Chapter 103

Yun Jiao agrees with this!

She opened the love mall, and didn't choose the space attribute that she was optimistic about at the first time. Instead, she browsed all the love value products, and it was a bit difficult to make a decision.

"What kind of world will the next world be?" Yun Jiao asked while struggling.

438 shook his head, the ruby ​​eyes were full of innocence: "The Lun family has said that the promotion tasks are screened by the bosses, not the Lun family, so the Lun family is also in Phuket Island!"

Yun Jiao: ...What use are you!
Looking at the dazzling array of products, Yunjiao wanted everything, wishing she could pick them all out and equip her.

But this is just thinking about it. All her gratitude points have been exchanged, plus the love points she has saved, there are only [-] points.

Eighty o'clock!
Yunjiao was thinking hard!
At the beginning, she wanted to exchange space attributes, but 438 has space, and she can use it, so exchanging space attributes is a bit tasteless.

Do not!
How can it be tasteless!

She can only borrow the space of 438, and it is not hers, and she cannot comprehend the laws of space.

Or change the space attribute!

Space, and then time?
No, no!
Time is more useful than space!
So annoying!

Yunjiao's fingers kept going back and forth between time and space, unable to make up her mind.

at this time……

"Dear, hurry up, assemble!"

438 flew over, and Yun Jiao was taken aback unexpectedly.

Her finger also poked the space attribute!

Yun Jiao:! !

438: "Have you chosen?"

Yun Jiao: I am xxx!

"You..." Yun Jiao grabbed 438 and was about to get angry when the ground suddenly shook.

Yun Jiao, who was caught by 438, became anxious and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the book in Wanhua Domain began to flicker on and off, and the question mark on the price below also began to slide up and down.

Then it slowly disappeared from the shopping mall inventory.

Yun Jiao didn't realize that there was a flash of red light between her brows, and it disappeared in a flash!
After a long time, the shock ended.

Yun Jiao looked at 438 with a dazed expression, "Nine Nether Earthquakes."

"How is that possible? Go ask the Lun family." As 438 said, he broke free from Yunjiao's claws, and a small black hole appeared behind him.

The next moment it went into a black hole and disappeared.

Yunjiao sat on the ground, many strange words appeared in her head.

The strange thing was that she could understand it even though she had never seen this kind of writing before.

Countless words danced around a golden book, and then they all disappeared into the book.

The golden light disappeared, and the cover of the book came into Yunjiao's eyes.

Wanhua field!

It turned out to be Wanhua...

Yunjiao suddenly came to her senses, and got up to look at the love value mall.

Sure enough, among the bottom two books, the Wanhua Domain was missing.

Only the Wanji Domain is left there alone!
Yun Jiao: ...

Just... a little square!

Why did the Wanhua field get into her mind?
Can you still buy one get one free?

But this gift is too precious, right?

Yun Jiao frowned, and with a thought, the Wanhua Domain immediately appeared in her hands.

Turning to the first page, there is no word, only five gray figures.

Thunder, rain, leaves, flames, and a poop-like shape.

Yun Jiao: ...

What does this mean?
Forget it!
Yun Jiao turned to the second page, but she couldn't open it!
Unwilling, Yunjiao tried to turn over the back, but still didn't open it!

She picked up the book and shook it, except for the first page, the following pages did not move, as if they were glued together.

I don't understand, I don't understand at all!

With a flash of Yunjiao's thoughts, the Wanhua Realm came back to her mind and continued to stand quietly in the altar.

It's better not to let others know about such things, and 438 can't say anything about it.

Otherwise, if it gets out, she won't be able to keep the book.

Yunjiao first threw aside the willful Wanhua Domain, and began to ponder her own spatial attributes.

This space attribute is not to have a space like others, but to be able to open up a space by oneself.

Those strange words just now are the way to open up space.

Yunjiao tried to build a node where she was, and then tried to build a node ten meters away.

The next moment, she disappeared into this space...
In a temple somewhere in Jiuyou.

A man lay in the crystal coffin.

There seemed to be smog in the coffin, only the figure of the man could be seen, but the outline of his facial features could not be seen clearly.

In the crystal coffin, there were still eight men standing, and at this moment, each man's complexion was not very good.

Among them, there is an old acquaintance.

Chi Yan scratched his short red hair irritably, and stared at the other seven people: "I said at the beginning, don't pay attention to that dead woman, you don't listen, now it's all over, Wanhua Domain was taken away by her."

"That was hers." Another man dressed in ancient white clothes, who looked like a banished fairy, said casually, and gave him a faint look: "Since you decided to use her, you should know that there will be something for you." A day to return to its original owner."

Chi Yan sneered, smirking: "I said Yanhua, don't you have been the emperor for a long time, have you developed feelings for that dead woman? Don't forget how she treated my lord before."

Yan Hua's expression was light: "I'm thinking too much, I'm just talking about the facts."


"Okay, stop arguing, it's probably going to be upside down outside, let's all go back!" An elite man with glasses in the workplace interrupted the two of them: "Anyway, if you want to return the fragments of my main soul orb one by one, the woman It is necessary."

The others nodded in agreement, and then slowly disappeared in place the next moment.

Chi Yan glared at Yanhua, then disappeared in place.

But after a while, only Yanhua and the elite man remained in the huge main hall.

The elite man warned: "Yanhua, she is a poison, as powerful as my master was harmed by her like this, don't seek your own death."

Yanhua smiled leisurely, and slowly disappeared in place, not sure if he listened.

After returning to his palace, there was already a black elf waiting for Yanhua.

Seeing him appear, the black elf immediately flew over with a silk book several times larger than him: "Master Yanhua, this is the list of promotion tasks for this promotion to the junior world maintainer."

With a slight hook of Yanhua's slender fingers, the silk book flew into his hand.

When he saw one of the names, his eyes paused slightly: "No. 438 is also promoted?"

The little elf nodded: "Yes, she is pretty good, none of the missions failed, and all the entrusting parties received five-star praise."

"Really?" There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Yanhua's mouth.

"Yes! There is also this shock, which makes everyone very disturbed, and they are all asking why."

"There's no reason, it's just that the Wanhua domain has chosen the master."

"Oh... what?"

The little elf reacted belatedly, and fell to the ground in fright.

"My lord, the Wanhua Domain has chosen its master? Who is it?" The little elf came to his senses, fluttering his little wings and flying in front of him.

"Who knows!" Yan Hua smiled, stroking the suet jade pendant on his waist: "It's time to meet old friends, let the promoted personnel gather in Wangchuan, and the city lord will personally lead the team."

Elf:! !
It's just a junior promotion test, do you need to go in person? -
Yun Jiao didn't know how much of a stir she had caused.

After studying the space attributes, she couldn't help but sigh.

It really is a magic skill.

She can construct the space and hide herself from the trace, as long as she knows the space node, she can appear thousands of miles away in an instant.

And absorbing the space attribute, this skill is equivalent to her exclusive skill, no matter which world she goes to, she can use it, and the Dao of Heaven will not reject it.

Of course, it's best not to affect the running of the world, otherwise if Tiandao's father doesn't take care of her, the Jiuyou bosses will take care of her too.

To put it bluntly, just take it easy!
Yunjiao performed three space jumps in a row, the first time was more than ten meters, the second time was more than 100 meters, and the third time was a thousand meters...

She doesn't know the space nodes, so she can only jump around.

Finally, she stood in front of a majestic palace.

There is no guard here, and it is silent.

And inside, it seemed that something was calling her!
Yun Jiao frowned, looked around, and walked in lightly.

Coincidentally, the elite man was coming out of it at this time.

Seeing Yun Jiao, that face instantly pulled down: "Who told you to come here?"

"Uh..." Yunjiao smiled awkwardly: "I didn't know I couldn't come here, so I just tried my skills, and I was here after a few space jumps."

The elite man's face was grim, his gold-framed eyes glowed coldly, and his eyes staring at Yun Jiao became colder and colder.

Feeling the danger, Yunjiao took a few big steps back: "I'll just go, big brother, don't be angry."

After Yunjiao said that, she was about to run away.

"Stop?" The man with glasses stopped her: "Do you know how to get back?"

Yun Jiao nodded honestly: "I wrote down the space node when I came here, so I can jump back."

"That's the best!" The man with glasses narrowed his eyes dangerously: "This is the Nine Netherworlds, next time you break into it for no reason, I will kill you."

Yun Jiao shivered, turned around and disappeared in place.


Why don't you set up a sign in the forbidden area?

Otherwise, how the hell do I know it's a forbidden area?
Yun Jiao suspected that these dogs were fishing for law enforcement.

However, Yun Jiao was a little concerned when she thought of the seemingly invisible call in the forbidden area.

It's also inappropriate to say summoning, it's like a kind of traction.

She wants to go in and have a look!

But I'm afraid of death!

I don't know who that elite man is, the aura around him is a bit scary.

After returning to the space, 438 has returned.

Seeing her appear, she quickly flew over: "My dear, how did you get out? You are not a junior maintenance member yet, so you can't run around! There are many places in Jiuyou that you can't go to."

"Ugh! I was wrong!" Almost couldn't come back.

Seeing that she didn't argue with him this time, but admitted her mistake honestly, 438 looked suspicious: "Did you cause trouble?"

"No way!"

"Really not?"

"..." Well, it should probably be.

Yun Jiao told it about meeting the man with glasses, and said, "Who is the man with glasses? He looks a little scary!"

438's face turned green, and he pointed at her tremblingly: "That's Lord Cangwu, the head of the eight great city lords, why did you mess with him?"

Yunjiao emmm: "I'm just strolling around, is he very strict?"

438 was very mad: "What do you think? Jiuyou has killed many world maintainers since ancient times, and 40.00% of them were killed by him. You, you, you... It's a miracle that you come back alive!"

Yun Jiao was also afraid for a while when she heard the words!
Fortunately, she ran fast!

Do not!
No matter how fast she ran, she couldn't run as fast as Cang Wu, right?
It is estimated that Cang Wu was in a good mood, that's why he didn't kill her!

Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous!

It seems that I can't run around anymore, or my life will be lost!

"Don't run around in the future, call me somewhere, I have the space nodes of the nine forbidden places, I will let you avoid the places you can't go in time."


Absolutely, must!
I'm not impatient anymore!
"Gather with me now, this time Lord Yanhua will personally lead the team to the mission world."

"Huh? He came to take me specially?"

"You think too much, you are not the only one doing the promotion task, there are others. But with Master Yanhua leading the team, you just need to lie flat."

"Oh!" Lie flat!She loves lying flat!

438 knew that Yunjiao had the space attribute, and told her the location of a node, one big one and one small one disappeared into this space and came to Wangchuan!
Yunjiao is no stranger to this place, the Naihe Bridge not far away is the place where she waited for Yunjing to die.

When she and 438 came, 438 pointed to the front figure with their backs to her.

"That's Lord Yanhua, don't be rude for a while."

Yun Jiao nodded obediently, and frowned at Lord Yanhua.

For some reason, she always felt that he was somewhat familiar.

Just as she was recalling, a small cannonball flew towards her: "Yun Jiao, you are indeed there!"

Hearing this voice, Yun Jiao, who wanted to kick him, silently withdrew her jio.

The next moment, the little cannonball flew into her arms, and looked intently, it was not Qin Roushuang, who was it: "You have also been promoted?"

"Yes! Thanks to you, I have earned a lot in Huangfuyi's world!" Qin Roushuang held her arm, and watched the other three introduce her: "They are all world maintainers who are going to be promoted to the junior level this time. , this very strong little brother is named Tyson."

Tyson nodded friendly towards Yunjiao: "You two are human beings, and so am I, hehe...please take care of me."

"Hello!" Yun Jiao smiled back.

Qin Roushuang pointed at another man and a woman.

The appearance of these two people is very strange, one of the men has bull horns on his head and looks fierce.

Another woman with a fox tail behind her was standing behind Yanhua shyly talking to him.

The horned man was friendly to Yun Jiao and greeted her.

The fox-tailed girl gave Yunjiao a faint look, the disdain in her eyes was fleeting, and the next moment she looked away and continued to look at Yanhua shyly and timidly, her eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

"It's all here." Yanhua said lightly.

Yun Jiao frowned slightly, this voice...was very familiar!
Just when she was staring at Yan Hua thoughtfully, Yan Hua also turned around.

Seeing his face, Yun Jiao froze in place as if struck by lightning.

Yanhua also looked at her at this time, and smiled leisurely: "Sister Huang, long time no see!"

haven't seen you for a long time?
not see?

A bone-piercing hatred erupted in Yunjiao's eyes, and her hands beside her were clenched into fists instantly!
"Yun, Jing!" Yun Jiao was furious, her voice seemed to be squeezed out between her teeth.

The next moment she disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared in front of Yanhua, with the dagger in her hand pointing directly at his chest, the hatred in her eyes was about to break through the sky.

In her mind, a scene that was about to be forgotten by her emerged...

(End of this chapter)

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