Chapter 109 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (6)

"Run!" Yunjiao ignored the bewildered crowd, picked up Roushuang and carried a horse on her shoulders to charge forward first.

Everyone reacted together and hurriedly followed behind her.

The third door, the fourth door...

Everyone kept walking, and after running through the fourth door, they finally saw the elevator in front of them clearly.

"There is a way, we are saved!" Ruan Mian cried with joy.

Just then, the fifth door opened.

A fat man two meters tall came out.

With a blue face and fangs, he held an extra-large mace in his hand. From the corner of his left eye to the corner of his right mouth, there was a bloodstain deep into the bone, almost splitting his face in two.

The man looked at everyone gloomyly, and when he smiled, the corners of his mouth reached to the back of his head.

Everyone's face was pale, they stared blankly at this man, and stopped involuntarily.

"Don't stop, run!" Yun Jiao sternly shouted.

Several taskers came back to their senses immediately, and ran quickly again.

The other aborigines looked at me and I looked at you, and in the end they all gritted their teeth and followed.

The man let out a loud laugh, and raised his mace high.

While running, Yunjiao drew amulets in the air.

"The universe is boundless and orderly, Yan Huang burns the world, let me go!"

With a sound of Fengming, countless flames gathered in front of Yunjiao, turning into a huge fire phoenix.

Huo Fengqing cried out, the flames dancing all over his body flourished, he waved his wings and rushed towards the man quickly, all the corridors he passed were ignited.

And Yun Jiao, who used this trick, quickly turned pale.

The man didn't expect that Yunjiao would still have the strength to release such a spell, he was stunned for a moment, and was thrown to the ground by Huofeng the next moment.

Yun Jiao also ran to his side at this time, without looking at him, quickly passed him and rushed to the elevator, and opened the elevator door.

"Come in!" Yun Jiao threw Roushuang to Tyson, and she wanted to go in after everyone had gone in.

But the male ghost didn't want her to go, so he ignored the fire phoenix wrapped around his body and rushed towards him fiercely, opened his bloody mouth and bit Yunjiao's foot.

Yunjiao let out a muffled snort, and with the last of her strength, she used the Five Thunder Curse and hit him hard on the head.

The male ghost let go of his mouth in pain, and Yunjiao rolled into the elevator on the spot.

The male ghost still didn't give up. Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, he rushed over again, putting his hands on the elevator to prevent the door from closing.

The bloody mouth roared at everyone.

Behind him is the corridor that has been submerged in raging flames, and the fire phoenix entangled him tightly and dragged him out.

But Yun Jiao had no strength at this time, she was just holding on.

Just then, a woman's singing came.

"Persuade the king to drink wine and listen to Yu's songs, to relieve the king's sorrow and dance..."

Yun Jiao looked up with difficulty, only to see that Hei Changzhi was walking slowly towards the fire.

She was wearing that bright red cheongsam, her hair was neatly coiled behind her head.

She has a gentle face, but the cheongsam outlines her enchanting figure.

Every time she takes a step, she will appear a few meters away.

It seemed very slow, but within a few breaths, it appeared behind the male ghost.

The woman in cheongsam hugged the male ghost and dragged him into the flames with all her strength.

The moment the elevator door closed, she raised her head and smiled softly at Yunjiao, as if saying goodbye...

At the same time, images appeared in Yunjiao's mind.

In the early 80s, a beautiful singer came to this hotel to sing.

That blood-red cheongsam dazzled the eyes of countless men.

The boss of the hotel was so daring that he tricked the woman into the room after she finished singing, and imprisoned her without telling her if she was fascinated.

A woman is like a flower, withering day by day.

The bright red cheongsam was stained with countless blood.

One day, the hotel owner came to torture the woman again. The woman ran out while the man was asleep, blocked the hotel exit, and detonated the gas.

Including the man, all the guests and waiters who stayed at the hotel that day were killed in the flames.

The woman pinched the orchid finger in the sea of ​​flames, and sang the song again.

"Ying Qin has no way to break the country... ah..."
"Yunjiao, Yunjiao!" Roushuang's call came from beside her ear.

Yun Jiao opened her eyes with difficulty, rubbed her head and sat up.

"You're awake!" Roushuang breathed a sigh of relief: "We're scared to death."

Yun Jiao shook her head, her vision finally became clear.

Concerned faces appeared in front of my eyes, and there were quite a few taskers.

Roushuang was already able to move, but Wang Yang's arm was only slightly injured.

The scenery outside the car window kept receding, Yun Jiao blinked: "Where is this going?"

"I don't know!" Liu Peipei frowned and said, "We took the elevator all the way up, and then this ghost came in a car and said to take us to the last stop, as long as we can find the return ticket alive, we can leave."

Yun Jiao nodded and sat up, looking ahead.

The driver was a black shadow, and it looked like a non-human being.

Besides the six of them, there were four people left.

Ruan Mian was on the list.

This dog's life is quite big!
To her surprise, she saw Yan Junyu who was supposed to be in the ghost room.

It's just that Yan Junyu is very bad now, his face is pale, and he is extremely weak. Ruan Mian is taking care of him.

"What's wrong with that dog?" Yun Jiao pouted at Yan Junyu.

Tyson laughed and said, "It's okay, I just separated from my brother!"

Separated from brother?
Yunjiao was stunned for a long time before she realized what she meant: "You mean his little brother is gone?"

Everyone nodded, and everyone's eyes were gloating.


Yun Jiao also gloated: "Oh, what a tragedy!"

"No, he was in the car when we got in the car, and I don't know how he escaped. There was a big pool of blood there, and it was scary." Wang Yang said scary, but he held back a smile on his face.

They didn't lower their voices when they spoke, Yan Junyu was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he heard these words.

Ruan Mian even stood up and stared at the others: "Enough is enough for you, you don't know the pain until the knife is cut on your body, right? Junyu is already like this, Yun Jiao, you have to take full responsibility."

"Huh?" Yun Jiao pointed at herself, with a confused face: "Why should I be responsible?"

Ruan Mian said angrily: "Junyu has already told me, if you didn't save him, you wouldn't be like this!"

Yun Jiao said, "I'm sorry, next time I will do it myself!"

"You...are you still human? He's Junyu, so you're willing?"

"Give it up! Just beep one more time and kick you out of the car. Try it if you don't believe me."

Ruan Mian: ...

Yan Junyu's face was dark, he gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Yunjiao, I won't let you go."

Yun Jiao raised her eyebrows: "Are you reminding me to kill you quickly to avoid future troubles?"

Yan Junyu was choked upon hearing the words, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Seeing that he was interesting, Yunjiao let out a soft snort and stopped talking to him, but she made up her mind to make up the knife as soon as possible.

Although she didn't accept the entruster's task, she didn't want to cause any trouble to the owner of this body!
"Okay, do your feet still hurt?" Yun Jing frowned and said, "I see that Yin Qi has already entered the body, you can try to force out the evil Qi by yourself."

Yun Jiao looked down at her feet upon hearing this.

There was no wound at the place where the male ghost bit, but it was black and blue, with a faint tendency to expand.

Yunjing didn't say she didn't feel it, but when Yunjing said it, Yunjiao also felt a little pain.

"I'll try!" Yun Jiao nodded, biting her finger to volley the talisman.

However... no response...

The body was empty, as if it had been drained dry, without a trace of true energy.

Yun Jiao's face fell instantly: "No response!"

"It's not easy now." Yun Jing shook his head helplessly.

The others were in no mood to make trouble for a while.

There is one more level, but Yunjiao is useless.

Their strength was suppressed again.

Could it be worse than this?
"My lord, do we really want to abolish it forever?" Liu Peipei was really fed up.

As a creature of the Nine Netherworld and a noble snow fox clan, she has always been proud.

But now that he is being chased by a few little ghosts and has to rely on Yunjiao for protection, Liu Peipei really feels aggrieved to the extreme.

It's not just her, Wang Yang's face is also very bad: "This is the most embarrassing task I have ever done!"

Yun Jing took the expressions of the two into his eyes, and said with a faint smile: "Actually, it's not completely helpless. The reason why our power is suppressed is because we are in the ghost domain. As long as the ghost domain is destroyed, the power will naturally return. This world The threat will disappear!"

"The task is also completed, right?" Roushuang said quickly: "How do you destroy the ghost domain?"

Yun Jing: "Kill the ghost king who controls the ghost domain!"

Roushuang was depressed when she heard the words: "Then it's not about confronting the boss of Huangquan, how can we kill him if we don't have the strength?"

The first two levels were more difficult than the first level, and Roushuang felt that she would never survive that time.

Yun Jing shook his head slowly, and looked at Yun Jiao meaningfully: "Actually, you have already met the ghost king, and the ghost king is still very interested in you. If it were you, you would definitely kill him!"

When they heard this, they all looked at Yun Jiao in surprise.

The smile on Yunjiao's face gradually disappeared, and she looked at Yunjing fixedly.

Yun Jing smiled: "Why is Miss Huang looking at me like that? I'm just telling the truth."

"Really?" Yun Jiao sneered, but she remembered what 438 said, the task is chosen by the bosses.

At the beginning, she couldn't figure it out, it's impossible for Yunjing not to know that if he chooses this world, his power will be suppressed, but he still chose this place and let himself be completely passive, which is not like a stupid thing Yunjing would do at all.

But that's what he did.

Yun Jiao didn't know what his purpose was, but now she seemed to understand.

This guy just wants to see her and Xiaoxin kill each other, right?
It's like how he teased the consort when he was the emperor.

What Yunjiao couldn't figure out was that.


Why do such a boring thing?
Do you have any grievances with Xiaoxin?

Or are you just simply not seeing me?
Yunjing smiled: "I just want to see your choices."

Yun Jiao was really laughed out of anger: "Are you sick?"

When she was still the eldest princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Jing was assassinated in a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven.

At that time, Yun Jiao didn't care about the son-in-law who was held hostage by the assassin, but immediately ran forward to escort her.

In the end, the emperor was saved, but the son-in-law was stabbed and almost became disabled.

Afterwards, she realized that this matter was unusual. How could assassins sneak into a heavily guarded place?
So she purposely left a life alive and followed the clues to investigate, only to find out that this group of assassins was a play directed and acted by Yun Jing himself.

Later, she rushed into Emperor Jing's palace angrily and asked him why he did this.

The results of it?
This guy said to her: "Sister Huang, I just want to know your choice."

At that time, Yunjiao thought that Emperor Jing was jealous of her and wanted to test whether she was loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

But now?

Come again?

Isn't this sick? What is it?
Yun Jing obviously remembered the past, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little gentle: "I'm just curious about what you would do. In the past, your choice was me, but now? Is it me?"

"..." It's Nima, are you asking me to make a choice?You are forcing me!

What an extra-large psychopath you are!

Yun Jiao raised her hand, and immediately wanted to reward him with two big mouths.

But when he thought about the identity of this guy, he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"I'm tired, I'll feel sick when I see you, please stay away from me!" Yun Jiao said, then she stopped looking at him.

Yun Jing slowly restrained his smile, pondered for a moment, and went to the back seat.

Several other taskers looked at each other, and no one knew what to say for a while.

It's so complicated that they can't understand it.

But they felt that it was better not to continue this topic. Yun Jiao's anger was a minor matter, but Yun Jing's anger was a major issue.

The car wobbled all the way to the mountain road.

After a few hours, they stopped in a village.

The car door opened, and the black shadow driver said that he arrived at the stop and disappeared.

Everyone got out of the car one by one and looked around in a daze.

On the dilapidated archway, the words "Liujiacun" were bloody, and there was a bunch of human heads hanging on one corner.

There is thick fog all around, the temperature is extremely low, and the wind is blowing, and it can only be seen four meters away.

Roushuang: "...Can I not go in?"

With the proper atmosphere of a horror movie, she couldn't move Jio.

"Don't be afraid, the sister in the hotel said that ghosts are [-]% afraid of people. I also tried it later, the more you are afraid of them, the stronger they will be, and you will be more fierce than them, and they will not be so fierce." Yunjiao said, Walk forward carefully.

Thinking of that black long straight in the hotel, she felt uncomfortable.

She just fooled her a few words and tidied up her clothes, but she got her favor.

If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't be able to escape from the hotel.

I don't know how she is.

Just thinking about it, an old man suddenly appeared in front of the archway.

He was looking at them dully.


Everyone gasped, and no one dared to leave.

Yun Jiao also stopped, and shouted at the old man with a smile: "Old man, are you here to pick us up?"

The old man looked at Yun Jiao suspiciously for a while, then turned around and drifted in.

Yes, it was floating, his feet didn't hit the ground at all.

Yun Jiao narrowed her eyes dangerously, and followed behind him.

The village was silent, except for Yun Jiao and her party, there was only the old man who was leading the way in front of him.

Along the way, there were only sixty or seventy families, and there was no ghost, but there were two to five paper figurines at the door of each house.

(End of this chapter)

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