekdays. She wants to suck away his yang energy and essence to maintain her human form.

The old man said, as long as you choose those bad guys who have committed the most heinous crimes, you will act on behalf of the heavens, and you will not be punished by heaven.

The hooligan who molests the widow with his lips must be considered a heinous crime.

Soon, Huo Linger arrived at the hooligan's residence.

It is a tile-roofed house with a separate courtyard.

Raising his hand, Huo Linger knocked on the wooden door.

The hooligan was still awake, when he heard the knock on the door, he came to open the door cursing.

After opening the door, seeing a pretty girl, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Yo, it's a girl, what's the matter with the girl knocking on the door of the next door so late?"

The hooligan asked with a sly smile.

Hue Ling'er smiled coquettishly, her smile was seductive and seductive.

The hooligan was immediately taken away by his soul, and he welcomed Huo Ling'er in in a daze.

After closing the wooden door, the hooligan stared blankly, and let out a smirk, like a mentally disturbed fool.

Huo Linger sneered.

Sex ruffian!
Let's see her come to do justice for the heavens!

Under the night, the whites of her eyes were gradually swallowed up, and the dark eyeballs bulged out from the eye sockets bit by bit, crystal clear like a huge glass bead, embedded in the eye sockets.

Opening her mouth, a slender blood vessel protruded from her throat. There were densely packed tiny suction hands on the blood vessel. Those suction hands were sharp and greedy. They seemed to smell the breath of the prey, and they all opened their claws excitedly, impatiently. It wants to penetrate the body of its prey and take the delicious blood.

Fortunately, no one else saw it, otherwise I would definitely be scared to death.

The blood vessels penetrated towards the gangster's mouth, Hue Ling'er looked like a ghost!
Just when the gangster was about to die under her terrifying mouth, a threatening golden light descended from the sky.

The golden light contains pure Taoist righteousness, and when it appears, it is like a scorching sun, and Huo Ling'er, who is pierced, feels a burning sunburn all over her body.

Immediately, two figures descended from the sky.

Hu Linger was shocked. After seeing that one of them was actually Jiang Qi, she was even more shocked:

"Brother Jiang Qi, why are you here?"

Jiang Qi ignored her and said to the Taoist priest:

"I'm not lying to you, the people in the town were indeed murdered by this butterfly!"

Huo Linger was furious:
"Brother Jiang Qi, you actually betrayed me!"

Ginger period aversion:

"What are you talking about betraying? I didn't know that you were doing such an outrageous thing."

The old Taoist was brought over just to let people know who the real murderer was.

In order not to wait for her to kill Hu Ling'er, some old-fashioned and old-fashioned people will come out and say that she is a murderer regardless of black and white.

At that time, there will be no proof.

The old Taoist priest believed Jiang Qi's words after seeing Hu Ling'er inhaling the soul with his own eyes.

Holding the mahogany sword in his hand, the old Taoist priest is about to destroy Hu Ling'er, a heinous monster who has committed a heinous crime.

Huo Ling'er quickly resisted.

She has shallow skills, no matter where she is the opponent of the old Taoist priest, she was knocked out of the prototype by the old Taoist priest in three or two strokes.

Huo Linger quickly turned into a butterfly and escaped.

Jiang Qi stopped her twice, pretended not to stop her, and let her go.

The old Taoist was distraught:
"What do you want? You can't really be with her?"

"Don't worry, Daoist, Hu Ling'er will go find her father, and we will follow her and wipe out her family."

It was Father Hu's idea that Hue Ling'er killed people and took people's spirits away.

How is it possible not to kill him too.

As for the butterfly mother, we'll see when the time comes.

Hearing this, the Taoist snorted:
"Okay, I'll trust you, if you don't catch the butterfly spirit, then the poor man will chop you up for firewood!"

Jiang Qi smiled and didn't care.

Soon, following Hu Linger's trail, Jiang Qi and the Taoist saw Daddy Hu and Hu Linger.

Seeing his precious daughter come back with a whole body of injuries, Father Hu panicked:
"Ling'er, what's wrong with you? How did you become like this?"

Wings are broken, almost unable to fly.

Transforming into a human form, Hue Ling'er collapsed on Papa Hu's body weakly.

She was furious at the thought that Jiang Qi was going to hang out with Yao-nosed old man;
"It's that stinky bamboo spirit who brought a Taoist priest to beat me up like this. Daddy, you must avenge me!"

Father Hu was startled.

Jiang Qi was actually with the Taoist priest.

But seeing his daughter injured like this, he didn't care about other things, so he hurriedly took her home to recuperate.

How dare Hue Linger go home.

If Mother Butterfly knew that she was secretly sucking human essence, she would have to skin her alive.

Father Hu: "You are her daughter, no matter what, can she still eat you?"

Besides, if you don't go home to recuperate, where else can you go?
There is no way, Hu Ling'er can only go home with Hu Dapa.


Because of the injury, Hue Ling'er couldn't hide her demon nature.

Seeing her hideous and ugly appearance, Mother Hu knew that she must have done something crooked.

Otherwise, how could a butterfly become so scary, it was as black as if it had been burned by a fire.

Mother Hu was furious, and without hesitation she sent Hu Ling'er to Lingguang Temple to confess her sins in front of the Buddha.

The monster committed a heinous crime, either self-destruction of self-cultivation, or confession before the Buddha.

If the Buddha forgives, he will practice from the beginning.

If the Buddha does not forgive, then the soul will gather and disperse.

(End of this chapter)

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