Chapter 73
Jiang Qi never thought that one day he would become a race other than humans.

Looking at her pale skin and beautiful ageless face in the mirror, she found it quite strange.

"I cut myself a knife, can the wound really heal itself?"

Jiang Qi was very curious.

She saw other hosts dressed as vampires, they were all immortal, except for holy objects like crosses, they were basically invulnerable.

【you try? 】

Ertong was speechless.

How could anyone think of pulling himself a knife.

"Forget it, wait for a chance, give it to my precious eldest son."

Jiang Qi refused.

It is impossible to self-harm.

It is impossible to self-harm in this life.

Her original identity this time was a vampire.

The original owner was still very honorable, his father was a prince, and his father and mother chose to commit suicide because they were tired of working. As their only daughter, the original owner inherited his father's power and became the head of the family, mastering the family power and strength. It is very terrifying, and it is a gangster-level existence that frightens hunters.

Until she met a vampire from another family, who was also a prince. His wife died and he had a son, a duke.

Not long after they met, the two families were combined, and the original owner married him.

The prince's son is called Hisoka, and he secretly falls in love with a human woman.

During a date, Hisoka was discovered by a vampire hunter, and on the way to escape, was wounded by the vampire hunter with a holy object.

In order to save his son, the prince can only inherit the power of inheritance to Hisoka.

But the inheritance process was interrupted by the intrusion of Hisoka's girlfriend.

As a result, the prince's strength was sadly reduced to the level of the viscount, and Hisoka didn't inherit much.

To make matters worse, Hisoka's girlfriend was followed by the vampire hunter organization. Seeing that the power of the prince of the vampire family was greatly reduced, the hunter organization began to massacre the vampire family frantically.

When the original owner rushed over, there were not many family members left.

The prince was still gasping for breath, and Hisoka was wounded all over.

No matter how powerful the original owner was, it would be difficult for him to fight against hundreds of hunters.

For the sake of the family members and son, the prince asked the original owner to take them away.

The prince intends to blow himself up and kill as many hunters as he can!

For the sake of the overall situation, the original owner took the remaining members and ran away.

Whoever imagined it, because of this incident, the original owner was hated by Hisoka, his stepson.

In Hisoka's view, the original owner ran away because he wanted to become the only prince in the family, so he borrowed a knife to kill someone and let the hunter organization kill his father.

So he fought against the original owner everywhere, letting go of the blood slaves kept in captivity by the family, and the strength of the injured family members was greatly reduced because of the lack of fresh blood supply.

He also disclosed the activities of the family members to the hunter organization. After killing many family members, he jumped out and shouted that it was the original owner's lack of leadership that caused the family to gradually decline and decline, causing family members to leave and seek refuge in other families.

The most amazing thing is that after learning that human beings want to use the body of a vampire to study the elixir of life, Hisoka betrayed his own race again. Watching humans disembowel the race and do all kinds of cruel research, he stood aside and said helplessly. :

"I know how much our blood race has hurt you humans, so now I just want to make up for what our blood race once owed humans."

In the end, the elixir of life was not researched, but the medicine that turned the blood race into a human was researched.

Relying on these medicines, the hunter organization turned the brave and good at fighting and flying the blood clan into ordinary people with no power to restrain chickens, and then killed them one by one.

As for Hisoka, he has made a great contribution to the eradication of blood race by human beings.

Therefore, humans let him go.

Hisoka also lived happily with his girlfriend after becoming a human.

His blood family experience and the story with his girlfriend have also been made into TV series and movies.

Hisoka's handsome appearance, coupled with the distorted movie story, made many fans envious of his beautiful and romantic love story with his girlfriend while indulging in his peerless appearance.

After sorting out the memory of the original owner, Jiang Qi almost turned his eyes to the sky!

This Hisoka is definitely seriously ill!

His father's death was obviously his girlfriend's fault, so what does it have to do with the original owner?
Besides, what Hisoka said about the harm to human beings, the blood race did hunt and kill humans thousands of years ago, but human beings also carried out a century-long encirclement and suppression campaign against the blood race. More blood races died than humans were hunted and killed.

Later, under the protection of the prince and the restrictions of the family regulations, the blood clan no longer hunted and killed humans, but reached an agreement with some lazy humans in exchange for fresh blood.

The vampires provide them with food, clothing, and shelter, and these humans are regularly drawn for blood.

The content of the agreement has no time limit for human beings, as long as human beings want to terminate it, they can terminate it at any time.

But what disgusted Jiang Qi the most was that Hisoka felt that the blood race owed humans, so he betrayed the race and let humans use the blood race for human research.

Oh shit!

Truth opened his head to see if it was filled with the Holy Mother's saliva!

If you feel indebted, then use your own body to let humans study it.

It's obviously an act of betrayal and betrayal, and he still calls himself so noble.


Looking at himself in the mirror, who looked slightly hideous because of his anger, Jiang Qi put his fingers on his temples, forcing himself to show a calm and gentle smile.

not angry.

not angry!
It's fine to kill this rebellious son, why are you angry~
Thinking of this, Jiang Qi felt better again.

Seeing that it was still early, she lay back in the golden nanmu coffin covered with a soft blanket, and decided to have a good sleep first

The sunset glow is bright and bright, and the reflected river water is like a red fire.

The night began to slowly fall, and the Cangshan Mountain in the distance and the river nearby were gradually covered with a layer of twilight.

The carnival moment belonging to the blood race has arrived again.

In the coffin, Jiang Qi woke up lazily. The unique coolness of the twilight made her feel comfortable.

It turns out that this is how the blood race feels about the world.

After changing his clothes, Jiang Qi hummed a little tune and went downstairs to eat.

Downstairs, Hisoka had already sat down at the dining table.

Beside him is his girlfriend Lin Mengmeng.

There were also two blood slaves who had just eaten and drank enough to go to bed, and they were taken to the living room with a confused look on their faces.

Hisoka promised his girlfriend yesterday that he would bring her to his castle, and then show her the so-called blood slaves and the scene of the blood slaves being bled.

Seeing Jiang Qi, Hisoka, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly darkened, as if Jiang Qi had splashed a pot of black ink on his face.

His father's murderer!
One day, he must personally kill her and avenge his father!
When Lin Mengmeng saw Jiang Qi, her face turned pale with fear.

Although Jiang Qi was good-looking, her fierce appearance was a nightmare that she would never forget in her life.

The first time I saw Jiang Qi was the day Hisoka's father was killed.

When Jiang Qi learned that the hunter was following her, his angry and fierce eyes could almost pin her to death. If Hisoka hadn't stopped her, Jiang Qi would really have killed her.

 The last plane was forbidden to be crazy, so I changed my mind and adjusted my mood easily. It was the world of vampires that a reader left a message that I wanted to see.

(End of this chapter)

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