Chapter 112 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (9)

But it's not a problem to run like this!
Along the way, there are paper figurines at the door of every house.

Every time the group passed through a house, the paper figurines at the door followed suit and chased after them.

But after a few miles, there were more and more paper figurines behind them, and the leader was Yan Junyu, a dog.

Roushuang, the poor little girl who had never seen a ghost, cried in fright: "Yunjiao, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, there's no way ahead!"

Of course Yunjiao knew that there was a river ahead.

"Go left, into the River Temple!" Yun Jiao roared, and immediately turned around.

A group of people followed quickly.

Soon, a few people stepped into the Heshen Temple, and Yunjiao saw the statue in the main hall of the temple from a long distance away.

It's just... I can't tell what it is at all. It's a strangely shaped stone, with red strings tied around it, and two paper figurines guarding the outside of the hall.

Seeing the intruders, the two paper figurines rushed over. Yunjiao waved her hands and tried her best to put them into the space, her already pale face turned even paler.

'boom! With a loud bang, the gate of Heshen Temple was knocked open by paper people.

"Go into the main hall, I won't believe it, they dare to mess around in front of the river god!" Yun Jiao roared again, leading everyone into the main hall.

as predicted.

The paper people headed by Yan Junyu, including Yan Junyu, all stopped after chasing outside the hall, looking at the group of people with gloomy eyes, but they didn't dare to move forward.

"Scared to death!" Roushuang exhaled fiercely, but when she looked away, she froze.

"Quick, look!" Roushuang's voice was crying, and she tugged at Yunjiao's sleeves.

Yun Jiao frowned and looked up, then gasped suddenly.

I saw eight brides wearing paper wedding gowns standing on both sides of the hall, each with a pale face and dull eyes.

One of them is Ruan Mian who disappeared last night.

"This... this is just coming out of the wolf's lair and entering the tiger's mouth!" The muscular man was trembling with fright and stammered.

Tyson also frowned: "Are they dead or alive?"

Yun Jing observed for a while, and finally said: "They are all dead!"

"Hiss..." Everyone gasped in unison, and suddenly dared not breathe.

Outside the hall are countless paper figurines, and inside the hall are eight brides in red paper wedding dresses.

There is also a big rock on the high platform that I don't know what it is tied with a red string.

How weird this scene looks!

At this moment, the old man appeared in front of the high platform out of thin air, looking at the crowd with a gloomy look: "River Temple, trespassers die!"

"It wasn't us who broke in, it was her, she brought us in!" The thin aborigine man pointed at Yunjiao and sold her immediately!
Yun Jiao immediately looked at him without words: "I didn't let you follow me!"

"Why not? It's all your fault, we wouldn't have come in if it weren't for you!" the weak man broke down and shouted.

Yun Jiao sneered and stopped talking to him.

The human heart cannot withstand temptation, she has long understood this truth.

Yunjiao looked at the old man, and directly beat him up: "You said that if we want to survive, we should not leave the yard casually, and don't go out at night. We have done so. But what about you? You let so many paper figurines into our yard , Grandpa, should you give us an explanation?"

The old man Sen sneered, and said forcefully: "They just entered your yard and did not hurt you, so you violated the rules first, and I don't need to give you an explanation!"

Yun Jiao narrowed her eyes dangerously: "Oh? You mean it's up to you anyway, right? The so-called rules are just bullshit!"

"It's good to know!" The old man snorted coldly, and suddenly eased his expression: "But it's not without discussion!"

Yun Jiao: "Please tell me!"

The old man backed away a few steps, and cupped his hands towards the boulder, but the whites of his black eyes looked straight at Yunjiao: "The river god welcomed the bride yesterday, but he found the wrong bride. If you hand over the bride that the river god wants, I can send you out of the village immediately!"

Yun Jiao: ...

other people:! ! !

Instantly set his sights on Yunjiao, Liu Peipei and Roushuang.

Because now only these three of them are women!
Tyson even asked: "Who does the river god want to be his bride?"

Hearing this, the old man pointed at Yun Jiao: "Her!"

Crowd: ...

A black line slipped down Yunjiao's forehead, but thinking of what Meng Liji had said to her, her furious scolding became: "Okay! I'll stay, you let them go!"

"Yunjiao!" The friends exclaimed, all looking at her in disapproval.

Yun Jing held her hand tightly with his backhand.

Yun Jiao smiled and said: "What are you doing? Don't forget our purpose, only you can save me if you get out, right?"

The friends fell silent.


As long as they leave the ghost domain, their strength will be restored, and then they can break the ghost domain from the outside.

In this way, their mission for this trip will be completed!

And Yun Jiao, at best, just abandons this body, and won't really die!
"Okay, don't worry about me!" Yun Jiao raised her eyebrows at Yun Jing: "Let me go, don't you want me to do something? This may be an opportunity!"

"Are you willing?" Yun Jing looked at her fixedly, as if he wanted to see her heart.

"Of course!" I was reluctant, but my heart was divided. If you kill half of it, you will still have the other half!

Besides, Yun Jiao didn't think she would like a little heart that only had evil thoughts!
"Okay! Be careful!" Yun Jing seemed to believe her words, and reluctantly let go of his hand.

Yunjiao walked up to the old man step by step: "Can we send them out now?"

"Of course!" said the old man, he raised his feet and floated outside. Wherever he passed, whether Yan Junyu or the paper people, they all automatically moved out of the way.

After walking a certain distance, the old man couldn't help but stop when he saw that those people hadn't followed up: "Have you not followed up? Do you want to stay here to watch the ceremony?"

"No, no, no, I don't want to watch the ceremony!" The thin man ran over quickly holding back his fear.

The others glanced at Yun Jiao, seeing her smiling and waving at them, they also gritted their teeth and walked out.

There was an old man leading the way, and the paper people were very honest, they just looked at them gloomyly and did not rush over.

It wasn't until they walked out of the temple gate that everyone turned to look at Yunjiao, but they only saw the slowly closing temple gate and Yunjiao's back.

Yun Jiao looked at the big rock on the high platform, the smile on her face disappeared,
At this moment, the eight brides around moved and came to Yunjiao together, each holding a paper ornament in their hands.

The leader, Ruan Mian, was holding a more luxurious wedding dress than the ones they were wearing.


No matter how luxurious it is, it’s not just paper!
Yun Jiao wanted to laugh.

But she found that she couldn't laugh.

Soon Yunjiao discovered to her horror that she couldn't control her body at all.


Yunjiao wanted to scold her!
She is clearly conscious and can clearly see everything in front of her eyes, but this body doesn't seem to be hers.

She felt herself undressed and allowed these ghost brides to dress her.

You can also see the palace door slowly opening, and the sedan chair carried by eighteen paper figurines outside.

But like a marionette, she got on the sedan chair step by step and sat down obediently.

The villain in Yunjiao kept cursing, the muscles on her face trembled, and she desperately tried to break free from the invisible shackles.

But it didn't work.

She watched helplessly as the paper people carried the sedan chair to the river, and then threw her down.

Countless water poured into her mouth and nose, and her breath was pulled away bit by bit. The feeling of dying was really sad.

In the end, Yunjiao passed out.

One second before the consciousness disappeared, he was still cursing evil thoughts to be careful.
I don't know how long it has passed, but Yunjiao's mind is dizzy.

She felt that someone was pressing on her, it was so heavy.

The slippery thing slid around her neck, making her hair stand on end with nausea.

This thing is obviously very cold, but it makes her hotter and hotter!

In the end, Yunjiao felt light and light, as if floating on a cloud.

This familiar feeling...

What the hell!

Yun Jiao woke up instantly, and opened her eyes suddenly.

What caught the eye was a dazzling red.

Blood-red bed curtains, sheets, and a strand of red hair hung over her heart.

And she herself was completely naked, as if her whole body had been run over by a truck, and she was about to fall apart.

Yun Jiao was stunned, her mind went blank.

"Are you awake?" The man's magnetic voice rang in his ears.

Yunjiao mechanically turned her head, and what caught her eyes was a familiar handsome face.

The difference is that he has long blood-red hair and blood-red eyes, with a trace of evil all over his body.

"Are you...Ji?" Yun Jiao asked uncertainly.

"Yeah!" The man responded, playing with her hair, squinting his eyes with a look of satisfaction: "I prefer to hear you call me husband!"

Yun Jiao: ...

No no no!

This person is not Ji!
He is... Magic Thought!
Yunjiao instantly became vigilant, and a trace of disgust flashed across her eyes: "What did you do to me?"

"On the wedding night, what else can I do other than candles in the bridal chamber?" Red-haired Ji narrowed her eyes dangerously, stretched out her hand to pinch her chin, and whispered softly, like a lover's whisper: "I don't like your eyes like this, don't Make me goug out your eyes!"

Yunjiao felt a sudden chill, and wanted to back away, but she couldn't control her body.

The whole person seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand.

What a hell of a ride!
"Looks like you're not good at learning!" Hongfaji said calmly, and the hand pinching her chin moved up to her eye socket.

Yunjiao's heart trembled, and she quickly said, "Don't, a couple of one night and one hundred days of kindness, these eyes are the most satisfying thing in my whole body. If you dig them out, I will be disfigured? Then you won't be able to look at them." Vigorous!"

The red-haired Ji Wenyan stopped his movements and looked at her thoughtfully.

Yun Jiao smiled obsequiously: "Isn't this an accident? Go out and ask, which girl will be happy when she wakes up and finds that she has been slept by someone she doesn't know? You have to give me time to get used to it!"

The red-haired Ji withdrew his hand with a chuckle, got up and got out of bed, his dark red underwear was opened wide, revealing his fair chest.

At the same time, eight women in pink came in, they were the eight ghost brides in the temple.

The ghost brides were expressionless, and stepped forward to wait on the red-haired Ji to get dressed and comb her hair.

Seeing the docile appearance of the ghost brides, Yun Jiao frowned: "Why are they here?"

Red hair Ji: "The deity's concubine, of course I have to be here!"

Yun Jiao's face immediately became ugly when she heard this, and she was even more disgusted to think that this guy touched other women and then her.

The red-haired Ji looked at her in the mirror, raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's your expression?"

"It's okay..." It's strange!
Although she is a veritable ancient, she has never served a husband with other women.

Unexpectedly, the boat capsized in the gutter now, and the tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by dogs.

Even if this person is careful, it cannot be forgiven.

"I have something to tell them to do, don't run around, understand?" After the red hair was dressed, she gave Yun Jiao a faint look.

Yun Jiao nodded aggrievedly.

Seeing that she was sensible, the red-haired girl turned and left in silence.

After he left, Yun Jiao let out a breath of foul air and fumbled to get out of bed and get dressed.

Looking at the marks on her body, she was trembling all over, completely pissed off.


Too bad Nima!

"I want to take a bath!" Yun Jiao couldn't stand it at all, she wished she could take off this layer of skin and throw it away.

The eight ghost brides were very obedient, and went out immediately after receiving the order. After a while, they came in with a large bathtub and started pouring water into the bathtub again.

Ruan Mian even pushed the closet in front of Yunjiao and opened the door, which meant to let her choose the clothes she wanted to wear.

How could Yunjiao be in that mood, besides, the Ghost King didn't know what was wrong with him, the wardrobe was regarded as a red ancient costume, but the style was different.

Yunjiao casually pointed to one and began to take a bath.

He didn't stop until he rubbed himself red, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

In fact, it is to check whether there is true energy flowing in your body.

The result is not bad, recovering a little bit.

In addition to true qi, there is also a yin and evil qi in his body, even if he is soaked in hot water, he still feels cold all over.

This is what was left after the male ghost bit her foot!
Yun Jiao frowned, weighed the pros and cons, and mobilized her true energy to suppress the evil energy.

After a while, the body quickly warmed up.

Yun Jiao also felt better.

After taking a bath, the eight ghost brides brought her food again.

Although it was just porridge and side dishes, Yun Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Red hair Ji is willing to give her human food, which means that she has no intention of turning her into a ghost for the time being.

This is good!
She is not afraid of death, but she is worried that her identity as a maintainer will be exposed.

After all, her soul body is so different from this body that anyone with eyes can tell the difference.

In case the soul body is torn out...

Yun Jiao ate the food while observing her surroundings.

This place seemed to be a cave, she remembered that she was thrown into the river!
Could it be a cave somewhere in the river?
While thinking about it, Yun Jiao got up and walked outside.

However, the eight ghost brides who were standing still around moved at this moment, disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared at the entrance of the cave in unison, looking at her sinisterly with dark eyes.

Yunjiao twitched the end of her eyes, raised her hands in surrender, and silently backed away.

Go go go!
I don't run around, I was wrong!

Seeing her leaving, the ghost bride looked away!
Yun Jiao sighed, sitting and counting sheep bored.

I don't know how long it took, but the red-haired silence came!
(End of this chapter)

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