Chapter 74
But, how could she be blamed for that incident.

She was just an ordinary and weak girl, how could she know that the hunter would follow her?
Besides, if Jiang Qi hadn't returned to her castle that day, how could Hisoka's father have been killed?
Thinking of this, she pulled Raxiso's arm in fear:
"Hisuo, why didn't you tell me that Auntie is here? She doesn't like me all the time. I don't want Auntie to be unhappy because of me. Or should I go?"

With a soft and weak tone, with the fresh green arrow flower fragrance, Xun's ginger period is a little physically uncomfortable.

Rolling his eyes at her, Jiang Qi bluntly said:
"It's just getting dark, where am I when I'm not at home? Knowing that I don't like you, you still run to my territory. Are you trying to scare me or yourself?"

Lin Mengmeng felt wronged:
"Auntie, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that!"

Seeing Lin Mengmeng blushing from Jiang Qi's choking, Hisoka's eyes seemed to be covered with a biting cold sickness:
"Jiang Qi, don't go too far! I have never admitted your relationship with my father, so this is my father's base, please recognize your identity!"

As soon as his words fell to the ground, the slender chopsticks whistled through the air, and poked into his head filled with the holy water of the Ganges River.

Hisoka was furious, pulled out his chopsticks, and roared angrily at Chong Jiangqi with a murderous look on his face:

"Smelly woman! How dare you hurt me!"

Seeing the wound on his forehead start to heal, Jiang Qi understood.

Vampires can really heal themselves.

The two melon-eating human blood slaves were also surprised.

so amazing~
Seeing that his saliva was sprayed into his steak, Jiang Qi was very disgusted:

"It's all hurt, and you still ask me if I dare, if I don't directly dig out your heart, you will ask me if I dare?"

As he said that, Jiang Qi had already grabbed the other chopstick, with a playful look in his eyes, half a smile was not a smile.

Hisoka: "..."

Jiang Qi's appearance gave him a little palpitation.

His intuition told him that if he said another word, she might really dig out his heart!

Damn woman!
Killing his father, just showing off his power in front of him, waiting, when he finds a way to inherit her princely power, she must die badly!
Enduring it, Hisoka decided not to bother with her as a woman!
Jiang Qi snorted and sneered:


Don't even dare to talk back!
The resentment in Hisoka's chest erupted in an instant, and it was as violent as the fire meeting gasoline!
Taking a deep breath, Hisoka endured it with all his might.

Seeing that his neck was covered with veins from anger, Jiang Qi was very kind to fear that he would be mad at him, so he continued to hum a little song, and asked the servant to give him a new steak and another blood cake, and ate dinner happily.

[Host, the blood cake of the blood race is made of human blood, don't you feel sick? 】

Ertong was surprised.

Its previous hosts did not eat this kind of thing.

I don't feel it during the ginger period:
"I'm a vampire now. It's strange that vampires don't eat human blood."

Two barrels【…】

The adaptability of this host is really beyond its imagination!
Lin Mengmeng saw that Jiang Qi actually ate blood cakes made from human blood, it was so scary, how could she be so cruel!
Unlike her, who even stepped on an ant to death, she would blame herself and be afraid.

With a flick of her mouth, she was about to accuse Jiang Qi of his cruelty with tears in her eyes.

Jiang Qi, who was eating, glanced over lazily. The powerful intimidation scared her so much that she didn't dare to chat.

If you dare to say a word, kill her now!
Woo woo woo, it's so fierce.

Lin Mengmeng shrank her neck in fear and dared not speak.

Hisoka didn't find any faults anymore, he couldn't let Jiang Qi disturb his beautiful date today.

After speaking, call the servant and let the servant show how to draw the blood of the blood slave on the spot.

Lin Mengmeng became happy in an instant, she clapped her hands excitedly, her eyes sparkled.

It's the first time to see a blood slave being drawn, so looking forward to it!

The tools of the blood race are very hygienic and scientific.

But Xi Suo specially asked the servant to prepare extra-large tools in order to let Lin Mengmeng enjoy watching it.

The scalps of the two blood slaves with thick needles were numb, especially after knowing that their blood was drawn this time only because of a performance given to his girlfriend by Hisoka, both of them became angry:
"You can't treat us like this, we are not your pets, you are violating our right to dignity, you must apologize to us!"

Did you play them like monkeys?
Hisoka was aloof and indifferent:
"Signing a contract with you, do you really think that you can negotiate with our blood race? Let me tell you, today's blood, you have to smoke it, or you don't have to!"

Dare to spoil his cuteness, be careful that he kills them!
The two blood slaves are not afraid, they are just lazy, but that doesn't mean they have no dignity!

Anyway, if you want to play them like monkeys, they will never agree!

Therefore, the two decided to terminate the contractual relationship on the spot.

Hisoka sneered:

"You think that the contract can be terminated if you want to. Since you don't want to drink a toast, don't blame me for being rude!"

He wants these two lifeless blood slaves to know the fate of disobeying him!
Let Mengmeng also see the authority and strength of his blood prince's son!
When the voice fell to the ground, the air in the restaurant was suddenly thin and cold, and Hisoka disappeared on the chair all of a sudden.

Mengmeng was surprised!

Is this the strength of the prince's son?

After seeing it with my own eyes, it feels even more magical than in TV dramas.

Lin Mengmeng's heart pounded wildly when she thought that Hisoka was her lover and she became the heroine in the movie.

In the next second, Lin Mengmeng heard a loud noise that was almost exactly the same as her heartbeat, and it sounded suddenly!

She quickly regained her senses, and then saw Hisoka falling to the ground in all directions, with a very abrupt shoe print on his handsome face.

Go to the ginger period again.

She is gracefully putting down the gorgeous skirt, raising her eyebrows slightly, with a very oppressive smile on her unbelievably beautiful face:

"Before you act arrogantly, please look clearly, this is Gatalavi Castle, not your father's Osens Castle! So, before you become arrogant, please recognize your identity first!"

After speaking, Jiang Qi raised his arm, palm facing up, fingers spread out.

Being kicked and flying to the ground, Hisoka, who was full of ferocious anger, felt that he was bound by a terrible force, and flew towards Jiang Qi uncontrollably.

Holding him by the neck, Jiang Qi grabbed the huge syringe on the trolley with his other hand, and the smile on his face became eerie:
"Don't you want to perform blood drawing for your little girlfriend? Come on, let me, the future mother-in-law, perform for her myself!"

When the voice fell to the ground, there was a puff, and the syringe stabbed fiercely into Hisoka's neck.

His movements were fast and ruthless, and Hisoka didn't even react.

Lin Mengmeng screamed in fright.

Jiang Qi will be sympathetic to the fragrance and cherish the jade, but green tea like Lin Mengmeng is more ruthless than anyone else.

He ordered the servant to drag her over, press her head, put it on Hisoka's neck, and forced her to look:

"Didn't you just clap your hands and look forward to it? Why are you closing your eyes now? Open your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes and let me see clearly!"

Like a vicious old witch, Jiang Qi threatened Lin Mengmeng ferociously while drawing Hisoka's blood:
"If you can't see clearly, I'll dig out your eyeballs and make it look here every day!"

To see what is not good depends on seeing other people draw blood.

Come on, see enough now!
After one tube of blood was drawn, Jiang Qi drew two more tubes. Hisoso's already pale face became whiter and his eyes rolled up uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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