Chapter 107 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (4)

"It's time!" The flight attendant's cold voice sounded like a reminder to Ruan Mian.

At the same time, the door opened, and the steward smiled sinisterly: "The train 3838438 has arrived, everyone, please get off!"

Needless to say, the moment the door opened, everyone couldn't wait to get out of the car.

Yan Junyu also broke away from Ruan Mian's hand and walked outside.

"No! Don't leave me!" Ruan Mian didn't know where the courage came from, and chased Yan Junyu away, and grabbed the middle-aged woman whose husband died who was about to get out of the car, and pushed her hard into the car. compartment, and ran down by himself.

The middle-aged woman was dumbfounded.

By the time she reacted, it was too late.

The car door was closed again, and a dense swarm of mice came out of nowhere, biting her one after another.

"Ahhh..." The middle-aged woman was bitten bloody, and kept slapping on the car door, leaving bloody handprints on the glass, and stared at Ruan Mian: "Bitch, I'm not a ghost." I will let you go."

The next moment, she was overwhelmed by rats.

The train restarted and drove into the mist, and soon disappeared.

Only a group of people were left looking at each other.

Ruan Mian sat slumped on the ground, holding herself weakly and sobbing.

Everyone looked at her with extremely complicated eyes.

"Don't blame me, it's not me, don't blame me..." Ruan Mian wept bitterly.

However, no one present, including Yan Junyu, went to comfort her.

They all saw the scene where Ruan Mian pushed the middle-aged woman into the carriage.

It can be said that Ruan Mian exchanged the life of a middle-aged woman for his own.

Yan Junyu who was present was the most touched.

In his eyes, Ruan Mian is synonymous with truth, kindness and beauty, with a strong sense of justice, and a woman who likes to help old grandmas cross the road when nothing happens.

But now this reversal is too big, and it has a great impact on him.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even if he was killed, he wouldn't believe that this would be something Ruan Mian could do!

Ruan Mian could feel everyone's eyes on her without looking. While she was ashamed, she also kept blaming herself.

She killed someone!

She actually killed someone!

Do not!
That's not the case, she didn't kill anyone, she just did such a thing out of desperation.

She didn't want to either!
It's all Yunjiao's fault!
I just blame Yunjiao, if she didn't want to save her, how could I have killed that aunt.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mian raised her head and stared at Yun Jiao bitterly: "Are you satisfied now?"

However, Yun Jiaoniao ignored her, didn't even give her a look, but was talking to Roushuang, completely ignoring her.

Ruan Mian's face gradually turned pale.

She stood up abruptly and walked towards Yunjiao.

At this moment, there was a sound of chains that seemed to be absent.

Everyone lost consciousness the next moment.

The moment Yunjiao closed her eyes, she was still thinking about whether the dog was not on the leash.

The sound of the chains was so clear, it seemed to be right next to my ears.



Yun Jiao opened her eyes violently, the surroundings were dark, and someone else was breathing in her ear.

The breath was chilly, icy cold.

Yunjiao's hair stood on end in an instant, and she mechanically turned her head to look.

What came into view was a flawless face. From such a close distance, there was not even a single pore visible.

It's just that the man's face was morbidly pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun all year round.

His dark golden eyes were full of doubts, and countless black chains came from all directions to bind him firmly.

Seeing this inexplicable man who suddenly appeared, Yun Jiao obviously felt her heart beat a little faster.

This familiar taste!

Be careful? !

Yun Jiao was in shock!

There is also care in this world?

"Who are you?" The man frowned slightly, his dark golden eyes staring at her without blinking.

The end of Yunjiao's eyes twitched, a little helpless: "I should ask you this question? Are you a human or a ghost? Where is this place?"

"I asked first!" The man frowned, seemingly a little unhappy, and the black chain slowly wrapped around Yunjiao's waist.

Yunjiao didn't want to fight with Xinxin, she seemed unable to beat the key point, so she had to surrender: "I am Yunjiao, a human who was pulled into the death game. Brother, if you have something to say, don't do it, I'm a little scared!"

The chains stopped.

The man stared at her for a while and then said, "Are you afraid of me?"

"How could..." Are you not afraid?

You don't look easy to mess with, lock me up if you don't agree with me.

The banker is not M.

"Big brother..."



"My name is Ji!"


"Chicken, are you a human or a ghost?"

Ji seriously thought about it before saying: "It should be regarded as a ghost!"

"..." What do you mean should?Is it?
What are you, do you not know yourself?

"Then... brother chicken, where is this place?"

"Where I hide."

"..." You, an awesome-looking ghost, still need to hide?

Just when Yunjiao was complaining, Ji suddenly said surprisingly: "I think you are very pleasing to the eye, just right, you will stay here with me from now on!"

Yun Jiao is dumbfounded!
What an international joke?
Who wants to be here with you!

"Chicken, I can't do this, I have to find my friends, I can't stay here!"

"What you say doesn't count!"

Yun Jiao: ...

Even if you are careful, you can't be unreasonable!
Sabi doesn't make sense!

No matter what Yun Jiao says, don't let her go!
Yun Jiao frowned, snapped her fingers suddenly, and disappeared in place the next moment out of thin air.

Ji was stunned for a moment, completely unaware that anyone could escape from his bondage.

Do not!
is gone!
Is this woman really human?

In fact, Yunjiao didn't disappear, she just hid in the space!

She could see Ji, but Ji couldn't see her.

Although it is important to be careful, this time it is a promotion task.

Yun Jiao doesn't want to fail in promotion, even if she is careful, she can't stop her from doing the task!

Besides, Xiaoxin looks very awesome, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Yunjiao looked at Ji in the space and groped in the darkness with all the chains scattered, sighed, and looked away to observe where she was.

Ji said that this is his hiding place, but Yun Jiao, who has the attribute of space, can clearly see that there are space nodes here.

In other words, this place is actually an unknown space.

If you want to leave here...

Yun Jiao glanced again and found Ji, who was a little anxious, and left this space in a teleport the next moment.

She has no coordinates and just moved out more than 20 meters.

When it reappeared, it was in a European-style deluxe standard room.

In front of him, Yun Jing was being pressed on the bed by a woman in red, half of the buttons of her clothes were unbuttoned, revealing her fair chest.

"Oh, I'm going!" Yun Jiao hurriedly covered her eyes, looked at the scene through her fingers, and carefully moved towards the door: "I'm sorry you go on, go on, I just passed by, let's go!"

The woman in red turned her head abruptly. There were no facial features on her face, only a big mouth full of fangs.

Yunjiao's hair stood on end in an instant.

I am afraid that on the one hand, it is more shocking.

This guy Yunjing is so hungry?Even the female ghost?

Thinking of this, Yun Lian couldn't help but say it.

Yun Jing's face turned black, he gritted his teeth and said, "I can't move, get her away quickly."

"Oh!" Yun Jiao didn't want to do it, so she turned her head and left.

But the red-clothed ghost was disturbed and lost his temper, and rushed towards her with a strange cry.

Yun Jiao was so frightened that she immediately drew a curse of five thunders and blasted her past.

The female ghost screamed, her whole body was trembling and emitting green smoke, her big mouth and relatively clear facial features were constantly changing.

Yun Jiao: ...

It didn't disappear.

So Yun Jiao bit her finger, and drew a five thunder curse in the air again.

Thunder snakes wrapped around the female ghost.

The female ghost trembled even more, and the big mouth on her face disappeared, revealing her beautiful facial features.

It's just that the facial features are slightly ferocious at this time.

Yun Jiao frowned.

refuses to die!
This ghost is a bit fierce.

Realizing this, Yunjiao immediately ran to the bed and rushed out the door carrying Yunjing on her shoulders.

Seeing that her prey was taken away, the female ghost quickly rushed towards Yunjiao regardless of the Thunder Snake wrapped around her body.

Yunjiao turned her head and slammed the door shut. She stood outside and listened to the door slamming from inside, trembling with fear for a while.

But the female ghost seemed to be knocking on the door and didn't rush out.

It seems she can't get out.

Thinking of this, Yun Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, threw Yun Jing to the ground, and gave him a disgusted look.

Yun Jing's face could no longer be described as dark, and he gritted his teeth with a smile: "Sister Huang, you should know that I hold a grudge."

The subtext of this is, if you treat me like this, aren't you afraid that I will wear shoes for you after you go back?
Yun Jiao haha, she doesn't like this at all: "If you dare to wear small shoes for me, I will write the love and hatred between you and the female ghost into a **** novel."

Yunjing: ...

"Follow me!" Yun Jiao said angrily.

It's good that I didn't stab you once, and you want five-star treatment. I'm afraid you have forgotten the deep hatred between us.

Yun Jing was silent for a moment, then got up and followed behind her.

This is a corridor covered with a red carpet. At a glance, there are rooms at intervals, and the room number is marked on the door of each room.

Visually it is a hotel.

Yun Jiao asked Yun Jing.

Yunjing also confirmed that this is indeed a hotel. It seems to be a hotel in the early [-]s. There are many old objects in it, and the decoration is very similar to the style of that era.

"We were in the hotel when we woke up. There is no door in this hotel. There is only a headless receptionist who gave us room numbers and told us not to leave the room."

After Yun Jing finished speaking, he asked calmly, "Where did you go just now?"

"I don't know where it is, it's pitch black around, I saw you after teleporting for a certain distance." Yun Jiao didn't want to talk to him about careful things.

Because Yunjing seemed to have always held some kind of inexplicable hostility towards her man.

In the past, her son-in-law was like this, often wearing small shoes by Yun Jing who was still the emperor.

Now Yun Jing is no longer the emperor, but he is even more powerful than the emperor, she doesn't want to be watched carefully by Yun Jing.

Yun Jiao didn't notice that a dangerous gleam flashed across Yun Jing's eyes when he heard her answer, and it disappeared in an instant.

In the empty corridor, there were only the breathing sounds of the two of them. Occasionally, when they passed the room, they would hear various strange sounds coming from inside.

Yun Jiao didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but when she passed another room, she heard a man's exclamation from inside.

Yun Jiao stopped in her tracks instantly, came to the door of that room, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

The voice inside fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, a woman's faint voice came: "Who is it?"

"Sister, I'm here to give you equipment!" Yun Jiao said with a smile.

After a while, the door slowly opened, and a pale woman in a white nightgown poked her head out.

The whites of the eyes were all red, and a line of blood flowed out.

Her long black hair hung down to her ankles.

Hei Changzhi looked at Yun Jiao gloomily, and suddenly smiled. The voice seemed to be far away from the sky, but also seemed to be close to his ears: "Give me the equipment?"

"Of course!" Yunjiao took out two well-packed small umbrellas from her trouser pocket and handed them to her.

Hei Changzhi:? ?
Yun Jing: ... Where did she follow this thing?

Yunjiao stuffed the small umbrella into Hei Changzhi's hand, and said solemnly: "Sister, we girls can play however we want, and we must not let ourselves suffer. You keep this well, and if it's not enough, I'll get it for you."

Hei Changzhi silently looked at the two small umbrellas in his hand, and lost his word for a while.

"Ah! Sister, you are so beautiful! I didn't take a closer look just now, but now that I look at it, your face is a standard beauty!" Yun Jiao pretended to be surprised, her eyes were full of admiration, but she quickly said in doubt : "Since my sister is so beautiful, why don't you tidy yourself up?"

Hei Changzhi was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help caressing his face: "Am I pretty?"

Yunjiao looked sincere: "Of course! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! If you don't believe me, let me dress you up?"

" come in!" Hei Changzhi only hesitated for a moment before getting out of the way.

Yunjiao winked at Yunjing, and pulled him in generously.

Yan Junyu on the bed had his hands and feet tied up, and saw Yunjiao's eyes light up.

He wanted to speak, to ask for help, but he couldn't make a sound.

Yunjiao ignored him, she came to the dressing table and looked at Hei Changzhi in the mirror, she clicked her tongue and praised: "Sister, you really look good, your skin is creamy, your face is like a peach blossom, you must look good in ancient clothes or cheongsam."

Hei Changzhi's eyes were faint: "Cheongsam, I have one in my closet."

"Okay sister, wait a minute, I'll get it for you!" Yun Jiao went to the closet after hearing that, took out the only red cheongsam inside and handed it to her.

Yunjing has consciously turned around and turned away from Do Not See Evil Evil.

Hei Changzhi glanced at him faintly, and took the cheongsam with his pale hand: "Your boyfriend is sensible."

Yunjiao originally wanted to say that this was not her boyfriend, but on second thought, she was worried that the female ghost would fall in love with Yunjing again, so she just smiled and agreed.

The female ghost took off her pajamas and put on a bright red cheongsam.

Yun Jiao supported her to sit in front of the dressing table, and braided her long hair into strands and braids, and then tied strands behind her head, revealing her standard oval face.

After combing her hair, Yunjiao painted her a coquettish look with the cosmetics on the dressing table.

After such a tidying up, Hei Changzhi changed drastically in an instant.

Even Yan Junyu, who was still tied up, was stunned.

Hei Changzhi caressed the hair on his temples, and stared blankly at himself in the mirror: "It's been a long time since I dressed up. I used to dress up for the people I like, but now..."

(End of this chapter)

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