Chapter 105 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (2)

Through some clichés, Yun Jiao got the general information.

This woman's name is Ruan Mian, she is the target of her fiancé Yan Junyu's cheating, and she seems to have an affair with her half-brother Gu Yunjing.

Ma De, are the mistresses so crazy now?

Yunjiao saw that she couldn't come up with anything to say, so she walked over politely, pulled Ruan Mian's hair and kicked her out.

"Gu Yunjiao, you wait, I'll tell Junyu to go!" Ruan Mian was so angry that she threatened without pain and left.

"Stupid!" Yun Jiao rolled her beautiful eyes.

The task group in the carriage nodded in unanimous agreement.

Running in suddenly to send them a message, what is it if you're not an idiot?
But then again...

Yun Jiao frowned and looked at Yun Jing: "Are you injured?"

"Yeah!" Yan Hua lifted up his trousers, and there was a large bruise on his calf.

"My lord!" Without waiting for Yunjiao to speak, Liu Peipei ran over with an exclamation, "How could you be hurt? Does it hurt?"

"It's okay!" Yun Jing put down his trousers: "Our task is to destroy the ghost domain. I just sensed that the owner of the ghost domain is hiding very deep. If you want to find him, you can only play the so-called death game. If nothing happens, He'll show up at the last level."

Master of Ghost Domain?
Others are fine, but Roushuang is not good.

She didn't experience as many worlds as other people, let alone the spiritual world.

As the name suggests, Ghost Domain is full of ghosts!
Roushuang asked weakly with a pale face: "My lord, let me ask, if you accidentally die, will it count as a mission failure?"

"Yes!" Yun Jingjing nodded, and said: "Also, because we are now in the ghost domain, our own power is suppressed, and we can't contact Jiuyou. For example, I have no power to restrain the chicken now. So don't count on me."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Even Yanhua is powerless, so what about them?

Liu Peipei and Wang Yang hurriedly checked their strength, nothing unexpected, nothing!
The body is empty, and there is no power left!
Not only that, but his elf couldn't be contacted either.

"How could this be?" Liu Peipei turned pale now.

She is not afraid of ghosts, she has confidence.

Strength is her strength.

But now that confidence is gone!

How could she not be afraid?
Seeing her like this, Wang Yang hurriedly said, "I will protect you, don't worry!"

"Will it work? I'm an ordinary person now!" Liu Peipei was a little crazy!

Wang Yang opened his mouth and stopped talking, but stood firmly behind her.

For a moment, everyone's face was a little bad, except Yunjiao.

Because she found that what she said was different from what Yunjing said.

Not to mention the same meeting, and the level has been pulled to the full level.

For example, the Nine Yin Manual, she used to spend time practicing it.

But now she doesn't need to practice anymore, and she has her own martial arts from the Nine Yin Manual, as if this body knew it before, even better than Mu Nianci in the world of Condor Shooting.

Not only the scriptures of Nine Yins, Bihaichaoshengqu, heaven and earth Taoism, have all been pulled to the full level, and they are all master level if they are taken out.


Yun Jiao silently lowered her eyes, hiding the thoughts in her eyes.

She didn't realize that Yun Jing was looking at her with a little smile in his eyes.

At this moment, a gloomy woman's voice came from the radio.

"Good afternoon, passengers. Welcome to the 3838438 train. We will definitely let all passengers experience an unforgettable journey to hell. Next, please go to the No. 5 compartment for dinner. Each passenger must arrive within 10 minutes. Repeat, each passenger You must arrive within 10 minutes, or you will bear the consequences!"

Everyone was silent, and then Qiqi set their sights on Yunjiao.


You be honest, this is not your family's car!

Yun Jiao: ...

I feel offended!
Due to the broadcast, several people hurried out.

At this time, they were in the second carriage. When Yunjiao and her party came, there were still eleven people in the carriage, and everyone's expression was not very good.

The man next to Ruan Mian is handsome in appearance, dressed in a tailored suit, domineering president fan.

Seeing Yun Jiao, he frowned, a trace of disgust flashed across his eyes, and he quickly looked away.

Yun Jiao glanced at him lightly.

This is probably the fiancé of this body, Yan Junyu.

so ugly!

Nothing compares to being careful!
Yun Jiao rolled her eyes at him, but she didn't look away from him anymore.

"Go to carriage No. 5 first!" Yun Jing said, and walked ahead immediately.

Yun Jiao pulled Rou Shuang to follow behind him.

From car 2 to car 5, you have to go through cars 3 and 4.

When Yunjing opened the door and stepped into the third carriage, he immediately stepped back and closed the door.

Yun Jiao frowned: "What's wrong? Let's go!"

Yun Jing stepped aside silently, and made a gesture of invitation: "Come here!"

"Coward!" Yun Jiao gave him a white look, walked over and opened the door.

In an instant, the heads of the people sitting inside were all turned 180 degrees, everyone's face was pale, and they were all smiling at her.

Some people's eyeballs fell out, some people grinned to the back of their heads when they laughed, and some people's faces were bloody and bloody, obviously shameless.

"I'm sorry to disturb you!" Yun Jiao just took a look, and immediately closed the door, her face was expressionless, but there was no trace of blood.


Scared the princess to death!

Like Roushuang, she has never experienced the spiritual world!

Yun Jiao felt that she would remember that scene forever.

"Passengers, 5 minutes have passed, and you still have 5 minutes. Please rush to the No. 5 compartment for dinner, otherwise our 347 staff members will attack you friendly!" The gloomy girl on the radio rang again.

Yunjiao and the others didn't move, but the others couldn't sit still.

Yan Junyu even frowned and said: "Gu Yunjiao, if you don't leave, get out of the way, good dogs don't get in the way."

Yun Jiao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she stepped aside and made a please gesture like Yun Jing.

You are awesome, come here!

You can't be scared to death, you turned into a goblin!
Both Yunjing and Yunjiao reacted like this, and the other maintenance staff didn't dare to move anymore. They huddled in the smoking place in the aisle, watching the follow-up with cold eyes.

"Hmph!" Yan Junyu gave Yun Jiao a disdainful look, opened the door and walked in.

The next second, his screams followed.

I saw Ah Piao who were sitting in their seats just now, but now they all squeezed in front of him.

Those pale faces, weird smiles, and even a woman's hair fluttered to his shoulders.

He still had the strength to scream, and Ruan Mian, who was being led by him, was scared to pee, let go of him and ran back without saying a word.

But now, except for Yun Jiao and her group of missionaries, everyone else squeezed in and blocked the door tightly. Not to mention she couldn't escape, she was squeezed in by the people who came in behind.


So the people who came in behind didn't know why, and they were swearing, and the crowd was even worse.

After all, it was said on the radio that we had to get to carriage 15 with 5 minutes left, and they were very tight on time.

Soon, there were screams one after another.

Seeing that she couldn't run away, Ruan Mian simply hid in a corner and shivered.

And Yan Junyu was pushed to the front, facing those weird Apiaos.

Yan Junyu was frightened out of his wits, and the domineering president yelled like a young girl who had been violated.

Xu thought he was too noisy, and the long-haired woman who couldn't tell the front and back directly wrapped her hair around his neck and lifted him up.

"Ahhh..." The people who came in behind were terrified when they saw this, and immediately retreated to the No. 2 compartment.

The Apiaos in the No. 3 carriage laughed slyly, and chased after them in a swarm.

When the first old ghost passed by, Yunjiao snapped her fingers, using space to envelop her and the taskers behind her, and they disappeared instantly.

The old man stopped abruptly, and looked suspiciously at the smoking area. Just now, there seemed to be the breath of a living person here, why did it disappear in a blink of an eye?

Little did they know, from Yun Jiao's perspective, this guy was already standing in front of her.

The tip of her nose was already on the tip of her nose, and that ghostly face was infinitely magnified in Yunjiao's eyes, and Yunjiao almost kicked her.

Fortunately, the ghosts from behind also squeezed in. The aisle is so small. In order not to block the ghosts behind, the old ghost temporarily gave up and went to the No. 2 carriage to chase the group of little white rabbits.

A group of demons danced in front of the missionaries.

All kinds of tricks.

One is scarier than the other.

In the small space, Liu Peipei gritted his teeth and asked Yunjiao: "Why can you use the space attribute? Our attribute can't be used?"

"I don't know either!" Yun Jiao wasn't lying, she really didn't know.

But Liu Peipei didn't believe it: "438, it's already this time, if you have a way to restore your strength, don't hide it."

Yun Jiao was helpless: "If you want to think this way, then think so. I really can't help it. I don't feel suppressed at all."

"My lord, look at her!" Liu Peipei gave her a vicious look, then turned to pull Yunjing.

Yun Jing glanced at her lightly, and avoided her hand calmly: "You are very noisy!"

Liu Peipei was choked immediately, and withdrew his hand with a embarrassed face.

It wasn't until Ah Piao and the rest went to the No. 2 compartment that Yun Jiao evacuated the space.

"Run!" The voice was still there, she took Roushuang and ran to the No. 3 carriage.

Now Ah Piao were all led to the No. 2 carriage by those people, it was time for them to sneak away.

When Yunjiao moved, Yunjing also moved.

Roushuang was pulled by Yun Jiao, and casually glanced at the No. 2 carriage.

There is a Shura purgatory inside.

A man was bitten by several Ah Piao, and his body was covered in blood.

There was also a woman screaming sharply, being pinned down by a bloody, skinless red creature, whose skin was being torn apart.

Another woman was caught by a male ghost covered with black lines, and her eyeballs were closed abruptly.

How miserable!

With a pale face, Roushuang forced herself to look away, this time without Yun Jiao's pull, she ran directly in front of Yun Jiao.

He even bumped away the long-haired ghost who was holding Yan Junyu.

The long-haired ghost didn't expect that someone could get past her group of friends, and was stunned for a moment.

Yan Junyu, who was about to be strangled to death, also slipped to the ground.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Yunjiao jumped up and stepped on his face, trying to catch up with Roushuang, worried that something would happen to this girl.

Seeing that the other taskers followed suit, they stepped on him one after another.

Li Taisen stepped on it as soon as he stepped on it, and said in disgust: "A good dog doesn't get in the way, if you don't go, just get out of the way, OK?"

Yan Junyu was so angry that he almost burst open.

Ruan Mian who was still in the corner reacted quickly, and hurried back to help him follow behind the missionaries.

At this time, some survivors in the second car got rid of those Apiao and ran over.

Roushuang ran ahead, and immediately went to open the doors of carriages 3 to 4.

However, it can't be opened, it seems to be locked from the 4th car.

"Get out of the way!" Yun Jiao yelled just when she was anxious to get angry.

Roushuang reflexively moved aside when she heard her voice.

Yunjiao leaped high, kicked the gate forcibly, and rushed into the No. 4 carriage.

Taskers: Gouyue really has power!
Non-taskers: Damn, we want a leg like this too.

Yun Jiao rushed into the No. 4 carriage, and her whole body froze.

There were mice in front of them, each one was the size of a cat, with red eyes, densely packed the entire carriage, Yun Jiaoqiang's goosebumps kept coming out when he saw it.

Faced with such things, Yunjiao suddenly felt that Ah Piao and the others were cuter.

Yun Jiao turned around and wanted to run.

But the people behind all rushed in at this moment, blocking the escape route to death.

When everyone saw so many mice, their faces turned pale with fright.

I want to go back, but the door behind me has disappeared!
The rats were chattering, and everyone's scalps were numb.

The next moment, the mice rushed towards them like a black tide.

Those red eyes were full of fierce light, and the screams of the survivors came and went.

Yan Junyu was in a daze when he felt a sharp pain in his toe.

He looked down and saw a few black mice ran up to him at some point, biting through his high-end leather shoes and chewing on his toes.

Yan Junyu let out a strange cry, waved away the mice, got up and ran back, and even pushed Yunjiao when passing her.

Yun Jiao was pushed forward by him, and she stepped on the mouse that was running in front of her.

The mice chirped, Yun Jiao's face turned green, and the next moment she grabbed two mice and threw them at Yan Junyu.


My old lady doesn't show off her power, do you really think of my old lady as Garfield?
The mouse landed on Yan Junyu, and he screamed in fright.

At the same time, the mice rushed to the people.

Yun Jiao pulled Rou Shuang behind her, put one hand to her mouth, bit her finger, and drew a talisman in the air.

"The Curse of the Five Thunders!" Yunjiao quickly finished drawing the spell, and the spell disappeared with a flash of red light, turning into a thunder snake and rushing towards the group of rats.

The chirping sound became louder, accompanied by the smell of burning.

Wherever the Thunder Snake passed, it forcibly opened a path, and the rats were burnt wherever it passed.

The mice were frightened and froze in place for a while.

"Let's go!" Yun Jiao grabbed Rou Shuang and ran ahead.

Without her saying anything, the taskers all followed her almost the moment she moved.

The others were dumbfounded for a moment, just like the rats, they froze for a moment.

No one thought that Yunjiao would be able to use spells.

Yan Junyu is a tyrant after all, he reacted immediately, and followed the taskers with Li Mian.

The others also came to their senses and followed suit.

The rats became more ferocious and rushed towards these people one after another.

There were more mice rushing towards Yunjiao, and the scarlet Doudou's eyes were full of fierceness.

(End of this chapter)

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