wicked immortal

Chapter 26 Thunder Fury Hua Yunzong

[ps: The collection is increasing very slowly, brothers who read books, don't forget to collect it! ! 】

The two of them searched the wooden house a few more times. Wan Ling'er hoped to make up for Zhao Yuan, and went through the boxes and chests with a lot of money. Unfortunately, they found nothing.

In fact, the objects in the wooden house are very simple and basically clear at a glance.

Judging from the simplicity of the wooden house, the owner of the wooden house is an ascetic who is indifferent to fame and fortune.Moreover, the owner should be kind-hearted. There are no restrictions or traps in this huge wooden house, which is extremely rare in the cultivation world.

Zhao Yuan didn't know much about the world of cultivators.In fact, the cultivators are not as merciful as the rumors from the outside world. On the contrary, each one of them is lonely because of long-term cultivation alone. Dividing up the treasure is already a miracle among miracles.

After searching again and confirming that there was nothing suspicious, the two gave up.

The two left the wooden house, descended from the green stone platform, and followed the cave to find the exit. After walking less than 200 meters, they found an exit covered by vines.

In fact, the exit is not deliberately disguised, it is completely a natural barrier, but the structure is extremely strange, if you do not look closely, it is difficult to find it from the outside.

After pulling apart the vines, the two discovered that the cave was actually a depression at the foot of Xiaoyang Mountain. From the outside, it was not surprising.

"I always thought that cultivators lived on the mountain. It turned out to be at the foot of the mountain. I passed by here often." Wan Ling'er looked depressed. She had been looking for Xiaoyang Mountain for five years.

"It's normal to live here." Zhao Yuan looked around and said.


"The mountain is cold and there is no water source. Look how nice this place is. The cave is concealed and ventilated, and there is an open space in front of it. When the cultivator lived here in seclusion, he must have planted some vegetables and fruits... So did the cultivator. To eat."

"Hey, when you say it, it really makes sense." Wan Ling'er suddenly realized.

"This is just one of the reasons. The most important thing is that the green stone you mentioned is in this cave."

"Yes, if it were me, I would also choose to live in a place with green stones. I can absorb the aura of green stones every moment, how cool it is!" Wan Linger's face showed a hint of intoxicated yearning.

"Let's go up the mountain first, deal with that corpse before going home, it's almost dawn." Zhao Yuan glanced at the fish-belly white in the eastern sky.

"Ah... let's go... I still need to find Feijian."

"Let's look for it next time. There is so much snow, we can't find it, and neither can others. Besides, if we look for Feijian now, we won't be able to go home before dawn."

"What about the bones?" Wan Ling'er looked at the messy skeletons on the ground.

"This senior is indifferent to fame and fortune, and lives in a very poor life. He must not have cared about this skin. Since he chose to die here, we'd better not disturb him. After all, this is where he died."

"Okay then, you hold me."

Wan Ling'er put the long sword on the ground, and stood on the sword with Zhao Yuan, only slightly infused with true energy, the long sword flew into the air.

"Hehe...a good sword, a good sword..."

In the snow-covered Xiaoyang Mountain, Wan Linger's silver bell-like laughter kept ringing. In the vast sky, the flying sword carried Wan Linger and Zhao Yuan towards the cave where Zhao Yuan killed people at high speed.

In less than half a stick of incense, the two arrived at the cave.

Zhao Yuan checked the surroundings carefully and entered the cave without finding anything suspicious. The cave still maintained its original appearance, with some dead branches and shocking bloodstains on the ground. Sun Hailong's body was lying on the back of the rock, which had become cold and stiff.

After experiencing this life and death, Wan Ling'er seemed to be more courageous, and actually helped Zhao Yuan drag Sun Hailong's body to a depression outside the cave, buried it together with Sun Hailong's flying sword, and then covered it with snow.

Although Wan Ling'er is a little money fanatic, she didn't touch anything on Sun Hailong's body. She knew very well that anything on Sun Hailong's body might reveal their identities and bring disaster to the Wan family.

When Sun Hailong was alive, he never dreamed that he, as the youngest cultivator with the highest talent in Huayun Sect, would have a bright future, but now, he died for no apparent reason and was buried in this barren mountain.

The two checked inside the cave again, shoveled off the blood-stained mud on the ground, and smoothed out the footprints on the snow. After making sure that no clues were left, they left with flying swords.

It really is a good sword!

Zhao Yuan admired secretly.Compared with when she first came here, her current speed is obviously much faster and much more stable. Wan Ling'er controls the flying sword more freely, and even can do some thrilling juggling moves.

When the two arrived at the Wanjia East Courtyard, the sky was already dark, and the East Courtyard was already very lively. Outside the door, many farmers were queuing up to wait for the East Courtyard to open.

If you want to fall from the sky, it is bound to attract the attention of many people.

Zhao Yuan asked Wan Ling'er to send him to the toilet in the east courtyard, which was a hidden place.

After putting Zhao Yuan next to the toilet, Wan Ling'er was afraid of being discovered, so she flew away at low altitude without any fuss.

Early in the morning, everyone was in a daze, and no one noticed that Zhao Yuan was still carrying a dirty little bag when he came out of the toilet.

After Zhao Yuan returned to his room, he changed into clean clothes, helped Jia Deaf to clean the corridor, and started his day's work.

Everything was calm again.

Of course, the calm was only superficial. On the third day after the incident, Huayunzong was furious. Hundreds of inner disciples and outer disciples gathered in Huayunzong. Even Huayunzong's martial idiot Elder Wu Shaokun went out sit in town.

This martial idiot, Wu Shaokun, is no small feat. Not to mention in Huayun Mountain, he is also well-known in the entire cultivation world, ranking No. 13 on the cultivation ranking list, and he is the "Treasure of Zhenshan" of Huayun Sect.

In just three months, Hua Yunzong's disciples were seriously injured at the foot of Huayun Mountain, and then they were set on fire, causing Huayun huge losses and consuming countless crystals; now, there are two outstanding young The disciples disappeared. Among them, Sun Hailong is a rare genius in Hua Yunzong in the past hundred years. He can fly with aura at a young age, and he has already glimpsed the palace of cultivation.

This time, Hua Yunzong suffered heavy losses.

Although Hua Yunzong is full of masters, that refers to the older generation.In the past hundred years, Hua Yunzong's talent has withered, which can be said to be insufficient stamina.Suzerain Liu Xingwang saw it and was anxious in his heart. He deliberately cultivated Sun Hailong and placed high hopes on him, hoping that he could become the pillar of the younger generation of Huayunzong.

All kinds of evidence show that Sun Hailong and Ma Silong, who hunted down the perpetrators, have more dead than alive.

The instigator of all this is a strange young man.

Currently, the only person who saw the young man's face was Zhang Minglong.And Zhang Minglong is still resting in Huayunzong.

Some low-level disciples have dispersed, and the atmosphere in the main hall of Huayun Sect is still extremely oppressive.

The only surviving elders of the "Shao" generation in Hua Yunzong, Wu Shaoze and Wu Shaokun sat at the head with blank expressions.

"Now Hua Yunzong is up and down, and people's hearts are fluctuating. I don't know if the two elders have a good solution?" Facing the elders who are older than him, the suzerain Liu Xingwang asked bravely.

"Kill the perpetrator." The taciturn Wu Chi Wu Shaokun spat out a few words with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

"These days, our Huayun Sect can be said to have left in full force. We searched for hundreds of kilometers, but there is still no clue..."

"Master, there are hundreds of people in our Huayun Sect. Except for Zhang Minglong, no one knows that person. It doesn't make any sense to search around. It's better to put a bounty and let the people in the world and people in the same way assist in the pursuit." Wu Shaoze said in a deep voice.

"If a bounty is offered, then what's the face of our Hua Yunzong..."

"Face?" Wu Shaoze sneered and said, "Zhang Minglong was ambushed and seriously injured, and the news that Hua Yunzong's back mountain was set on fire has already spread outside. Hua Yunzong still has some face to speak of?"

Wu Shaoze has long disliked this stupid head who protects his weaknesses. In his eyes, if Zhang Minglong hadn't made trouble for no reason, the matter would never have happened.

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