Chapter 104 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (1)

"Sister Huang, when I grow up, I will never let anyone bully you, and I will make you the most honorable woman in the world."

"Sister Huang, don't go, I just don't want to study, don't cry, Jing Er give you a hug?"

"The birthday party is a birthday party, no matter how lively or grand it is, it can't compare to this bowl of longevity noodles cooked by Huang Jie for me."

"What is a queen? The queen doesn't have to be courteous to her. If it wasn't for the queen, she wouldn't be able to be the queen either,"

"Sister Huang, I am your only family member. No matter when, no matter where you are, come back if you are wronged. Trust me, I will support you!"

"Princess Huguo is unruly and willful, bold and unforgivable. The crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason is unforgivable. I will follow His Majesty's orders to destroy her entire family and take your leader!"


It's you who made me believe in you!
But after I got married, everything changed!

You started to suspect me, guarded against me, and finally killed me!

Are you Yanhua?

You are Yan Hua?

I have been waiting for you at Naihe Bridge for so long, but you never showed up.

You have been playing tricks on me!

Under the terrified eyes of everyone, Yanhua stood there without dodging, even with a hint of a smile on his lips.

The next moment, the sharp dagger pierced Yanhua's chest, but Yunjiao immediately felt that it didn't hit the real body.

Sure enough, as the dagger went in and out, she also passed through Yanhua's body, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The place was silent.

The foxtail girl was the first to react, glaring at Yun Jiao: "Bold, dare to disrespect Lord Yanhua!"

"I'm sorry, Lord Yanhua, she is not sensible, please don't be as knowledgeable as her." 438 was so frightened that he cried, his little face was bloodless, and he flew over and knelt in front of Lord Yanhua.

"Yun Jiao!" Qin Roushuang exclaimed, and hurried over to help Yun Jiao up.

"I'm sorry?" The fox-tailed girl snorted coldly and looked at Yanhua: "Master Yanhua, please allow me to kill this bitch who is disrespectful to you."

Yanhua didn't speak for a while, but just looked at Yunjiao lightly.

She seemed to have been hit hard, her whole body was sluggish, and her messy hair made her even more embarrassed.

Yan Hua ignored the fox-tailed girl, but instead looked at Yun Jiao and said, "It's been a long time since I saw her, and I think that Sister Huang is still so impulsive and brainless, innocent and naive."

"Why?" Yun Jiao lowered her head, her voice was a little hoarse: "I've been thinking about this question for so many years, but no matter how I think about it, I can't figure it out. Why do you want me to die? How can I feel sorry for you?"

"Sister Huang treated me very well. As for why I want you to die..." Yanhua suddenly smiled, looking at Yunjiao as if looking at an ant: "Why should I answer you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sister Huang taught me before that you don't need to explain too much to the ants. Unequal people are not qualified to have equal dialogue. Although I am not the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, you are still an ant in front of me. I need to talk to an ant explain?"


Yun Jiao was speechless!

Yanhua stopped looking at her, and started to talk about the promotion mission this time: "This mission is special. I'm taking you to a world that is about to collapse. Your mission is to investigate the cause before the world collapses. Find and destroy the culprits that caused the world to collapse."

Speaking of this, Yanhua waved his hand lightly, and a black hole as tall as an adult appeared next to him.

"Follow me!" Yanhua said, stepping into the black hole.

The bull-headed man looked at Yun Jiao, sighed and got in.

"Bitch, you'd better be careful!" The fox-tailed girl gave Yun Jiao a look, and followed her closely.

Tyson came over and supported Yun Jiao together with Qin Roushuang: "Those two are Nine Nether creatures, only the three of us are human beings, we have to cooperate well. At this time, put aside other grievances, what do you think?" ?”

"Yes!" Qin Roushuang also said: "Yunjiao, you tried to persuade me before, why can't you do it now? It's the lord of one of the eight cities, if you dare to use a knife on him, how many lives do you have? ? People like us, if we die again, we will really die."

"Sorry!" Yun Jiao tried to suppress the anger in her heart.

It's not that she doesn't know how powerful she is: "I was impulsive just now."

"It's human nature." Qin Roushuang shook her head helplessly, but fortunately Master Yanhua was not angry: "Let's go!"


After saying goodbye to their elves, the three stepped into the black hole one by one.

The black hole is like a long, never-ending streamer corridor.

The figures of the three people in front could be faintly seen.

Tyson saw that there was still a while, so he got down to business: "I would like to introduce myself solemnly. My work code name is 202. You can call me Tyson or 202. It doesn't matter. What I am good at is explosive power and speed. The outbreak lasts for half an hour, and then there will be a half-day period of weakness. I need a trusted partner to take care of me after the outbreak. I wonder if I can trouble the two beauties? Don't worry, I am very professional and will never hold you back! "

"Big explosion of speed and power?" Qin Roushuang asked curiously, "Does the mall have such skills?"

Tyson shook his head: "Of course not. I was a knight in the wizarding world when I was still alive. This is my innate power."

That's it!

Yun Jiao and Qin Roushuang looked at each other, and quickly realized that this product did not open the love mall.

Their elf said that not every maintainer can open a love mall, and it seems that Tyson is one of them.

"Of course we can take care of you!" Qin Roushuang said sternly: "Qin Roushuang, code name 1007, water attribute."

Yun Jiao also said: "Yun Jiao, code name 438, space attribute!"

"Fuck, Yunjiao, do you have the attribute of space?" Qin Roushuang exclaimed.

Yunjiao nodded: "I just changed it before departure, and I have accumulated love points for a long time."

"Great! I heard from my little elf that the space attribute is amazing!" Qin Roushuang suddenly felt that this time she could lie down and win again.

Tyson: "Sorry to bother you, are the attributes you mentioned exchanged in the legendary love mall?"

"Yes!" Qin Roushuang said with a smile: "As for how to open the Love Mall, don't ask us, we are all bosses who open the back door. If you want to open the Love Mall, you still have to ask the boss."

"..." I didn't want to ask, Tyson was helpless and at the same time put away his contempt for these two beauties.

At first, he just wanted to find someone reliable who could take care of him when he was weak.

But now it seems that he is the weakest one.

"You two beauties, I'll leave it to you this time. I heard that you can go to the city after becoming a junior world maintainer. Then I'll treat you to a good meal." Tyson put his left hand on his right chest and walked towards the two of them. Standard aristocratic etiquette.

He doesn't have any machismo, even if he has, he has been a world maintainer for so many years and experienced so many worlds, machismo has long been wiped out.

The strong are respected, regardless of gender.

Although both of them are women, their numbers are much later than his. It can be seen that they have not become world maintainers for a long time, so they are qualified to participate in the promotion task.

Besides, they all have attributes and are stronger than him. He just wants to hug his thigh now.

"Don't worry, Yunjiao and I are very simple, as long as you treat each other with sincerity, we will treat you as a close friend." Qin Roushuang said with a smile.

This is not a polite statement, but a warning. In other words, if you dare to play tricks, don't blame us.

Tyson understood, and his expression became more sincere: "That's definitely not the case. People like us don't know how many years we can exist in the future. There are many friends and many paths, and I don't have so many twists and turns." Go around, don't worry!"

"Mmm!" Qin Roushuang smiled.

That's the best!
Otherwise, she won't be polite!

While speaking, the space in front of him began to distort.

The figures of the three people quickly disappeared in front of them.

At the same time, Yanhua's dignified voice sounded: "Come here quickly!"

Yun Jiao grabbed the two of them and ran forward almost as soon as he finished speaking.

The space behind them collapsed inch by inch, and spread extremely fast, but they came behind the three of them in a short while.

At the last moment, Yun Jiao pulled the two of them into the twisted front.
The ghost domain space overlaps with the living space of human beings. Every night when the moon is full, someone will be marked and dragged into the ghost domain as playthings for ghosts, playing the so-called death game.

There is no limit to the number of people, and there is a narrow escape.

Over the past year, many innocent people have lost their lives because of Huang Quan acting as a demon from time to time.

Relevant research departments attach great importance to this matter, and have thought of countless ways to deal with the ghost domain, but none of them have any practical effect.

This time, on the night of the full moon, another seventeen people were dragged into the ghost domain without warning, and played the so-called death game.

Only by clearing the game can you leave alive.

The game fails and can only stay here forever!
The above is Yanhua's dictation.

At this time, Yunjiao and her party were among the 17 people who were dragged into the ghost domain this time.

This is a train car.

Yanhua looked at the few people indifferently: "The existence of the ghost domain has seriously affected the operation of this world. The world is collapsing. Our mission here is to destroy the ghost domain. Got it?"

Yun Jiao frowned, accepting the memory of this body.

However, no memory!

Only the name of this body.

"How come there is no memory?" Before Yun Jiao could speak, a silly Baitian in her early twenties asked.

Yanhua: "This time, you are not possessed because of entrusted transactions, but forcibly let you possess the dying person, so you don't have the memory of the original owner."

Silly Baitian said in a daze, looked at the people around, finally pushed Yun Jiao away and ran to a sweet-looking girl who was also in her 20s, and grabbed her arm: "Yun Jiao, I am most afraid of ghosts." Now, you have to protect me for a while!"

The sweet girl looked at her in disgust, withdrew her hand bluntly and took two steps back, as if she was something dirty: "Trash is garbage, no one can recognize it."

Silly white sweet:? ?
The real Yunjiao, with a hot figure, enchanting beauty, said helplessly behind her: "Rou Shuang, I am here!"

Roushuang: ...

After three seconds of silence, she silently moved to Yunjiao's side, looking at her shyly with small eyes: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be, I thought it was that vixen."

"Who are you talking about as a vixen?" The sweet girl was instantly angry.

Roushuang blinked in confusion, looked behind her, and seemed to be able to see the big fluffy tail: "Aren't you a vixen?"


"Qinglan!" The words of the sweet girl vixen were interrupted by the muscular man next to her.

The muscular man winked at her, and gave Yanhua a sneaky look.

Seeing that Yanhua was looking at her indifferently, Qinglan suppressed her anger immediately, and gave Roushuang a hard look, not daring to act like a demon anymore.

Seeing her understanding, Yanhua said: "I don't care what personal grievances you have before, I must put it aside for the time being, and I will not show mercy to anyone who dares to do unnecessary things in the mission."

"Yes!" The five people including Yun Jiao responded.

Afterwards, Yunjiao and the other five got to know each other for a while.

Qinglan, also known as the foxtail girl, is possessed by a sweet-looking soft girl, Liu Peipei.

The body that Roushuang possesses is a silly, white and sweet girl, Zhao Roushuang.

The body possessed by the tauren is a fitness trainer, Wang Yang.

Tyson's body is a little milk dog high school student, Li Taisen.

The body possessed by Yunjiao is Gu Yunjiao, an enchanting woman dressed in fashion and a big name.

The body possessed by Yanhua is a handsome college student, Gu Yunjiao's younger brother, Gu Yunjing.

Yun Jiao: ...

Is this guy addicted to being her brother?

She doesn't want such a white and black brother.

Yanhua seemed to have heard the disgust in her heart, glanced at her lightly, then quickly retracted his gaze and continued: "There are eleven people who were also dragged into the ghost domain outside this time, I don't want you to expose your identity."

Crowd: ...

Not giving memory and not revealing identity?
It's too much!

"Yunjing, I'm here to bring you food!" At this moment, someone pushed the door open and entered.

Everyone looked sideways, and it was a beautiful woman.

The woman didn't expect that there would be so many people in the carriage, she was taken aback, and finally turned her attention to Yun Jiao.

After a long time, she seemed to understand something, and immediately came over angrily, and pushed Yun Jiao away.

Yun Jiao didn't expect that she would make a move suddenly, and she really pushed her straight when she was unprepared.

Yun Jiao looked at the crazy woman who suddenly barged in in surprise: "Are you sick?"

"You're the only one who is sick!" The mad woman stood in front of Yun Jing, accusing Yun Jiao sternly: "Gu Yunjiao, Yun Jing is also your younger brother, even though you have the same father and mother, he can't choose his own origin Ah! Now he is injured, as a sister, you bring so many people to bully him, isn't it too much?"

Yun Jiao is really a dog, her face is pitch black.

But this sentence contains a lot of information, Yunjiao and Roushuang looked at each other, and continued to repeat her words: "Just take care of yourself, this is my family's business, it's not up to you, an outsider, to point fingers, get out!"

"Why are you like this, no wonder Junyu doesn't like you!"

"If he doesn't like me, then he likes you? You are very proud!"

"You... I know it's my fault. I can't control my heart and fell in love with your fiancé, but if you want to vent your anger on me, why do you bully Yunjing? I won't leave, you If so, I'll tell Junyu to go."


(End of this chapter)

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