Chapter 110 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (7)

There are men and women in the paper figurines, and I don't know if it's an illusion, Yun Jiao always thinks that these paper figurines are alive, and looks at them with sinister eyes.

Everyone didn't dare to show their anger, they looked around nervously, and followed Yunjiao step by step.

Fortunately, there was no danger, the old man led them into a small farmyard, and then turned around and looked at them sinisterly: "Two people share a room, don't come out at night."

The old man floated out after speaking, his voice was very ear-piercing, like a rusty iron knife cutting across a steel plate, making one's hair stand on end involuntarily.

Seeing this, Yunjiao hurriedly said, "Old man, wait."

Hearing this, the old man stopped and turned his head 180 degrees to look at Yunjiao with a fierce look.

Several aborigines covered their mouths tightly and kept retreating.

The faces of the taskers are also a little ugly.

Yun Jiao didn't change her face, and asked with a smile: "Don't get angry, I just want to ask us what to eat, you can't starve us?"

The old man laughed loudly: "Are you still in the mood to eat?"

"It must be, we are all living beings, how can we do without eating?"

"The river god will get married in the future, and the village will be very busy, so you can do it yourself." The old man snorted coldly, turned his head and floated out.

When he was about to disappear, his voice sounded again: "The last piece of advice, don't go out of the yard if you have nothing to do, the folks in our village don't like outsiders."

The scene was silent for a moment, until it was confirmed that the old man had really left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ruan Mian glared at Yunjiao, and made another attack: "Gu Yunjiao, are you trying to kill everyone?"

Yun Jiao:? ?

What kind of drama is this dog adding to himself?

"Isn't it? You control what people want to eat, what if they force us to eat those disgusting foods again? It's your business that you don't avoid meat and vegetables, we're not you." Seeing her like this, Ruan Mian came Get angry and continue to be aggressive.

Yunjiao looked at her with a mentally retarded look, and she was speechless: "Can you stop popping out from time to time to show your IQ? Didn't you see that I don't want to talk to you written all over my face?"

Ruan Mian said angrily, "What do you mean? Am I wrong? You just want to kill everyone."

"If you think so, I can't help it!" Yun Jiao didn't want to talk to this idiot anymore, and went to look at the room after speaking.

Ruan Mian was furious, and when he wanted to say something more, Yun Jing said, "We can only leave if we find a return ticket. Do you think there will be a ticket in this yard?"

Ruan Mian:? ?

Yun Jing: "Since there is no one, we will have to find it sooner or later, but we don't know where the return ticket is, so we can only ask for more clues."

Ruan Mian: ...

Yun Jing: "Or do you think that if Yun Jiao doesn't mention food, people won't think of giving us food?"

Ruan Mian was speechless.

She looked at Yunjing pitifully, with an aggrieved look: "I'm just worried that Yunjiao's trouble will hurt everyone, there's no other meaning."

Yun Jing was surprised when he heard the words: "It's you who has been hurting everyone, right? I remember that you killed two people just to survive."

"Yunjing, how could you say that, I told you it wasn't intentional." Ruan Mian didn't expect Yunjing to bring up the old story again, so she anxiously explained.

"Whether you did it on purpose or not, it has nothing to do with me. I just need to know to stay away from people like you, lest I be pushed out by you to be a scapegoat one day. It's not worth it." Yun Jing smiled slightly, Seeing Yun Jiao enter a room, he walked in too.

Ruan Mian bit her lips tightly, and stood there to accept everyone's strange eyes.

The aborigines were about to forget about these things, but when Yunjing mentioned them, they immediately became vigilant again.

The other two tacitly chose the second house and decided not to live with Ruan Mian.

Not to mention a few taskers, they looked directly at the sky, and moved a few steps to the side to distance themselves from Ruan Mian. The disgust was very obvious.

But after a while, only Yan Junyu was left beside Ruan Mian.

Ruan Mian raised her head and looked at Yan Junyu moved.

However, Yan Junyu didn't give her a look, and limped to Yunjiao's house, asking to live with her.

Dreaming comes faster!

Yun Jiao directly kicked him out, and even sprinkled a handful of salt on Yan Junyu's wound: "Reject the eunuch!"

Yan Junyu's face was livid, and he limped to find Liu Peipei.

Ruan Mian watched him busy, but didn't want to live with her, her heart gradually became cold... numb...

Since entering the ghost domain, everyone has changed.

Yunjiao suddenly became good at Taoism, and even dismissed Yan Junyu.

Yan Junyu has become useless, and he no longer treats her with the warmth he used to.

Even Yun Jing who had a good impression of her has changed, he actually speaks for Yun Jiao.

In the past, Yunjing hated Yunjiao, the domineering sister, the most. When did everything change?

It has become so fast!

Ruan Mian realized later that she seemed to have lost a lot unintentionally.

And all of this was changed because of Yunjiao's change!

Thinking of this, Ruan Mian felt extremely resentful towards Yun Jiao!

Can't you just be an arrogant and brainless wealthy daughter?Why do you have to fight her?

Liu Peipei rejected Yan Junyu's request to live together, and when he turned around, he saw Ruan Mian's face full of resentment.

Tsk, she really knows that expression.

The strong and righteous little white flower will evolve into a cannibal flower.

So Liu Peipei immediately went into the house to find Yunjiao, trying to remind her to be more careful.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he heard Yun Jing personally requesting to live with Yun Jiao.

And Yun Jiao refused!

"My lord, you..."

Yun Jing glanced at her lightly, full of warning.

Liu Peipei shut his mouth reluctantly, and when he looked at Yunjiao again, there was a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Yunjiao really felt like a dog, and with Liu Peipei's resentful little eyes, she was under a lot of pressure: "I've already said, I won't live with you, get out!"

Yun Jing: "Who else has the ability to protect me except you? You don't want me to wear shoes for you after you go back, do you?"

Yun Jiao: ...

Liu Peipei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it turned out to be like this: "Yunjiao, the safety of your lord is the most important thing, you are the only one of us who still has the strength, and it is your duty to protect your lord, you will live with your lord tonight!"

Yun Jiao looked at her without words: "Isn't this your fiance? Why can't you take him away?"

Do you believe everything Yunjing says?
Can I be a little more assertive?
Liu Peipei looked shy when he heard the words: "It's not your fiancé, why are you talking nonsense like those people!"

"Who cares if he is right or not, take him away, take him away, I won't live with him!"

"Don't make trouble, your lord is honorable, you have to protect him well, it's settled like this, you will live with your lord tonight, and I will live with Roushuang."

Regardless of whether Yunjiao is willing or not, Liu Peipei decided on this matter conveniently. After speaking, she went out and dragged Roushuang into the next room.

Yun Jiao: ...

Can't listen to people at all!

Roushuang was taken away by her, and there were two men left in the task force, it was impossible for Yun Jiao to live with them.

As for the aborigines, except for Ruan Mian, they are all men.

Live with Ruan Mian?That's even more impossible!

In the end, Yunjiao had no choice but to live in the same room with Yunjing.

Anyway, when she was a princess, she often hugged Xiao Yunjing to sleep when she was young.

What's more, she has a lot of doubts.

This is just right, you can ask Yunjing directly!

Thinking of this, Yun Jiao changed her face in an instant, rubbing her paws and smiling courteously: "My lord, I will make your bed? You sleep on the bed, how about I sleep on the floor?"

Yun Jing looked at her with a smile that was not a smile: "Then there will be Sister Lao Huang!"

"Don't dare dare! Hahaha..." This guy is very thieves, I guess he can see it.

But so what?

If you don't understand, just ask, there is nothing to feel guilty about.

Yunjiao quickly made the bed for Yunjing, and made the floor for herself.

It was getting dark outside, but no one brought food. Everyone was so hungry that they dared not leave the yard.

At this time, the village is even more eerie, with a ghostly wind, and figures looming in the darkness.

Everyone couldn't sit still, and they all went back to the house to prepare to rest.

Yunjiao locked the door and moved the broken table against the door before falling asleep.

The room was quiet, Yun Jiao was sleeping under the bed, and she could clearly see Yun Jing's clean white clothes hanging lazily by the bed.

So the question is, where to start?

Just as Yunjiao was organizing her words, Yunjing said softly, "If I don't speak again, I'm going to fall asleep."

"……"Row!It was you who asked me to ask: "Don't answer, and don't fool me!"

"I won't lie to you, but I won't answer all questions." Yun Jing said helplessly, and then added: "Some things are related to Jiuyou Xinmi. Except for the Lord of Jiuyou and the City Lord, other people know Doing so will only lead to death!"

Yunjiao went around and swallowed the swear words when she heard the words: "Okay! Tell me first, why are these ghosts not afraid of me? My elf said that I am dirty, and all ghosts will be scattered, but after I enter here There is no such treatment at all!"

Yun Jing chuckled and pointedly said: "Your elf didn't lie to you. If you want to find out why, you must first understand what a domain is."

"Domain?" Yunjiao frowned, and instantly remembered the Wanhua Domain that had flown into her spiritual altar for no reason, and raised her heart: "Aren't domains... just a specific range or area?"

Yun Jing: "Yes! Another point is that the people and things in the domain are all moved by the mind of the domain owner. In other words, the domain owner is the absolute controller of one side of the world. , the status is even higher than that of heaven, and there are no restrictions of various rules and regulations. Since ancient times, there are very few creatures that can create domains. , the evil spirit on your body has also been suppressed, so the ghosts in the ghost domain are not afraid of you!"

plop plop...

When Yunjiao heard this, her little heart started beating wildly.

The Wanhua Realm is in her Lingtai right now.

If she could figure out how to use the Wanhua Domain, wouldn't she be invincible?

But how should I ask?

Yunjiao didn't even tell 438 about the Wanhua domain, let alone tell Yunjing, who was full of bad water, she didn't want to be tricked again.

At this moment, Yunjiao had the feeling that she had won the Mark Six lottery, but the lottery ticket was covered in shit.

Wipe it!nausea!
Don't wipe it!Itchy!
Just as she was struggling, Yun Jingyouyou's voice sounded again: "Before I left, I received news that the Wanhua Domain has chosen an owner, but no one knows who it is."

"Uh..." Yunjiao's little heart beat even more joyously, and it took her all her strength to keep from jumping up in shock: "Hehe... Really? This person is really lucky."

"Good luck?" Yunjing smiled inexplicably: "That's not necessarily true! Every domain has its own operating rules. If you inherit someone else's domain, you have to activate it according to the comprehension track of your predecessors, otherwise you will be A pile of waste paper."

When Yunjiao heard the words, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her, and all her enthusiasm was wiped out!
Waste paper?

waste paper!

No wonder she can't turn the pages, feelings are waste paper?

What a waste of her expression!
If Yunjing was not still there, Yunjiao would have cried bitterly.

She thought she had won the Mark Six lottery, but the last two numbers were covered with shit. She finally wiped the shit with nausea, but the last two digits did not match the winning number!
Sorry wow woo woo...

Yun Jiao turned over, hugged her weak and helpless self, and said weakly, "Go to sleep! It's getting late!"

I want to be quiet!

do not bother me!

Yun Jiao didn't see that Yun Jing in the darkness was looking sideways at her direction, a little smile flickered in those dark eyes.

"Okay! I wanted to talk to you about how to activate the Wanhua Domain, but since you're tired, forget it! Good night!"

Yun Jiao was taken aback when she heard the words, and immediately turned over, her eyes lit up: "I suddenly don't feel sleepy, so if you say it, just treat it as chatter."

"Okay!" Yun Jing didn't seem to notice her abnormality, and said with a good temper: "If you want to inherit someone else's domain, the attribute of space is essential. In addition to the attribute of space, you also need to know the characteristics of the domain. Wanhua domain is a The five-element field, which combines offense and defense, is composed of five rules of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. To activate this book, you must get the five-element rules, and finally get the space rules, and that’s it.”

Yunjiao thought of the five figures in that book, and later realized that they were probably five rules: "My little elf said that there is only one rule controller for each attribute. To get the rules, you have to Challenge the former rule-holder, and win to get his rules, right?"

Yun Jing: "Yes! For example, if you have the space attribute now, if you want to get the space rules, you have to challenge the current space rule controller. If you win him, his space rules will be yours."

Yun Jiao: ...

It seems that we still have to provoke those who control the rules!

Otherwise, this Wanhua domain is just a pile of waste paper!
As for why Wanhua Realm chose her, Yunjiao guessed that she had the space attribute, and then Wanhua Realm didn't know why, so she fell in love with her.

Yun Jing: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Yun Jiao came back to her senses after hearing the words: "Whose Wanhua Realm belongs to?"

Yun Jing was silent for a few seconds before saying: "No comment!"

Yun Jiao choked for a moment, then asked again: "Why is my soul and body so dirty?"

Yun Jing was helpless: "No comment!"

"..." I kind of want to beat someone up!
Yunjiao took a deep breath and smiled: "The last question is also a very important question. Who is the target of my love mission? Why do I meet him every mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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