Chapter 113 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (10)

"Very good!" Red-haired Ji praised her mercifully, then grabbed her and threw her on the bed

Yun Jiao was so angry that she wanted to kill this disgusting dog boy.

"Huh? Uncomfortable?"

"not at all!"

Yun Jiao pulled out a smile, but her face was faintly blue.

Yun Jiao was still cursing Hongfa Ji.

She didn't believe in the existence of perverts before, but now she does.

Red hair silence is!
When she woke up again, the red hair Ji had disappeared, and only the eight ghost brides remained in the cave.

Yun Jiao watched, a cold light flashed across her eyes, she washed and dressed as usual.

Then he found a reason to dismiss the eight ghost brides, and left the cave lightly.

Outside was a garden, full of flowers of all colors, but the sky was gloomy and black.

This stark contrast is a bit weird.

Yunjiao felt it for a while, and made sure that there was no such thing as a space node.

Does this mean that she is not in the space at this time?

But how is it possible?
Unwilling to give up, Yunjiao disappeared in place with a teleportation, and appeared ten meters away.

A strange thing happened, it was still the garden, and the cave-like house was still behind her, and her position had not changed at all.

Teleportation failed?

I remember Yunjing said that the creatures in the domain all move according to their master's will.

Her teleportation is not disabled, but restricted.

Yun Jiao frowned, raised her feet and walked forward.

When she passed by a cluster of flowers, a black figure suddenly sprang up and rushed towards her.

Yun Jiao was startled, and reflexively stretched her legs to kick over.

Hei Ying avoided Yun Jiao's feet with a tricky and twisted posture, and threw her to the ground the next moment.

Yun Jiao took a closer look, her little heart trembled: "Yan Junyu?"

Yan Junyu's face was ferocious, the corners of his mouth were grinning to the back of his head, and the teeth in his mouth were as sharp as the teeth of a wild beast. One of his eyes disappeared, leaving only the dark eye socket, and the other eye was black and fierce. He stared at Yunjiao.

Hearing Yun Jiao calling his name, he snarled fiercely at Yun Jiao, the tone was so suffocating that Yun Jiao almost fainted.


It stinks!
"Let go of me!" Yun Jiao looked at him coldly, and actually almost vomited.

Yan Junyu didn't let go, opened his mouth wide and bit towards Yunjiao.

Yunjiao reflexively wanted to create a space to put this thing in.

But soon she found that her space was out of order.

Yunjiao didn't give up, and mobilized her body's true energy to amplify her move.

However, when the true qi moved, the suppressed evil energy became chaotic, not to mention that the big move was not released, and Yun Jiao, who was bitten by the evil energy, even spat out a mouthful of blood.

The smell of blood made Yan Junyu even more excited.

Seeing that her head was about to be covered by the dog's big mouth, Yun Jiao's eyes turned red with anxiety.

Just when she was in despair, Yan Junyu suddenly let out a scream, and disappeared into a cloud of black smoke, revealing the red hair and red dress behind him.

It's just that at this moment, the man's handsome and unparalleled face darkened slightly, and his voice was as cold as ice: "Didn't I warn you not to run around?"

"I... um..." Yunjiao wanted to explain, but the evil energy in her body suddenly surged up, a mouthful of blood spilled out, her whole body was more like falling into an ice cellar, and her face quickly turned blue.

The red-haired Ji frowned, picked her up and returned to the cave in the blink of an eye.

He threw Yun Jiao on the bed and pressed his whole body on top of it.

Yun Jiao:! ! !
It's about to explode!

No matter what time, this LSP still wants to force her.

Yun Jiao flung his big mouth weakly, and lost consciousness the next moment.

The red-haired Ji had a gloomy expression, tearing off her clothes without saying a word...

Yunjiao's head was in a daze, and her whole body was cold and hot for a while, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

The two temperatures of hot and cold seem to have their own consciousness, playing games with her body as the battlefield.

Fortunately, warmth prevailed in the end.

Yunjiao's face gradually softened.

The red-haired Ji looked at the sleeping Yun Jiao, rolled over and got out of bed, with a hint of exhaustion on his brows.

Suddenly, there was the sound of chains colliding outside.

The red-haired and silent eyes turned cold, and she took a step forward and disappeared abruptly in place.

Yunjiao slept for a long time, and there were all kinds of messes in her dream. The most unforgettable thing for her was a tree.

A very beautiful tree, the trunk and branches are like glass, like a dream.

On the top of the tree, there are two crystal fruits, each the size of a basketball.

Then she woke up.

Wake up is not fully awake, but just regain consciousness, but can't open his eyes no matter what.

She could clearly feel that the evil spirit surging in her body was surrounded by a warm breath.

But this evil spirit is obviously dishonest, unwilling to be wrapped, and constantly trying to break through the defense line, like a demon with teeth and claws.

Every time at this time, Yunjiao felt that she was being suppressed, and the evil spirit in her body would be calm for a while after the sauce was brewed.

Yun Jiao was puzzled.

Is it redheaded?
Is he... saving her?

I don't understand it at all!

Yun Jiao, who didn't understand, started her life of being a dead body. Apart from trying to open her eyes every day, she just waited for the red hair to come to her.

She went from anger at the beginning to numbness later.

It's a good thing no one knows Nima, otherwise she felt that she would not have to be a human being in the future.

The insult is too powerful!
Yunjiao felt that her endurance was getting stronger and stronger.

The majestic princess of a country, from begging to being reduced to...

She didn't even think it was a big deal.

On this day, Yunjiao tried to wake up every day, but gave up after struggling several times to no avail.

Still quite dead!
There are people who eat and drink water every day, and there are people who serve the princess to bed, which is very good!
At this moment, the sound of chains came, and the next moment Yun Jiao was pulled into the familiar dark space.

Yun Jiao froze for a moment, then looked intently, and saw that the black-haired Ji in the middle of the chain was in a mess, with wounds of various sizes all over his body, his dark golden eyes dimmed a lot, and the scariest wound was on his cheek, but It is one centimeter long, but it is extremely deep, and the bones of the bones can be faintly seen inside.

"Ji!" Yun Jiao exclaimed, and ran over quickly, wanting to touch him but dared not, she was at a loss for a moment: "How did it happen like this!"

"I wanted to save you, but I overestimated myself!" Ji smiled miserably, like a flower that is gradually withering.

Yunjiao's heart was not in a good mood, she was sour, and her eyes were a little sore: "Who asked you to save me? He didn't kill me, are you stupid?"

"But I don't want to see him bullying you!" Ji's smile was full of helplessness, she looked at her reluctantly, and her raised hand became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye: "I'm sorry, I didn't help you in the end. "

"Don't!" Yun Jiao hurriedly grabbed his hand, but her hand passed through his palm: "How could this happen?"

"Sorry..." Ji smiled at her, and her whole body exploded into bits and pieces.

Yun Jiao squatted on the spot in a daze, her brain froze.

Be careful... dead?
I remember a long, long time ago, so long that she almost forgot.

That was when her concubine mother was still alive. Once she saw her concubine crying hiding in the palace, and asked her naively why she was crying?
The concubine mother said, because she was in pain!

Little she doesn't understand: "What is pain?"

Concubine Mu: "That is the most lethal weapon in the world. It can instantly defeat a person's will, destroy a person's heart, grab a person's heart, and eat them piece by piece!"

It was a terrible feeling, and she had never experienced it before.

Even if Yun Jing, the white-eyed wolf brother, killed her, she didn't feel that way.

But at this moment, she clearly realized what pain is.

She didn't want to cry, but the tears overflowed involuntarily, and she couldn't control it at all.

Xu Shi was in extreme pain, Yun Jiao opened her eyes violently, and finally broke free from the invisible shackles that had lasted for a long time.

However, when she saw everything in front of her eyes, she was too shocked to speak.

Still the same cave, still the same bed.

But there were corpses lying all over the ground.

And these corpses turned out to be people who had already left.

Yunjing, Roushuang, Tyson, Liu Peipei, Wang Yang, including the two aborigines.

Everyone's death was tragic.

Yun Jing's body was even split into two, and the entire cave was covered in blood, scarlet, dazzling and terrifying.

Yun Jiao got out of bed quickly, stumbled and ran to Yun Jing, her face pale and bloodless.

Looking at Yunjing's side again, it was Roushuang's dead body, and her usually bright eyes were staring straight at her without any luster.

Yun Jiao stood there dumbfounded, tears falling down involuntarily.

She kept telling herself that even if they died, they were not really dead, and they would return to Jiuyou.

But there was still a surge of anger in her heart.

I don't know whose voice kept echoing in her mind.

That person is not Ji, he is a devil!
kill him!

Take revenge for Ji, take revenge for your friends!

Yun Jiao's headache was about to split, Yang Tian let out an angry cry, tore apart the space, grabbed the shiny golden pestle, and ran out stumblingly.
The sky outside was still gloomy, filled with weird mist everywhere.

A dark cave in Wangjia Village was blocked by huge rocks.

After Hongfaji followed the sound of chains and came here, the sound of chains disappeared.

He looked at the huge rock indifferently, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

In an instant, in his sight, black chains appeared on the stone.

The red-haired Ji snorted softly, waved away the rocks with a flick of his sleeves, and stepped into the cave.

The inside is wider than expected, as big as a basketball court.

There are seven wooden stakes standing in the center. Yunjing and his party who have left, many of them, are all tied to the wooden stakes by black chains.

The red-haired Ji frowned, and looked intently at the cloud scene in the middle.

A cloud of black mist that seems to be nothing is floating in front of the cloud scene.

Suddenly, the black mist expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned into another black hair silence.

Heifaji looked at the face in front of him that was exactly the same as himself, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "You still found it."

"The game is over!" After the red-haired Ji said, his eyes were slightly cold, and countless blood lines behind him spread out like spider webs.

With a wave of his hand, the blood line rushed towards the black hair, quickly wrapped around his body, and pulled him in front of him.

The black hair did not hide, and there was even a spring-like smile on his face.

Something is wrong!
The red-haired man paused, and before he could think about it, there was a sound of piercing through the air behind him.

He turned his head abruptly, and what caught his eyes was a shining golden pestle.

The person holding it is none other than Yunjiao.

With a puff, there was the sound of a sharp weapon piercing into flesh.

The red-haired man stood still, staring at the little woman in disbelief.

Those eyes that he liked so much were now glowing with an abnormal redness, staring at him viciously with bone-destroying hatred.

The red-haired man looked at her in a daze, and reached out to caress her face like before.

But when his hand was raised halfway, it fell down feebly.

"You... do you know what you are doing?" The red-haired girl lowered her eyes and asked Yun Jiao softly.

Yun Jiao didn't know, she didn't respond to what he said, and the hatred in her eyes didn't decrease in the slightest.

"It was you who won!" The red-haired Ji raised her seductive lips, which were no longer as cold and gloomy as before, but as bright as if they were watered by the sun.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless black chains came from all directions, quickly wrapped around his body and pulled him back into the black-haired silent body.

Two people become one!

The blood-stained pestle also fell powerlessly to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Hahaha..." The black-haired man laughed wildly.

At the same time, Yun Jiao also seemed to have recovered, looking around blankly.

When she saw the seven people on the stake and the black-haired Ji who looked like a madman, she was completely stunned.

what's going on?
Aren't they... all dead?
How would it appear here?

Yun Jiao finally put her gaze on Heifa Ji, and said in a daze, "Ji? What's going on?"

Heifaji suddenly stopped laughing, but came to Yunjiao in the blink of an eye, his voice was as gentle as before, but there was a morbid madness in his eyes.

"Yunjiao, it's really thanks to you."

"???"what does it mean?I can't understand it!

As if knowing what she was thinking, the black-haired Ji caressed her face gently, and his tone became even more gentle: "To thank you, I will marry you when I conquer the Three Realms, and we will always be together in the future."

Yun Jiao: "Uh..."

What's the situation?

Can you explain it more clearly?
"Yun Jiao, stay away from him!" Yun Jing woke up at some point, seeing Hei Fa Ji and Yun Jiao together, he immediately said in a deep voice.

Yun Jiao looked up at him blankly: "Yun Jing, are you alive?"

Yun Jing gritted his teeth and said: "We are not dead. Everything you see is an illusion performed by the guy in front of you. He deliberately used you as bait to trick you into seriously injuring your magic thoughts, just to take back your magic thoughts! He is very dangerous. Stay away from him!"

Yun Jiao was shocked when she heard the words, she quickly took a few steps back to distance herself from Hei Fa Ji, and looked at him in disbelief.

The ruthless look in the black-haired Ji's eyes was fleeting, he slowly withdrew his hand, ignored Yun Jing, but fixedly looked at Yun Jiao: "Come here!"

Yun Jiao didn't go over, but instead asked: "Is what he said true? You have been lying to me from the beginning to the end?"

The black-haired Ji narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Is this important? No matter whether it's magic thoughts or divine thoughts, I am me. I'm here now. What are you hiding from?"

(End of this chapter)

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