Chapter 118 Master of Ziyun Sword (4)

A trace of guilt flashed in the steward's eyes when he heard the words, but he soon regained his confidence: "What beginner disciple? Did Fairy Ziyun say it? Have you made your life card? If not, you are an outer disciple, not an elementary disciple. A foreign disciple Who gave you the courage to pretend to be a disciple of the sect?"

The surrounding disciples didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they also booed after hearing the words.

"That's right, you said you are an inner disciple, so that's it? Take out the life card and let's take a look!"

"Can't get it out? If you can't get it out, then you're not an inner disciple."

"I don't even look at my own things. Fairy Ziyun only needs a handyman to accept you, but she doesn't want you to be a disciple. Don't you have any idea how much you weigh?"

"Being able to enter Ziyun Peak is the result of your three lives, don't be too whimsical."


Facing these unfriendly ridicules around, Mingyue pondered for a moment, took a deep look at them, turned and left.

Seeing him leaving like this, the disciples disdain him even more.

They didn't see that Mingyue's eyes became dark after turning around.

Just as Mingyue passed by Ning Shao, Ning Shao gave his friends a wink.

Wen Qian'er has always liked Ning Shao, and she immediately stretched out her foot when she received the signal from his eyes.

Mingyue didn't pay attention, and was tripped by her and fell to the ground.

The clean student clothes were stained with dirt, and the token also jumped out of his arms, rolling downhill with a gurgle.

Mingyue was startled, she couldn't care less about getting angry, and hurriedly got up to pick up the token.

But at this time, Wen Qian'er fell down again with an ouch, pressing on Mingyue and pushing him back.

Mingyue's face suddenly darkened: "Go away."

"Hey, what are you talking about? It's obvious that you tripped me, so it's fine if you don't apologize. What kind of attitude is this?" Wen Qian'er couldn't get up, sat on Mingyue, and secretly used her true energy.

Mingyue was pressed down for a while and couldn't get up, watching the token roll farther and farther until it disappeared.

Mingyue's face was gloomy, she gritted her teeth and said word by word: "I'll say it again, get out!"

"What's so fierce? You tripped me now, and I won't get up without an apology." Wen Qian'er was completely fooled.

Mingyue's eyes turned cold, and she secretly exerted herself.

At this moment, a palm wind hit, and Wen Qian'er, who was sitting on him, was blown away by a slap, knocked Ning Shao down, and landed on him.

Ning Shao was almost vomited blood from the pressure, and suddenly he was out of breath: "Get up, it's too heavy."

Wen Qian'er's cheeks flushed, and she didn't know whether she was ashamed or angry, so she quickly stood up.

As a result, another palm wind hit, and Wen Qian'er, who had just got up, fell back again, and hit the head of Ning Shao who was sitting up.

Ning Shao gasped in pain, and Wen Qian'er grinned.

Now that the two of them don't know that someone is messing with them, they are really stupid!

Ning Shao lifted the woman on his body, looked around and said angrily: "Who is it? If you have the ability to stand up."

"This is it." A cold female voice sounded.

Ning Shao looked along the source of the sound, only to see him walking in purple clothes.

The token that rolled down the hill was wrapped around her long and slender index finger with a red string, turning it once and for all.

Seeing Yun Jiao, Ning Shao was startled.

The disciples who had just watched and the disciple in charge also turned pale.

Yun Jiao raised her brows and glanced at these disciples one by one.

Whenever she glanced at them, the disciples all felt their scalps go numb.


Yunjiao finally put her gaze on the disciple in charge, and looked at him indifferently: "I remember that it's Qingluan Peak's turn to be on duty in the internal affairs hall this month."

The disciple in charge knelt on the ground with a plop, his face pale: "Fairy, please forgive me, disciple is just...just..."

"Just don't pay attention to me?"

"No, no, no! This disciple absolutely dare not. Disciples are only allocated according to the formal procedures. Mingyue is not an inner sect disciple, so he is not eligible to receive three special foundation building pills!"

"So that's it!" Yun Jiao nodded to express her understanding, and then changed her voice: "It turns out that the outer disciples can also get the personal token of Peak Master Qingluan! It seems that I have to find some time to talk to Qingluan." Peak Master Luan chatted, how could he violate the clan rules?"

"No, no, no, it's definitely not like this!" Before Guan Shi could breathe a sigh of relief, he said again.

The peak master's personal badge would never be given to the outer disciples, he just wanted to find an excuse, who knew that Yun Jiao would point the finger at Qingluan peak master.

The disciple in charge called it unlucky in his heart, and at the same time scolded the disciples who encouraged him to embarrass Mingyue to death.

Didn't you mean they were just outer disciples?

Didn't you say you were not favored?
This horse riding hadn't bullied him much yet, and his master came to him.

Yun Jiao hooked the corners of her lips as if there was nothing: "Since that's not the case, then you simply don't like this fairy? Otherwise, why would you embarrass this fairy?"

The disciple in charge knew that this matter could not be resolved, Fairy Ziyun was obviously unwilling to let her go!

Thinking of this, the disciple in charge gritted his teeth and said, "I don't dare, Fairy Ziyun, this disciple will distribute this month's resources to Junior Brother Mingyue. In addition, I still have two Foundation Establishment Pills left from last month, and today I hit it off with Junior Brother Mingyue immediately." , I am willing to give it to Junior Brother Mingyue together."

"That's so embarrassing!" Yunjiao said inexplicably, and then threw the token to Mingyue: "Hurry up and thank senior brother for the gift."

"Yes!" Mingyue took the token and cupped her hands at the disciple in charge: "Thank you, brother."

"It's okay, it's okay, hehehe... After entering our sect, we are all one family, you... you come with me, and I'll give it to you!" What is a little blood?

Originally, as a disciple of Mingyue Inner Sect, he should be able to receive three special foundation building pills every month.

But now with the disciple in charge, he hit it off right away, and his three coins became five.

With Yunjiao watching from the side, the disciple in charge not only reluctantly gave it, but also gave Mingyue a brand new inner disciple uniform with a special wink.

Yunjiao gave up and left with Mingyue.

When passing by Wen Qian'er beside Ning Shao, Yun Jiao stopped again, and glanced at her lightly, but what she said almost drove Wen Qian'er to death: "This is the Shaoyang Sect, not the Hehuan Sect, don't see A man jumps on someone's body."

After finishing speaking, Yunjiao gave Ning Shao a disdainful look again, and then took Mingyue Yujian away.

Ning Shao and his party looked ugly.

Among the disciples watching, many male disciples looked at Wen Qian'er meaningfully.

They didn't feel that Yun Jiao didn't say it, but when Yun Jiao said it, they realized that Wen Qian'er's behavior just now was a bit inappropriate.

Although the defense of men and women in the comprehension world is not that serious, it is not without it.

What the hell is it for a good girl to throw herself into the arms of a man?

When Wen Qian'er received everyone's gaze, she was ashamed and angry, and finally cried while covering her face.
Yunjiao took Mingyue back to Ziyun Peak.

As soon as she took the sword away, Mingyue knelt down towards her.

Yun Jiao raised her eyebrows slightly: "What is this for?"

"Fever, I'm sorry to trouble you." Mingyue admitted her mistake obediently, her clear eyes were full of innocence.

It's just that Yunjiao really wanted to laugh when she heard this title.

She tried her best to hold back her laughter, and kept her face on purpose: "Where is it wrong?"

Mingyue: "Disciples should not conflict with brothers and sisters, let alone cause trouble for the master."

Yun Jiao gave him a blank look when she heard the words: "I'm not afraid that you will cause trouble, and I don't blame you for today's incident. Get up."

Mingyue didn't dare to get up, and continued to ask cautiously: "Fever...won't you drive me away? I lost my parents when I was young, and I feel very kind when I see Fever. I know that sometimes I am stupid and have no talent. But I really want to stay, so please don’t drive the disciple away, okay?”

This small appearance, not to mention how pitiful and sincere.

Yunjiao hehe, if I didn't know your details, I would really believe your evil.

Yun Jiao sighed, helped him up, and said seriously: "I'm not afraid of you getting into trouble, and I'm not afraid of trouble, the premise is that you have to be reasonable. For things like today, just call back, understand?"

"Understood!" Mingyue nodded obediently, and struggled again: "But this disciple is just an ordinary person, and he can't beat them! In the future, if this kind of thing happens again, this disciple will avoid it, and try not to cause trouble for the fever!"

Yun Jiao: ... Xiao Mian, keep pretending!

When she thought again that he wanted to suppress her devilish energy, Yun Jiao felt helpless again.

In fact, in Shaoyang Sect, Mingyue couldn't use her power no matter whether she wanted to suppress her demonic energy or not.

As long as he uses his power, his identity as a demon will be exposed immediately.

Shaoyang Sect, as a decent sect, would never tolerate creatures like demons appearing in their sect.

Yunjiao felt that it was necessary to find a thug for Xiaoxin.

To prevent him from being bullied again when he goes out in the future.

Thinking of this, Yun Jiao said, "Come with me."

"Yes, Fever!" Mingyue cupped her hands and obediently agreed.

Yunjiao's face twitched for a while, she really wanted to laugh.

438 in the space was extremely speechless: [You are a real dog! 】

【You are the dog!I remember correctly that I am your host, right?Why do you always turn your elbows outward?Did you also take a fancy to Careful Heart? 】

[The Lun family is not, the Lun family is not, so don't talk nonsense. 】

【Ha ha……】

So what's going on with you every day?

Do you know how much he went too far in the last world?Don't know anything, beep beep wool.

Yun Jiao wanted to popularize 438, but she felt it was too embarrassing, so she didn't say anything.

Do not!
Such a shameful thing can't be said to death!
Yunjiao made such a fuss about a new disciple, but it spread throughout Shaoyang Sect within half a day.

Peak Master Qingluan was very angry, but he knew that his disciples were at fault for this matter, so he didn't dare to trouble Yun Jiao.

I can only wait until there is no one around and curse Yunjiao, that little vixen!
Master Qifeng: "Hehehe... I also know how to protect the calf, and I'm starting to look human, not bad."

Lord Danfeng: "This girl, if you want to build a foundation, just tell me, I have as much as you want, why do you want to offend that old witch Qingluan, this is all right, I don't know what the old witch will do scolding."

Peak Master Beast Peak: "Could it be that that little trash is a martial arts prodigy? Otherwise, why does this girl protect her so tightly? Tsk... Not to mention, that little trash's appearance is really first-class, this girl won't Do you have any ideas?"

Lord Jianfeng: "These old men have nothing to do every day, don't they? Come on, let's compete, I've been lonely for a long time."

Ziyang Peak Jun Haochen: "I feel that my junior sister treats that new apprentice a little differently, is it my illusion?"

"Chirp!" The little fox bit his trousers and tugged.

But Jun Haochen didn't pay attention at all, his brows were furrowed, he kept thinking about Yunjiao.

Especially what the Beast Master said made him very concerned.

Yunjiao, she... don't really like this new disciple, right?

Ever since she was a child, Yunjiao has never cared about anyone except the suzerain and herself.

Now suddenly there is an inexplicable man coming out, Jun Haochen is very uncomfortable, and has the illusion that his things have been taken away by others.

The little fox pulled him a few times but he didn't respond, and finally just jumped on his shoulder and chirped at him for a while.

Jun Haochen finally came back to his senses, and patted the little fox on the head reassuringly: "Don't make trouble, I'm thinking about my junior sister."

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"How dare you think of other sluts in front of me, do you think I don't exist?

The little fox got angry and chirped at him.

However, she has not been able to transform into a human form yet, and Jun Haochen can't understand the fox language she speaks, and she can't get what she means at all: "You said... do women like good-looking men? The new junior sister I have never met my disciple, but I heard that he is very good-looking, so the junior sister may have taken a fancy to him, right?"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ah, you are so mad at me, I ignore you!"

The little fox jumped down and ran out angrily.

"Eh? Xiaobai! Where are you going? There are prohibitions everywhere in the sect, so don't run around!" Seeing the little fox running away, Jun Haochen didn't have the heart to think about other things, so he hurriedly chased it out.

But... the little fox was extremely fast, and when he chased it for a while, he didn't see the little fox at all.
Yunjiao called Mingyue into the hall, and specially passed on the Taoism of heaven and earth to him.

Mingyue didn't care at first.

He is a demon, and he can't practice human skills at all.

But... After he ran for a circle, he miraculously found that the suppressed surging demonic energy gradually calmed down.

Mingyue was secretly startled, and asked Yunjiao calmly: "Fever, what Shaoyang sect's technique is this?"

Yun Jiao threw him a bottle of elixir, and said calmly: "Heaven and Earth Taoism, you are practicing here, don't be lazy, this is Bigu Pill, eat this when you are hungry."

"Yes!" Such a useful exercise, Yunjiao didn't need to say that he would practice it.

In order to suppress the devil energy these years, he has almost exhausted all his strength.

When the demonic energy floods, it is extremely hot, as if the whole body is on fire.

Suppressing the devil energy, his body will also become very weak, almost no different from ordinary people.

This heavenly and earthly method can not only calm his devilish energy, but also a faint warm breath lingers in his chest after practicing.

He hadn't felt such a feeling for a long time.

After Yunjiao explained, he left.

Mingyue's eyes followed her, and suddenly caught sight of the purple jasper flute on her waist, her pupils suddenly shrank: "Fever, this flute..."

(End of this chapter)

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