Chapter 114 Promotion Mission - Collapsed World (End)
"Answer me, are you lying to me from the beginning to the end?" Yun Jiao was angry.

The black-haired lips pursed silently, and the dark golden eyes shone with a faint light.

Yun Jing spoke again at this time: "This domain was set up by the magic idea to imprison him. His power is not as good as the magic idea. For hundreds of years, he has been hiding in XZ and constantly instigating the ghosts in the domain. Since you came here , he became interested in you, and even guessed that the magic idea would also be interested in you, so he began to use you to design a serious injury to the magic idea. The male ghost who bit you in the hotel is to inject evil into you, okay Sealing your ability. Giving you the magic pestle is also to severely injure the magic thoughts. The old man is also his ghost, and we fell into his hands immediately after we were taken away. Yan Junyu who appeared is to test how much the magic thoughts attach to you , He wanted to take it slowly, but he didn't expect that in order to suppress the evil energy for you, the evil thought would consume his own cultivation base to suppress the evil energy for you. Jiao, all of this is a game he set up, a game against Mo Nian!"

What Yun Jing said made Yun Jiao stunned on the spot, her face full of disbelief!

"It's so noisy!" Heifaji waved his hand impatiently, and the chains binding Yunjing suddenly began to shrink.

Yun Jing snorted, his face full of pain.

The black-haired man was smiling, clearly reassured.

"So what if it's me? Now that I have merged with the magic thoughts, this domain is no longer bound to me. Soon, I will be able to control this domain to devour the real world and open up an era that belongs to me, hahaha ..."

The black-haired Ji said that he seemed to have seen a bright future, and couldn't help laughing, like a lunatic.

Yun Jiao was so angry that she grabbed the magic pestle and rushed towards him, aiming the sharp point at his heart.

Heifaji snorted softly and raised his hand slightly, but soon his expression changed.

Because he found that he couldn't control his body, and his consciousness was blank for a moment.

When he entered this state, his long hair turned red again, and the black black robe was replaced by a red dress.

Yun Jiao, who rushed in front of him, saw a familiar person slamming the brakes on the car. At this time, the magic subduing pestle was only two centimeters away from his heart.

"Ji?" Yun Jiao murmured in disbelief as she looked at the person in front of her.

The red-haired Ji gritted his teeth, and stretched out his hand to grab the subduing magic pestle with difficulty: "Kill me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his appearance turned into black hair and black robe again: "Don't even think about it, I've reached this point, I won't let you succeed."

"Really?" His appearance changed to red hair and red clothes again, and his blood red eyes fixedly looked at Yun Jiao: "Hurry up, don't dawdle!"

"Don't!" Ji with black hair and black robe appeared again, with trembling lips: "Yunjiao, are you really going to kill me? Although I have selfish intentions, my feelings for you are not fake."

Just after saying this, he turned red-haired and silent again, holding Yunjiao's hand tightly: "Be obedient, kill me, I won't last long."

Yun Jiao cried and shook her head, the hand holding the magic pestle was trembling: "I...I can't let go."

The red-haired Ji Wenyan laughed, and put his forehead against hers: "Little Jiaoer, no matter which world I go to, you will find me, won't you?"

When Yun Jiao heard this, she stared at her with wide eyes in shock.

"I just remembered it too, so... I've known you for so long!" The red-haired man laughed in a low voice, and his charming face was like a blooming manjusawa in an instant, with a peerless beauty.

Just when Yunjiao was in a daze, he suddenly became ruthless, grabbed her hand and stabbed it into his heart forcefully.

The blood was spreading, and the red-haired Ji exhausted her last strength to embrace her in her arms, and whispered in her ear: "I'll wait for you at the next stop, you must come!"

After all, the red-haired Ji slowly closed his eyes, and his whole body turned into countless stars that exploded.

Yunjiao slumped on the ground helplessly.

The space trembled violently, and the restraints on Yun Jing and the others disappeared.

The surrounding space was instantly covered with cobweb cracks, breaking apart layer by layer.

Yunjiao fell into the darkness holding the demon pestle...
"According to a reporter from our station, the crack in the air suddenly disappeared, and the wounded who fell from the crack have also been sent to the military hospital. After treatment, three people have been out of danger. For details, please let us see the detailed report... ..."

The scene of the reporter interviewing Wang Yang was played in the water mirror.

Roushuang watched with relish, and tugged at the tauren beside him: "Look, Niu Niu, I'm interviewing you now."

Niu Jie was so speechless: "My name is Niu Jie, don't call me Niu Niu."

"Oh, it's almost rounded up!" Roushuang said with a smile.

Niu Jie gave him a blank look when he heard the words.

After the shattering of Huangquan, the few of them recovered their strength immediately, and Yunjing took the lead in catching the fallen Yunjiao and brought them back immediately.

Now they are watching the sequel here.

Without the existence of Ghost Domain, that world has returned to normal order, and the collapse has stopped.

As for their possessed bodies, they have also been returned to the parties concerned.

However, those people will not have the slightest memory of the experience during this period, except for the muscular and skinny aborigines who survived by chance.

Well...not bad either!
Some small deviations will be automatically repaired, and that world has nothing to do with them.

It's embarrassing to say it.

This time, the few of them were crippled from beginning to end, all supported by Yunjiao alone.

Fortunately, the task was barely completed!

But Yunjiao's condition is very bad!
Niu Jie looked at Yun Jiao who was squatting and drawing circles, frowned, and walked over anyway: "Yun Jiao, thank you, I have made a note of this favor, if you need help in the future, just tell me, I will definitely help you." Do what you can."

Qinglan, a fox-tailed girl, also came over: "Niu Jie is right, our white fox clan will repay any kindness, don't worry, I will definitely stand by your side if anyone bullies you in the future!"

Yun Jiao glanced at them resentfully, let out a long sigh, and continued to lower her head to draw circles.

Tyson put his arms around his chest and said with a smile: "Are you still depressed? It's almost enough! Now we are all junior world maintainers, and we can go to the city. Let's go, I will give merit, please go to the city for a drink, I heard that there is a Yunlai Building in the city, and the snow lotus brewed is called Yixiang."

Saussurea stuffed?
Isn't this the wine she brewed for Baiyanlang's brother when she was the princess of Dazhou?

Yun Jiao looked at Yan Hua faintly after hearing the words: "You drove it?"

Yanhua smiled softly, and nodded straightforwardly: "I invite you to this meal!"

"That's a good relationship!" Roushuang also walked over with a smile, and pulled Yun Jiao up: "Okay, it's not really dead, don't act like this."

Yunjiao scratched the back of her head depressedly: "I just can't figure it out, it's obviously divine thoughts, why is it more evil than demonic thoughts? Set a trick for me, use me as a pawn, play me around, my life is stained!"

Yanhua raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the point? One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a demon, there is a thin line between one thought."

Roushuang also said: "That's right, I've heard that the end of a Buddha is a devil, and the end of a devil is a Buddha! Gods and demons, good and evil, are not absolute, so don't feel uncomfortable! "

Yun Jiao: ...

You are all right!
"Walking around and drinking! I haven't been to the city yet!"

"Master Yanhua treats guests, can I eat and drink as much as I want?"

"You should lose weight!"

"I've become a ghost, how can I gain weight? By the way, can we ghosts be big fish?"

"Jiuyou is not in the mundane world. The food eaten by the soul body is more delicious than the human world."



A few people talked and laughed and walked away!
The water mirror behind him also disappeared without a trace.

Jiuyou Urn City, this place is very lively.

Just like the streets in ancient times, there are shops on both sides, and there are vendors who set up stalls!

The creatures that come and go on the street are basically humanoid, or humanoid with animal features.

Like a girl with cat ears.

Or a man with a rhino horn.

All kinds, all kinds!
The clothes are also messy, both modern and ancient.

Yunjiao, these bumpkins who have just been promoted, are surprised to see everything when they walk on the street.

Without Yan Hua, they would definitely be ridiculed by others.

But Yanhua was in front, no one dared to laugh at them, instead they bowed respectfully to Yanhua.

Yun Jiao took a few steps quickly and tugged on Yanhua's cuff: "They seem to be very afraid of you!"

Yanhua: "I am the Lord of Wengcheng, they are all citizens of Wengcheng, do you think they should be afraid of me?"

"..." Oh, you are amazing: "No matter how powerful you are, it is still my thigh, but you said that you will cover me in Wengcheng, you can't go back on your word!"

Yanhua laughed lightly: "A gentleman promises, and it will happen naturally!"

It's almost there!
Yun Jiao: "Why do they look so different? Are Nine Nether creatures also animals?"

Yanhua: "Yes and no!"

Yun Jiao:? ?

Seeing that she didn't understand, Yanhua patiently explained to her: "Actually, the real Nine Nether creatures are all in human form, and there are only two people. The Nine Nether creatures you see in animal form, including the Eight Great City Lords, Either other races in the universe who came to seek refuge, or dead spirit bodies."

Yun Jiao: "...two people? Who are they?"

Yanhua: "The heavenly secret must not be leaked!"

"All right!" Yun Jiao directly changed the topic: "Since they are all soul bodies, why do they think they are nobler than human soul bodies?"

Yanhua glanced at her with a half-smile when he heard the words: "Because human beings are the most insidious and cunning, with many minds, they are rejected by other races!"

Yun Jiao choked for a moment, and asked again: "Then they look down on humans so much, why do they keep their human form?"

"Because man is the primate of all things, the darling of heaven." Before Yan Hua could speak this time, Qing Lan took the words with disgust on her face: "Why don't you understand anything? Human cultivators only need a few dozen to become immortals." It takes hundreds of thousands of years for a monster to become a fairy. This is because the human body is the most suitable body for cultivation. Sister, if you don’t understand, you might as well read the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, and don’t pester Master Yanhua to ask questions! "

Yunjiao twitched her eyes, and said angrily, "He likes me to ask, can't he?"

"You, you, you... Lord Yanhua is mine!"

"Cut! He still calls me sister. If you want to marry him, it's fine if you don't please my sister, but you dare to kill me. Are you stupid?"

"..." Qing Lan opened her mouth, but was speechless.

It seems that Yunjiao's words are completely correct!
She wants to marry someone else's younger brother, so it's fine if she doesn't please her older sister, so why do she keep getting along with her?

At this moment, Qinglan also wondered if her brain was flooded.

"Pfft hahaha..." Roushuang couldn't help laughing when she saw Qinglan so confused.

Sure enough, even if a ghost turns into a human being, it is stupid, and its IQ is completely crushed by human beings.

No wonder they don't like humans!
Who would like a person who thinks of himself as an idiot all the time?

Several people chatted and laughed, and came to Yunlai Building.

This is a five-story restaurant with an antique flavor, and there is an endless stream of guests entering.

With the great god Yanhua present, they were immediately led to the top wing on the fifth floor by a catwoman.

Wherever he passed, he aroused the curiosity of countless guests.

Everyone here is at least a junior world maintainer, and they can easily see through the level of Yunjiao and the others.

What they couldn't figure out was why Lord Yanhua was so kind to these ants.

But Yunjiao and the others didn't know what they were thinking.

After arriving at the luxury wing on the top floor, several people tasted food that they had never eaten before.

Meat that cannot be named, exquisite modern dim sum, each plate is decorated with unknown ingredients, the exquisite luxury is not inferior to the modern five-star hotel.

Especially the snow lotus brew, I don't know how Yanhua brewed it, it is even more fragrant than Yunjiao's brewed by herself back then.

But Yunjiao knew that it was not easy to be greedy, and after she felt a little drowsy, she stopped drinking whatever she said.

After a lively meal, everyone went back to their respective spaces.

"Today is a good day, everything in my mind can be accomplished..."

As soon as Yunjiao entered the space, she heard 438's singing, and smiled angrily: "You can sing?"

"Dear!" Seeing Yunjiao, 438 flew over happily flapping her little wings, her chubby hands were still gesticulating: "We are now junior world maintainers, and the Lun family has also been promoted to junior elves." , look at the Lun family's pockets."

Yunjiao took a closer look, okay, under the three golden numbers 438, there are two more small characters the size of sesame seeds—beginner.

It's perfunctory!

Jiuyou is poisonous, right?
The key point is that little Ah San still has a sense of honor on his face...

Yunjiao looked around, and found that there were many wooden boxes in the corner of the space besides the shelf for collections: "What are these?"

438 Xiaopang held his face in his hands, his face full of intoxication: "It's the furniture sent by Lord Yanhua, he treats you well!"

Yun Jiao: ...Is it okay to feel ashamed?
"Okay, look at the panel!"


438 shook the chubby hand, a toothpick appeared, waved it in the air, and Yunjiao's personal panel was displayed.

Name: Yun Jiao

Gender: Female
Age: 26
Specialties: Actress Halo, Corpse Emperor Halo, Intermediate Medical Skill

Top-level specialization: Nine Yin Scriptures, Bihai Chaosheng Song, Yuxiao Swordsmanship, Heaven and Earth Taoism

Soul Strength: 113+171=284
Merit: 371+2500=2871
Love value: 0+2=2
Gratitude points: 7+509=516
Looking at the panel, Yun Jiao was stunned: "So many soul strength and gratitude points?"

(End of this chapter)

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