Chapter 106 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (3)

Seeing this non-stop walking, Yunjiao drew a Five Thunder Curse in the air again with her fingers.

The mice had seen this trick before, and they avoided it one after another, but a few of them couldn't dodge in time, and were burnt black by the electric shock.

The taskers are alright, they followed Yun Jiao closely.

Those aborigines like Yan Junyu were not so lucky, the rats rushed to them, biting here and there.

There were screams one after another, and while everyone was running away desperately, they kept dispersing the rats on their bodies.

Finally, Yunjiao ran to the junction of the No. 4 compartment and Yu No. 5 compartment, kicked the door and rushed in with Roushuang.

The people behind all followed.

Among the [-] people this time, there was also a middle-aged couple who were slower and fell behind.

After everyone passed through the door, a cold female voice sounded on the radio: "There are three seconds left."

The middle-aged man's eyes were scarlet, and he held the middle-aged woman's hand firmly while driving away the rats.

But they were still some distance away from the carriage, and it was too late.

In desperation, the middle-aged man picked up the middle-aged woman and threw her into the door of carriage No. 5.

At the same time, the cold female voice sounded again on the radio: "It's time!"

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged man's eyes were full of horror, and he rose into the air, as if being grabbed by an invisible big hand.

The next moment, he was torn in half abruptly, sprayed with blood.

The big black rats chirped and greeted the blood, as if they were cheering.

This scene made everyone who survived the catastrophe feel their scalps go numb.

The rescued middle-aged woman cried so hard that she even wanted to rush out.

Yunjiao grabbed her immediately: "If you want to go there, he will die in vain."

"Woooooo..." The middle-aged woman stopped abruptly when she heard the words, and slumped on the ground weakly.

The door slowly disappeared.

Yun Jiao looked at the surviving people, her face was a little ugly.

Including these missionaries, there are a total of seventeen people.

But now there are still twelve left.

Just passing through two small carriages, a total of five people died.

At this moment, Ruan Mian rushed over and challenged Yunjiao: "Gu Yunjiao, are you going too far? You clearly know Taoism, why didn't you save those people? Those are five living lives, you are too cruel. "

As soon as these words came out, all the survivors immediately turned their attention to Yun Jiao.

The taskers are okay, they sneered at Ruan Mian's words.

The other six people were different, looking at Yunjiao as if they wanted to eat people.

The middle-aged woman whose husband died also rushed over when she heard this, grabbed Yunjiao and broke down and roared: "Why didn't you save him? Why? You pay back my husband!"

Yun Jiao was really annoyed, she looked at the middle-aged woman and asked word by word: "Do I know you? Why should I be responsible for your lives?"

"That was a human life, don't you feel guilty?" Ruan Mian asked in disbelief.

Yun Jiao felt even more incredible: "Why should I feel guilty? Did I kill them?"

"You cold-blooded and heartless woman, how can you do this? It's terrible."

"Yes, I'm terrible, so don't go with me next time, because I will stand by and watch others, and I will only add insult to injury to you, understand?"

"Gu Yunjiao!" Yan Junyu said coldly: "How did you become like this? You have no sympathy?"

Yun Jiao: "You have? Go and save!"

" are really unreasonable!"

"It's you who is unreasonable!" Liu Peipei couldn't stand it anymore, and said in a cold voice: "That's why I hate you ants the most, you are weak, pitiful and humble, you obviously have to rely on others, but you still have to put on a pair of [-] The appearance is really disgusting!"

Yan Junyu frowned and said, "Liu Peipei, what do you mean?"

"Literally, rubbish, get out!" Liu Peipei pushed him away and came to Yunjiao.

In her heart is a creature of the Nine Nethernesses. Although she hates Yunjiao, she doesn't have so many twists and turns, and she is very knowledgeable about current affairs.

Several of their powers were suppressed, only Yun Jiao had the power.

Yunjiao had to rely on Yunjiao to get through this promotion mission safely.

Liu Peipei looked at Yunjiao seriously and said: "Although I don't like you, one size is one size. If you can take me through the game, I owe you a favor. Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force it. "

"Yes!" Wang Yang also said: "You don't have this obligation. It's your affection to help us, and it's your duty not to help. It's up to you whether to help or not."

Li Taisen chuckled, and immediately moved over and hugged Yunjiao's arm without letting go: "Eldest sister, you are my own sister, I leave it to you."

Not to mention, Roushuang hugged Yunjiao's other arm, pitifully: "A-Jiao, you won't leave me alone, will you?"

Yun Jing smiled: "You shouldn't just ignore me, right? Sister!"

Yun Jiao: ...

One by one, it's really realistic!

But I really don't think it's annoying!
Even if it was a foxtail girl who didn't feel good at first, Yun Jiao now thinks that she is much cuter than these humans.

"I'll try my best!" Yun Jiao didn't say too much, "Many situations are unpredictable, I believe you all understand!"

"Understood!" Several people nodded, expressing their understanding!
Seeing this harmonious scene, several other aborigines felt extremely complicated in their hearts.

Especially Ruan Mian, she wanted to put pressure on Yun Jiao and let her lead them to save their lives.

But obviously Yunjiao didn't like this at all.

Most importantly, she seemed to be self-defeating.

Sure enough, soon the aborigines also wanted to get close to Yun Jiao.

Yun Jiao just returned a smile that was not a smile: "Mr. Yan Junyu and Ms. Ruan Mian are both good people and very compassionate. They will be responsible for your safety."

So, don't look for me!
It's useless to find it!
After Yun Jiao finished speaking, those people's expressions became even uglier.

There were even a few people who stared at Ruan Mian, thinking that she had angered Yun Jiao by talking too much just now.

Ruan Mian felt aggrieved by the sight of these people. It was obvious that Yunjiao was desperate to save them. She helped them get ahead, so why are they all blaming her now?
"Congratulations to everyone who has successfully arrived at the No. 5 carriage. Next, please taste the delicious food prepared by the chef." The man's voice sounded sinister.

Everyone looked up, and saw a man wearing flight attendant clothes appearing at the bar at some time, looking at everyone coldly.

There was no blood on that face, with the gray gray of a dead person, and the whites of his eyes were all black, and he was not human at first glance.

After finishing speaking, the flight attendant raised his hand mechanically: "Everyone, please take your seats."

Yunjiao and other taskers looked at each other and took a table as a matter of course.

The other six people looked at each other for a while, but had no choice but to occupy another square table.

The flight attendants clapped their hands, and in an instant, a few black mice came over pushing the dining car, and brought plates of dishes to the table.

Looking at the dishes, the people at the aborigines' table immediately felt sick.

Although the people at Yunjiao's table didn't vomit, their expressions were ugly.

Just because these so-called dishes are either maggots or worms, and the most exaggerated thing is that there is a plate of bloody human heads in them.

That fucking head is still blinking!

"Eat this? What are you kidding?" Yan Junyu couldn't bear it anymore, and dared to question.

"I just care about whether you will finish eating or not, and the rest is not under my jurisdiction." The flight attendant grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and his tone was dark, as if warning: "You can only get off at the station after eating the food in front of you." Going to the next level, the time limit is half an hour, everyone, please hurry up!"

Everyone's face turned pale, and no one moved.

On the plate in front of him was disgusting stuff, all alive.

Especially the head in front of Ruan Mian was still baring her teeth.

Ruan Mian cried while trembling all over, but she didn't dare to cry out.

For a while, the restaurant was silent, and no one dared to make a move.

Yun Jiao looked at the plate of flies in front of her, and after a moment of silence, she reached out and picked up the plate and poured it into her mouth.

When she put down the plate, it was empty.

Everyone:! !

Steward: ...

Yun Jiao wiped her mouth gracefully, and smiled politely at the flight attendant: "I'm still a little hungry, can I share some of their food?"

The flight attendant was expressionless: "Yes!"

"Then I won't be polite!" Yun Jiao then dragged all the plates in front of the mission five to her, and said plate by plate.

In fact, she didn't eat these things at all, but opened a space in front of her mouth.

The things on the plate were thrown into space by her.

It's just that in everyone's eyes, she just ate it.

Do not!
It was swallowed!
It was swallowed quite quickly, which was very unscientific.

But now no one dares to ask.

Even the ghost steward could only stare at Yunjiao fiercely, there was nothing she could do.

Because they did not break the rules!
Soon the five plates were cleaned up, and Yun Jiao burped at the right time, and looked at the flight attendant with a smile: "Thank you for the hospitality, I'm done eating."

The flight attendant Qing Hui's face froze for a moment, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his gray eyes.

Soon, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the other six people.

The other six aborigines looked at Yun Jiao expectantly, and Yan Junyu even said directly: "Yun Jiao, I have them here too!"

"None of my business!" Yun Jiao sneered, not showing any face at all.

Yan Junyu's face was gloomy: "Yunjiao, you are my fiancee, are you sure..."

"Not anymore!" Yun Jiao interrupted him impatiently: "Anyway, you don't like me, and I just don't like you either. If there is a chance to go out, I will tell my parents about it."

Yan Junyu's face turned livid when he heard this!

He didn't expect Yunjiao to break off the engagement with him at this time.

Not to mention that Yun Jiao, who used to be obsessed with him, would change as soon as she said she wanted to.

Ruan Mian bit her lip, and said to Yun Jiao while shedding tears: "Yun Jiao, if it's because of me, then you really misunderstood. Junyu... just treats me as a younger sister, we are not what you think, real!"


"Junyu, don't talk about it. You don't have to suffer this crime. Besides, you and Yunjiao are a fiancé couple. Hurry up and coax Yunjiao, she will help you."


Yan Junyu looked at Ruan Mian distressedly.

Ruan Mian looked like she was holding back her sadness and being strong on her own, as if Yun Jiao was the mistress who intervened in their relationship.

Yunjiao's eyes twitched, she was so speechless.

Liu Peipei rolled his eyes even more.

Roushuang wiped away her tears, and took Yunjiao's arm: "I'm so touched, I'm so touched, Miss Ruan Mian, you are so great, for the man you love, you are willing to give him up to another woman. Since you You are so great, I believe you are willing to help Yan Junyu eat everything on his plate, right? So, Yun Jiao, you must not interfere, and you must give others a chance to shine!"

Yun Jiao: "...Don't worry, I will!"

Ruan Mian's face froze instantly upon hearing this.

Liu Peipei glanced at the flight attendant with her pretty fox eyes: "Uncle, how long do they have for dinner?"

The steward's expressionless face: "10 minutes!"

"Oh!" Liu Peipei glanced at Ruan Mian: "Did you hear that? There are 10 minutes left!"

Ruan Mian: ...

other people:……

They all started to worry.

The middle-aged woman whose husband died looked at Yunjiao pleadingly: "Miss Gu, can you..."


Ruan Mian: "Yunjiao, why do you..."

"Shut up!" Yunjiao said impatiently: "Don't expect me to help you, I, Gu Yunjiao, am not a person who repays grievances with kindness. If you like to eat or not, you will die if you don't eat! Don't worry, I will never feel guilty. Anyway, I am a cold-blooded and terrible woman."

Ruan Mian's face turned blue and purple, very pretty!
Not only her, but the faces of those other people are also very good-looking!

Several people, including Yan Junyu, even had a bit of resentment towards Ruan Mian.

I think if she hadn't been so talkative, maybe Yunjiao would have helped.

There were also two people who knew in their hearts that Yun Jiao would not help them, so they bravely picked up the plate, and finally poured things into their mouths as soon as they closed their eyes like Yun Jiao.

Throwing up while eating.

Seeing this, the others also picked up their plates, and hated Yun Jiao completely in their hearts.

Except Ruan Mian!

There was a human head on her plate, and she was still smiling at her, which made her say nothing.

Seeing that everyone had finished eating and she was the only one left, Ruan Mian was really a little anxious now, holding onto Yan Junyu's sleeve tightly, her face turned pale.

"There are still 3 minutes!" The flight attendant announced the time again.

"Junyu, Junyu, what should we do? Huh..." Ruan Mian really can't care about his image now, and he doesn't care what Yan Junyu thinks anymore.

She really can't eat such a thing!
Yan Junyu had just swallowed a plate of cockroaches, and his face was already ugly. When Ruan Mian asked him for help, his face became even more ugly.

But he also understands.

It's not Ruan Mian's fault, no one can eat a human head!

Yan Junyu endured the nausea, patted her hand reassuringly, and looked at Yunjiao: "What do you want to help her eat what's on the plate, just make a condition!"

Not only was Yun Jiao too lazy to talk this time, she didn't even bother to look at him, so she just turned her head away.

Anyway, these dogs can't understand human words.

Yan Junyu gritted his teeth and said, "Yunjiao, don't be too extreme in everything!"

Yun Jiao rolled her beautiful eyes.

What, I'm human and your woman isn't human?

Why do you think I can eat it?


"One more minute!" The flight attendant said blankly, and stepped aside: "Those who have finished eating, please get off here."

"No! Don't! Junyu!" Ruan Mian grabbed Yan Junyu tightly, as if holding on to the last straw.

Yan Junyu took a deep breath, feeling very helpless: "Mianmian, I'm sorry!"

It's not that I don't want to help you, but no one can eat this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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