Chapter 119 Master of Ziyun Sword (5)

Yunjiao raised her eyebrows slightly, she stopped and looked down at the purple jade flute on her waist, then looked up at him: "My natal weapon, what's wrong?"

"'s okay, I just think it looks pretty!" Mingyue lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covering the glint in his eyes.

"Have good eyesight, practice hard!" Yun Jiao nodded and walked away.

After turning around, a look of suspicion flashed across his eyes.

[Be careful, do you have an impression? 】

[It should be, after all, you have used this flute in front of him in many worlds, so it is normal for him to have an impression. 】

That's good!
Yun Jiao didn't think much about it.

She didn't know that Mingyue's heart was full of turmoil at this time!
Indeed, as 438 said, he has an impression of that Xiao, and the impression is still very deep.

Since he was a child, he would have some weird dreams. In the dreams, there were many women. Although they couldn't see their true faces clearly, and the clothes they wore were also strange, but no matter which woman, they would hold a flute in their hands.

She was clearly green all over, but glowed with purple awns, just like the flute on Yunjiao's waist.

Even the texture is the same.

Mingyue didn't believe it was a coincidence, these dreams must be guiding him somewhere.

But Yunjiao said that it was her natal weapon.

Mingyue was in trouble for a while!

He didn't know if this flute belonged to Yunjiao from the beginning, or if it had another owner before.

He only knew that as long as he found the real master, he would definitely be able to solve the doubts.
As soon as Yunjiao left the main hall, she heard 438's siren: [The vixen is here! 】

Yunjiao raised her eyebrows, using her five senses, she found the vixen hiding in the grass not far away.

Not to mention, the snow-white fluff is quite cute, no one can refuse such a cute thing.

Yunjiao pretended to leave Yujian casually.

Seeing her leaving, the little fox immediately got out of the grass, looked at the direction Yun Jiao was leaving, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and then ran towards the main hall.

She seemed to sense a trace of magic just now.

Could it be that Fairy Ziyun is in collusion with the demons?
If true, that would be great!
The icy and clean Fairy Ziyun is involved with the demons, and she can make this shit fairy fall into the quagmire without any effort.

At that time, let's see if Jun Haochen still has his heart for her!
The little fox jumped into the hall, and just as she jumped in, there was a sharp purple light at the door, which directly knocked her back.

"Ha, ha, ha..." The little fox shook his fluffy head, only then did he see that the entire palace was enchanted, and couldn't help cursing.

Fairy Shit is so cautious, now she is almost sure that there must be something tricky in it.

The little fox scratched his ears and gills, trying every means to get in.

But the enchantment was there, and she didn't know what to do for a while.


You can come to Jun Haochen!

She couldn't open the barrier, and it's not like Jun Haochen couldn't open it.

The little fox made up his mind and wanted to leave immediately.

At this moment, Yun Jiao suddenly appeared behind her, grabbed her and lifted her up: "Hey, look what I caught."

The little fox was stunned, staring blankly at Yun Jiao who appeared without anyone noticing, his brain froze for a moment.

Until Yunjiao showed a malicious smile and said: "It looks fat and delicious."

The little fox became anxious now, and began to struggle, chattering non-stop.

Foxes eat too?Did you reincarnate as a starving ghost in your previous life?Aren't you afraid that the smell is too strong?

Yunjiao didn't need to guess to know that the vixen was scolding her, she smiled sullenly: "Steamed? Braised in brown sauce? No, no, let's bake it directly. The smell of foxes is strong. When it is cooked, add some heavy ingredients. It should be able to handle it." eat."

"Chirp, chirp~" Eat your uncle!Let go of this fairy!
Jun Haochen, where are you, Jun Haochen? Help, this fairy is going to be eaten by this bitch.

Perhaps because he heard her heartfelt voice, Jun Haochen quickly found him, and when he saw Yunjiao carrying the little fox, he was about to speak.

At this moment, the little fox might have been anxious, and bit Yunjiao's finger with a groan.

Yun Jiao could have avoided it, but she didn't avoid it on purpose, but let her bite generously.

Soon, dazzling red overflowed from the corner of the little fox's mouth.

Yunjiao was in pain, and quickly let go of the little fox.

"Junior Sister!" Jun Haochen exclaimed, and hurried over.

Seeing his teary eyes, the little fox trotted up to him, stood up on his hind legs, and gestured to him with his two front paws.

She wants to sue, must sue.

However, Jun Haochen didn't even look at her. He passed her to come to Yunjiao, grabbed her hand, and looked at the two small blood holes on the back of the white hand with distress: "Does it hurt? Why don't you?" Dodge?"

The little fox froze immediately, and looked at Jun Haochen in disbelief, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

Jun Haochen's attention is all on Yunjiao's wound now, and he doesn't have time to pay attention to the psychological emotions of a beast.

At this point in time, he has just brought the little fox back, and his feelings for her are not as deep as in the original plot.

In his heart, the little fox is a pet.

Comparing pets with my junior sisters, of course junior sisters are more important.

But what shocked the little fox even more was Yunjiao's reaction!
"I heard that senior brother brought back a little fox. Is this the one? That's why I held back just now, worrying that I might hurt it." Yun Jiao smiled with a gentle and magnanimous look. Gentle, not as bad as before.

When Jun Haochen heard this, he was filled with guilt, and his tone softened: "Is it stupid, a fox, how can it compare with your safety, you have never been injured since childhood."

Yun Jiao smiled faintly, her eyes were full of tenderness: "It's okay, isn't there a saying called Ai Wu Ji Wu? Later I will go to the old man to get some Wuhen Pill, it won't leave scars."

"I'll get it for you!" Jun Haochen volunteered, but his heart was bumped because of Yunjiao's "love the house and the crow".

"Then thank you, brother." Of course Yunjiao agreed, and after she saw the stupid fox not far away, she hurriedly said: "Brother, don't blame the little fox, it probably thought that I had malicious intentions towards it, so it made a mistake." Want to protect yourself, small animals, they are all like this!"

"You, you, you are all hurt by it and still care about it."


"Okay, okay, I understand, just wait here obediently, I'll come back as soon as I go." Jun Haochen reminded, and then he raised the little fox Yujian and left with a dark face.

As soon as he left, Yunjiao immediately stopped her business with a smile.

438 tsk tsk said: 【The world is getting worse, my dear, why have you become tea-like.To say that people are animals is not to change the way to say that the fox is wild and unruly? 】

Yun Jiao said angrily: [Isn't it?Besides, if I don't perform the tea ceremony, do I still let that vixen perform?In the original plot, isn't it because of the tea art that the original owner was harmed like that?Now it's time for her to taste it for herself. 】

The little fox was almost killed from anger, and was carried by Jun Haochen, struggling non-stop, and his mouth kept chirping.

What Ziyun fairy is clearly a super big white lotus fairy, Jun Haochen, are you blind?Didn't you see that she did it on purpose?

It's a pity that she can't speak, and Jun Haochen can't understand fox language either.

Seeing her struggling, she said directly with a cold face: "Bringing you back seems like a wrong decision."

At the beginning, he didn't know what was wrong, but he fell in love with this little fox when he saw it, as if something was pulling him somewhere.

In addition, the little fox is quirky and quite human, so he brought the fox back and treated it as a pet.

But now, this beast actually hurt my junior sister.

Just like him, junior sister, her parents died when she was young, but fortunately, she was loved by the suzerain and brought them up.

He and Yun Jiao are also childhood sweethearts, for Yun Jiao, he really loves her as his biological sister.

This girl was cold-tempered, but she was well protected by the suzerain and him. In addition to her outstanding talent, she had never suffered any injuries since she was a child, but she was bitten by an animal today.

Thinking of Yunjiao's expression of loving the house and the crow, afraid of hurting the little fox, Jun Haochen felt even more uncomfortable.

And the little fox was stunned by his cold words.

After a while, the little fox was completely stunned and stopped struggling. The beautiful fox's eyes were full of water.

Although she had her own purpose for sneaking into Shaoyang Sect, she really liked Jun Haochen, she fell in love with him the first time she saw him.

But Jun Haochen is obviously not.


Jun Haochen is human, she is just a pet in his eyes, how can she compare to his delicate childhood sweetheart.

It's all the fault of that bitch Yunjiao!

She won't let her go, absolutely!

The little fox swore secretly in his heart.

Jun Haochen didn't know what she was thinking, seeing her crying, he couldn't bear it, but he still said with a tiger face: "You are not allowed to bully Junior Sister in the future, do you hear me? Otherwise, I will throw you out!"

The fox was about to explode with anger, but she knew that Jun Haochen was not joking with herself, he would really throw herself out.

If it was normal, she would not be so angry.

But not now, she can't leave Shaoyang Sect yet, she still has tasks to complete.

The demon lord promised her that as long as she can get the Seven-Star Dragon Chanting Sword, he will give her the inner alchemy of the ancestor Nine-Tailed Fox. With that inner alchemy, she can transform into a human form, and her strength will improve by leaps and bounds. Good luck It is not certain that he can become a nine-tailed fox like his ancestors.

At that time, she will be the patriarch of the fox clan, who would dare to laugh at her poor talent, who would dare to laugh at her being unable to transform after hundreds of years of hard work?

Thinking of this, the little fox endured it with all his strength, and nodded obediently, wishing to kill Yunjiao in his heart.

Seeing her understanding, Jun Haochen softened his expression: "That's right, although my junior sister is a bit colder, she is a good girl with a kind heart, and you can't bully her just because of her kindness."

The little fox closed his eyes helplessly.

Ha ha……

Kind hearted?

Good girl?
I bully her?

Your fucking IQ points are all added to the force value, right?
Just wait, this fairy will peel off her hypocrisy sooner or later.

It's a pity that Yun Jiao is not the original owner, so she won't let her fool herself foolishly.

What's more, the little fox didn't notice at all that she had quietly fallen into Yunjiao's trap.

Master Danfeng is an old man, he is good at everything, except that he likes to gossip and loves the original owner very much.

You can tell from the fact that the original owner knows how to make alchemy, that's what the old man taught him.

Jun Haochen is another solid-eyed child.

When he was looking for Wuhen Dan, the master of Danfeng, the master of Danfeng was stunned, and asked him why he wanted such a pill?Are you injured?

Jun Haochen didn't hide anything, he casually told about his fox hurting Yunjiao.

The expression Master Danfeng looked at the little fox suddenly changed, obviously dissatisfied.

But he still has a demeanor, he will not get angry with an animal, but just stares at the owner of the animal with a tiger face: "I think you are too busy to have nothing to do, and you even raise an animal. Animals are wild and unruly." , If you dare to bite Jiao girl’s finger today, will you still bite Jiao girl’s neck tomorrow?”

"It's because I didn't think carefully. I have already taught Xiaobai a good lesson. Don't be angry, senior." Jun Haochen smiled wryly, and quickly admitted his mistake.

And the little fox was trembling with anger.

Are these people sick?

Are you sick?
It's just a bit of a skin bite, as for it?

Old man, if you blot the ink for a while, the wound of Fairy Bailian will heal, believe it or not.

The little fox scolded the air inwardly, his pair of beautiful fox eyes were full of dullness.

Jun Haochen took the elixir and sent it to Yunjiao, but was sent away by Yunjiao with a few words.

After he left, Yun Jiao walked away with the sword...
Days fly by!

The little fox feels very unlucky recently.

What she didn't know was that the old man with his big mouth immediately yelled about it to everyone after they left.

Yunjiao has lived in Shaoyang Sect since she was a child, except for Peak Master Qingluan, the other peak masters here still love her.

The disciples in the sect are also very convinced of her.

To put it simply, popularity is not too good.

In the eyes of other peak masters except Peak Master Qingluan, Yun Jiao is a beloved junior.

In the hearts of fellow disciples, Yunjiao is the proud son of heaven, and all the fans of the sect can go around the Shaoyang sect twice.

Such an existence was actually injured by a beast. Where is the beast so awesome?
It turned out to be an animal raised by Immortal Ziyang.

Even so, that beast is still a beast, why should it hurt our idol?

Don't think that just because you are cute, you can do whatever you want.

For a while, the little fox lost countless followers.

At the beginning, seeing her still liked to tease her, the disciples who gave her food ignored her.

Even if she ran out to play and ran into her again, the disciples would treat her as if they hadn't seen her.

Some bad ones would even throw stones at her.

The little fox didn't understand what happened at all, and ran away while avoiding the stone while being surrounded.


Why should she run?
Get ready for her vengeance when those vicious humans dared to stone her!

The little fox grinned and fell back again.

The few disciples didn't know that the little fox had come back, so they got together and muttered.

"This bastard dares to hurt my goddess, and he doesn't care about himself."

"That's right, a beast is a beast, I heard Fairy Ziyun is so hurt that she can't get out of bed."

"Ah? Is it that serious? Isn't it just a little skin trauma?"

"I heard that this beast has poison in its teeth. Fairy Ziyun was poisoned after being bitten by her, and she has been bedridden all this time."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise have you seen Fairy Ziyun these days?"

"That's not there."

"That's it. Fairy Ziyun has been lying in bed. I heard from them that the poison has entered her lungs. The suzerain and the peak masters are all at Ziyun Peak right now, trying to save people."

"This bastard, I should have killed her just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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